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Beyblade Battle: Damien vs. The Chosen

Jun 04, 2021
three two one oh my wait let's see what they do see what they do see how it goes look what he does we don't know wait let's see what he does do you want to remake this yes I think I want to remake this continue in our


s against the


ones from the series i


hawes simply normal


haws was challenged by the


one to a game of


apparently the chosen one is an expert at


s i played a bit when i was a teenager and that's when my friends and i started to realize that maybe we're too old for yu -Gi-Oh, Beyblade and stuff, and while you all gave up to go drink your slushies, I continued studying the Beyblade blade because you can.
beyblade battle damien vs the chosen
I don't spell Blade sin because it can't be spilled, technically you can't spell, most of Bay would be yes, no, most of it is in Blade, mainly the B. Now Damien, my experience is a little different. You see, I found myself in the underground tournaments of Beyblade's blood was spilled in every round what's your what's your favorite beyblade omg what's your favorite uh what's it called special attack which one probably the super mega sex what about you um this is the sky pegasus special attack fiery revolver this is the neon bra circumcision i' I'm offended by this final bris, this is jj's modernizer, I don't think it's necessary to explain the one who directed Star Trek and this is Jennifer Lawrence, fantastic, well, let's do this style of tournament.
beyblade battle damien vs the chosen

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beyblade battle damien vs the chosen...

Do some things from the Beyblade book. I don't have to explain them, but you know that you will win a point if your top keeps spinning after your opponents do, or a point if you knock them out of the arena and they fall. one of these little holes or if you pop them because these things come together in like three parts if they pop it's two points, three rounds, the first of three in each round and as a veteran nofap member the last thing I want to do is burst, this is a fart, zuckerburst, this is obviously the super mega sax you're starting with, super mega sex, damn it's not as strong as I said, nofap is where the power is, here we go three two one awesome come in there, yeah, keep them in the hole, yeah, exercise, move, work the hoop, dance around it, I think mine is the resistance type so I hope it lasts longer than you, no attack, that's the aim.
beyblade battle damien vs the chosen
I fell first. Damn way to do it. Super mega socks, one point. For the chosen ones, okay, will you keep that top? I guess until you can defeat her let me try to use Celestial Pegasus, see what happened. Pegasus has not stopped. I'm going to imbue cursed energy into this three two one. It's a thorn, oh, you almost got me out of the ring, go, go to heaven, Pegasus, sorry, Yugi boy, it's that kind of pegasus, the same kind, but he died with the heavens, God, super mega batteries can't penetrate , oh shit, shit, shit, no, oh fucking Pegasus. he has emerged victorious with his thousand eyes restricted well, that's right, we are mixing fandoms well, I wasn't going at full force, that's a deadly mistake, I think I have to raise it to a level that is emerald here we go three two one says fred savage is fred savage in the nice wizard, while mine seems to be smaller, he has more power, he's much weaker, okay, that's two to one, my god, yes, damn, I've never seen you so nervous, I'm fine, so as someone who also researches beyblades, I'm sure you know the four different types of arena entry and then there are the prohibited entries.
beyblade battle damien vs the chosen
He was a guy with no fap. I didn't think you knew. It's the butt. Oh, I'll stay here, let's go three. two, oh my, wait, let's see what they do, see what they do, see how it goes, see what it does, we don't know, wait, let's see what it does, give it a second, give it a second, we'll see what it does. do you want to redo this yeah, I think I want to redo this okay, okay, three two one, that's what's known as an explosion. Uh, I'm just too powerful. Untie in three two one. What happens if you cut off the power of this children's toy?
Whoa Garrett, be careful, you could have blown your balls three two one oh yours exploded although yours did explode it was a tie it wasn't a tie because I still have a piece in the ring that's a two point thing to look for the rules, so you get one point, but I get two points, you fucking dumb, so chosen, um, anything could happen at this point, how are you feeling, are you feeling good, have you considered maybe that I'm pressuring you, uh, no I realized there was a little bit involved so yeah I didn't until now our souls are always on the line um this is belly sorry supreme it's a crunchwrap Texas special this is kirsten dunst yeah three two one no what's up alright well, I guess technically yes, okay I'll do it Tell it, my thing barely spun, but yours exploded, so it's some kind of mischief afoot.
I don't know, this is weird anyway, I'll take those two points, although it won't happen again, charging power, three, two, one, my goodness. bigger than mine, yours is acting like a coward and what will he attack, go, kiss him, go, no, no, no, no, I would say he is a tie. Mine was a little longer. I would say it's a tie. Well, we can try again. Let's go again. three two one they both exploded that's two points for each of us which means that round is for me I think I don't know impressive damian, thank you mutually to say that you have shown more skill than I expected.
I think he successfully concludes the practice, he's fine and now it's time for us to be realistic. Look, we weren't playing like I'm used to with street rules. I was being easy on you, so let's bring out the big guns. Are you ready to enter? real arena yeah you'll regret saying that then no I don't know it's too late so Jesus joke oh do we really have Sling Shock stadium or whatever? What the hell? Okay, is this really one from the '90s or whatever, yeah, don't touch, are you ready to get into the real arena?
Yes, I'm Scott Tunderman three three two one doesn't count doesn't count I'll leave it there and intimidate you though for a moment that's okay, that's enough Are you ready? Yeah, three two, oh my god, I guess that's your aura. I can't be too close to you. You are very powerful. Oh, look at him, he's doing a good job. In hell, bring your celestial pegasus here. Then it's okay. see if it's actually the sword or if it's your technique it could be both three, he still goes, that's true, you can be a loser, but you can win, I mean, you exploded, he didn't explode, no, he took off his shirt, that It's all he did. he has this, yes, but he already has it, it's easier for him to spend more time because he doesn't have a top, that's exactly what he's doing, that was the technique, come on, come on, come on, yeah, you got that, on It's actually very impressive, isn't it?
Lose with me, you got this, wait, wait, come on, yeah, the pictures broke, no, it downloaded and you didn't know how to handle that, does that mean you're no longer a member of no pap, the beyblade isn't? It's funny that it broke like it was broken, it just changed shape, you know, it broke and still won. I had never seen a


like that. I'm impressed, even though I'm basically the winner and the champion, I think "We're pretty even, neither of us made enough classic mistakes, why don't we share the trophy and the glory? You know, Spencer again, it would be a great honor for me share a trophy with you.
We are both Beyblade champions, Damien and the chosen one. I said we were going to win jointly, I just guess Andy I'm sorry, we both have shown incredible skill and strength in the arena with multiple different swords, mostly. , so Damian, I'm proud to share this trophy with you, thank you Spencer Agnew I appreciate it, thank you now If you want to see other videos of me winning contests, be sure to watch it below, like and subscribe, and remember that a Beyblader. It never fails, that's why.

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