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Billionaire BLACKMAILS Poor IMMIGRANT, What Happens Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann Studios

Apr 15, 2024
uh Excuse me miss, I need to get off this plane. Sorry, the doors have already closed unless there's a medical emergency, there's no way you're going to end up passing out on a plane, let's take your C, nevermind, wait, I'm fine now. Uh, wait, wait, no, honestly, no, no, wait,


are you? I'm fine, thank you very much C, where are you? Tomorrow, Darnell, we'll call you to let you know that we've actually filled the position you were interviewing for today. Sorry, you really found it buddy, why don't you say anything? Oh wow, bad Jack. I don't understand why anyone smokes these Jimbo's.
billionaire blackmails poor immigrant what happens next is shocking dhar mann studios
We haven't seen you since last year. I'm Jim, but you can call me Dr. Jim. I graduated at the top of my class from Sanford's engineering program, not only am I one of the youngest this decade to earn my Ph.D. I am also now vice president of color sciences and will soon be president once she and the owner leave office. H, yes. We can't even find work, oh good for you,


do you want a cookie? Four eyes, four eyes, I don't even wear glasses, it doesn't matter. I would like to be acknowledged that I won the bet we made in high school, what are you talking about?
billionaire blackmails poor immigrant what happens next is shocking dhar mann studios

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billionaire blackmails poor immigrant what happens next is shocking dhar mann studios...

Yes, wet Q. Are you serious right now? You guys really forgot about the bet we made here when you used to bully me in high school. They'll see, hey, they've had enough, yeah, and they'll finally admit it. that Jack is smarter than you no, it's never okay, wait, wait, wait, wait, okay, okay, okay, maybe Jack is smarter than me right now, but I bet none of you will have more successful than me once we all graduate from college, not even Jack, huh? I want a bet, are you scared, huh, you want a bet, hey guys, leave it alone, okay, whatever, you'll probably work as Jack's assistant, right?
billionaire blackmails poor immigrant what happens next is shocking dhar mann studios
I'll show you, so you see, we made a bet a long time ago and I tried it. You're all wrong, wait a minute, wait a minute, so you're going crazy over something that happened over 4 years ago, 4 years, 3 months, 17 days and 4 hours ago, what I've been waiting all this time for take revenge, okay? Did you hear the expression the best revenge is to be happy and move on yeah well I'm still not over it well you told us Jack was here that's the only reason we came yeah do you have any idea what did I pass to get here?
billionaire blackmails poor immigrant what happens next is shocking dhar mann studios
I had to make a level field, okay, don't make us repeat high school, now tell us where Jack is, where else, okay, okay, okay, I have no idea, I swear no one has seen him since the last day of school, Believe me, my security team searched everywhere. wait security team we found the house sir wait a minute you want to tell me that you have your own security team ex marines to be exact I told you guys that now I am a very important person J Jimbo my God friend fell. He didn't know it. he had a security team, otherwise he wouldn't have grabbed him like that, we have a sniper team on that roof, if the situation had escalated, we would have shot, oh, okay, in that case, we definitely regret these wrinkles on his suit , Mr.
I mean, Dr. Jim, hey, do you know which Sayad Snappy suit you have? What is this Egyptian claw and you know I thought it was Turkish for a second? You want to take care of me, so you finally found Jack. I want to rub my new position on his F, but that's, uh, Jack lives here, yeah, I don't get it. Hey, it seems like he's doing a lot better than you after all. Jim, much for his revenge. NOPE, can I help you? Uh, yeah, we're looking for Jack. What's happening? No, the Jack we're talking about, he's taller, he doesn't eat Cheetos, I'm the only Jack here, bro, okay, I think there's been a little confusion.
We're looking for our friend Jack Kingston. I'm Jack. Kingston, it's okay, maybe we're in the wrong house, we were told Jack Kingston lives here, you know, we're sorry to inconvenience you. I think we should go, brothers, I'm the Jack Kingston that lives here, okay, so we're talking about Jack Kingston. about I went to the library He graduated in 2020 okay this guy's screws are loose and I think we should leave yeah I agree oh by the way the marines didn't help oh sorry


time We'll use your safety gear, oh wait, no. I don't have one wow brother books for sale Stop your book my picture in it uh no I I remember our picture turned clearly hey what did I tell you about talking to strangers that I was showing them my picture in the yearbook?
Get ready, you know we have an important board meeting and you better not appear like a clown, what are you doing here? I was in the neighborhood um but I just wanted to check hello, we're on our way, that was the meeting, they're waiting for us. We will be late, yes, sir. I will not be late. I promise. I promise. Who was my boss? As you all know, my health has been declining, so it's time for me to choose a successor to Chromo Tech and whoever I choose will do so. be that sir sir sir okay?
Does anyone have water? We can give you encouragement. Book found, yes, and I found the image. Let's see this. Okay, we're going to have to tell Jimbo about this. Yes, no joke. I'm fine, like I was saying, the person I choose as my successor will be Jack Jack, hey, Valad Torian graduated from his high school, he ended up at Harvard, okay, hey, so can I talk to you for a second? Get out of here, dad, come. As you know, I didn't finish Harvard, Dad. I don't want to run the company. I want to be the creative director or the social media guy or maybe the guy who paints the murals in the bathroom.
I have made my decision. and I continue with that Jimbo Jimbo, you won't believe what we found. There's something weird between Jack and his father, I know it and that's why I'm going to get revenge, wo wo, calm down, okay, remember what we said about revenge, no. No, no, you don't understand. I didn't strive to graduate at the top of my class so that some imile could replace me as president. We need to get to the bottom of what's really going on here, but how come you have a whole team? of Marines and they couldn't even find Jack, the real Jack, there's still one more person we haven't talked to, someone who might know what really happened.
Come on, come on, oh wow, hey, everything's still the same. Hey, oh, right? Remember a Mr. Anderson 'cause he was passing notes Yo, he wasn't happy, no, no, he wasn't, oh, wait, wait, wait, do you remember that dumb kid we used to make fun of, he used to sit here, oh, Come on, Jimbo, are we just kidding? around Jimbo I think he's lost in thoughts of him What kind is okay? Who can solve this problem? Nobody. And you Calvin Jimo? Surely you can understand it. You are my best student. I knew you assumed geniuses weren't smart enough to do well in some AP Calculus class, who are you?
John, I mean, Jack Jack Kingston. I just moved on to AP Calculus, right. Mr. Riley said you're one of the brightest students at this. The school is that good, if you are so smart, can you answer this problem? Let me guess, you are stumped just like the rest of your classmates, it's not that I can't solve it, it's that the problem itself can't be solved. a mistake in it an impossible mistake I don't make mistakes for this to make sense it should be fine I will be uh just because you caught that basic mistake still doesn't mean you can solve the problem easily the correct integral is us you should be friends with Jack, it seems really cool What a show for sure, Jimbo, hey, you okay man, yeah, yeah, what are you doing in my class, Mr.
Anderson, hey, it's Darnell and Calvin, do you remember Jimbo? I told you it's Jim, whatever guy we were. students U I don't remember you two, but you look familiar, aren't you the guy who lost Valadi Diccionariorian to Jack Kingston? So is there a reason why all of you are normally here when students graduate? I'd rather never see them again, ouch um, look. uh, we need your help, why don't you show me your book? Oh yeah, come see Jack here, right now, compare that to this yearbook photo. Now everything is exactly the same, except that Jack was replaced by another guy and, uh, us.
I have no idea how that happened, so we were hoping you could help me. How do I look like the person who heads the yearbook committee? I have no idea now, if you don't mind, I have work to do, but man, come on and the word "you." What we're looking for is salutatorian, don't make a scene, what a waste. I thought we'd at least get a war welcome. Tell me, so what do we do now? Hey guys, sorry, this is who you're looking for. Yes, do you know him? I would think he's my son and I know where he is if you want to find him come on in guys jack it's really you that's going on.
I've been waiting a long time to tell you this. Now I'm the vice president of Chromo Tech B million dolls really right now so amazing man, how have you been? Why did you forget the handshake? Of course, I remember it. Sorry guys, I can't hide this from you anymore. My name is not Jack, it's actually John. Wait, what do you mean he's not called? I'll tell you the story, okay, but it's me hosting it, so you might want to take a seat. You see, 8 years ago. I just arrived in this country. I was taking John to his house.
The first day of high school I got distracted for 1 minute and crashed into another car. I begged the guy not to call the police because, well, I didn't have my papers. I told the rich man that if he went to jail he couldn't. take care of my son once he saw that John was a genius who when he had an idea he said that his son couldn't pass classes and that it was a shame since both boys were about to start high school and asked if Jun could change with Jack. He would make sure no one knew, he said he would also help me get a job at school.
I told him no, but when he started calling the police I had no choice, so for years J pretended to be Jack, got up and even became Victorian B from high school put everything in someone else's name, so You see, uh, John pretended to be Jack to keep me out of trouble. Jack's father is a rich and powerful man and after he graduated he told me that if John ever showed his face again, he would make sure he went to jail, so here we barely get by, oh that's why Jack I mean, John disappeared after high school, you know, I know Jack's father is a nasty man, but how could he be so evil or his son? son wasn't the problem, he's actually a good guy, his father just forced him to accept everything even though Jack didn't want to, so what are we going to do?
We can't let him get away with this, yeah man. we have to come up with some kind of plan wait, are you really on your phone again it's for work okay hello what thanks well it looks like our problem is solved only my father was far from perfect but he was still my father I would miss him a lot sooner After he died, he named me the new president and it's important to me to make sure this company continues and is successful, so I'm resigning and instead choosing the smartest guy I know. running the company and being president Jim, really wow, thanks Jack.
I'm actually not the smartest guy, but I know who he is. Hey guys, come in, what are you doing here? I would like to make you an offer to be the new president of Chromo. Technology I I don't know anything about running a business, you learn quickly. I'm sure you'll learn it in no time and you'll have people to help you. What about Jack's father? You do not have to worry. about him and I also have an offer letter for you to be our new facilities manager, how much $100,000 per year. I would love to do this, but I can't.
I don't have documents. I talked to my legal team and everyone is on it. Chromotek will do it. sponsor you I really can't believe it, so yes, yes, yes, so you know this means you'll lose the bet, right? John is going to be your boss, which means yeah, I don't care about that as a wise man. Someone once said that the best revenge in life is to be happy and move on. Oh, and if I'm not mistaken, I heard you two say that you two were also looking for work. Well, I convinced the board of directors to hire you too.
Hey, seriously, wait. I mean we're going to work together, yeah, hey, what about me? I can't do the secret handshake, that might be too much for you, man, why okay, man, come here, man, come here, you? Know that everything is fine, everything is fine. Hey guys, isn't Jack supposed to be the new president? What is going to happen to him?

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