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Best Way To Start Print On Demand in 2024 (Complete Tutorial)

May 15, 2024
so I'm going to


this video with a pretty bold statement and I'm going to say what I'm going to show you could very well make many millionaires. I'm going to show you every step you need to become a professional. E-commerce website that sells




products in the easiest, most effective, and most profitable way possible. We have seen people use this method and make thousands of dollars per month in profits up to $770,000 per month in profits with the tools I am about to show you and yes I said profits not income as in actual profits per month so what I tell you I'm going to show you in this video is something that a lot of people keep behind a paid course, it's something that people charge hundreds or even thousands of dollars for this video that will last several hours, so sit back, grab a notepad and get ready. to follow him.
best way to start print on demand in 2024 complete tutorial
Print on


is incredibly popular for many reasons, but some of the most important are Of course, it's very easy to automate, it requires basically no overhead, you don't do any manufacturing yourself, you don't do any shipping yourself, you don't have any inventory, so with that you also get substantially lower risk. You get a lot of the same benefits that you would see with an inventory-based store, but you take on substantially less risk, which means that getting


ed and figuring out what the


design is, what the


product is, is a lot easier to do.
best way to start print on demand in 2024 complete tutorial

More Interesting Facts About,

best way to start print on demand in 2024 complete tutorial...

It's much smoother, it's easier to change everything and find exactly what works best for you, so the method we'll use allows you to start with almost no money, allows you to scale indefinitely, and can also avoid a lot of problems. The growing pains that so many other eCommerce businesses end up facing: You could do this alone in your basement, this could be a 4 hour per week side job, or it could also be a full-time job replacement if you like. he wants it. Be that as it may, in this video I'm going to show you a lot, we'll start with how to get a hands-off supplier that's really easy to work with, that delivers on time, that delivers quality and that's worth it.
best way to start print on demand in 2024 complete tutorial
It is a really important supplier. ask here, then I'll talk about how to design a professional site, we'll look at how to create designs and make products, we'll talk about how to set up your marketing, both organic, including Facebook Tik Tok influencer marketing, email marketing, and Of course, marketing amplified as well and those two things are probably the most important steps in this entire video. They're usually where people stay and think they know what they're doing, but that's where all the money is made. that step right there and then I'll show you how to get sample orders like this and like this so you can take photos of them in real life and see the quality and try them out for yourself, let's take a couple steps back. and start with what


on demand is, so fundamentally print on demand works like this, let's say I'm selling a mug and the supplier's mug is $10, but I sell it for $20.
best way to start print on demand in 2024 complete tutorial
If someone visits my website, finds it. my ad or I just found it organically on Google and they want to buy my mug because it resonates with them, it's funny, whatever and they click buy, they ship to me, they pay me $20 and automatically in the back of my store, $10 goes to the supplier and place an order the supplier makes the mug they ship the mug they do all the fulfillment I never have to do anything all I do is make my website promote the product and everything is taken care of in the end the customers get their products I never have to see the product the customer actually receives.
I'm not dealing with those packages and this has some really big advantages. It has no minimum order quantities. You don't have to buy a thousand cups to sell them. You don't have any inventory, so you don't need to rent a warehouse or garage for that and you don't have any packaging or shipping, basically no logistics at all. You can focus on the front end of the business, which is marketing and Of course, obviously, customer relations and customer service as well, but you can focus a lot more on that aspect without worrying about the back end. So how do we find a provider that is willing to do this right?
There are a lot of options available but the one we're going to use in this video is called gelato so they partnered with us on this video and that's why I have a link in the description that can give you a month free as well as a 50% discount when Be When ordering your first samples, we'll talk more about how to use it in a second, but why do we choose to use ice cream well? First, they have the largest print-on-demand network in the world. They have suppliers in 32 different countries, which is great. you're trying to sell globally the internet is a big place, the world is a big place so you have access to a lot more customers when you can ship locally for them, they also have fast delivery, guaranteed quality and a lot of integration so they associate. works great with Shopify, meaning that when we build our store with Shopify and use gelato, everything syncs up so perfectly that there are fewer things that can go wrong, there's less work you have to do, and overall it makes it a lot easier for your life and for the overall success of your business to be possible, then we will start by creating an account.
I'm going to go to my laptop right now. To start, this is all online software, so you don't have to. download anything it's really easy anywhere in the world just working on your laptop is totally possible so we'll go to sandal media santal gelato of course I'll also put a link at the top of the description and in a fixed place. comment uh actually we're going to have a lot of links in this video so to keep it organized I'm going to list them so make sure you check the description so you can follow those links.
This is link number one. The first link we need in this process will be gelato so it will take you to this page, like I said we have an exclusive offer with them so if you use this offer again you will get 50% off. your first order, which is great for getting samples, and plus, this gives you a month of free ice cream, which will be nice. Let's start by registering with our email. I will put my name. Make sure you accept the API. user terms and then check your email and click verify and this will start asking us some pretty basic questions.
It really won't matter too much what you choose here, so try to choose what makes the most sense. We are trying to launch an online business. We are an experienced e-commerce seller again. It doesn't really matter which one you choose. In the end it will be the same. Just this will change your dashboard a little bit and I want to sell, let's say maybe this is clothing and I'll show you the whole library of different products that you can sell in a second and you heard about us by I guess I'm considered an influencer so we could say santal media sandal media says finish and that will take you to your dashboard.
Now there are a lot of different products that you can sell on gelato, so just before we continue, let's just start thinking about what kind of products could sell well, uh, we can. Go to the product catalog and, in my opinion, gelato does a good job of only showing products that have the potential to be successful with print on demand. They're not like giant binders that you would print something on the side, obviously, it's going to be like t-shirts like we probably have like the Gilden 5000 will probably be, let's look at t-shirts right there, the Gilden 5000, of course, is a very common shirt. , things like that will be very common here, so clothing items. uh, for example, t-shirts, sweatshirts, you have women's clothing and children's clothing, but also other categories entirely. uh don't feel limited to just clothing of course we have tote bags for example which could be very popular in In some niches we have wall art that is almost orthogonal which is a very interesting and


ly different category in which you can make really cool wall art and sell that print on demand too, uh, and that could even be the case if you're an artist and you paint something and you want to sell prints that could be a really easy way to sell as wood prints if that's what you like of course phone cases are an option and of course like I said mugs are very popular. and we have a big variety of mugs here so I think the enamel mug is great, quite different, it's not just the basic little ceramic mug, you have a lot of variety within the gelato, but now that we have gelato, we have to set it up. our second account so link number two below or if you just want to type it in with me, it's santell again uh and this time SL Shopify Shopify p or d press enter and that will take you to a page that looks like this now.
If there's one thing I know about Shopify it's that they like to tweak their homepage, so don't worry if it looks a little different than this one, if there's a slightly different offer or just the image looks different somewhere in here, should let's say enter your email address it will take us to the same page below no matter what it looks like so I'm going to start with my email address and Shopify is also interested in asking us some questions so I'm going to Honestly, skip this one, you can skip many of these. We're building an online store and you may also want to sell on other marketplaces, which is a great power of Shopify.
It's like the default sales platform on the Internet for anyone. Trying to set up an eCommerce store because it's very reliable, it's very well made and it has so many integrations available, so you can sell directly on Tik Tok natively on Instagram on Facebook, it's not just your website on your domain. you can sell in a lot of different places, so if you have a store built into Ed within Instagram, you can still print on demand, so it will go from Instagram to Shopify and then to gelato and it will do it all automatically so that Shopify is It's great how they can do all of that really impressively on the back so I'm going to say the following and we're looking at print on demand products.
We can select that one right there, we'll say the following. I'm located in the United States and I'm going to create my account, so sign up with an email, just create a password right now and create my Shopify account, so Shopify and gelato are two accounts that we have set up. follow up on this with me, the first thing we want to do within Shopify is select a plan so we can list products and sell them and it works with an actual domain, so you'll see a little pop up that says select a plan, do click on that or you can click here, choose a plan or you can go to settings and you can choose a plan here as well if you click on plan, so there's a lot of different ways you can get there, um, if you just click on selecting a plan like I said just to prove my point here it will take you to the same page no matter what so we have three plan options you have the basic plan you have the Shopify plan and you have the advanced plan so yeah You already have a store somewhere else, I'm guessing you're probably not watching this video on how to make a store, but if you are and you already have a certain sales volume or if you just have a large audience and you know you're going to get a sales volume of Right away, maybe you're an influencer, for example, it might make sense to start with Shopify or Advanced.
The only key difference between these will be the fee that Shopify charges when someone makes a purchase, so if you're on the advanced plan it's 2.4% versus 2.6 versus 2.9%, so that little 0.5% if you're selling enough volume could be equivalent to the $270 difference we're seeing between these two, so I'll have a little spreadsheet below that can help you decide if you already have a lot of order volume. Is it worth getting Shopify or the advanced plan if you're just starting out with the basic plan? with zero sales, so that'll make more sense anyway, now we can type in our name and our credit card information so the little spreadsheet is link number three in the description, like I said.
I'll have them all numbered there for you and then click subscribe and that will take us to our dashboard. Now I know we're going through a lot of steps here, but the next one will be connecting gelato to Shopify so that way we have everything as one. main system here and you know the products will sync with each other, everything will work great, so if we go back to gelato and click on the stores on the left side, you'll see Direct Integrations. Shopify should appear right there, we'll click on Shopify. and we're going to log into our Shopify account, we're going to say install, you're already signed up, so I don't have to give up my Shopify account, um and then we're just going to click install here as well and there we go.
So now it says: Do you want to import all functions automatically ormanual and connect everything? So I'm going to leave it on automatic, that works best for me and now I'll click on Create New Product and we're finally there. We're ready to start making our own ice cream products, uh, and designing the product, choosing what we want to be there and how we want to sell that product, so going through the product catalog, I already showed you a little bit before, but let's say just to start I want to sell like a Gilden 5000 t-shirt, it's a very common t-shirt and there are many colors available, it's a very standard one, pretty easy to find, so if we go to uh t- here you will see the first unisex heavyweight t-shirt with a crew neck and that's the Gilden 5000.
You can also search for any of these products, it's very easy to do to find something specific and as you can see here we have a ton of colors now, what I recommend doing is if you're just Starting out, you may not know what product you want. There are quite a few different t-shirts here, you might want an organic one, a premium heavyweight classic, so I would recommend. We'll do some samples in this video, so later on we can order a bunch of them at a pretty substantial discount. You can try them and find out which ones will be the best.
I like the best ones and I think it is very important to see their product before selling it. Many people don't do that. I think it makes a big difference, knowing what your customers are really getting and then we can decide what it is. The right product is just to get you started. Let's start with this one here. Let's say we want the Gilden 5000, the unisex heavyweight. Now that we are ready to make a design, I want to continue. to one of my favorite tools to make these designs and this is actually canva which is super easy to use and it's actually free to use as well which is a huge plus and I'll have a link like number four down there so you can You guys can Follow us or just visit and this looks like a super powerful tool for all your marketing.
It is excellent for making promotions, brochures or posters, logos, it is another, obviously, the design of your products will be really powerful. This is a really pretty flexible tool, great for design, really intuitive and easy to use, so let's say I'm going to make it so you can search for whatever you want for templates, maybe you can say t-shirt, t-shirt and I'm just sure they'll have some designs like yeah, right there, some t-shirt templates down here, um, the t-shirt is a whole thing, we're 14 x 18, that's what they're giving, so just click on that one, it's going to be a t-shirt template.
We could start with a blank one. We could see other designs. I'm going to use the blank one. Let's start with the blank t-shirt so they can give it a try. Give us this little canvas that we can work with and just a quick overview of how Canva works. At the top, you can start with designs and these are all great templates that you can start with, so if you really like, maybe this one over here and you just want to change what the words say, you can click on that, it will show if you want to undo it, there's an undo button at the top left and we can scroll down and see a lot of different ones that you can also look for specific styles of layouts.
If you have an idea, maybe you would really like to get involved with similar trees. You can write trees. Find many designs related to that and it should help you get more ideas. uh, it kind of sparks a little more creativity, but if you already know exactly what you want, you can create it from scratch if you go down to the elements. Now the elements are again graphic-heavy. You can also upload your own graphics as if you were. until the loads right here and of course we also have text so if you want to add a header subtitle with smaller text you can click on this or you can click and drag anything and just place it where you want to make it a Very intuitive tool again, clicking and dragging things if you want to change something about this text at the top, you have this little uh menu where you can change the color, you can add effects to it, the animation doesn't make sense for a while. -shirt but Cana can also be used to make small animated videos or Instagram stories for example, that's where animation can make more sense and you can change the position and transparency of things or you can also copy the style of this. text, so if I want to copy this style here, I'm going to change it to the same font, the same color, the same everything, so I'm going to delete this and delete this, so let's say my design I'm going to do like a little parody of some Local restaurant that is closed on Sundays.
I'm going to call this, uh, just kind of a quick example. Here I'm going to say shapes and we're going to find a circle that we're on. let's add a circle here we want this circle to be full size almost center it we want this to have no padding so I don't want to have padding on this I want to have an outline and the outline will be maybe red and we can add, we can change like the edge weight. I want it to be a lot thicker, let's put it like this and now we can go down and add some text, maybe some italics, maybe this is good and then we can make it maybe red, so highlight all this font, all this text, put it in red and, uh, you know, I don't really like that circle, let's go back to the elements and find something else, so there's a quick little logo that I put together as a kind of parody a little bit. kind of funny, like people want to go to Chick-fil-A but they're closed on Sundays, so like Sunday steak, it's kind of funny.
Now something like this I would definitely consult with a lawyer to make sure it doesn't infringe copyright. I don't want there to be a lawsuit behind this, uh, make sure it fits within a parody law, but again, this is maybe just a fun example of how you can use canva to make a design, don't copy this, but again . If I like this, we can go to share and we can go to download, so Canva has a couple of options. One is the free version of Canva uh, which won't be able to have a transparent background and that could be totally fine if you have a colored background or a white background and it's like a white t-shirt you're putting on or if you want to remove the background with some another online tool but if you update the canva pro I think that's what they call it canva premium cana pro you can get a transparent background so I'll download it and then we'll go back to gelato so you have two ways to print here you can print directly on the garment DTG uh and that's going to be like a like kind of ink since it makes sense or you could have embroidered it and so the embroidery will take you to the top, like the breast pocket, and we have a couple of colors for how that goes.
I would see the embroidery. make an embroidered one in just a minute uh let's go back to DTG, let's load the file we wanted, but I want to point out that you can also design everything directly in gelato, so they have really cool tools here, we can see our layers. we can upload some files, we can add our own text and move everything around. We can also add some shapes and some images here so you can design everything directly in gelato. You don't necessarily have to use canva. I like to use a third party sometimes because then you have the image file saved and it makes it easier if you want to put it on your website or in a brochure or whatever else you want to use it for.
I think it's nice to have it separately, but you can also style it all in gelato like I said, so if we're going to choose a file we can have this one right here. As it stands, it looks like the template we used in Canva was a little bit smaller, so it says if we move on to the warnings, we should have 150 dots per inch right now, that's 125 DPI, so you could always reduce this by a bit. little bit until you get to 1150 DPI or so there and so it still looks good, I think It looks good, if you stretch it too much it won't necessarily look bad, but you're just not using the full quality and capabilities of that printer so I have to leave it So.
I want it to be that way. a little bit bigger, I think it's funny, let's put it like this, we can also move it up and down like you saw I was doing there and of course we can choose the color of the shirt. I think white makes a lot of sense here. I think it looks good, but of course if you want other colors, you can select multiple colors, have them all available for this product, unfortunately, it seems that this little natural color is temporarily out of stock, so I'm not going to select that one. maybe a gray one, they call it Ash here maybe that would be another good color.
We could also select the sizes that are available, we don't really care, because we don't have inventory, we can accommodate larger or less common sizes. Maybe 5XL sizes aren't something you sell a lot of, but because you don't have inventory, you can totally do it. One thing you should keep in mind is that as you can see there, some colors are not available in some. sizes because obviously gelato has to have stock for it, or their printers do, so not all sizes will be available, just something to keep in mind, but it's worth doing if you want to have it, we can also add designs to other parts of the shirt, so we can add it to the back, we can add it to the inside of the collar, which could be like your logo right here.
If you're trying to make more of a brand that's more recognizable, you can have the outside collar, so on the back, uh. on the top we can also add something on the sleeves which is really cool so there's a lot of flexibility as to where we add these designs and what they actually look like for something basic like this. I'll leave it at that maybe. I'm also going to put it on the collar so that it doesn't just say Gilden 5000, but it also has my logo on there and this could be an example of where I would like to use the text feature here.
I'll click on Add Text and we can say Sandell Sandell designs Sandil designs make this as big as you can and let's increase this font size and we'll make it like a blue Sandro go over there and add Sandol designs okay here we go so now that's going to print inside like this, so now we can click continue with mockups once you're happy with the design, click continue with mockups and we can select the mockups, something really cool that I have. I always really liked about gelato the way they have this setup so seamlessly integrated that you don't have to go to third parties and try to import your image and make it look like it's on another model, like they do it all for you.
You can choose which ones you like, you can also show more, like they have a ton of different options down here, so if I just say, hey, this looks good. I like two people there hanging out with this funny t-shirt. to click on that I'm going to upgrade to gelato and plus you'll get discounts on shipping you'll get premium mockup tools and also other design tools so I personally think it's worth it it's also a free trial and if you don't you like it, you can always download the version, but we're going to update for now.
I'm going to click get free trial since we have to update the gelato anyway so might as well do that now and of course I'll add a new one. payment method add my credit card details and then click continue and then it will take you to this page right here so we will say continue with gelato and now we can use any of these premium mockups like I said so you can use this right here. You can also make it our main if you want. And you can choose the image format also like PNG or JPEG, so going down, let's see which others would be good, maybe like this one. person here would be pretty cool, we can also show, like the necklace, and we could show maybe this one, we'll show the back, just a few more pictures would be pretty helpful and now we can click download, so let's go. to have them all available in case we want to use them elsewhere on the website or in brochures or anywhere else where you want to use them on social media, for example, it's nice to download these mockups in full resolution, uh, instead of having If you like it, take screenshots of your store sometime later to save.
We'll say continue with the details. Now we can add a lot more information here about this product and you'll see that all of this will carry over to Shopify. it makes your life a lot easier when you can add everything in one place here, so we're going to say this is going to be though that's what it is, let's call it um Sunday Fet heavyweight crewneck unisex t-shirt. look, it looks good, we can add a little description there, sometimes what I like to do is go to the gbt chat and say I have um, I have this shirt, please create a description and we'll just say enter, look. what comes up is fine, so maybe something like that will be fine with me.
I'm going to highlight it, copy it and we can just paste it down here, paste it down there, maybe it's a little long and then we can go down to the table, we're going to have the size chart that looks good so people can see the sizes of things and have an idea of ​​whichIt's the right size, ideally it should reduce returns, although it's a pretty common t-shirt so I think a lot of people know what size they would wear here. I wouldn't expect returns to be particularly high relative to the fit of this product, but since longer sleeves are very common, you may see a lot more returns, so that's something we'll do.
We'll talk about it later in the video. As for tags, we can add some tags for this one. It can be up to 13, so I don't know for my website. I don't really think you need tags on this specific one, but let's add something anyway, so let's call this t-shirt, the t-shirt will be graphic, humormaybe we have that, we can also have collections, so the homepage collection for sure makes sense, show the product to the store visitors, yes, show the free shipping in your store window, that is also something I want to do and now we can say we will continue with the prices so that we will find out how much it is going to really cost manufacture this and then we'll figure out how much we should charge when we sell it so you already have a retail guide for how much we should sell it for, they say anywhere. from $20.88 to 3258 seems quite reasonable to me.
I think I would be okay with that and you'll see the shipping cost is $396. The estimated production cost is between $10 and $16 and will tell us what our actual profits will be. in the end, then we can say, hey, we want our profit margin to be, you could say maybe 30%, it will calculate everything right there, so we could also say maybe we want the profit to be 60%, which gives us a little more wiggle room for our marketing, but of course it's going to be harder to sell it when it's like a $30 t-shirt, right, that's pretty complicated, so I think leaving this around 40 to 50% 50% alone I'm going to do that for now.
Obviously, this is something you have to figure out on your own depending on how good your design is and how much people are willing to pay for it versus how much your marketing cost, how much marketing and earned media you can actually get. Well, all of that is going to be a huge factor in this, so the reason we're looking at a range of prices, by the way, is that each color will be priced differently. All the sizes I'm seeing are typically the same, except the 2XL and the 3XL are going to be a little more expensive, but you could say, hey, I actually want them both to be the same price for the colors, so I can make them both $24, you can do it manually. enter each price here or just right click like here, you could say, I want everything that's a medium to be $24.
We could make it like a fixed price, a fixed price there, so that gives us give slightly different profits between You can see the Ash and the white, we're seeing 56% versus 50% profits, but that's because of something that's out of our control, the difference in the cost of the colors, uh, for the different t-shirts, so once you are happy with all of these. we can know we can click publish and our product is publishing it's almost ready to go so in the meantime let's start working on our next product we'll click ADD product right here and we want to sell maybe oh.
Alright, our product is now published successfully. Now we want to create a new product, so now we want our next product to remember that earlier I said that you can make a design in gelato and use it on multiple products if you click ADD product. You will see that several products are an alternative option if we made them in Canva separately and we want to bring them here. You can only make one product at a time, it doesn't really matter which one you choose, it's just a matter of preference. I'm going to click on just one product and now maybe the next one is, let's say, a phone case.
I'm going to click on phone cases, so for this one I want to choose, so I might want to choose the rugged case. it's a cool thing, you can market it as something that will obviously protect your phone a lot, it's a more rugged phone case, it looks like it's probably a two layer case so there's more plastic and then more rubber on the outside and it's $11 .55 I don't know if you've seen phone cases lately, but they sell for way over $11.55, like a lot of phone cases sell for 40-60 or even $80, which blows my mind that the people pay that.
In the case of phone cases, a lot of times they include something else, maybe a magnetic lock or something on the back, but even a simple phone case like this one that has a really cool design could definitely sell for a lot more than $155, so let's go. To go with this design and I'm going to choose the model, so I want to sell this for an iPhone 14 pro. You can also have other models obviously, but I have a 14 pro so that's what I'm going to design. this for now so we can test it and then we can add the other models as well, so okay, we have the design, we have the model right there, now we can go and add some files, so I'm I'm going to upload a file or you could also use this one, that's kind of fun.
If you can narrow it down, it would make a pretty fun phone case. I actually like being able to use it on my phone, but I'm not going to do that. Instead, I'm just going to upload another file, so choose the file. I'm just going to use the Sentral logo for now, just to show you how this will be set up. above, it wouldn't be something that would really sell like no one would want to buy our logo there, um, but I'm going to add it right now, so there's the logo. I'm going to change it to an angle somewhere around. there we can expand this a little bit and stretch it out so maybe I don't know maybe I'm a weirdo and that's just what I want on the back of my phone and things like this could be great if you're selling print on demand and you're just trying to create a new brand.
You want to do something fun, interesting or engaging here, that makes a lot of sense, another category for print on demand that I haven't really talked about. There's a lot in this video, but I think it's a really strong use case: anyone who already has a following on any type of social media, whether it's YouTube or Tik Tok or something like that, and wants to do merch or wants to do something. specific that your audience would really like and because it's your product you're going to capitalize as much as possible on the profits involved, so this is something we see a lot, like bartool sports does this every time there's something in the news that you know isn't they are necessarily buying.
I would suspect that they aren't buying much inventory to have such quick delivery of new designs that are so relevant to the fun things happening in sports or politics or just the world in general. To be able to make them so quickly, I'd really bet they're doing print on demand. It makes more sense that this isn't how you get stuck with inventory, it's just very good print on demand. It makes sense for that and a The third option would be if you have your own company and you want to have internal products for people. So as a company phone it would make more sense to have your logo on the back, but I suspect most people watching this video are in the first of those three categories trying to make something that can be sold to a new audience that doesn't necessarily know you yet, although knowing you will help a lot and we're going to work on that later in the video when we get into our marketing chapter here, so I'm going to say continue with the mockups here.
Sorry for the small comment. I think it's very important to understand where this and these mockups would be used. they're really good, I actually really like this one, it's arguably better than what it would look like if I actually took that photo now, we'll take photos later, so let's pick these two right here, we'll say download, actually you should. make this main I like this I like this one better no, I like it better this will be our main photo right there and we'll say continue with the details and now once again we can add our description and things like that and we can add all those things here we will continue with the prices and the price of this, let's say it's $40, let's say just 30 30 $35 $35 gives us a lot of shipping, gives us a lot of profit, but of course the shipping It's going to be a bit of a burden $3.31 if we assume it as free shipping.
You want to keep that in mind now, we're going to say publish and another thing you'll notice is within this little category of all the products. You'll see these three little bubbles right here, so 12 of them are connected, they're ready to sell, zero are not connected, so no, you don't have to worry if you ever see one or two or something like that, you're going to have some problems. there, uh, and of course any variants that can be ignored, so if you had a problem and you went and decided to ignore it, that would appear there, so you want to see everything. the numbers in green look good, that's exactly where we are now.
I'm going to quickly go over two more designs, then we'll order a sample and then we'll go over and start building. In this store, I think ordering samples as soon as possible gives you a good head start because they will show up in a couple of days and you can start taking pictures with them and see how they look in person. I'm more excited about selling something when I can actually see it too, so let's add two more products quickly. Let's add a product. A single product. I'm going to go with a hoodie, so for this one I want to use embroidery, so kindly. to show you what that would look like, uh, the embroidery will be on the top left, top or top right when you look at it, but on the top left when you're wearing it, if we go to files, I'm Let's add this logo right here, we'll have it embroidered up there and we'll have the Sandell logo underneath, so maybe the Sandell media could be about this size here, this could be a little bit bigger, now let's zoom out and see what that looks like.
I think it looks pretty good it looks pretty clean uh maybe move it down a little bit it's a little hard to pick exactly where it is usually keep it centered uh it works better in my experience but again I need to experiment a little zoom out a little to see what it looks like zoomed in new I think it looks pretty good, looks good to me. I'm going to continue with the mockups and go through the same process one more time and then one last product that we're I'm going to talk about something


ly different and this would actually be a mug so I think mugs are something that people sleep, it's a very popular product that most people have on their desk, they use it every day, it doesn't have to be that way. something you use sometimes wouldn't use a graphic as something for comedy.
I wouldn't necessarily wear something that looks fun on a t-shirt. I don't like using sayings and stuff like that, um, but something like a mug would be a lot more fun than I've ever seen, like the little Excel mugs that say like a monster on the sheets, like Excel sheets, that's funny. I would definitely use that cup, but I would never use it on a t-shirt, so I think the cups expand. uh your potential audience and who might buy it and the mugs here, we have a lot of different ones. I think the enamel mug is quite interesting because it is very different from the typical small white ceramic restaurant mug, this is something that I think more people might be interested in or at least see as a premium product, so that could mean that they are willing to pay a little more even though making an enamel mug doesn't necessarily cost that much more so go ahead and customize this one more time continue with the mockups we'll pick a couple of these one more time some of them look better than others, although they look pretty good and we can download them and continue with the details and here you can see because this is a lot of product that is sold more frequently, you can see its price compared to others in this little graph here, which I think is quite useful.
You will see many people selling it for around $17.35. Cent seems to be the average, right now I'm selling for $19.16. So maybe we have to reduce this a little bit, maybe we can say, hey, be more competitive according to this tool here, this should be something more like $17.50. You can also see in this graph that the highest prices are 23.99 uh, usually a little bit. more premium 1531 is a cheaper price so keep that in mind, it gives you a good idea of ​​what the range might be for what you would sell this for. I'll keep it at 1750 just for now.
I don't know, just because then I'm going to say publish so all four products are now published. If we go to orders, we can create our first sample order now, so if we go to New order, we can say add product. Let's select from our store the Shopify store that we haven't named yet and let's say we want to get a mug so we can select the mug. We can go down here and select a hoodie. I want to get maybe the extra large. a little bit more comfortable one and we can get like an iPhone case and we can also pick one of these, we'll get one of everything.
It might be good to try other sizes,but at least one of each is probably a very good start. and then eventually you can buy other sizes, to make sure they look good too, but starting with one could save you a lot more money and remember, because we used the link below, we should get 50% off this order , so we'll go and say continue. You see, right there, the unit price is cut in half on all of these, which is pretty good. We have our 50% discount on the first order, so everything in our order is there, we will say. continue shipping, add our shipping information, then proceed to checkout and retail price.
I'm going to make it the same because it's for me, so we don't necessarily need any profit there, so we'll say pay securely and that order. It is now pending. We can see down here the status, so it's going to turn green in just a minute or two, in fact, we can even refresh this and see if it's updated yet, so it's still pending fulfillment, it's still just created, the order hasn't done anything yet, but you want to keep an eye on that in case the payment method is declined or there's something wrong with the design or something, you'll be notified down here, so pending payment, like I said, we'll see it in just a minute, let's go to our Shopify store so we can go back to our Shopify store now.
Shopify has a lot of power, there are a lot of things to do here, so I'm going to basically walk you through a step-by-step checklist on how to build your Shopify store with as little effort as possible but also without missing out on a lot of things. Honestly, a lot of people go it alone and miss out on some really important things that make it look like some kind of hobby store when people shop at the on-site store, for example, right now it's called my store. We're going to change that later so that when people visit your website it doesn't say my store at the top of their browser, because little things like that really add up to giving the user a more premium experience and not making them feel like they were shopping on an amateur website, like you want them to feel comfortable and ready to buy from you and trust you, obviously, which is very important, so the first thing we want to do is click on the online store. and we're going to start designing the website itself, before we go back to the backend here, so if we see now we have Dawn is the theme that they gave us, so if we scroll down you'll see that there are many other themes that are very popular we can scroll through these, or we can just browse the theme library so we can click ADD theme, visit the theme store, you can also upload your own if you have a third party theme available, I don't.
I don't have one to give you right now so let's explore the free themes that are available with Shopify so we'll say explore themes and there are a lot of them here so 177 themes right now and you can see different colors for each of them you can see lots of different variations of them, but let's say I want to see just the free ones, so on the left side let's select free, it gives us 12 options now, which isn't a ton, but that's really it. You need it because there will be a different design for each one of them and then we can customize the colors and everything, so if you're selling a product, something like provenance is really good in my opinion. many products, there are other great options.
Spotlight has always been one of my favorites to update, and for this video, let's go with the update. I really like that one, a cool modern design. Let's test the topic. You can also see a demo store very quickly. It will show you what everything looks like. It looks pretty good, pretty basic, but I think that will work. So I think that will do. I'll say try the theme so then in our theme library you can see it down here. We have it ready to go. We can customize it now. What's really cool is that you can publish one topic at a time, so if Dawn is your current website and everything is in good shape.
Well, but you want to totally rebuild your website, you can create one down here in your theme library, customize everything, and then when you're ready, you can publish this one and replace the other website so you don't have one. It's a bit of a weird website under construction because we're just starting out, we don't have any traffic yet, so we're just going to publish an updated one so we can start using it immediately that way when we go to our domain. see it, we'll know it's correct, so I'll just click publish down here, click publish, that will say currently password protected, yes, it will replace Dawn, we'll say publish and that will change. those two, like I said, it's pretty easy to change your entire website just by changing and publishing the latest theme you have, so we currently have a password on our website so that no one can go in and accidentally order something in case we have any sample. like demo products that come with the item that we don't want to sell, like a soap for example, we don't want anyone to make that order because we don't actually sell soap, so we will remove that password later, but First, let's go to customize for that our website has actually incorporated that theme, it's pretty basic at the moment and it imported products just like we said, which is really good, there are already featured products on our website, so the way this website is set up Shopify is into something called a section layout, so we have these different sections outlined in blue, the first one of course is our header at the top which will be the navigation and things like that, the next one is this little slide here that's just shows as a button.
To explore our latest products, there is a large section below. You can usually tell the sections apart by the background. They have a dark blue, a light section, a photo background section, those are the different sections that we have if we wanted to add another section in the middle. On them we can click, hover over this little plus and then click on ADD section and we can choose a format for that section so that it can be a featured collection like the one we have just below down here, uh, alternatively, it could be a lot of text.
It could be just a paragraph, it could be an image with some text that's very popular, it could be, for example, a featured product, that's what I'm going to add right here, and it's a nice way to show it as just one. product and tell a little more about it and make it easier to buy without having so many clicks one of the big goals of a successful website is to minimize the clicks required minimize the barrier more or less to buying the product, so if Anyone you come to your website and you can buy it right away which will improve your conversion so you don't have to click another button, another button, another button, and then go and buy, so now inside each section It has different elements.
In this section you won't necessarily be able to customize each element, instead it's everything you know built into one section, but in others, for example you can choose how many columns or featured products you have, you might be able to add another paragraph. or another button down here, but going with one section at a time, let's say the featured product on the left side, this is where all the customization happens. We can start by selecting the product and let's select maybe for this one that I really like, uh, the difficult one. case, I think those mockups honestly look so good that we can select that one as our first product, let's say select and then down here we can choose the color combination, we can choose the middle size if we want it to be bigger there same medium or small I think the medium size looks great, it's a good balance between the text on the right and the image on the left.
You want people to really notice the image and I think this one does absolutely everything possible. trick, we can choose the middle adjustment if it's going to be a fill or an original adjustment that looks good as is, it doesn't really change much and of course we can choose the middle position if you want it on the right side or the left side, so if you have two of these back to back maybe one would be on the left side and the next one would be on the right to break the monotony and make it look a little different. you can play down here with the padding that will be the buffer area above, so if we add a lot more padding you'll get a lot more space up there.
I'm going to say control Z to be Let's bring it back down to 32 or I think it was at 36. Let's go back to 36, so we have a matching padding on the top and bottom. Also, you can change some more advanced things if you have someone write some code for you. There's CSS down here, you can add custom CSS, most people won't need to do that for most websites, so there's a little section here and you can see that all I really did was import the product and everything. the rest was added pretty automatically like you didn't really have to do much here, but let's look at another section right here, so I don't really like this section, um, but we would select an image behind there and we could change the font.
I like it, I said I really don't like it, so let's click on this block and we'll delete that section. Click delete section at the bottom and it will be deleted, so now our store only has a product suggestion at the top. It has our other featured products below and there's really nothing down here right now, so let's add an FAQ section. Now we can add it between these two or on the left side you will see this type of hierarchy tree. make it easier to put things exactly where you want, at the bottom, above the footer, but below this featured collection.
I want to add it right here, so I'm going to click on the ADD section on the left side below the featured collection and above the footer and this could be collapsible content that will be perfect for an FAQ section and we can customize this quite a bit so that the title at the top we can call it uh these will be frequently asked questions. The header size is fine with me and then down here we can choose what those questions actually are, so maybe by default we have the first question open. I don't really see the need to do it right away, but let's customize each one. of these so if we click on them you can just click on the first one and this is called collapsible row let's say this is uh how let me say everything so we can add we'll add another one by clicking down here and this one can now do it if you click on the sections at the top left that will take you back to that hierarchical tree and you can add more collapsible content, more of these little FAQs in there or you can delete them by clicking on them and then clicking on delete block , so now we have these, if you just interact on the right side of the screen, here you can see what it will look like when you click on the arrow, it will open that full box, people can learn more about this, this could also be is a good way for Google to identify these questions, so make sure you include the appropriate keywords in both the question and the answer so that people can find this on Google when they search for that question about your product, as well as when they search for that question. about your product.
You're just on your website, you want to make it easy for them to find the information they're looking for. Now let's add one more section down here and say that maybe this contains more information about us in general. let's add an image with text. I think it's pretty solid here, so we'll click on the image with text, we can select an image and maybe the image here will be these people wearing that shirt and now we can add some text here and say santell, so we'll add a little paragraph there, you can come back and so far I think our website looks pretty clean, we have our product at the top, just a product if you are trying to sell one that you get the most out of I understand that maybe the collection could go further if you're really trying to promote a bunch of different products, but I think just showing you the idea of ​​how you would set up this website is a really good start, but we've done it.
I haven't edited the header and footer yet, so if we go back to the home page here we can go back to the top and click on the ad bar first. We don't even have the announcement bar. We have it activated, but we don't have it. we have something custom there, so if you click on the ad bar, we can customize what it says and this is a great place to add ads for free shipping or a sale, for example, so let's set up a sale. We'll add this as a coupon or a discount in just a second, but let's add the tax here now, just so it helps when people come to the site and can say, "Well, there's a dealright now". you are pressuring them to buy.
If instead you tie it to an event then your birthday would make sense not for an ad but for a sale that would make sense or another option would be something seasonal so you could say Christmas sale only. this week and that way people know that it's not an artificial deadline, it's actually based on something real, like the holiday season or the month or whatever might be happening, there's a reason they work a. little better, so over here we're going to click on So inside the ad bar, if you click on the little drop down button you'll see Welcome to our store, so I can click on that, I can change that and say First that nothing, let's start with 10% off with code Mike and we could have a link if you wanted.
You don't necessarily have to have it, but you could say maybe the link goes to products and you can just link to all the products and that way people can go and start shopping if they just click on that right now, so get a 10% discount with the code. Mike sees it underlined, there's a little arrow, little action, uh, call to action. So if they click on it it will take them to the products page and they can start buying whatever they want they will just type in the microphone code and they will be able to save that 10%% so that's the ad bar we can also add others ads and scroll through them, so maybe we could say free shipping free once again, you can go to like a collection, maybe just say home page, for example, The collection, whatever, and then if you go back to the announcement bar and you click on the words in the announcement bar here, you can choose the actual Cadence. how fast it will switch between them, so maybe every 6 seconds we want to switch between different ads at the top, keep it moving a bit, you don't have to do this of course, play with it if you want. use this and find the right amount of time, but I think maybe 5 six seconds seems like a pretty reasonable amount of time for someone to watch it, you know, digest it and then, and then obviously go and use those sales, use those promotions that are now going down. to the header, if you click the little down button, you will see that there is nothing else in the header, there are no extra blocks, it's actually just the header.
You could add some other blocks in there if you wanted, but I'm going to start. just clicking on the header and we can customize this right here so we have our main menu, those are the three things right now, the house, the catalog on the contact and we can customize what that menu is as well, uh, but we can customize it . What that menu is we'll also customize a little later, but for now let's customize how it looks in the header. You can choose whether it is a dropdown menu, a mega menu or a drawer menu, so the drawer will be on the left side.
There's a drawer right there, uh, mega menu, right in the middle dropdown menu, uh, it's not really going to change anything here, it can be a sticky header, so as you scroll down, if you start scrolling down above, it appears right there. You can see we're not near the top, but it appears. Also you could always have it there so it doesn't matter what is always at the top, the third option would be to always have it but reduce the size of the logo so you can scroll down, the logo would get smaller but still show your navigation over there.
I like to have it on, always scroll up so people can see the full website when they go down, but if they want to see it go back up, a popup will appear. Right away, scrolling down there are some other things with spacing that you can customize down here, but you'll notice that it says my store, so we want to change that's the name of our store right now. First we could have a logo there, which would be very nice or at least a proper store name so that it's not just my store and I think it's time we save this.
It's always important to save as often as possible and now you can see how to edit your logo in theme settings, so we'll click on theme settings right there, it'll take us to a little gear icon for theme settings and we can add the logo for our website, so I will select an image for the logo. I already have one here uh, being this will only use the Stant test logo. I think that would probably be a good way to do this, so I'm going to use this right here, it's not going to be ideal because it's blue, it's going to end up in Blue right there, but again, you can make a logo pretty easily in Canva, the tool that I showed you a a little bit earlier, just a quick aside, if we go back to Canva and type in logo like we typed in logo, you'll see there's a logo. templates, these will be like 500 by 500 pixels, a little bit smaller, usually square, and there are a lot of really cool templates that make it really easy to do, so let's come back here and you'll see the logo. like I said it's completely white, you can't really read it, so I would prefer to have text up there instead of having our logo.
Now a sneaky little thing with the header is that if you have social icons anywhere, they're usually at the bottom or some people add them in their header, it's worth customizing them now anyway in case you decide to add social icons later or if you accidentally add social icons, so if you scroll down to the theme suggestion or theme settings, click on the little theme settings drop. down below we can customize all of these social networks right here, so I don't want this to go to Shopify I want it to go to my account, so I'm going to add them right now so one is like Twitter and Instagram. just type or SL and then just your username so Mike O'Brien, go ahead SL Mike obrien the same with Instagram Tik Tok has a little at symbol, a slash and then your username and, of course, let's go. to save this and within the theme settings there are many other things that we need to customize, so the next one will be your image for your favorite scam.
This is up here. We now have a small Shopify logo at the top. let's see if you can actually see that, so if I readjust my screen recording so you can see the top, you can see right there. This is the little favicon Shopify logo here, gelato has their little logo, so if you go to your online store and there's a Shopify logo at the top that doesn't look very professional, so you'll want your logo appear in the browser, um, or if someone saves it, for example, on their home screen, if anyone has ever done that on a phone.
I want to make sure that you have a good icon right there, so let's select an image and here I'm going to load the other santra logo. Having your own two different logo variants is usually quite important, so have one that is smaller. a square one and maybe one of a longer logo, more of a font based logo that might extend a little bit more so having this circle at the top will be very beneficial then we have colors so right now this kind of blue theme Honestly, it looks pretty good, I don't know if I really need to change that, but it's something that if you want to change, you can have a lighter version, you can have a darker version, then we have typography, no.
I need to change that. I like the font used here. The design seems good to me. The animations don't really matter much to me. The buttons look good. Everything here looks good, but if you would like to change the way your website. As it turns out, Shopify uses theme settings quite a bit, so instead of customizing each individual button, Shopify likes to customize them all as if they were one massive thing, so if you want to change the way they look, you almost always will be done in the theme settings and you will be able to do it.
I really see basically all kinds of elements from drawers to badges to media containers to blog cards, all of these different things will be customizable in the theme settings and you can do a lot here, you can add radio on your images, uh, so that you can have like a 20 pixel corner radius is good and stuff like that, you can also customize your cart and your checkout page, which we can talk about in just a second while we go over an example order here and then down here you'll have The app also integrates, so if you have other apps integrated into your website, if you like MailChimp, for example, you could have that and have a really nice little block down here that would allow people to subscribe and go directly. in MailChimp instead of here, which will be managed through Shopify, so let's get back to the sections now, another really important thing.
I know it seems like we're really spending a lot of time on this website, but it's really important, next time. The biggest thing I would say is by far that you won't be viewing this in desktop mode, so even though we like to design the website on a laptop and in our heads we think everyone will be visiting it from a desktop or PC mobile, the truth is that is almost never true, as you could bet a pretty good amount that most of your visitors will come from mobile devices, especially if you are running any type of advertising on Tik Tok or any social media.
Posting ads on social media almost always converts to mobile purchases, so we want to check this out on mobile. When you click on the top, there's a little mobile button there and Shopify really has a nice website design that translates so well that it maps really well. to mobile, so there shouldn't be any problem here, but when you check it you will see this. I think it looks great. If you scroll down, you can see that this also looks good on mobile. Everything seems to look exactly how I would like. on mobile devices, maybe this is a little longer than I would like, but again, it's important that you review this because sometimes some images or some logos tend to be liked, but they may not look very good on mobile devices , although it does on a desktop, so it's worth checking both to make sure it still looks good.
We can also go over full screen in case someone is using a very wide laptop or if you just want to feel more immersed when you're editing this, let's go back to the desktop view and uh, take a last look at everything here. I think it looks pretty good. The home page looks good now, before we go back to the Shopify dashboard, let's click on the home page here and I just want to show you that you can customize these pages for many. other parts of your website, although for now it is a single page website, of course you will have product pages, if people want to know more about the product, you will also have their cart, checkout, things like that, like that that this A little dropdown menu allows you to go to those different product pages, for example, it's a default, they all look the same, but if we want to customize it, we click on that and you can see here what the product page actually looks like .
It looks like if we wanted to add something below, maybe we want to add a section down here, we could have a returns policy or we could have other featured collections to encourage people to buy other things along with what they're already ordering, so just Let's say it makes sense to add a featured collection down there, so if someone is on a product page, they scroll down and say, Oh, you know, I like this mug, but I'd also really like a phone case, like this. let's select our collection, let's say the home page is what I put everything in and it looks like I only added two things to that, but by now you get the idea that we can also add everything else to that collection, so there's a good way to increase cross-selling of products. that you are also selling on your website.
I'll talk more about blogging a little later, but there are some important things we need to do with this site. First of all, it's still called my store, so let's customize it, let's say save. and let's go back to the Shopify dashboard. We'll come back to the editor later, like I said, and talk about blogging and some more complex and advanced things, so from the control panel at the bottom you'll see a little settings icon if we click on that there are a lot of settings that we can customize and that we need to customize here, including payment settings, shipping settings, tax settings, and of course changing the name of my store to whatever we really want to call it, so I'm going to click on the icon pencil I'm going to change the name of my store to Santell Shop, we'll just call itSo.
If you have a more creative name, definitely use a better name, but for the purposes of this example, I'll stick with Sandell Shop. It will say save and then from here we already have a plan selected. Lower billing is next, this is how we pay for our plan, of course, next we have users and permissions. If you have someone else on your team, you can add. them down here, so we can have up to two staff members with the basic account that I chose for this video. If you want to have more staff members, you can upgrade to a higher plan and I think five is the next one up here. five different members of staff, then we can move on to payments, so obviously we want to make sure that people can pay us.
This is very important to accept any type of order here, so right now Shopify Payments is the default we'll need. Complete account setup for a great way to accept Visa Mastercard AMX. Discover a lot of different Amazon payment meta payments, like all these different ways people can pay for things, plus PayPal is another good option that you can set up here. The rates are it's going to be slightly different or if you want to have other manual methods here, you can add those as well, but let's go ahead and complete the account setup so they're pretty easy, just click on them and they'll walk you through like they're some. basic information that they will need to know your address and your EIN or your SSN depending on how your business structure is set up, we will set up two-factor authentication, we will add the banking information so that you can actually receive the payment and that is basically all you need to do is to click submit details to get started, so Shopify payments are now set up, of course we can also set up Paypal.
Maybe I'll do it a little later, but let's continue down and move forward with this. video that we have the payment, of course, you can customize this. I showed you a little more about the checkout page before, but this will be more in line with what is being asked of the user, so you could say phone number or email, maybe just email. maybe you don't want phone numbers, you have no way to contact them by phone, so maybe send an email with whatever you want. Also, you can come down and say hello, maybe we don't actually need the company name, we can make it optional.
You can make that not include uh because you're not necessarily selling B2B uh and things like that, so I recommend reading carefully.This, uh, go through each one and see which one makes the most sense. Something worth mentioning with payments is when you're setting up Shopify payments. Make sure you have a good description of what your company is. This is what will appear on the credit. card statements, if it's something random that people don't recognize, they're much more likely to dispute your credit card payment and that's just going to create a headache for you trying to get the money you deserve because they did pay.
So make sure it's set up basically as your store name or something very recognizable so that on someone's statement they know where that money actually went. So we have customer accounts. You could set this up so people can log in. in uh and ordering more things in the future is a nice feature. I recommend eventually setting this up, especially if you have more than a couple of products in your store, if you only have a one to four product store and don't think it's something that people are going to repeat purchase frequently then it may not be worth it.
It's worth spending a lot of effort on this, but for larger stores I think it would be a big help, plus self-service returns, I have this set to off. the returns process, we'll talk about how you can set it up, but if you want to make returns a little easier, you can turn it on. It takes a little less of your time to deal with returns and is more of an automated process. It makes it easier for people to come back, which means returns will potentially be higher, but at the same time you want customers to be happy in the end and you want your time to be used on what really matters, so maybe you have sense activate this for your business, so we have shipping and delivery right now, the shipping profile we are using gelato for that so we don't need to worry too much because this gelato takes care of most of it for us, we have taxes and duties.
Of course, you want to configure based on the country you are in. Look up your local tax laws. Be sure to follow all laws and regulations in your area. But you'll access that right here. Of course, we have gift cards here. So if you want to sell this on your website, if you want people to be able to buy a gift card, a digital gift card, it's pretty easy to set this up, they never expire, you can set it up as a sold product on your site. In fact, it's quite easy to do. Let's make a little detour.
I'll show you how to set up a gift card. If we go up to the products right now, all the products go through gelato, but under the products you will see gift cards. If you click on gift cards, we can add them, we can create a new gift card or add a gift card product. Then you could have a gift card code. If you create a gift card, this is something unique if someone gives it to you. cash at the store and wants to buy a gift card. If you add a gift card product, this will appear in your store, so you could say maybe this is like it has different denominations, from 10 to uh, maybe like $500 if you want to make it a little bit bigger and you can add your little description here, you can add the title, this will be a gift card, a gift card and you can also add a picture, maybe your logo will make a lot of sense. for this one or a picture of a faux gift card, a little fake gift card again, maybe something you can do in canva, so we'll save this one and now you have a gift card set up, someone can buy it and it's all really set up on Shopify. back end, so you have very little you really need to worry about regarding gift cards, but going down, we have apps and sales channels right now, we only sell with our online store, we have gelato, we are not selling . through anything else yet, but if you want to set up other sales channels, you'll see down here.
If I close and go back to my dashboard, click Home, you'll see the sales pipelines down here. We have many different sales channels. options that you can sell directly on Tik Tok with the Tik Tok store. I have a full video showing you how to do it. You can sell through Instagram, for example, and Facebook, you can sell in many Google stores, for example, there are many different things that I recommend. Setting up uh and these sales channels can really be a big help, too, if you think you're probably not selling this type of stuff in person, but if you want to buy a couple of inventory and you want to sell in a local market.
Point of sale is another option that Shopify offers where someone can come to you to give you cash or pay you with a credit card in person and you can sell and track all of your inventory through the point of sale tools in Shopify again. Another video on that one, I don't think it's particularly relevant to print on demand, although we continue down into our settings, like I said, we talk about gift cards, we talk about sales channels, the domain is the next one that I really think we should set up. up so right now uh it's going to be this right here 6f uh B 4 d whatever that's not right we need to have a proper domain when someone visits our for example so they can connect a domain existing if you went to a new tab and went to uh name cheep, for example, that's a very common way to buy a domain.
I recommend going directly through Shopify, it makes your life much easier, it connects much faster and everything is managed in one space, you don't need anything else. passwords is what I normally do, but keep in mind that you could save a couple of dollars per year if you connect from an external source, but I'm going to buy a new domain and when I'm looking for a domain, uh, there are a couple of ways where you can do this, you can start typing them here and find them, that's usually what I do, so sandal merch is pretty basic, that's not something a lot of people are looking for for $15 a year, honestly, It's pretty reasonably priced, but if it's ever out of stock, if I looked on santrell, there's a chance I've used it in the past.
No, I didn't use it, but maybe on, let's go to Sandell It's not available, so a lot of times they'll say maybe they'll sell it. sale in store. shop there are different endings you could use I think for most stores it will probably be the most recognizable for a lot of people easy to remember easy to write later so I'm going to go to santell merchshop dcom uh santell actually it's available, it's available, so let's go with something simpler, the simpler the domain, generally the better off it is, so I'm going to buy this domain.
It costs $15 per year. You buy the domain. I finished. I went ahead with santom merg it was lying it said sandom is available actually it wasn't but then you have to go and verify your email address so open your email you will click on verify email and then this should already be configured, it should be ready to go, so I verified the domain. It'll take a second until I actually register. Also, SSL is pending, but Shopify provides us with SSL, which is the encryption on their website, um, if you go to any other website, you'll usually see a little lock icon in the top corner saying the connection is secure and this is something you want to have, obviously, Shopify gives it to us, we don't have to worry about it, but again, customers.
We're looking for that really matters a lot, but now what we want to do is make sure that here it says domain type, primary domain, if you click on change domain type, it could redirect it, it could have an alias domain. I want to make sure it says primary domain, that's definitely what we want to have there. Then down on the left side we have Customer Events. This is not something we really need to configure now. These will be our pixels. that can be tracking different items or different events happening in your store, usually this is more powerful when we advertise on Facebook or many other ads out there have a pixel and eventually we will address that but for now I don't need to worry for nothing else here, I think it looks good, except the policies and buy this really cool thing where they can write policies for you from a template.
Alternatively you can use GPT chat or something like that, but always be sure. you're reading the policy, too many people just click create from template, as you can see right there, and move on, but this is your policy, so make sure you know what your own policy is and if you have to change anything . do it right now before someone reads it, buys something and then tries to do something that I didn't know was part of their policy so when you scroll down you can see we have a refund policy and just like the template, I'm just going to go. via I know I said not to do this, but for the purposes of this video, I'm just going to click create from template.
I read them in the past, so I'll keep them for now. our terms of service we can create from a policy we can create from a template our shipping policy we have to do this on our own and our contact information you can create from a template as well as our contact information if click create from template I'm going to delete this so I don't mislead myself, but this will populate your address and your phone number and your email and other things like that based on what your account information actually says about you. so now let's click save at the top and we can exit this with an if we go to a new tab and go to sandrell merchshop merch, this should take us to our website, but you'll see now there's a giant padlock, so there's one big thing we forgot to do if we go back. to our site remember that at the beginning I said it was password protected, so if we go to the online store we have a password on our website so that no one can access it and order something accidentally, so now we can remove the password.
Let's click on remove password. We will see a small green bar at the top that will inform us that everything is ready. People can visit the website and now we canhow do they look. In that you can see he's sitting at a table that looks so realistic, the mockups like I know I said, take some photos of your own, but it's really going to be hard to beat that, it's so realistic looking and then you'll see. here this button is very important perfect custom layout people can add their own text there so if they click on custom layout it will take them to this page here they can change so they can't change that , but they can change this.
So you could say maybe like John Jack and Jack and Diane and maybe like 2010 and you can add that to the cart so you can have their names. They can say that they will go to pay and see what they are doing. buying your own thing, so it says personalization right there, they know what they're getting, they can order it and it doesn't really change anything on the back end, so everything still works with a print on demand store, uh. They are paying $21 for a personalized mug, which is very competitive. I think, honestly, there's a good chance that a lot of people will buy it and if you market this, for example, as wedding gifts, you could get people to buy a massive amount of it, whether it's a mug, whether it's a print, whether it's a print, whether it's a Whether it's like a I don't know, a pair of socks or whatever, there are a lot of different products that could really work well if the end users customize them, so now we go into the marketing section of your store, so there are actually two main categories, main containers of marketing, there is organic marketing that essentially costs you nothing.
This will be earned media every time someone shares it organically. Word of mouth. Your own website. Your own ranking on social networks on Google. things like that and then the other category is your amplified content, this is going to be where you're going to pay to promote it as an ad, um, paying influencers to talk about it, paying people to use it in different situations that you're spending on. a certain amount. of money to access a much larger audience and the benefit of this is that it takes much less time to access a much larger audience, whereas an organic route is great because it's free, but it doesn't rank on Google overnight. morning, it will take a long time to do so, so we generally recommend the two-pronged approach: you definitely want to start creating your organic content as soon as possible so you have that presence among the people who are searching for it and don't always have to pay for it. but in addition to that, it is very beneficial to have some type of amplified marketing so that you reach more people, so that you do not waste time waiting for traffic to come to get feedback on whether or not your product is a good product as if you could believe that it's a good product, you can survey people and think it's a good product, but until you actually have people buying, giving feedback and leaving reviews like that is when you really know what you can improve about your product, so start with the organic side, the first thing we recommend is to configure so that we have the website.
SEO on Shopify makes this very easy, so ranking on Google, as long as we use the right keywords throughout our website, should be pretty easy. but we also like to set up a Facebook business page, which I know you're scratching your head saying Mike Facebook like this, this is, it's


, why are you using the Facebook business page? Well, the truth is that you actually rank on Google much sooner than your website will because Facebook is a fairly well-known platform and therefore Google trusts it, it is much easier to get ranked on Google with your page. Facebook commercial, so we recommend setting it up like this, plus some people search on Facebook, um, and you I'm going to use this anyway for any Facebook or Instagram ads.
You want everything to be connected through your meta panel, so start with just Facebook and log in to your own account. If you click on these little nine, it organizes the menu that you can go to. below and create a new page by clicking create new page and we can name this page with the name of our store, so the Santell merch store category can be just clothing, clothing brand, maybe it makes sense or mug mark or whatever uh and in the bio You can just chat with GPT and write something super quick, so add a little bio and we'll create the page.
Now request our website, so let's put in my domain. You don't have to add everything else in there, like location and things like that, so we're just saying go ahead with the information that's most relevant to you. Not physical. location for this we're obviously going to add a profile photo and a cover photo, so maybe the cover photo I just want a photo of the products. I don't know if that's a great way to do this once we have the products. We'll take another photo and put it there. Honestly, yeah, this doesn't look good, but I'm going to leave it there for now.
Really do not care. Let's put a different photo once. we actually have the products and then maybe and then maybe just the logo can appear here. We'll definitely also click on this here to add an action button that you absolutely want to make anyone who visits your Facebook business page is the purpose of this. what's there is sending traffic to your online store and you want people to end up buying so let's try this we're going to customize our action button so I'll just say learn more technically I'd like to see buy. but we don't have our Facebook store set up yet, so once we have that view, the store will make more sense, but for now learn more so we can link directly to our website, so I'll paste what we're going to do. save it so it has an action button there, go to the next one.
You can connect WhatsApp if you want people to message you and ask you questions about it. I will not do it. We can't have ifications on or off for this. I'll do it and we'll say it's done and that will take us to our Facebook business page. It's not complete yet, but we have a pretty good foundation right now, the basics will be there so we can close that out. We don't need the little tour right now. I'm going to show you everything you need, but let's do a first welcome post, our first post, maybe we can include some photos, let's say add some photos, so maybe we can include things like. a photo or two photos of each of our products, let's just have a little example so people can see what we're working with here, maybe we'll have that, we'll add, we'll add that too, so we'll open up a bunch of photos and say: I don't know, just add some text here and we can say publish, so at first I recommend publishing five to seven posts just to get started, so do that. something on your page, also, follow it, maybe get a couple of your friends to like and follow you so it's not zero and zero, it doesn't look very good when you're starting out, but you get the idea to start to publish the content you want.
This is pretty well developed and then of course we want to go and check some of our settings here, so if we tap on the three dots on the top right, of course, we can edit the action button. I already showed you how. to configure the action button Additionally, you can change some of your labeling settings, but let's actually talk about how to enter some more advanced settings here, so if we want to change the sections at the top maybe we don't need to do that. see like followers or mentions or things like that, we can click on more and we can go down to manage sections and choose which ones we want to add so we don't really need the record of music, sports movies, TVs like that stuff.
It doesn't really make sense for these reviews, since I definitely don't want them to be there, let's just save them with fewer sections, we don't need all those extra sections here for this specific business page, so that's a really good start right there, we can close this, we don't need that on the left side and of course, we can, of course, if we ever wanted to edit our bio, we can click on that right there and edit a little bit more on that additionally. we can add some details about the reviews we can add highlights here, so if we want to have featured photos, I recommend doing that so you can show Cas some of your new products.
So maybe I want these two things to appear, maybe I want to include maybe one like this that would be really good, so we'll say the following and we'll save it as our latest products, our last products and maybe the first one that we want to be that's right. here we say done, we'll say save and now we have a little featured collection, sort of a shelf, a taste of what our products really are again, making it as easy as possible for people to learn more about us and done, you end up shopping with us, not much to do here, it's a good start, uh, like I said, 5 to 10 posts, lots of information there, add a few paragraphs, explain what you are, what you do, more photos, some videos , so that you become a little bit more visible so that people know what the brand really is, so that's the first step, it's not okay, so quickly an Instagram business page, if you go to Instagram and just log out , it will look like this and it will show you your profile and say you want to log back in, you can log in later and we can have two accounts logged in on Instagram, but let's go down to create a new account at the bottom.
We could sign up with an email, which is probably what I'd prefer to do. with this you can say that our name will be the name of the company that will sell products, perhaps it is the identifier with which we are going to use, we can accept the terms of service here we will say that I agree We will add an image just a profile image from our Gallery, let's go with this one here and we don't want to sync our contacts right now, skip this too, we can skip this and that will put us on our Instagram dashboard, now this is going to be a business profile, so if you go to the bottom right of your profile, you tap on the hamburger icon at the top right, then you can go to settings and privacy, then settings and privacy at the top, we have to accept this and we want to change this to a professional account, so first we go down to account privacy, make sure it's public, it's not a private account, that's good, then we can go down to account type and tools, tap on that and we can change. to a work account or you can add a new work account.
This one we're going to change this to a pro account, so change to a pro account with that, of course, we're getting analytics here, we're getting more buttons, um. You have the ability to amplify and pay to promote different posts and of course you have, like I said, other buttons, other contact options there, so we'll say continue. We are going to be a clothing brand, we will say clothing. brand, uh, we can say next we could show that on the profile and flip a little switch to make it a clothing brand, then we can choose whether we're a business or a Creator.
U. Quite a subtle difference here, it's definitely a company, not a Creator. and we can add a phone number, a business address if we want and we can show contact information if we want people to be able to email us. I don't recommend it here, unless it's incoming material, maybe people will want to do that. collaborate with you, maybe influencers, but most likely they will just text you anyway, so I'll leave that and now we can connect to Facebook, so connect Facebook business page to business page Instagram is really a great way to share posts. in both places at the same time and both will connect to Shopify very easily in just a minute, so I'll connect to Facebook by logging in, we'll say continue and then you'll be connected, now we can choose which one.
The page will be connected to the Santra merch store, that's exactly what we want to do, so I'm going to say, "Connect", you probably won't see as many pages here. I just created a lot of Facebook examples. business pages in the past, so I have a bunch of non-real pages right there, but again it's connecting to this one and now it's giving us five steps to set it up, first of all filling out our profile, this looks good, we should add a Biography. here we will add a bio, we can add a link of course, and this link can be an external link to our store, we will call it our store is the title of that button, now we can go back to complete the profile. tap the little check mark, it's done, get inspired, you don't really have to do this, I'm just going to hit a little check mark there, they want you to follow people, grow your audience, uh, this wants you toyou invite, I don't.
I'm going to do that right now, introduce yourself. This could be like creating your first post. I'm sure I'll make a first post. We'll go with this photo here next and say okay, we can add a caption. say okay now we have our first post share posts so it's done and you can explore the ideas and learn more about it so we'll talk more about how you can do that later but if you just do an back. To uh, let's rule out that it will take you back to your page or your Instagram if you tap on your profile on the right, we tap again, there we go, so now we're back home, uh, and here you can see our page. looks pretty good, like there's not much here, you'll post more eventually, you want to keep it up to date obviously, but it's nice to have this as another anchor in case someone searches for this, and also more importantly so you have a legitimate version of you so that other people aren't a fake of you trying to sell not your stuff but under your name you don't want that to happen obviously it's illegal but sometimes it's just a pain to deal with so it's better to just claim it and get established on the platform as soon as possible, so okay, now they both exist, let's go to Shopify, we'll go down to the sales channels and we should probably connect Instagram and Facebook to Shopify, so earn a little.
It's a little bit easier to set up shopping on Facebook, so if we click on that, we can install the Facebook and Instagram app here. The Meta app, if you want to call it that, we'll click install and of course the big stimulus here is set up. Open Facebook and Instagram stores so you can buy directly and natively within them. If you scroll down, you'll see some of the big advantages: In-app payment will be huge, so people will have fewer barriers to not charging. another web page as a kind of pseudo browser opened by Instagram, they can just shop directly within Instagram and make a purchase and again, that lowers the barrier to a purchase, so let's get started, there are a lot of advantages to this, um, but It's worth setting it up as another sales channel, even if you don't end up using it, it's good to have it available, so we go through this, we connect our account, we say continue now, we'll say continue again. then we'll see our business assets down here, we should see both Instagram and Facebook, so we've got them both here, we can connect them both, uh, and now we can choose whether we want less information to be tracked, enhanced information to be tracked, or maximum information to be tracked. uh this will essentially determine what your pixel will look like, how much it will be tracked and I leave it at maximum because you can do a lot with this so let's go and look at the details down there, obviously you want to know what's going on here and then we can say save, so the maximum is what we have there.
Connect to the Facebook pixel to track behavior. We can create a new pixel to track behavior. Hey, that's the pixel there, let's say, confirm the story. details so we have the email return window 30 days, sure we will say save and we will be able to accept the terms and conditions, so we will send it for review once approved, we will have some really deep integrations with the Facebook store, so which shouldn't It won't take long, it says it takes up to a minute, but please don't refresh the page in the meantime, so now we just need to check our store with additional information.
I'm going to click on that and go through a couple of steps here, click start verification at the top and we just need to add some additional business details or ID documents, so I'm going to continue with this and then say finish and it may Please spend a couple of hours until that happens so we can come back to this a little bit later once the verification is complete, like I said it could take up to 2 4 hours so you'll see this little pin here. I recommend clicking on it to pin it to your sales pipelines, which makes it easier. access this a little bit faster so now let's click on sales channels and I want to add Tik Tok so we type Tik Tok uh we search for Tik Tok in the App Store and we should find Tik Tok right there so this is one We definitely want to add that it will be great for selling on Tik Tok, but also for posting ads on Tik Tok, which we consider one of the most effective ways to advertise products that many people have focused on.
On Facebook ads, you've seen a lot of videos about Drop Shipping and Facebook ads and things like that, but Tik Tok ads are obviously a much younger demographic and substantially more people use it every day or more hours every day . At least here in the United States, that is true and therefore we find it very effective. Let's install this on our Shopify store. So adding Tik Tok to our integrations, we'll click install and once again, once this appears, I recommend it. Clicking on that little navigation pin will make it easier to access in the future, but you'll see two options here: First, grow your business on Tik Tok through Tik Tok marketing, which is definitely what we want to do. , and the second thing is to set up open Tik Tok stores so you can shop directly within Tik Tok.
I'm going to do the first one here first, uh, this is definitely on the amplified side, not the organic side, whereas this one would potentially be more organic, so now let's open a new tab and in the new tab I want to go to link number six. I'll give you a lot of dollars in free advertising, it'll match dollar for dooll, uh, I think up to $1,500, so you can get up to $1,500 in ads. If you use our link below it will be free to use so it's going to be santell Tik Tock and that should take you to this page here like I said spend 100 get 100 so at least we match dollar for dollar as that you advertise, which can really help your business take off. from the ground and if you spend 1500 you will also get onboarding support if you can reach that spending amount then I'm going to say start from the bottom and we have to create our account now so I'm going to deselect that I'm going to select this and let's go to register with an email and a password, then I can click continue, solve this little puzzle here and then confirm our email, now we can choose our industry, this doesn't have to be like this. be perfect but I'm going to say ecommerce and maybe clothing and shoes the company name santell merch shop and then click here and accept and say start of course review the policies and accept that we can choose manual or automatic payment.
I'm going to go to the ads manager and now we can use simplified mode or custom mode. Now I like to use custom mode, it gives you a little more flexibility in how you design this. Feel free to use simplified mode if you just want to. To get an ad out as quickly as possible, I'm going to use custom mode for this, though just to show you some of the additional tools that we have available, so the advertising goal now what we're trying to do is drive sales of products that are definitely the most obvious ones here, some other businesses might be looking to just get general traffic or video views, maybe you're trying to get leads if you're like U, maybe a consulting company for example, but our advertising goal is May be Tempting to say product sales since we don't have a Tik Tok store set up yet.
Website conversions is what we are doing. Everything we host is through Shopify, so we are converting to Shopify, not the Tik Tok store. that's the main goal right now, so website conversions is our goal here, so click on that and then we can go down and choose if we want to have a smart performance campaign, so the performance campaign smart would basically skip the ad group entirely and do a lot more. on the back, so it has its own algorithm to determine which ads perform best and group them with audiences independently, that's something I recommend playing with in a different campaign, but for now, to start, we'll leave that setting at disabled, then the campaign name.
Name this something that makes the most sense. This is the highest level, so keep in mind that we have three levels. Here you have a campaign and then within it you will have a bunch of AD groups, the ad groups could be uh, different audiences, different demographics and then within each ad group you will have a different ad, so that you might have two versions of the same ad, maybe one has subtitles, maybe the other doesn't, maybe one has a male actor or an actress. in it, then those will be the different ads that you will run in each ad group and together, you will have a campaign that is the highest level where all your ad groups are, so keep this type of level high.
I'm just going to name based on the store uh it could also be the product that you're trying to advertise here so I'm going to say santell sell merchandise sell merchandise so we'll say santal merch shop- conversions and then we have special ad category so no We are doing housing or credit employment, so we don't have to worry about that. You could create a split test that divides your knowledge by ads. We're not going to do that now. You could do something called CBO. which optimizes the entire campaign budget, uh within this, again, a little more automated, a little more intervention.
I'm going to leave that aside for now so we can really dive in and learn for ourselves about this particular campaign in the future, that might actually be a smart thing to do and then we have a campaign budget. You could also set a budget at the ad group level, but I'm going to start with the highest campaign budget, just in case, like we really want. to make sure we definitely have an upper limit on what we're spending, so I'm going to say maybe $100 a day, obviously, you don't want to spend too much money at once because the first ad you make doesn't go.
To be almost as successful as the 10th ad you make, you will learn and as you go you will iterate and find better and better ads that convert better, so the goal here is to learn as much as possible and over time, that It will increase your profit margins and you will be able to generate significant traffic that actually converts to your online store, so for now I am going to start with $100 per day. Maybe you want to start with $50. $30 $20 or maybe $500 I don't know what your budget is, but start with something that makes sense, don't waste your entire budget, try to have a runway of at least a couple of weeks so you can really start repeating these ads uh and find something to be successful the goal here is not to spend all your money on ads the goal here is to learn what works and then optimize it and really dial it in so you can start making more money and then you can dial increase your ad spend so let's say go ahead and now before we go into the ad group, we want to go back and make sure it's connected to our Shopify, so if we go back here we can click on and you'll see two things we can click on.
In the settings, now we are going to connect our Tik Tok business, so Tik Tok for business, we are going to connect the account, so you need to log in with this browser right there. You want to make sure that number matches, so if you click. In your small profile there it will say your username. You want to make sure it matches your username here, so I'll log in. That is the correct Shopify account. Now we can create the Tik Tok Business Center account. We're going to click create, we're going to connect the Tik Tok ads manager and we can also choose our data sharing.
I'll leave it at maximum, we'll say confirm and this is actually what tracks conversions and optimizes your ads based on Hey, this person clicked on the ad, came to your website and then immediately clicked or maybe someone else added to the cart but didn't end up buying it or maybe someone else went and actually made the purchase and that would be a good demographic that is the right person to advertise and you're basically saying, "You see that person who made a purchase advertise more to people like that, so that's really what this feedback loop is here for, so let's say we finished the setup and now we can continue." Go back to Tik Tok and continue setting up those ads, so the ad name I'm going to call this group here based on an audience, let's say it's disposable income, disposable income, disposable income, that's going to be who we work with. with and then down here, what are we optimizing for the Tik Tock pixel?
One should appear for Shopify. There it is, it connected successfully, so that's thereand the optimization event, what do we do? What are we trying to do well? We want to have a full payment, that's what we really care about, so when there's a full payment that's fed back to this algorithm as success and that's what we want because honestly, that's success, that's exactly what I would be looking for. , so down here We can choose whether we want to have an automatic location or select manual locations, so I'm going to select them manually, so if we choose that you will see Tik Tok.
Yeah, we want we don't want Global, we don't want pangle like. I just want this on Tik Tok, so I'll leave it right there. You can also include search results. I'm definitely going to do that, because those are the most intentional people who are looking for something that's relevant. I absolutely want it to be like that. I want you to see my product. They have intention. Also, if you click on advanced settings, you definitely want to leave video sharing enabled. This is what's called earned media, so every time you create a great ad and people organically. share your ad with someone else, that doesn't cost you money, but you get more exposure;
In fact, you get the best exposure because someone's friend is reintroducing you to it; i.e. you absolutely want to make sure it is enabled. I usually disable video downloading so that no one steals the video and copies it. They don't download the video and reuse it for themselves and try to have a copy on my account, so I usually disable it. We have segmentation. and this is where we start to dial in that audience of the 160 million that we are currently seeing. We want it to be a little bit lower, we want it to go down, so maybe we don't want the miners to be When buying this, they don't have as much disposable income anyway, so maybe you can select that maybe these are the main pools age you want.
You could also add other age groups, but let's say those are the main ones for now. demographic data in which I am personally going to advertise we can choose languages. The ad will be in English, so I'm really only going to advertise in English. Here I will choose people with high purchasing power. they choose the household income, which is really impressive, they are able to estimate the income of the viewers, so right now we are looking at between 56 and 68 million, which is pretty balanced, if not, if we put this a little lower , that might mark it in a little bit too much, but you know what we might want to do at least I don't know I'm going to leave it I'm going to leave household income out of this the high purchasing power should really mark that for us and then we can choose. anything else if we want to exclude certain people, uh, if we want to include certain people and any interests that may have a custom appearance, like if we don't already have a client appearance, in the future we will have them set up. um, but I'll leave it as something that's pretty balanced that gives us a pretty nice audience and then we'll let Tik Tok really figure out what converts best and set us that now the daily budget for the ad group.
Right now it's $70. I'm going to earn this $50. It says at least 70 are suggested, so let's leave it at 70. Remember we had $100 total for the campaign because we only have one ad group here right now. That's totally fine. In fact, you could even dial this up to 80, so some days we'll spend up to 100, whatever is within the campaign limit, but you could have some variation here, lowering the scheduling time is fine, we could also choose specific times if we would like to, so maybe. you don't want to advertise on the weekends or maybe you really want to advertise on Friday nights, when people are out and maybe they're looking at their phone, they're in an Uber or something, maybe that's the best time. that you would like to advertise, so depending on your product you can choose when to advertise.
I'll leave it all day and again Tik Tok can determine what the most optimal time is based on some of the real data to actually start collecting the conversion optimization goal, yes we already have it, we could do a bid strategy, deliver maximum or cost limit, we also have a device here that you can customize whether it's on Android or iOS, you know again depending on if you're selling. iPhone Cases We are iOS, it makes more sense to only sell to iOS as I don't want to advertise an iPhone case on a Samsung phone. Now I'll leave it at maximum delivery and we can click Next and that.
It brings us to the actual ad, now we can have smart creative ads, which essentially creates I don't like doing that, it's generated a little bit more with AI. I do not want to do that. I'm going to create my own ad right here. so you can create a custom identity if you want, so santell merch sandal merch shop I don't know if you want to call it that, we can create that sandal merch shop will be the name that appears, we want a unique one. video ad so we can upload the video right now, so there are actually three ways to make your ad for Tik Tok, one of them will be to do it yourself, that's really the most tempting one that a lot of people like to do and certainly can get it.
I started doing that, there's nothing wrong with that of course, there's a big learning curve to making a successful Tik Tok that people actually see, interact with and end up buying, you can't just take out your phone and film it and and like have a awkward voice, like you have to be pretty confident in what you're doing and I'll talk a little more about how to do that in just a second. The second option is something called ugc user generated content and this is essentially you can find someone who already does this for other people like this, this is all their work, they make ads for other people, they use Tik Tok, so you will send them your product, they will open it and that's how it will be. much more authentic a little more organic uh and they definitely like it because that's what they do they'll have a much better camera presence they'll have good lighting they'll know what they're doing and it's It's going to cost you a little bit of money to make that video, but it's a way to create a good ad with another person. in front of the camera, you don't even have to be in front of the camera so it is a very attractive option for many people who are just starting out and the third option would be to hire an influencer or an agency, they are generally much more expensive. and this would be like if you wanted to hire an influencer, for example, this is why State Farm hires Payton Manning because people see someone they know and associate them with the brand and it really gives you a lot more credentials.
It deserves people to like you more, uh, just by association with that, it's really powerful, but like I said, it's definitely more expensive, it's something that over time you can move into that realm, but at first I would recommend going with UGC and Find someone who can make the video. for you who could be a really small creator on Tik Tok, if you have seen them and like their style maybe you could contact them and you can also pay them to post on their own platform but you can have them make a video for you and They pay them.
I don't know, they choose what the rate is going to be, but if you were to do it yourself, there's a pretty good format on how to do it, so there are actually three main steps to making a Tik Tok Ad or really any type of ad, any type of content, the first thing will be your hook, your interruption pattern, people scroll without thinking, you have to get something that makes them stop scrolling so that your average viewing time is not half a second. most people will spend half a second and then if you say something really interesting in the first half second or the first second, you'll get their attention and then they'll stay a little bit longer and this should be the case. something interesting will depend on the brand, but, for example, if we look at a Sunday Filt t-shirt, maybe your hook is related to Chick-fil-A, always being around, that is very identifiable and if you present it as a phrase really good one that will make everyone stop and think about it, so maybe the first line is like you're frustrated saying why every time I want to go to Chick-fil-A it's on a Sunday and then the second part is creating a history.
You will essentially have a two sentence story. It will be brief here, but you have to somehow relate to the hook and then expand it further, so if your first hook was why. Is it that every time I want a chicken sandwich it's Sunday and the main place I want to go is closed and so maybe the next thing you do is just brainstorm this? I would definitely repeat this a lot, but maybe your next two sentences would be something like uh, I always had the idea that someone should make a chicken sandwich shop that's only available on Sundays, it's only open because that's the day everyone really wants chicken sandwiches and it could be called Sunday steak.
Think about it, on Sunday you can open right next to the other store and only open on Sundays, you would have no overhead costs until Sunday and then one day a week you would have no competition and then the third part will be your product introduction. , uh, so this would be if you present a solution to a problem in this situation because of the funny t-shirt that doesn't really fit here, uh, so we might have a slightly different format on this, but again the third sentence. Maybe it could be something like, unfortunately, Sunday steak doesn't exist yet, but the t-shirts you can buy your own, very good quality.
I wear this everywhere to let people know that Sunday Steak needs to happen, like a bit of sarcasm. parody, um, it's pretty obvious what you're trying to do with that ad and at the same time, you want it to feel pretty organic, obviously you want to have the t-shirt with you. I don't have mine yet because I'm still filming this video and it's coming in about four or five days, um, but anyway, this is essentially how you would film that ad, so once we have the ad we can click upload. I'm going to upload the ad. and then for the ad to load it says it's ready to load.
I'm going to click upload a single video, it'll appear right there uploading a creative. We can add the text here, so you want to make sure that the added text is It makes a lot of sense, so okay, maybe let's say you ever want a chicken or a crispy chicken sandwich on a Sunday. That could be the text and the text will be directly below, you'll see on the right side, it's nice. To show us what it will look like in the final ad down here, we have a dynamic call to action that looks good. Let's add some more text here.
We want to make sure it fits, but we also want to complete this. Our best bet is to buy the t-shirt now, maybe add a call to action. And like I said, looking on the right side, you can see how it will appear, so you can see that it's a little bit cut off. I want to see, I want the word. Sunday will definitely be there, like I want the whole first sentence to be there, so let's redesign this, maybe why I always want crispy chicken, maybe I can get rid of that and say why I only want crispy chicken only on Sundays.
I want crispy chicken on Sunday, uh, and we'll click and see what it looks like on the right side, there we go, now we can finally see everything. That is what I want. I want everything to definitely be visible now as we scroll down. Add interactive -ons uh, you can create them. I'm not going to add them, just like things with additional filters that are not necessary for this, then the URL that this ad will point to, obviously this is incredibly important, so we need to paste our website URL down here, so I'm going to go back to the store and I want to find the product page.
We can go directly to the store or we can also go to a Tik Tok instant page. I'm going to go to the URL, let's go back to our store, let's copy the link, so I think it's santell sell santell merchshop tocom and we can see maybe a link to a specific product if we do it that way, so let's go to the catalog. let's go down to this Chick-fil-A, this Chick-fil-A shirt right here, this crispy chicken sandwich shirt. I'm going to copy that link and then here I'm going to paste that link, so should we do that?
We'll test that the link takes us there, that's exactly what we want, then we go down here, we have a tracking, this is all optional and now I'm going to click submit, we'll send the ad. Please take some time for Tik Tok to review this ad, but let's see what's being sent right now and a new payment method, so obviously we need a way to pay for this ad. I'm going to make a credit or debit card right here, so I'm going to select that and then I'm going to enter my information. Now it says right there to verify your card.
You will be charged $10 and then refunded to us. We will say send. It's processing the request, we're going to say confirm here, we'll just click confirm and it's processing, the payment is being verified and this should only take a minute or two for this to happen and then we can do it. and working, so there we are going to process thepayment, uh, looks like it's already done. I'm going to say close the added payment method, say close creating the ad. Now, it takes Tik Tok about a minute or so to format the ad and get everything ready. to go there, now we can say go back to campaigns and that will take us back to our campaigns page where we have three tabs, add campaign group and add right now it says the status is not delivered because the account is under review, uh, won.
It won't take long, this will eventually, maybe within a couple of hours at most, within a day, usually within an hour, this will actually change from not delivering to publishing that ad, so as I showed you at the beginning from the video with the samples, uh, actually, you know those cooking videos where they like to put something in the oven and they take something out at the same time because they started cooking it before the show started, that's what I did . I actually ordered this. two samples before I started filming arrived the day I started filming they arrived like this morning so here are the samples the same designs that I showed you in the video the phone case as I said comes in two layers as I expected the inside one is one rubber layer so it should be easy to put on your phone and the outside is a plastic layer so it's a little more scratch resistant and a little more durable.
Honestly, as you can see the quality right here, I'll show you guys like a close-up video of this, but the print quality looks pretty decent. I can definitely see everything I wanted to. Overall the case feels pretty good, I'm pretty happy with this. Look at it and then you can see this. one has the embroidery on the upper chest pocket, uh honestly it's also got pretty good softness, pretty good fit, the strings have little knots at the bottom, unlike some that might have a metal clip or something , but now that I have this, you'll probably want to take some real-life photos with this sample, in addition to the mockups we already have.
Mockups are great and are a really good start, but what I would recommend are two ways to do this one. The way is if you have a friend who is a photographer or you know someone who you can hire as a photographer to take photos of this, whether you're the one modeling it or maybe someone else, that's probably going to be your best option. be a really good way to showcase it and someone who really knows what they're doing and has a professional camera, that's going to be the number one option, that's going to be the best option you could have, but if you can't do that.
Let's be honest, not everyone has a professional camera or a friend with a professional camera, so if you have to use your phone, let's say you have an iPhone or literally any new phone, the photo quality will definitely be good enough, the only thing there is. not good enough will be the default as most people are pretty bad at taking pictures, like the situation, the environment, the lighting that they might instinctively choose probably won't be the best, so I want to give them a kind of crash course quick on how to set up the lighting. Not that I'm a Hollywood lighting expert, but I've been shooting YouTube videos and doing a lot of product and portrait photography in the past.
I don't know six or seven. years, so I want to share some quick tips on how you can take really good quality photos at home using just your phone and so the most important thing is going to be your background, and you want to make sure that you don't. If there's not a lot of clutter, there's nothing to do, so you can think about this, maybe you want a simple wall, maybe you want a natural environment that you're hanging out in, like a living room for example, which It looks great, but you want to make sure you don't have a McDonald's bag in the corner, anything that will distract from the subject of the photo, which will be the shirt, the sweatshirt, the phone case, whatever you're showing. . you want to make sure you don't have any distractions, so for me I could use, for example, my living room right here and I want to erase everything from the background, maybe a couple of houseplants back there would be good, just a nice simple cleanup. set up now, the second most important thing will be the lighting, people are always tempted to take the photo with an overhead light on and not with lots of other lights in the room which won't look good to most people.
The light angle will actually be about 45° from the side right now, like you have a key light in this studio right there. If I were to take this photo again like in my living room for example I would use a window Windows have by far the best lighting you will get in your entire house don't even bother with lamps if you can use a window and you can do it when there's nice soft lighting, maybe it's cloudy outside, huh. or maybe the sun is on the other side of your house and doesn't shine directly at you.
This will be a great opportunity for some nice bright lighting. Now men and women have slightly different preferences for where the lighting would be, so for men, I would do it. they have a steeper angle, so maybe anywhere if right in front of you there is 0 of I would say 45° to 90° would be a good place for the light to be, so you will have a harder shadow on your expensive. show off your jawline a little more and make them look better overall. for women, you might have softer lighting, so it might be a little bit more in front of them, it might be 15-16°, it would be a pretty good spot for the window and what I normally do, especially if you're taking photos of something smaller, whether it's a mug or a phone case.
I would put it somewhere on a table and you want to have things far, far away from you. you want a lot of depth in your field uh you don't want something like right next to it that can distract you and usually this sounds weird but normally what I would do is use the telephoto lens on your phone for a smaller field. product, so if you have, for example, the iPhone 15 Pro Max, you have a 5x zoom lens, if you actually zoom out quite a bit and zoom all the way in, you're going to have a really nice natural blur, it's going to look like a It looks a lot like a professional camera and overall it will give you a really nice photo, as well as having a magnified lens that doesn't crop into your normal camera lens, but actually by having a telephoto zoom lens you have less distortion on your subject, so if you look at it like an ultra wide angle, for example, everything is a little strange and distorted on the outside, but with the zoom in nice straight lines, everything looks exactly as it should, honestly. that's how I would take photos, especially if you're doing smaller items for clothing, you'll probably want to use your phone's main camera lens, you could use portrait mode if it's good, but I would definitely be very critical of portrait mode.
Look at the portrait mode and try to find small errors, if there are clarity bubbles around your head, people will see it and realize that it is something strange, unprofessional, so you need to make sure that if it doesn't look perfect . don't use portrait mode just go back to normal camera mode and maybe remove a few more things behind you maybe you're sitting in a chair maybe you just have a simple wall maybe a plant next to you that you don't need blur everything in the background uh unless like I said you have the newest iPhone and it looks great when you do it so if we go back to Tik Tok you'll see that first it says active and right now it says it's also activated so this ad is running, you will receive emails regularly telling you how much money you spent, usually in increments of 5 or $15, so you may receive several emails a day with receipts, it's kind of like what Tik Tok does when they run ads, but if you ever want to pause the ad or have multiple ads and don't want both to run, you can turn it on or off.
There is a small switch on the left side inside that ad. In fact, you can do it. Do the same with entire ad groups, you can disable ad groups or of course you can just disable the campaign completely and you will have three tabs at the top where you will see all your campaigns, all your ad groups and of course all of your ads too, so it's just one thing to keep in mind as well when you're looking at, let's say, the ad, for example, uh or any of them, if you hover over the ad label, the ad name. it has a little pop-up menu underneath so you can see the corresponding data and if we click on it, it will tell you what the total cost was, what your CPA will be, which will be your cost per action, your cost per result.
In this situation, your total cost will look at Impressions, so how many people actually saw your ad, you'll see how many clicks there were on the destination, then how many people saw your ad and were interested enough to click on it, and so on even . Although this is being optimized for product sales, it's also worth looking at and seeing, hey, I ran all these different ads, maybe one of them has a better CPC, which means cost per click, so it gives you a better idea what videos they have. a better call to action, which ones are more attractive for people to buy uh and I'm personally a big nerd when it comes to data.
I love reading this stuff and really diving in and figuring out what the best ad is and how you can really improve it and that's a really positive thing right now, it's also worth noting that once you make your ad, I recommend making a slight variation of that ad. and post it on your Tik Tok on your Instagram as real on Facebook as real and possibly on YouTube as well as a short film and reviewing them all organically because you will receive comments on that, which could be very valuable in understanding your product, but also it could be very valuable.
To get free organic traffic, one of the most important ways you can start to draw attention to your brand is by creating really good viral content, so a very good example of someone who, in my opinion, really dominates the networks social in organic marketing is the company's Friday beers, you may have seen them, basically what they do is really cool in my opinion, so they organize sporting events, football games and things like that, where the People are stuck behind the wheel, they're out there, they're drinking beers and stuff. company, it's a beer company, right, they're selling, they want to sell their light beers and that's the perfect environment to sell them, but what they do is set up a table, they have a guy who can drink beers at an unholy speed I don't know how you can do it the game is usually like this, it costs $20 to play and you win $100 if you can drink a beer faster than the host of the game, the guy who was sitting there and the guy is drinking. beers all day, but he wins every time and drinks it so fast that they take a short video, uh, and then they just put it on Tik Tok and it goes absolutely viral basically every time because it's crazy to see it like that.
I've watched those videos so many times and each time I'm so impressed by how that guy is able to do that, but regardless of whether it's an ad, it's all an ad for a brand, but the whole time you're watching it, you're being entertained, you're not even interested. You realize it's an ad, but they have their Friday Beers logo right there, they're drinking Friday Beers, they say Friday Beers during the video like it's a perfect ad, they don't. they have to pay to amplify that they are getting a lot of earned media and a lot of free traffic just by creating good quality entertaining content, so that's something you really need to keep in mind, maybe if you're print on demand and you have some kind of of clothing, for example, maybe you could do something that's really interesting and you happen to be wearing that, maybe you mention it, maybe you don't, but you don't always have to present everything as a really strong advertisement, uh, when we're running things organically, so it's something I thought was worth mentioning in this video.
Obviously, it will take a long time to create. Very few people achieve success with their first video. Most of the time, it takes quite a few. Iterations until you start to realize which videos perform better than others and of course it's also worth just observing other people in your niche or really adjacent to your niche is more important and finding Trends don't just copy them but find Trends. Among them, for example, if you sell mugs, maybe you can find other brands that sell desk accessories, kitchen items for the home or even different types of mugs, look at them all and see which is the best performing video for each of them. they. accounts and then make a similar video on your account but adapted to your own product, that is a very good way and, in my opinion, to access a wider audience and learn as quickly as possible without having to experiment with thousands and thousands of videos.
Instead, it's likeOpen your eyes and see what works for other brands, so now we want to set up our email marketing. This will be a really great way to improve our conversions in the future at a much lower cost because once someone buys, once they are very likely a customer in the future as well and they liked what you sold, they resonated with you in a very positive way. somehow and therefore by capturing their email when they buy from you or just from your website in general, you will be able to Remarket to them when you launch new products in the future or if you have new sales or maybe just for their birthday , you want to give them a discount.
You can set up different things like this and there's a lot of different ways we could set it up uh in the past I might have used MailChimp there's also key in this video we're going to use omnisend it's very well integrated with Shopify it's really like MailChimp for ecommerce so what is actually intended for Shopify to sell uh, and obviously, this is going to be an email marketing platform with a lot of very powerful automations, so to get this started, we're going to go to link number seven below. Link number seven will be omnisend. it's sandal omnisend, which is om ni like Omni and then send sen n d like you're sending something uh and that will take you to this page right here, so omnisend will be, like I said, a real ecommerce F. thing focused that also does SMS so you can text people too.
Very useful in my opinion, and so that we can get started and we can get started for free and we can upgrade in just a second, we will sign up for Shopify. it'll connect to our store very easily, so we'll just say install, click install again and then we can create a password and enter some of our basic information here as well and we'll say start, obviously. go to your inbox and verify your email account, this will be a crucial step here and now, you will create our account with omnisense, so as a quick little crash course on how this works, we will start by adding our logo, so we will click under Logo, we'll load it from the computer, browse for files, add our logo here, and then we can select it.
It looks pretty good if you can see it on the right side, so it was cropped. strangely on the left side but on the right side that's what I would actually show you, it looks good, I don't really care that as far as the accent color goes, you can change all of this, you can add your own custom colors like Well So what I like to do if you don't know what your logo colors are, first of all, if you were using canab, you can figure out the logo colors pretty easily, but otherwise, if we just go to the color identifier HTML, we just do it. that and just pick something on Google like the first one that looks good we can upload our photo open the photo there and then you can hover over it and then copy that color code so it's called HTML color code which will be Really useful for matching your logo color on a lot of different basically anything you're doing online, so accent color here.
I'm going to use that one. Let's add that color as our accent color. Now you can see. the button matches the logo, in my opinion it looks a little cleaner, I personally really like it and then the black and white I think looks good, maybe we could, I don't know, let's see how it looks good with the blue there also. kind of right choice, you can do it if you have multiple colors, set multiple colors. I'm going to leave it like that. That looks pretty good to me now as far as the titles and the font, we can change these fonts. well, many times there are font combinations, so sometimes people have a different font for the heading and paragraph, many websites do that, so this looks clean and is easy to read.
I think it's okay, some brands might want to have a more specific font, so definitely look for one, try to be consistent between your different websites too, and use your own font everywhere, but that one looks good enough, and they're all quite used to that, we will now save the brand assets and From time to time, omnisend suggests that we follow these four steps. I'm going to close, but the four steps are basically here anyway, so you want to get a welcome email which is definitely something we're going to set up for you. You'll probably want to set up an abandoned cart recovery which is a really powerful tool so that if someone goes to your site, adds something to the cart and then whatever their ring is, like if someone is at the door, they go there, they go They forget about it, maybe you get a phone call and they may end up not placing an order with you even though they were about to, they added to cart but never actually ordered, so abandoned cart recovery is essentially reach out to them again and say, “Hey, you forgot to do that.” order this or maybe say hi, like you know you put this in your car, maybe you thought better of it.
Here's a 10% discount just to boost that sale and encourage it some more. I cleared up the notification, so now let's go. to create a welcome email, so what discount do we want to add in our welcome email? 10%. Let's give people 10% off when they sign up and join our email newsletter. We will continue with the configuration. We could use an SMS channel if you wish. You definitely need to check your local laws. Obviously SMS costs some money too, so I'll just use emails for now. I don't think you'll necessarily need SMS when you start, but it could be a powerful tool depending. about what you're selling, like phone cases, obviously it might make a little more sense to do that than clothing, now we can, now our workflow is up, it was super easy, we'll show my workflows, the welcome email It is here, it is currently. just a draft, so if we click on that, that takes us to our workflow, so it looks complicated, but essentially it's a flowchart and as you go along, it's kind of a sequence of events, so that the beginning is the access ramp here. subscribers enter the workflow when they sign up on an omnisend form, they sign up through the form, they become members of your newsletter or so, then you wait 1 minute and then you email them and say hello, it says welcome to the account. name, so we have to configure it and choose the name of our account.
It'll be like a Sandell product fan club or whatever and then it says here's your 10% discount code. If we click on that, we can go and customize it. a little bit more on the right side and then down at the bottom it says Exit, but you can also add other things there so you can say "Okay, now maybe delay" so we can add another delay right there, maybe let's go wait a bit. a little bit and we could split it, we could split it right here, so going a little further, we could split it and have a kind of if statement, if you've ever done any coding, that's what it would be called more or less, but essentially you're saying that you can have either or you can have it if they placed an order and then leave if they didn't. an order, send them another email with maybe another discount right so we can say maybe like uh, if we could say message.
Behavior if they opened the email and then we choose the first email, we'll say save, so if they opened that first email. so maybe we want to send them another email so we can say yes and then send them another email right here. If they didn't open that email, we can tag the contact here and we can tag it as a tag where we'll create some new tags. a minute, but maybe we'll tag them as not responding or maybe they're not interested or they subscribed accidentally, and you might even unsubscribe too, so it's going to be a more complicated workflow, but you'll see how you can build this . and there really are many options on what you can do.
In between splitting, you can also do AB testing, so you can have two different emails and you can run an AB test where maybe all the other people get email A or email B and then you can see which ones they were. open rates, you'll actually be able to see the percentage of people who opened the email, as well as the percentage of people who clicked on the links, so you can really learn a lot more. Using an AB test, this can turn into a huge flowchart, that's why they give you this little graph paper background because it's really endless options for what you can do now, if we click on the three dots on any of these, we can eliminate them.
I'm going to simplify this workflow that we don't need all of this stuff, let's just start with the welcome email as it was given to us before, so we don't need to wait another minute. That doesn't really make sense. That's unnecessary. Now at the bottom of the campaign, here we can. say welcome and then let's replace the account name with uh sentral merch shop welcome to the sentral merch shop club uh preheader which will be what appears under the subject line uh essentially in your inbox you'll see that U is not necessarily the context from the email, but you'll see it as the subline right there, so it'll say: Hi, here's 10% off your first order, to celebrate you joining us, and then the sender's name, Sandrell Shop, the sender's email address, which is where they go. so we can respond and then down here we can click edit content now we want to save so yeah save post changes and then I'll take it to the email so that's how we can edit the email so we really don't need to configure anything on the back so now the discount code will happen automatically we don't need to worry about that so here it says welcome aboard.
You can change the text here, change the font. If you want, let's at least center our logo. I think it would look a little better. We can also reduce that padding to five so we can center things. We can add more text here, let's say finish. editing and now that it's pretty much done, we can save this or we can start the workflow. I'm going to click Start Workflow, but if you remember I had a couple of things, I had a form at the beginning and I had a list of people. and it had a welcome email, so we need to customize those things right now.
Starting with the forms, we'll click on the forms at the top and we have kind of a default form that will show us from the beginning and Then we can click on the launch preview form, and there's our form. Get 10% off your first order and be the first to know about our new products. Enter your 10% off email then powered by omnisend at the bottom. There's not much else I'd like to change there, maybe you could add an image. This will be a fairly simple editor, although very familiar to what we have seen on many other platforms, but on the left side.
We have some elements that we can use here, so if we want a radio button, we can click and drag and drop it there, so the radio button could ask something about someone, it could be gender, it could be a political party, it could be whatever. you think is relevant to your products you can add that similarly we can add a checkbox some people like to do this and just say have an option there and just say like please sign up for our email or confirm that You're signing up for our email is something that some similar places and regions require, so check your local laws on that omnis sign that usually helps you and understands it, but just say we want to add maybe a right image. here, so let's add an image, maybe right here we're going to upload an image and then maybe this image, so let's select the file on the right side, so maybe we need, maybe, the phone case would be pretty good , here we can go. with that, we can just resize it to make it a little bit smaller and I mean, I don't know, that's not the best, but it's kind of an idea of ​​how you could add an image right there, plus we can also add a link to that image so that if someone clicks on that image they can take them to the product, which could be a really good idea there, and at the bottom we have our padding so you can see that space around all the edges.
You can change that, so if you want it to be zero, there's a little less padding in thetop and bottom and on the right and left sides. Well, that doesn't really matter on the right and left side, but the top and bottom will matter. for this one we also have a bunch of other options on the left side so I just want to recommend that you play with this a little bit, but the email will be one so we already have down there, enter your email, but if you don't already had, if you're creating one from scratch, definitely add email.
They actually have the separate legal consent button here so you don't need to make it a radio button it's here so if you just go and paste that right there there's a little checkbox that says the same thing that's right as it is um you are subscribing to an email newsletter we can add information we can add date drop down uh different text messages with different buttons, we can also have a Wheel of Fortune. I don't recommend it, please don't do Wheel of Fortune, uh, but it's something you can have, uh, if you try. I don't know if people can win. discounts or whatever to me that is incredibly a scam.
I would never, ever click on that personally, but it's available if you want. A ferris wheel is available right there, also, we may have a different design, so if you want, maybe don't. Not like that, maybe I wanted three images there. I can click on three columns and click and drag them up. Maybe just put them right under that little section and then here I can add like three different images. image, for example, example, let's click and drag the image and then the image and then the image, now we can have three images right there, just loading each one individually, so I think you have an idea of ​​what this would actually look like, if we go to enable now we click on that at the top, now it's available, now it's a popup, it's ready to go, um, that's the type of this one and that's going to be our form, so if you want to create another form , you can click create. form and they have a lot of other templates here, some of them look a lot better, honestly, um, okay, I wasn't a fan of Wheel of Fortune, but that one looks a little better there with kind of a cooler purple tone.
I know maybe it could work. I don't want to, I don't want to talk too badly about Wheel of Fortune, but yeah, anyway, you can have different templates here, so let's close this, so this popup is here. For this to actually appear, we have on the right side the behavior, so the audience management, um, they will be tagged with the subscriber welcome discount, that's what we want, they will be set with that welcome discount schedule that we want. this is always available, so always show it. You could use certain dates. It would make sense if you didn't want it to appear all the time.
Maybe it's just a February discount. You can have it only for that month so you can choose some viewing options as well. so it could be page views, um, it could be that they need to be on their second page for this to happen, since they're clicking on a lot of things, it could be time to be on the page, so maybe after being on for 10 seconds, this might seem about right, we don't want to lose conversions by appearing immediately when people are here, so maybe we have them on for maybe 15 or maybe 30 seconds, that's enough time for them to see it, think about it and think.
Okay, maybe they want to buy this, maybe they don't, and then you tell them, "Hey, you can get 10% off," so you're more likely to convert them and you'll also capture an email at that time. Also you could have scroll depth, it's another idea if you want them to appear like this when they scroll down 50% of the way on the page or the exit intent is another if they look like they're moving up. When they leave, a pop-up appears that could distract them and say, "Hey, wait before you leave, as if we can give you a discount." see how this works so it's going to take about 30 seconds for it to actually appear so we're scrolling maybe we're looking at the FAQ let's check this out and there we go the popup appeared so you can look we didn't really have to do nothing like Oms actually set this all up for us and I'm just going to sign up with my email, say "login," and it also asks for the phone number.
I simply click "OK". He was also asking for a phone number. I think I could get rid of that. I really don't like being asked for the phone number too because it might deter people who just want to give an email who don't want to give both and they might get confused like: Oh, do I have to give both for this to happen? So if I go back to my inbox, here's the email that popped up and gave me a little discount code. This is custom code just for me. Also, if I click redeem discount, it takes us to the store.
I copied that discount code too, so if I go to the checkout, we're going to pay the discount code. I can paste it, let's paste it and apply it and it works like I did it all on the backend, so that's why I really like using omnisend. It's really like a full stack, everything you need from setting up discounts to setting up popups to managing everything you tell it. a very high level like, hey, I want a welcome email and it really handles all of that very well for you, so I'm really impressed with this, um, how perfect it actually worked, it feels a lot more professional, definitely, an ad. of value to the website.
It not only makes you look more professional but also substantially more functional as a salesperson on the back-end. Now, back to omnisend, there are a few more things we need to do. We can click View Actions at the top so to start we need to have a domain you need to add and authenticate a custom sender domain uh so we'll click ADD Domain down here we can add a domain from sender so sandal mer we'll say continue okay so it'll take you to this page here it looks intimidating don't worry I'll walk you through it it's actually pretty easy to do so if we go back to Shopify we can go down to settings at the bottom left, we can scroll down to domains and then within domains. we can click on the one we're actually using, so for me, Sandell merchshop dcom just click on it and it'll take you to a page that looks like this.
Now, at the top right, you will see something that says domain settings. We're going to click on that to bring up a drop down menu and we're going to click on edit domain name server DNS settings, that's really what it means, so now we're going to start by copying the first one. SPF and we're going to create a text record for this, so we say copy, go back to sandal domains and click add custom text record, so for the name we're just going to put a little at symbol and then for the text value that we are going to paste, we will say confirm now we have our first text value going back to omnisend here we have to do two more, so we have to do one more for dkim, so we are we are going to copy this, that is the name, come back here, we're going to say add custom record, this is going to be a TX record, we're going to paste that name in and then we're going to go back and copy the value. so copy the value, click on Shopify again and paste it into the text record, let's commit and now let's add a third text record down here, we can scroll down to DeMark, we'll copy the name, go back to Shopify and paste that name.
By the way, I'm going to have to blur a lot of this and then we're going to go to Value, we're going to copy that value and we're going to paste the value here, now we're going to confirm that and now the three. have been added, we can go and check the logs, sometimes it takes up to 24 hours, so don't be alarmed if it doesn't happen immediately. I'm going back to I'm just going to do it. I'm just going to go and check the logs, they're not there right now, it might take a couple of minutes, so now that one has been added, this one will be here in a couple of minutes, I just have to keep updating and checking the logs and then, like I said.
It could take up to 24 hours, it's usually much faster than that. It's usually only a couple of minutes, so unfortunately for me, it will take more than a couple of minutes for that to happen, so regardless this, I'll walk you through two more steps after this, they're actually not particularly difficult and that's kind of it. It's needed on the back end to be able to send using your domain, so email is obviously not a scam, they don't want people to just set this up and as email, on your behalf, you need to verify that it is your domain. and that's why they're doing this, so I'm going to go back to Sandell's store.
I'm going back to Shopify for my store and I want to talk about what's on the left side. Exhaust some of the more advanced tools Now that we have our store more or less set up and running on its own, we'll want to know about customers for once, so when people place orders, if they ever contact you because you'll There will be attention to the client at least at first until you automate it and find someone else to do it for you. You want to know about the customer, so if you click on customer you can see who is subscribed and you can get more information about them. um, of course, how many orders they had, how much they spent, if someone spends a lot, you could contact them personally.
Maybe I could give him a free thing or something. It's good to have that information set up here. inside the customers, so if we click on the content, we have our meta objects right here, which will be things like size guides, things like uh uh, upsell cart, different things like that that are a little bit more three-dimensional, a little bit more dynamic. your website uh I'm not going to set that up right now, I don't think it's entirely necessary, but it's something that if you have the time, I would definitely recommend experimenting with it, down to the financials, you can see how things work. they're doing the sales, the profits, the margins, uh, and they break down a lot more as you start earning more, they show you more information like here, for example, as well as payments, paying credit bills and things like that, and that's totally The separate analytics tab The analytics is much more based on the performance of your website, how many sessions there are, how many, how many people visit your website, how much time they spend on your website, what is your conversion rate, That's how people end up. get stuck adding to the C, they end up clicking twice and then not buying, like you want to know where you can be more efficient and this will be your lens towards a more efficient website, so you'll identify where people are. coming from what kind of device are they using for one right here, which like I said, desktop, as expected, is a really massive minority, most people are seeing this on mobile, um, but things like that really you want to make sure that we're understanding exactly how your website is being used, who's using it and what's working, what's not working so you can optimize in the future, moving on to marketing, this is a huge category, so we set up a little bit with omnisend. and we'll get Back to omnisend in just a second, but within marketing campaigns, of course, there's one that we don't really need because we have omnisend and automations.
This is also something we'll be setting up through omniscient abandoned cart recovery, which is an automation that we'll turn back to omniscient, we'll set it up in a second, but you can see information about it in the marketing insights here, so get to the sessions , orders and sales, of course, a little redundant, but it's kind of reorganized within this tab right here, we already talked about discounts, we already talked about our sales channels, but if we go down to the apps, let's go to all the apps recommended. I've only mentioned a couple in this video so far.
Facebook Tik Tock omnisend uh and gelato, but of course here you can explore many other apps if we click on the Shopify App Store at the bottom and one of the reasons, like I said before, why we like using Shopify so much is that There are so many integrations available if you want to sell on Pinterest and have them integrated very natively. There is an app you can add to Shopify for Pinterest. As you scroll down, you'll see that there are quite a few others that are like new. and trends, so I recommend checking this out.
This could be a workflow automation with Zapier that could maybe say, hey, every time this happens, every time there's an order. I want this little sequence of events to happen and it could be anything like someone can place an order. and like a little light bulb can flicker in your office like it's really zapier, it's prettyawesome how intense it can be, like you can set up some massive automations, honestly, I could have a whole video on zapier, this, you really could. I'm really sticking with that for a while. It's cool how those things work on Google and YouTube, obviously if you want to run Google ads or anything with YouTube, setting up that sales channel and the Google store is going to be really powerful, so at the same time.
At least I'm going to add this now. I don't think this video is getting long, so I'm not going to go through the settings on Google and YouTube here to set it up, but pretty much what you would do. you end up doing once you install this app, they give you a kind of checklist for us to connect a Google account, you can create a new Google account, which I highly recommend doing, because you want to make sure that the Google account associated with your domain um isn't taken by someone else, you don't want other people to trick you and end up emailing people as if it's you and scamming them because people don't always realize that it's not you and uh ultimately they can get angry. , so I usually do that.
If I'm going to do this business I could claim Sandell merchshop although that's not the main email I plan to use for customer service and stuff like that I would claim. and maybe that's the one you would connect to this one, for example, let's click on the little pin so we have it available there as well. Let's go back to omnis now, see if this was set if I check the logs. I hope it's working. Okay, it's still going to take longer, like I said, it could take up to 24 hours, so I'm going to close this, we'll come back to it a little bit later, it'll still be there, um, and so it will be.
It will work in the background to do that, but let's go back to our automations, or our dashboard, and I want to set up an abandoned cart recovery like I said, so here we can start that workflow and we could say abandoned. cart recovery Hey, if someone puts it in their cart and ends up not purchasing it, maybe we want a really strong incentive, we can make it 15%, so we'll continue with the setup and we might say no, let's do this just by email, Hey. No need to text them as well, so we'll start this workflow and this should be very similar to what we saw with the welcome email, so we could say show my abandoned card recovery workflows as we have here. 1 hour after the customer starts checking out, if they don't actually purchase, if it's an abandoned cart, if we click on that, you can see the workflow right here, then the trigger will be that they place, essentially, they're placing a order but they actually don't, you can see that the items in your cart are selling fast, that will be the email we send them and you can customize it if you want to edit the content, for example this is what it looks like showing a Lots of products down here.
We can honestly say that the order was completed, since Omnisend does many things right. I'm not going to personalize it. I think it looks good. We could also send a test email to see how it works. I'm going to try it on my own more organically just to see if it identifies everything correctly and actually sends me an email in a couple of hours I think, so wait another 11 hours and then send another email and say your cart miss and then wait 12 more hours and do a third try, where we're giving them 15% off, so if you think that's too many emails, you can delete some of them, you can push the sale a little earlier, you can rearrange us like you want. um, but this is pretty much what omnisend has developed for us and we didn't even have to do anything additional, so I'm relying on this.
I would actually run it as is without having to add anything else on the bottom, so I'm going to close that and this I mean, like I said, we just clicked on a couple of buttons, chose the percentage and chose, for example, if we're using SMS or just email and it set everything up for us which is really awesome, there is now a limit on the number of emails we can send with omnisend using the free version so now we have 499 emails left and we only have $1 credit for SMS, so if you see the Plus plans, just click When you see the Plus plans, you will see that you can pay monthly or annually, it costs $1 a month, so $1 is $1, not insignificant by any means , but honestly, I've used a lot of different email servers. many of them are much more expensive than this one and the functionality and integration and how well it works with Shopify.
I think it's worth. I recommend getting omniscent and updating this. Choosing this plan, honestly, you would only pay annually. We're saving money $11 a month and that will give you a lot of great things, like abandoned cart recovery, which could be substantially cheaper than if you look at the cost per customer. The recovery of abandoned carts will be much lower than advertising. to new potential clients, so for me I think this is one of the best secrets that you could have in your arsenal, one of the best ways to market to people, so one last app that I want to recommend will help you rank in Google using What is called search engine optimization, so you want to make sure that although we are going to do a lot of social advertising here, both organic and inorganic, but of course ranking on Google is something that you always want to do.
In the end, anyway, you better start trying to rank on Google as soon as possible, so we'll click on the apps and I recommend looking into SEO. There are many good SEO applications available and it is one that many people use. tend to use when working with WordPress. I haven't personally used it with Shopify yet, um, but I do know that small SEO is incredibly popular. I mean, the reviews reflect it right there, with 1,800 reviews averaging five stars, so this. it's probably the easiest to use with Avada and it's also another really good one, but a little SEO like installing it very quickly and setting it up very, very quickly, this is more like what SEO is essentially, so SEO means engine optimization search. and the intention here is that Google, as a big search engine, a lot of people find things through Google, they need to know what's on your website, they need to know what your website is about, so they essentially have little Bots, little computers with AI, um, whatever.
Mechanisms that navigate every website and crawl every site, try to read everything, rank it and index it, so you want to make it as easy as possible for Google to understand what your website is. Besides, there are other things. that Google really cares about page speed for example, and ultimately how good the end user experience is, so if your website has really gigantic photos with huge resolution, like a photo 42 megapixel or even a 12 megapixel photo, people will open it and if you're not on the fastest Wi-Fi ever, your page will take a long time to load.
Now Google knows that it is not a good experience. People don't like to wait for your website to load, so they connect to it. If you say that's not good, take away a couple of points and you'll rank a little bit lower, so things like that, the keywords you use, the loading speed, things like that will help you rank higher. on Google and right here, how to convert pages. to jpegs, that makes your images smaller, we can say, sure, convert, we can, we can optimize the alt text here, so it could be like the name of the product, things like that, I'm sure that's fine with me, the name of the file is going to be good and we can. resize large images based on Shopify's recommendation or Tiny IMG's recommendation uh that's going to be a little bit smaller or we can just go in the middle.
I'm going to go to the middle for this one and we have a couple. Different levels if you want to use small SEO. Again, it would be worth using a really powerful tool, especially if you plan to rank on Google and get more free traffic through search, which is a really massive source of traffic depending on what you're searching for. Re-sell, that was a lot to talk about. I really appreciate you staying so long and I really wish you the best with your online store, but before you click on one last thing I would recommend, I hope you've taken notes throughout this video. but personally when I watch a full course like this I like to rewatch it maybe in a week or two or at least re-reference certain parts of this video of course it has timestamps at the bottom like this I try to make it as easy as possible for you.
What I would recommend doing is saving this video, either saving it in your browser or what I like to do is copy the link and text it to me or save it in a document where I keep my notes and that helps me access it again. to the information in the future, so when you're building your website, if you think okay, I'm running ads, but I don't remember that thing you were talking about with the Tik Tok ads, you can go back to this video and watch it. but that's essentially the summary of how to start printing on demand.
I hope you found this video very useful and very informative. I wish you the best of luck and please leave a comment below explaining what your store really is. I would love to see them, thanks for watching. I'm Michael Bryan from santal media and I'll see you in the next video.

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