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Apr 10, 2024
I'm not the toughest. I am the weakest. To decide who was the toughest, everyone fights Neil on which rock. floor Hey, listen, listen, there are five of us, come on, man, what are you going? Do you want the r to start, you guys are going to back it up, yeah, yeah, sure, sure, sure, what's your name, bro, Hyo, big Fross, come on, come on, shots, come on, here. him guys get it get it go get it guys what's up? What's wrong with them? Oh my god, I'm going to die, I'm going to die, okay, what you just saw from the guys, could you please classify them? from one to five of how hard you think I my M run out in the corner try yourself come try yourself right now me and you run come on CH you have this, come on, come on, there you go, go, get it, yes, yes, headlock easy, easy, yeah, yeah, deal with, deal with, come on and that's exactly what I don't want to do, tap, yeah, oh yeah, wow, respect me, you make it.
beta squad rank themselves
Well I made what's the order, yeah, yo, he's fine, cool, he's G, so he's fine, he didn't even try. Okay, you want to talk like that, yeah, cool, come on, you want to drive him crazy, yeah, Sumo, you want to do Sumo. yeah Co, it's okay H A got strength, I told you look at the strength, it's okay, yeah man, yeah, yeah, yeah, you know I'm with you, no, he just slapped me on the back and I ran away, yeah, I know, give him a real fight. That's what I usually do, even though I'm a sweetheart, not a fighter, you know what I think we'll get you promoted, bro, yeah, that's fair, thanks bro, I appreciate you being your man, being, yeah, yeah, yeah , tell her.
beta squad rank themselves

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beta squad rank themselves...

Tell him you'll be your man, ready U will be you I think my man you have to come here this is the best day of my life this is the best day of my life come on, be Kenny F you man F the best day of my life oh God mine, gut the man, guts and Gloria here chased him, chased him one more time, come on do us, can't afford to get hurt, that's fair enough man, I can only judge by what I say bro, thanks Neil, Thank you very much, Neil, thank you. Have a great night, have a great night, Neil, thank you so much, what a legend, who has the biggest ego, oh God, that's it, oh my God, what a question, you know, okay, you want me to be honest.
beta squad rank themselves
Generally I don't think it is. selfish but I think you are less selfish than me AJ AJ has a negative ego, you also have a negative ego, what are you the last, you are the last, because of boxing, you have to have something, but he still has the greatest. It's a terrible question: who knows what it's worth? This is a bad question when people think about ego, they think about it like it has a negative connotation, so they think about everyone's ego because they see people who have a false sense of


and it's like they have a bad ego but I think ego you should be high because you know you're good not because you know you're good not because you like to show that you don't you don't say you're good but you know you are you're good, you know how good that is I think you're high I think you're on top I think we're in the top three I'll be honest I think I'm in the middle of the pack and I think these two are like B if you guys don't agree it just depends, arrogance is when you cross the lines.
beta squad rank themselves
I think so. I don't mind. I get F okay, this question, I hate this question, I hate this question. I'll go, I'll go here, you go there. The definition of ego is a person's sense of self-worth or personal importance. I'd personally say you have a slightly higher ego than that. That's what I'm saying. I think we should St. Yes, I agree. I think we should St. in general. helps determine who has the biggest ego, we have



management, so Mr. Sor, oh my gosh, first of all, no one is getting salty about it, yeah, Sal, I'm going to change you too, mental health, Yes, but I need to be here even if you go. there because you need more ego, really yes, you need to go back in time to use it. uh I could change this round and not in a bad way, it's not in a bad way, no, it's okay, I won't take it in a bad way.
That's right, it's Tik Tok comments oh yeah, that's right, too handsome, that's right, yeah, I think I think I like him. Oh, that was a terrible question. Thank you. It was terrible. It was incredible. I don't get a hug. Oh, who is the nicest? I can't have the biggest ego and be the nicest. Can I just say something here? Can I say something? I have to go down a little. I feel like he's the most empathetic guy out of all of us. No, but I also tell you. you are not he he goes the extra mile to make sure people are like that I think I'm pretty nice yeah I'll give you a second a he's very nice no let me tell you about a I think he's down there I agree I should tell you why you're not you're not you're not rude you're not rude you're kind you like him you're kind to your friends but to people who don't know you you're more dismissive I know I'm a little more like no, he's not, he's not, he's not dismissive what's the word what's the word is more introverted int but I don't think, I don't think that means it's not nice there, well I'm not there putting an F trying to say you're rude, what I'm trying to say is that you have your circle and you love to be comfortable, you like to be comfortable in your circle, whereas when it comes to people from the outside it is more fair.
I'd rather have my own space, yeah, I've never, ever seen AJ be rude. I won't be rude to some. I'm just closed off to people who I think are rude. I think we. We're splitting hairs here. I think everyone is obviously nice, so I think we have to be cool on everyone's worst day, even on your worst day, you're still nice on everyone's worst day. I think e w w your day, yeah, that's what I am. saying me four maybe the only way we could judge it bad bad day bad day okay that's what I say, the only way we could judge ourselves I think I oh is this the good one too also one thing one thing too I think there are people out there who say negative things about me because I may have p


ed them and I do, and my job isn't nice sometimes, yeah, but you know, I'm trolling people and stuff like that, you We know, that's for entertainment. that's content, yeah, yeah, but I'd still say if you ask the average person who's met us both, it's not about them, it's us, like even he's nice to his boxing opponents, oh yes, he does this. right in the head, yeah, I think I think he stays first, you stay first, who I, I, generally, would never see, you need to get up there, you stay there, genuinely, genuinely, genuinely, stay there, it's Well, fair enough to judge James, who is the best.
I oh oh wow Sam, so now what's going to completely change? Sam changes, he gets a different version of All of Us SE every can. Preface, although you all are lovely, so it's difficult, don't lie, don. Don't worry, sure, it's great. I would put pieces one by one, I would move everyone down, hey, you see I went from fifth to and that shows how nice it was if it were you, because yeah, but I put myself. I like that everyone wanted to go there, so I'll go there, it was nice, I am, I was trying to show that it's just my Nic's screen.
I'd trade niik and Kenny, man up there, bro, I tried the IED myself. I'll have you here. Just put AJ at the end because you like to shut up when you're in a bad move, you need to stay quiet, you know, fair enough, I'll take it, I'll take it, so I stay quiet. I am very happy with this order. I'm still J, let me keep my job AJ is a good man, bro, you better believe it just because you're fifth. It's like when you compare Messi Ronaldo, no, but he feels strange. AJ, so Messi Ronaldo is fine, but then it would feel less weird if there was someone else.
He was there no, you're right it feels weird if there is someone I think I think he doesn't like you he's a demon brother I've seen him when you've seen me when have you seen me in Demon? I know you meon don It's not like hell, hell, it's not necessarily if AJ doesn't like you, if AJ doesn't know you he won't, he'll stick to himself, it doesn't mean he's rude, it means he prefers his own company. There's nothing wrong with that, I don't think there's anything wrong with that and for the final question, who is the most confident, confident, confident, oh you have to be number one, I swear it's that bug , if you have insecurities, you can't not do it. that's it that's for sure, like everyone said crowd in front of the camera in front of a crowd you're number one number one you're walking like two you're two yeah, well, scrapping the power grid is crazy, I'm going, yeah, I'm terrible with crowds I'll stay fine I'm terrible with crowds put me in front of a crowd I can't speak English oh my God remember about stand-up comedy and you, yeah, never, ever, see, I'm staying here.
You go there, it's a horror show, brother, no, but I'm in my videos, that's me, more like, putting a character, no, but you, no, no, no, brother, everything, the whole biggest series by Menace. I couldn't do an episode. I feel that with confidence there is more self-confidence and I feel that you have a lot more if I stood on a stage like you do or boxed in a ring in front of you, I wouldn't be able to do it. I wouldn't be able to hack it, yeah, but it's like it's the same thing as me saying, I can't, I can't box either, I can't do what, but I think I think it's the best way to talk in front of a crowd. horror, I can't think of anything worse, but you get close to people in the videos.
I think this one is a little weird, but yeah, I heard I hate where everyone comes from, where are you if you put me in front of a crowd? m um modifying but also if you if you congratulate if you congratulate AJ you can't accept a compliment, yeah, because I don't know why I can't accept compliments. Yes, someone gives them to me. I start modifying immediately. You are so humble that you consume yourself and receive a compliment. No, I don't think that's it. Definitely not. Why is it like this? Don't know. Praise is rare. I don't know.
I can not stand it. I can't say you look cute today no, you can't because I'm not cute, I'm handsome, I'll do it. I'll stop, ah, I'll put it higher because it'll get closer to people in videos just. What if trust in everyday life was based on that in social settings? How sure are you of yourself? That's you when you meet people. That's what I'm saying. You must be much better. I. People. I. No. I am a little. I mean, I mean this is a little bit fairer, guys, are you guys happy with our answers, uh, yeah, I think so, I think I'm happy and you saw who's more confident that we have the



photographer, the beta squad photographer.
Charlie, oh everyone, everyone is getting. I've said like two words to Charlie my whole life today, that's true, man, what's your middle name? There's no IDE genuinely yours, though ww um, I'm going to keep AJ down there just because of the different situations, um, I'm going to move niiko and I'm going to take you to first because this man has the strangest confidence I've ever seen in the world. good sense like you can literally do anything I can't sing clearly Kenny sharks and chunks this is this this One is difficult, um, because everyone is confident in different ways.
Kenny, you have more confidence in silence. I think with the boxing stuff it's confidence in a different way, yeah, um, sharks, he could act like he could stand up in front of a thousand people. right now and make a presentation I'm going to move Sharky in pieces yeah this is hard it gets this is really hard I think it's fair I think niik has the most confidence I have I have recorded videos for niiko and Soy, I am a self-confident person. I could, I could cry. I literally said no. I can't film this. I can't film this because I don't have the confidence to do what he does sometimes.
So Persona no. it's you doing it it's you um and I have Kenny with the boxing stuff being confident like you have to be confident like fair play but it's a silent confidence for me right um so I know you're confident and I know AJ you're really confident. but just in terms of what I've seen personally with you guys, I have to go with this, okay, I appreciate it. I think they did a great job, thank you, and he speaks very well. Wait, wait, Charlie. I think we all agreed. Charlie would be here. Charlie zero zero.
I'm very sure it was a very good speech. Charlie, well done. Well, that's the end of the beta team


ing. I hope that today you know a little more about us. uh, the most confident member of the group, Charlie, has something to say. Play the trailer, here we go today on the beta team, we are going to cook for our blind date. Hello, my name is Lishi and I am 22 years old. Hey, how can I? Turn on the stove, that's why you never wanted Cheng to shut up, man, I'm just watching, stop, stop, stop, I'm cooking, let me cook, have you ever heard of how to cut an onion, rice Does it match the flavor? with onion and garlic first

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