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Big Tech AI Is A Lie

May 17, 2024


AI is a lie. I started thinking this way more than a year ago, every time I hear the


nology leader say AI for the benefit of humanity. I mean, I think this will be one of the best tools humans have invented so far. We are for the first time with something that is going to be much smarter than us, we can guide it in a direction that is beneficial to humanity or I see a silly launch of some kind of commercial product. We know that many people who want to build the GPT don't know how to code, we've made it so you can program the GPT just by having a conversation.
big tech ai is a lie
Gemini in Docs will proactively show me a summary of this file so I can get an idea of ​​what's going on without needing to. to take the time to read it all, I have this weird feeling like in the pit of my stomach, it's really unpleasant, but I can't put my finger on it and if you talk to some levish mid-level employee at a big tech company that's doing AI, which is basically all of them, they're clearly uncomfortable if you start asking questions about what AI is actually doing in our lives, how it's impacting our jobs, how it's shaping our future, so it just all impacted.
big tech ai is a lie

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big tech ai is a lie...

The other day he told me that this grand technological narrative about building a technological utopia is a lie. In this video we are going to discover the extent of this lie and why we all need to come together collectively so we don't end up being the ones paying for this lie because I certainly don't see people like Sam Alman or Jeff Bezos being the ones footing the bill. AI enables businesses to grow faster and create personalized experiences they otherwise couldn't. HubSpot, the sponsor of this part. of the video interviewed startup founders to ask them how exactly they will use AI to grow their company.
big tech ai is a lie
A big learning is that 66% of employers intend to hire an employee with AI experience in the next year. This is your cue to level off. to learning a very useful and in-demand skill, how to use AI to bring a product to market faster and cheaper. They also give you frameworks for how to incorporate these tools, such as product development pricing and marketing strategy, as well as which industries are investing in AI. My favorite part is page 20, where I want you to pay special attention to the main AI tools used to grow a business. You can download this free resource at the link here also linked in the description.
big tech ai is a lie
Thank you very much HubSpot for providing it for free. resources on how to harness the power of AI and for sponsoring this part of the video now in the video, this is Sam Alman, many of you probably know him as the CEO of Open AI before this, he was the leader of Y Combinator, where he led the investment of several unicorn companies including Dash Airbnb Reddit and instacart, so he really understands how Venture Capital World, investors, money, startups work. All of this was crucial to the success of open AI. Anyway, 2015 was the year I first heard about this company called Open AI.
In fact, I just agreed to fund a company that's not even really a company, sort of a semi-company, semi-nonprofit that does AI safety research. That's in 2015. Sam Alman decided to invest in this peculiar company that is more of a non-profit organization that conducts AI security research with the stated goal of promoting digital intelligence in the way that is most likely to benefit the Humanity as a whole, unconstrained by the need to generate financial return, because our research is free of financial obligations, we can better focus on the positive. human impact, but at some point things didn't work out, we didn't see a way forward there, so we needed some of the benefits of capitalism, but not too many.
Some benefits of capitalism, but not as much, so whatever it is, not so much is defined by includes a clear focus on generating financial returns by having a close source of AI, there is a shift in focus towards commercial products, as well as an agreement of 10 billion with Microsoft, a clearly for-profit company and who knows what else they might be doing that we're not. I don't know, so let's explore what the real reason for open AI is. Here's your secret agenda. I need money. I know. I would like to call the following phenomenon the circular pull of AI in the last 3 years.
The magic word for obtaining financing is AI. Basically you say you are an AI company that does AI things and investors will flock to you and this is really important to succeed as a startup because today in Silicon Valley the way you succeed is not based on however good it is. Your innovation or your product is based on the amount of investments you have now. I call this the Uber problem. We saw two very capitalized companies that put everyone else out of business when you don't know they are the best companies they have. the ones that the big investors chose, so to sustain these investments and attract more investors to your company, you need to be able to show growth, show greater growth, greater innovation in your AI technologies and how do you do that by prioritizing growth about anything. everything else is more than security Sam Alman knows this game well and is able to play it very, very well, which is why he has been able to multiply the value of open AI by 10 in just a few years and, at the same time, maintain happy the public by sticking to their narrative with our mission is to ensure that general artificial intelligence benefits all of humanity, so I just want to say that I'm not picking on open AI in particular, all the other tech companies are too participating in this idiotic meta circle by firing a bunch of people and then saying they're reinvesting it all into AI has caused his Nvidia stock to skyrocket by over $1 billion.
Now, focusing on generative AI, and my favorite is Elon Musk, being part of that situation similar to signing a white paper, I don't know if you remember this in the past when they asked companies to slow down their research and innovation in AI. Elon Musk says that advanced AI, which allows computers to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, could pose a profound risk to society and humanity, and we now know the reason he was an advocate for this is because only he wanted to give himself time to develop his own AI to make the situation even more ridiculous.
There is a common thread of these AI leaders talking about how concerned they are about AI safety. I don't know all of this, they are probably forced to address some of the concerns and also just seem more human. I guess if this technology goes wrong, it can go pretty wrong and we want to have our say on that. that if you were really that concerned about the safety of AI, then why do you keep speeding up? Shouldn't you stop? The clear motive here is not to develop artificial intelligence to benefit all of society, blah blah blah, it's basically just a bunch of billionaires competing against each other. another to have a monopoly on Ai and guess what the repercussions of this are, it's even worse than you think it all is.
Trick, it's moving back in 2023. Google came up with this very impressive demo of Gemini, tell me what you see. I see a wavy line. What happens now? It looks like a bird to me. What if I had this? The bird is swimming in the water. It has a long neck and a beak. It's a really impressive duck, right, but unfortunately it came to light that this demo is a bit misleading, but. It's actually still pretty impressive, which is why the Gemini Ultra set came out in 2024. I was very excited to try it out. I tried to replicate Gemini d's results by giving Gemini the same prompts and seeing what came out of him and hitting R please.
The image you sent me now appears to show a drawing of a snake on a piece of white paper. The snake is long and thin with a small head and a forking tongue. He's definitely a snitch. Now, at a more recent conference, they came up with these new freelancers. super stylish agents, really impressive. Gemini for the Google Workspace is our AI-powered agent for quickly identifying threats. You can use Gemini in security operations. We're seeing some really interesting creative agents, but when I try to enthusiastically replicate this with their Vertex AI Builder, can you? Please help me register my pet in the system.
I can help you with that. Can you provide me with your pet's name and identification? My pet is a goldfish and he doesn't have an ID yet. What's it called? My goldfish's name is Bobby. I'm sorry. I'm having trouble creating a new pet profile for your goldfish. There is an error loading the agent. Again I felt very disappointed. It seems to be a trend. Now combine this with a pop-up message from Gemini indicating that your conversations are processed by humans. Reviewers improved the technologies that power Gemini applications. I don't know, one might even start to hypothesize that maybe Google is faking its AI capabilities and of course they're not the only ones Amazon has these walk-in stores where you're supposed to. you'll be able to come in, grab whatever you need and then when you leave there will be facial recognition technology and artificial intelligence, of course, that can automatically charge your credit card or so they say, according to the information, in fact, there were over a thousand associates Indians who were looking at cameras and tagging images of buyers quoting an employee who worked on a technology said that real humans walk away distant and invisible.
Those based in India reviewed around 70% of sales made in stores from the checkout list as of mid-2022, it's just crazy the amount of lies we as the public are supposed to tolerate in seriously, what these companies are becoming increasingly reckless to the point of blatantly ignoring, for example, the safety of the general public, for example, one of the biggest ironies is the fact that the entire Sam Alman ordeal last year as CEO of Open AI was related to concerns about AI safety. Yes, remember that Open AI from 2015 was an AI security research company. Seriously, I think this is just crossing the line here, all for the good. to raise more money from investors and it's like insulting by feeding the public this continuous lie about how they are still doing everything for the public for the future of humanity for everyone.
Trickle-down economics is defined as a theory that offers tax breaks and benefits for corporations. and the rich will trickle down and eventually benefit everyone in this way, feeling that the cup of the richest people would eventually reach all of us. Sam Elman, of course, is a big proponent of this in his 2021 essay called Mo's Law, all of which states that The three key consequences of the A revolution are that, for one, this revolution will create phenomenal wealth, the price of many types of labor that drives the cost of goods and services will fall to zero once a sufficiently powerful AI joins the workforce and two, the world will change so quickly. and dramatically that an equally drastic change in policy will be necessary to distribute this wealth and allow more people to live the lives they want and three, if we do both well, we can improve people's living standards more than ever before. the way you propose we should compensate for the job loss of ordinary people is to have a Ubi universal basic income that comes solely from corporate and property tax rates, yeah I don't know about that, since when do the rich ever Maybe they wanted to give away their wealth and pay more taxes, now we know that a lot of the philanthropy that these really rich people do is also for the sake of tax breaks, so I'm sorry to break that illusion, if you still have that illusion, I'm not an expert here and that's like another can of worms, but I mean, I'm not going to hold my breath for that, actually trickle-down economics works more like that, the cup of the richest and most powerful keeps getting bigger, For example, the irresponsible We've seen these big tech companies trying to get more money from investors, they're not exactly focused on distributing it to the rest of us and actually helping us benefit society.
I mean, it's no wonder that employees at these companies when you start asking them questions and they end up getting pretty uncomfortable, but hey, let me get this straight. I'm not attacking these employees at big tech companies. I mean, that would also make me a hypocrite because I worked at meta, a big tech company. I also know a lot of people. who work at these big tech companies and I don't think they're bad people like they are.were willingly contributing to this disaster, it gets really complex because, as I'll talk about later, AI has the ability to improve humanity and The people who work on these technologies can see that clearly, but what the leaders say they are doing versus what they're actually doing just doesn't line up, so before you click on this Doom-filled video, I want to show you that there is I hope AI does tremendous good in this world, there's actually a lot of hope because there isn't a clear winner of AI right now, there is no company that has a truly open monopoly, meaning open to all, introducing the counter movement of closed source proprietary big tech technology.
Open Source Movement Open source refers to a type of software whose source code is available to the public and can be modified and shared by anyone. It is built on principles of collaboration, transparency and community-oriented development. It's basically the opposite of big tech AI. This movement has been around for quite some time and we have seen great successes in the open source community, for example Red Hat, founded in 1993, became huge in supporting professional Linux distributions at the enterprise level. The Apache Software Foundation, founded in 1999, is also responsible for a large portion of open source software that underpins the Internet and many current web technologies.
MySQL Postgress SQL. Anyone who uses databases is probably familiar with these open source databases. GitHub, which really brought together open source community coding languages ​​like Python. JavaScript. all open source and many of you use it today these are just a few examples what makes me really happy now is that the open source community has really upped the game on this whole AI situation if you just scroll through Hugging Face which itself is an open source collaboration. On the MLA aai platform you will see many open source AI models and people who are also developing open source consumer products.
Nowadays, we all like agents. If you don't know what I'm talking about, watch this video. I go into more detail about it here, but yes, agents, we have O light, which is a voice interface for your home computer, it's open source and allows developers to build on top of it to create their own unique agents. Chatav is another very interesting open. - Source agent initiative: It is a collection of intelligent autonomous agents that work together to form a software company, for example, a CEO agent, a CTO agent, a programmer agent, tester, etc., these agents work together to realize a task that the user actually sets.
I recommend you play with it, it's very easy to use and really cool how it works. Anyway, there is this push for open source AI and given the financial viability that has already been demonstrated in other open source projects before, many investors are also willing to do it. Invest in open source projects and companies as individuals who also watch this video. I hope we start thinking more about contributing to open source, whether it's simply volunteering to contribute to open source using more open source products or even building your own businesses and startups. which, by the way, is probably a lot easier than you think, especially if you use AI to help you.
Hey, at least check out HubSpot's free resource below. I believe that with open source we can take a big step forward towards realignment. of AI Innovation and development for the benefit of humanity as a whole Mr. President, policymakers around the world are certainly interested and want to participate in the regulation of AI, they are definitely talking about it. I think there is a big concern among EU and US regulators about not moving fast enough as a result of being left behind, this is really encouraging because policy and regulation is like the vertical counterpart to open source; represents great hope for aligning AI innovation with the benefit of humanity, but these policymakers themselves also admit that they simply don't know much about the whole thing.
You need computer scientists, you need engineers, you need people who have worked in that business community who can come to your agency and tell you what's going on. This is where someone like you comes. Someone who is interested and willing to learn about AI, whether you have a technical background, your computer scientists, your software, your engineers, your data scientists, or people just learning how to use these tools, we need people like you to spearhead innovation. in AI, whether you are a technical person or someone who is willing to learn about AI, how to use it and how it works.
I think a lot of us don't really consider getting into policies and regulations because it seems like it's the domain of liberal arts people. from the social sciences, but we need people who understand AI to lead the development of policies and regulations, even for large technology companies. I really don't believe that the majority of people who work at these companies or are associated with these companies are bad and actually doing it. Great things, leaps and bounds in innovation, but the problem is that big tech companies cannot be allowed to regulate themselves because their underlying goal is always to maximize returns for shareholders.
We need companies that are instead aligned with the benefit of humanity, get in there and intervene. and to make sure that great AI technology is going in the right direction, thank you all so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video where it will go live.

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