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Bike VS Horse! Equilab Challenge AD | This Esme

Mar 30, 2024
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hello everyone it's me and today I have a very epic video for you so before today's video starts I thought I'd do a little preview of what's to come so yeah today's video It's




because I've been


d by


to ride 10 miles with Casper. Now I thought that with my


videos I would like to involve my brother Max, so he will also join us, but before I start today's video, I would like to say a big thank you to


for sponsoring today's video, so if I grab my phone I'll talk to you guys a little bit about


because I've actually been using the app a lot with both Joey and Casper so if I load up the app we can take a look at it. on my profile, so I have my stable so you can add


s there, so I have Casper and Joey, so if we continue with what I've been doing recently, we can see, okay, the trick that I did the other day um it was an hour and 25 minutes so we were out for quite a while it's really cool because you can see all the places where we galloped where we walked where we jogged um it also tells us the distance so the other day we did five miles our average speed was 3.5 miles per hour, it's a little slower because we stopped to take some photos.
bike vs horse equilab challenge ad this esme
You can see how many calories I burned, which is great, how many Casper strides. Does he even tell you what the weather was like? Then you can rate how hard the terrain was, how well the horse and rider performed, so there's a lot of different stats that you can see, which is great, so when Max and I move on. and see who is faster too, we can also see a session where I jumped with Casper which was great, so you can also add a little photo, it's like a horse diary because you can remember the rides you've had.
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You can even add little photos so I can see exactly what exercise I was doing with Casper that particular day, so he did some really cool jumps. You can also see again how much galloping and pulling we did, but what's really interesting is that you can actually see which rain I worked the most on, so I did a little bit more on the left rain with Casper, which is actually his best rain, so that after seeing this I really need to work a little more on the right range, it wasn't too much. a lot of difference, it was quite a bit even looking at this, I did more jog in the right range but more canton in the left, so that's really interesting, you can even get into the detailed stats by looking at his top speed for Casper which was 10 miles per hour, which is cool, obviously we're just at school so we're not galloping properly, you can see his pace, his transitions, his stride and his elevation, so there's a lot of really technical stuff that's interesting to see as well. .
bike vs horse equilab challenge ad this esme
Use the app to organize your horse's life, like when the vet needs to come out or when the pharynx needs to come out, which with Joey I really have to keep track of because he loses his shoes if he misses a day for six weeks. Then I guarantee that he will lose a shoe, so I always have to make sure he is booked for the farrier when needed, so I have to go and tell Max that I have challenged him to clear a long distance race. I think it's 10 miles, so I hope he's ready. I think Casper and I are going to win because we haven't told Max either, but I'll be keeping an eye on him a little because I'll make sure. which he also uses equilab even though he's not a horse and there's actually a really cool feature here that you can ask a friend or family member so that when you go out hacking they can track where you are which I think is a security feature really important, especially a few years ago when I started hacking horses by myself sometimes or even if you're older and you hack by yourself all the time, it's really nice to make sure someone is out there watching for you, but I'm going anyway to be able to see where Max is in the race and see if I'm ahead of him or if he's ahead of me, so it will be very exciting, but I'm going anyway. and grab him now see what he thinks hello max hello so you know you're my favorite brother right yeah I'm your only brother but yeah right go ahead so they asked me to challenge you so we have I have another challenge, but wait, wait, don't say anything yet, so this is going to be a challenge where you're not going to embarrass yourself, you're not going to look stupid, and you're really going to enjoy this one, okay?
bike vs horse equilab challenge ad this esme
I've been asked to challenge you to a race. You can go on your bicycle. I'm going to be in Casper until the lighthouse. Are you willing to do it? Yeah, sure, I mean, I'll tear you apart. uh no, I'm going to win. Come on max, I'll show you the map and everything, we're going well, so here's the map and this is our starting point and we're going to get to the beacon, so it'll be 10 miles total. However, in a straight line, we have slightly different routes because obviously you will go by


, yes I will go by horse, so you will take the paths and I will go through the fields. the forest and also going up the hills, so basically I will be on the bridal path, so your route is unfortunately a little bit longer because you are on the path, so I thought I would track everything, it would be really nice if we both downloaded the equilab app, so if you go to the app store and check it out, as you can see, it's very easy to download, it's free, there are add-ons that I'm going to add because I'm a very generous sister. from uh yeah, and then we can see each other's top speeds and stuff, so once you've done that, we'll go outside, I'll get Casper ready, you can change into whatever you wear and your bike stuff doesn't really understand that. that kind of thing, um, but yeah, I'll see you outside in a second, yeah, I'll see you in a minute and I'll beat you, we're going well, so you might be wondering Esme, why did you decide to use Casper for this challenge in Joey's place now Casper is the older horse, he has more experience, he may be smaller, he may be a little slower when it comes to his top speed, however Casper will be faster downhill and that is where we are going to fight as hard as possible to go down the hills.
It's going to be very fast and Casper is not going to be as fast. There may be some places where we can walk a little faster and maybe even trot a little faster where it's like a gradual incline compared to Joey because Joey is the type of horse. where if something goes downhill because he's young and still has his baby legs, he'll probably fall on his face and we'll go up some pretty steep hills. Now Casper loves hills, as soon as he sees a hill in a big open field he's like mom please can we gallop?
So you will love today's challenge. Hey, this isn't really necessary, so I think he's faster. Oh no, oh no, oh no, okay, okay, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the ultimate test of speed and endurance. As the horse team takes on the team bike, a race from the stables to the beacon and back there can only be one winner, everything is on the line in this latest challenge. Previously, Casper has proven to be dominant in challenging him and, although Max might be faster on the road. he has a much longer distance to travel to the start who will win the participants on horseback or bike have fun you are going to win or something, spectators, so Esme always finds a way to arrange it so that she wins, but this maybe it will be like that. different because I'm going to win and I'll show you how in a minute, so I thought I'd give Casper a little bit of a breather and a little bit of a rest, so we just did a nice fast gallop.
Um, I just thought I'd see where Max is doing and I'm really confused because he says he's stationary like he's not moving anywhere. I don't think he'll get a break because he's quite competitive, so I don't know what happened to him. Well guys, I'm not going to ride this bike, you see, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, so to win like Castro, I'm glad to get off the road and that means I can't ride this bike. I'm going to take a mountain bike and I'm not going to take any old guys out riding.
I'm going to take an electric bike. Okay, let's chase after Casper and Esme. Okay guys, I'm currently in the woods with Casper here. um he's actually very willing to do it today, I think it's because we're in a new place that he hasn't really been before, so I'm just hoping to stop him now that he wants to cut it all the way, but I need to do it. give it a little rest in the middle and also the ground is a little uneven here so I don't want it to go too fast. I have no idea where Max says I should probably take out my phone and check where it is but So far I'm really happy with Casper and he's really enjoying it do you say hello you say hello yeah oh oh okay we're jogging now I'll see you guys in a while, okay, so we just galloped up the hill and Casper is still ready and raring to go, he loves his hacking, but now we have to walk down the hill and that's the only thing you have to do a little slower , go down the hills because, as much as Casper would love to do it. counter them that will end with us doing a roly-poly falling I don't want Casper to trip or fall you know we still have a long way to go we have to get home too so we're walking down I thought I'd grab the camera to chat a little but no, he's relaxing, he's doing well, now we're going down and at most we're here at the halfway point where we have five minutes to get some rest, have a snack and everything um, but I realized you cheated , you have your electric bike, it's not cheating, I mean, you didn't say I couldn't, I guess not, but we did it.
I still beat you, so I'll let you go. We still have all the way home to go. Casper, as you can see, is ready and absolutely eager to get started. I've been nice to him on the way here. Yes, he has a lot. There's fuel left in the tank to go, but I guess it's pretty much downhill the whole way for you, right? I feel the gravity. You've had a lot of climbs on the way here, but you know, Casper, it's pretty fast, it's got a lot. I have energy left, I guess it's all to play for, yeah I have gravity and you just beat me so yeah, I guess I have the advantage on the way back, so I guess it's all to play for this type of game, see you . at the bottom let's go hmm so welcome to the studio you took so much time we have to film here because it's actually dark outside now so what happened to your bike?
He refused? Did he become stupid? What happened? I think they call it a mechanic in the business, okay, flat, well, yeah, it's a good thing Casper can't get a flat, but, then, yeah, I think we beat you pretty good, yeah, but it would be if he hadn't had it. . I've been very close or I would have beaten you to be fair, to be fair we arrived at the mark at a pretty similar time so maybe we'll have to have a rematch and see how it went so we can get your app out obviously no No I want to see how long you were there because it was quite a long time, but we can take a look at your top speed and the things that were your top speed.
Mine was 42 miles per hour. You must have gone very fast. the hill downhill from the beacon there is a steep section in the road where you can get to yeah I don't think Casper could go down the hills that fast but his average speed was a lot faster probably oh yeah if you include that I was going zero three hours that's true I think I was about 19 because I didn't want to push myself too hard because it was obviously a long distance but it's still pretty fast for some little Connemara ponies so anyway definitely we're going to have to do it.
We will have a rematch and we will definitely beat them, but anyway guys, thank you very much Max for participating in today's challenge. Thank you very much equilab for sponsoring today's video. If you want to see them, I'll leave a little link in it. description below so anyway guys thank you so much for watching today's video if you are new or haven't done so yet please like and subscribe this really helps me and I really appreciate it and I will see you all next time time, goodbye. I'm going to be you next time what's his name bts bloopers bloopers that's the word smile hello hello cute cute cute you

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