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Mar 16, 2024


time guys, this is work in progress. Balance changes are


to us in April. There's a lot to do, so let's go ahead and go through the cards starting with the archers, so the archers will see a Nerf, I think Clash Gods, uh, that's the first strike. The speed will move from 0.1 seconds to 0.5 seconds, they go on to say that in terms of first hit speed, the archers were on the very high end of the spectrum with a first attack speed of 0.1, similar to The Valkyrie, allowing them to always shoot. In most encounters, with the last change increasing his attack speed, the first hit time can be increased to 0.5 seconds by half a second, which is much more in line with other cards and should give time to the players to react.
big balance update coming for april 2023
I think this is a big


change next. above is a minor Nerf, that's a minor Nerf, so the hit points will be reduced by seven percent. They say this chain is aimed at making the miner a little less effective as a mini tank and distractions, well I don't know why. I think the minor a deserves a Nerf in b it's shocking that they're nerfing the mind I don't know why guys I don't know how to express myself better than that uh but I think this is probably a welcome change. I think the strongest cards are mainly one of the strongest cards in the game, so it's not a surprise, it's strange, it hurts me a little to see it, but it's still well deserved.
big balance update coming for april 2023

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big balance update coming for april 2023...

The next step is a Nerf to the gold. Knight, we're covering all the Nerfs here and there are quite a few of them, so Golden Knight, his Dash distance goes from six tiles to five and a half tiles. They say the gold Knight Dash is reduced by 0.5 tiles, these targets will have to be closer for the board to connect, well that's fine with me. I think the Golden Knight is actually pretty strong right now, so I'm not surprised they gave him another little Nerf here. I still think it will be a super strong card, though personally.
big balance update coming for april 2023
What do you think? Another Nerf, luckily the last one here is a Nerf for the Phoenix. Now this one I'm not a big fan and I'm probably in the minority. In fact, I'm definitely in the minority. I know from your comments maybe I'm biased because I play the Phoenix but I felt like all the Nerfs for the Phoenix have been enough, it's been enough anyway, a little bummed but the kill damage has been reduced by 10 percent, it's not that big. from a Nerf, so I'm not really complaining, but you know he's in my main deck. I'm biased, man, uh, they say that along with increasing the mega minion's hit speed, getting to that in just a moment here to give the Phoenix some competition, a Nerf to the Phoenix's kill damage should further reduce its effectiveness while still retaining its value as a good aerial damage dealer.
big balance update coming for april 2023
You have to be careful here, super Sal, you release the legendary cars, the new Nerf Nerf Nerf Nerf, don't sink it into the ground. Well, we alluded to it a moment ago, it's the Mega Minion buff. Mega Minion, the most


d card in the game is getting a buff. This is exciting. Here they are going to change the hitting speed from 1.6 to 1.3. That's 18.75 faster. That's huge. much faster, they say that the mega minion was already a Glass Cannon type card, this change brings its DPS now 239 closer to the Phoenix now 241, making it more viable. With this, the mega minion will get more value per elixir in the direct damage department like Compared to the Phoenix type, I call it now, not that I am against this benefit, but I think this will make the card operation I call now.
I think Mega Million will be one of the highest win rates if I don't use in-game fees later this month. What do you think the next step is the oven? They must love it when they upgrade generators. You must just love it, guys, but you could say the oven really deserved it. It's at the end of everything. Win rates within the entire game, whether you're talking about the standard or ladder tournament level, the spawn delay has been changed from six seconds to five seconds, okay, the duration is from 33 seconds to 28 seconds with a slight increase in the speed of firmness generation. will become a slightly more effective building, the duration has been reduced to maintain the total of seven fire spirit spawns, so the same amount of fire spirits overall, just a faster spawn time, now excuse me , which makes those little critters relentless now when Entering your side of the Arena, the next step is five and a half squares.
Well, spear goblins currently suffer from being completely outclassed by all other ranged support units. This change allows them to classify some. Sorry, I outrange some at range. troops in a category, this change will be reflected in the goblin cabin, the goblin gang and the goblin giant appear fine, so hmm how do you guys feel about this? I guess I'm pretty neutral on this one. I was just going to say something. To have an opinion, but I guess I just hope we don't see too many more elf cabins with the furnace upgrade. I don't want a spawn meta personally, but I don't see that happening and I hope for Knock on Wood. famous last words and last but not least it's a rework of The Rascals guys, so Rascal guy's HP will increase by six percent, Rascal guy's hit points will increase by six percent , space will now change from 1.9 tiles to three.
The tiles are nice, so there will be a lot more space on these cards that aren't shown here in the game. Rascal Girl's first hit speed will be changed from 0.8 seconds to 0.2 seconds. To me that sounds like a big improvement, where's the rework part? I know maybe I'm missing something here because spacing I think is probably a good thing in most scenarios. The girl's first hit was a great benefit. The boy has more HP. This is what they say about it, although the Rascal boy retained the archetype of a tank, but. Lighter blow than the Knight the Rascal boy and harder but softer than the archers.
Rascal girls, HP increases, excuse me, the HP increase sets the boy up as one of the best mini tanks in terms of HP, the same as a Valkyrie with a much lower DPS, obviously the group spacing is blind, a a little more spaced out, but not excessively, a well placed fireball can still catch all three, but maybe not one that is a little less well placed, okay, Rascal girl as a weaker, glass Canon version of the Archer , they could use that shorter first hit time, boy oh boy I'm thinking the Rascals are going to be super strong, so my prediction here is super strong Rascal.
Super strong mega minion, are you that? That's it for balance changes, are you surprised? that there's no more, you know, changes, there's some card you were looking for, a Nerf war that wasn't on the list personally, unless I'm missing something. I don't think this is actually a pretty solid balance change, you know? After the loser's


, we could use some good news. I'm sure you guys won't like this either because no one on the internet does, but if you can let me know in the comments below how you feel. about these balance changes, by the way, we will talk about the loser update and the up


level 15 update.
We will probably follow this video tomorrow with another video discussing your opinion because there were hundreds and hundreds, almost thousands of comments on our last video. On that note, so stay tuned to the channel here guys, we'll send you some positive vibes if you need them, thanks for watching and as always, take care of yourselves guys.

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