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Biden’s five biggest fails of the first Presidential debate

Jun 28, 2024
Well, it was the


we were all waiting for and really what the audience wanted to see today was whether 81-year-old President Joe Biden could get through it without making huge mistakes, which unfortunately is what we've been used to seeing for a long time. the last four years well despite having been holed up for a week at Camp David with an empty agenda so his staff could prepare him to take on Donald Trump, the moment Joe Biden took the stage he shuffled toward the microphone and looked like he desperately needed help now, after only 10 minutes on stage he looked like he was falling asleep on the podium, his eyes were closed for a few moments as if he was entering a micro sleep before he suddenly opened them and was back with us again and continued to do so for the


half of that


, but that was just the beginning when Joe Biden started talking well, you know, that's when we really got into dangerous territory.
biden s five biggest fails of the first presidential debate
He was referencing Los Angeles taxes and claimed that the United States has a thousand billionaires. What I'm going to do is fix the tax system, for example, we have a thousand billionaires in the United States. Look, I'm not sure if that's the case, Joe Biden, but it seems great and then when he was trying to win more. points, it was just more talk and a lot of losing your train of thought eligible for what I've been able to do with the uh with with the co excuse me with um dealing with everything we have to do with uh look if he finally beat Medicare thank you president Biden President Trump then, when he wanted to make his point on abortion, he simply repeated the word period three times but we are not in favor of late-term abortion period period period very strong Joe Biden well done now almost all the journalists and commentators that I met in the Leading up to this debate, I was told that they expected a stronger-than-usual Joe Biden to show up today because of the amount of time he had to prepare and the amount of support he was receiving in the lead-up to this debate, but he hasn't. done today if somehow it wasn't clear before it is very clear now that he is no longer cut out for the top job yesterday I met with podcaster Brad Palombo, who told me that the rules of this debate were created to favor Joe Biden, including a halftime break, well we can expect a show, that's for sure, or Donald Trump, if he's one thing, he's an entertainer and then Joe Biden has a lot to prove to the American public because many people, including Democrats and Independents are really worried about his ability to do the job of being president.
biden s five biggest fails of the first presidential debate

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biden s five biggest fails of the first presidential debate...

We've seen him fail, freeze, and look confused. We've seen him call dead people or non-existent human beings too many times to count during public sessions. events or ceremonies, so he has more to prove here, everything Trump needs to do, he's in a lot of polls, he's in a strong position, Trump just needs to not screw anything up, not cause himself any problems, which you know with him. He could always say something unexpected, but I think Biden is the one who will really be scrutinized to see if he's ready for it. Joe Biden's team has apparently scheduled frequent breaks during their preparation for this debate and they are doing everything they can to keep him on his toes.
biden s five biggest fails of the first presidential debate
This debate against Donald Trump and the 81-year-old president and his close team have moved to Camp David for intensive practice sessions preparing for the


of two crucial debates. How nervous would you be if I worked for Joe Biden right now? Well, he would have done it. I would have flatly refused to let him get on the debate stage. I would have said we won't do it. Make any excuse you have to avoid it. But one thing I noticed is that they were able to negotiate something unusual. There are two commercial breaks during this 90 minute debate and that is historically unusual in general election


debates in the US there are no commercial breaks that last 90 minutes, you would think the leader of the Free World should be able to just talk and answering questions from a podium with a glass of water for an hour and a half you would think would not be a big deal, but in reality they were able to negotiate two commercial breaks and other rules that seem very favorable to Biden, for example the microphone of the other person will shut down while the other person is speaking, preventing Trump from landing his punches or undermining or defeating Biden, something Trump is very good at.
biden s five biggest fails of the first presidential debate
We saw him do that to Hillary Clinton on multiple occasions in 2016, so this debate stage appears to have been skewed to be as pro-Biden as possible with some unusual accommodations, but I'd still be very concerned if he referred to himself as a senator. , refer to yourself as vice president, refer to a dead colleague who died years ago. as if he had just spoken to them or as if he had just seen them confuse the world leaders he has recently engaged with with those who have actually been out of office or dead for years, I would be very worried if he did that. on the debate stage, but I guess he feels like he has to do it because things aren't going well for him.
I guess he feels behind in a lot of polls or that he has to try to make a case to people to show them that he's not too frail or too old to do the job, so the onus really falls on Biden. I would say he's really failing to make that case, when there's so much concern around his age and his mental health, the fact that there are breaks in this. I think it doesn't really help, it really feeds the narrative that no, he's not up to the job, he definitely is, but only if you know that's unusual and I guess because in the


primary debates, the Republican primaries and Democrats.
They have presidential debates and it's pretty normal for there to be commercial breaks during those debates, but they're just the televised general election debates where historically there haven't been commercial breaks, so you might be counting on the fact that a lot of people don't. will do. Keep in mind, I mean, we have commercial breaks in the middle of football games here, so people are pretty used to commercials, so I think they probably hope people don't realize that that's pretty unusual, well we'll find out if there's another Gaff that Mira, I'd bet my money there probably will be.
I don't know how long he can actually go on talking, until he stumbles and makes a mistake, but we'll wait and see tomorrow how crucial this debate really is when, of course, I know the two candidates, Donald Trump and Joe Biden, very well, does this debate will really change voters' minds? Well, the impact of the presidential debates is pretty limited, but it's definitely not zero, and the thing is, I think almost everyone agrees that this is going to, especially with the electoral college system, could be an incredibly close election, it could come down to just thousands of votes on a handful of swing dates, like it did with Trump's 2016 win, so in that kind of environment where it's so thin. a moment in these debates where Biden seems confused or where he mixes up a name or refers to a dead person, something he does all the time and which could actually hurt him, whereas a couple of months ago or recently he said a State of the Union speech where he was yelling a lot, there was a lot of strange substance in that, but he actually seemed to be present and alert throughout the whole thing and that gave him a little bit of a boost because people were like Hey, okay, maybe Maybe it's not as far away as I thought, if you could have a presentation like that, obviously we have no idea, but if there's some way you can get it just for 90 minutes so it sets in and seems completely present, maybe that could put people's minds at ease. . who are on the fence about voting for him, but honestly if I were him I would be really worried, what do you think about RFK Jr, should they have allowed him to join?
Well, they notoriously make the rules very difficult for a third-party candidate to follow. because historically the people who have made the rules are a committee of Democrats and Republicans who can't agree on much, but they can certainly agree that they don't want third party candidates on that debate stage and look, no I agree. with RFK Jr on a lot of things, I agree with him on some things, but I think having more voices and more perspectives is a good thing, so I would have liked to see him on the debate stage. I wish Americans had known that this November there will not only be two options, there will also be candidates from the Libertarian Party and the Green Party, which is why people often forget about these options because, in many ways, the American electoral system it is heavily skewed by the two main parties, the only time they can. working together is keeping third parties at bay, it's basically the only time they can agree on anything, so they set a very high bar that RFK Jor doesn't seem to have met, but honestly, it came surprisingly close, which indicates The fact that he got 15% in any poll, is really something we haven't seen in a long time for a third party candidate.
Yes, that's true. It shows that there are many Americans who want change.

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