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Best Type Of Pillow for Sleeping with Neck Pain, Pinched Nerve, or Herniated Disc

Jun 05, 2021
Hello friends, I am physical therapist Bob Schrupp. Brad Hei


, physical therapist. Together we are the most famous physical therapists on the Internet, in our opinion, of course. Today Brad we are going to talk about the













, or



and/or herniation. This is a big problem for many people, they are trying to get a good night's sleep and the


is not allowing them. So we'll show you positions and things. that you can try. We'll give you a lot of advice and it's good maintenance Yes, also prevention Even if you don't have problems, you'll want to try these things because you don't want to end up with a neck problem.
best type of pillow for sleeping with neck pain pinched nerve or herniated disc
By the way, you are new to our channel, take a second to subscribe. We provide videos on how to stay healthy, fit and pain free and upload them every day. Also go to Facebook and like them, please, because Brad and I didn't like them, probably even bothered them a little, and now we're trying to change that completely. Maybe they didn't bother you, well, probably later, yes. You didn't practice karate when you were a kid. Very well, the first thing we are going to give you are some guidelines. The first thing you're trying to do is go over three main categories here, Brad.
best type of pillow for sleeping with neck pain pinched nerve or herniated disc

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best type of pillow for sleeping with neck pain pinched nerve or herniated disc...

The first thing is to try to put the neck in neutral. Yes, let's go to neutral. It doesn't make any sense, neutral, first gear, second gear. You know what I'm talking about. So Brad is here right now. He actually has pretty good posture, his ears are aligned with his shoulders and that's where you want to see him. So here's his shoulder, you can barely see his ear because He's got it lined up right. Show them incorrectly Brad Right, at night, when you're


. This is the same. You want to have your neck in this good position, not in this bad position.
best type of pillow for sleeping with neck pain pinched nerve or herniated disc
Can you see how if you sleep on your back and use one thin


you should be able to stay in a good position, but if you use two thick pillows. He will push them forward. Alternatively, if he is on his side, we will now look this way. Brad, now you can look back here to get good posture. You want to be right in the middle, but look forward. There's a big gap there. So if you slept without a pillow, yes, you would be very tired and there would be tension in your neck all night long.
best type of pillow for sleeping with neck pain pinched nerve or herniated disc
Very often, when you are on your side, a pillow does not do it. If you do, you're still going to lean to one side So we're going to use two pillows and that's going to keep you just trust me, two pillows are going to keep you in the right position Yes, the goal is that neutral position and keeping your neck healthy. By the way, I read Brad that 70% of people sleep on their side so it's more common to sleep on your side, so when you're on your side you'll want to find a thicker pillow, fill in that gap between your shoulders How about Do you sleep on your stomach, Brad?
Well, you know, we're not big fans of this. No, we are not. If you are going to sleep on your stomach, the ideal would be to have one of those holes like on a massage table. Then you keep your neck in a neutral position, but if you're face down and your head has to be all the way, what we call end range, it's going to be there, that's fine, but if you leave it there for a period of time, hours at a time , could cause problems. I guess people who sleep on their stomachs unknowingly probably turn their heads from right to left, I don't know, but yeah, I don't know how else you would do it.
Your head is completely in one direction. So if you're going to sleep on your stomach, I would try to keep it limited and try to use a softer pillow because you certainly don't want to be on your stomach and leaning over. Get up like this Some people who sleep don't use a pillow. Oh yeah, sometimes they even put their hands there or don't use a pillow. I shouldn't say make fun of this, but I can imagine someone sleeping all night with their head to the right, and then they get up in the morning and... You're stuck Yes, a lot happens to people who sleep on their stomachs.
Headaches. If you have a lot of headaches in your neck, that may be the cause. So, that may be something to think about. Tips to try to adopt a good posture when you sleep. One thing you could use. Let's make the towels. Yes, we have a number of little tricks you can do here. Bob is trying to decide which one first. Oh, okay, so what you can do is just a little thing to try to help keep the collar in place at night. You take a pillowcase and fold it in half lengthwise, so I went this way, folded it in half and then folded it in half again.
You do a lot of laundry, don't you, Bob, yes? I really managed, didn't I? And then with it in this position, you can take it and put it around your neck like this and then tape it or pin it in place. Be careful with that pen. Anyway, this gives you just a little support, but it helps keep your neck in place at night. We've had some people like this. I have used this with my people who have vertigo, after doing the treatment and they are not supposed to do it. Look down, I put this around them and it's just a cheap necklace.
Otherwise, you'll have to spend $15 and you'll only use it for one day. The other thing you can try is when you sleep on your back or side, there's a little bit of a curve here, so to fill it you can take a roll-up towel. First, why don't we go the cheaper way? Okay, now if I'm sleeping on my side, I'm on my side like this, and there's kind of a space here. I can put the towel here. And I can actually slide it on the pillow and put it right here. there it is in place, it gives me a little extra support.
These are things you try, Brad, and see if they work and this. For my patients who like it, they know that it makes a difference when they have that support in that neck and I. Surely there are those who say that I don't like it at all, right? Right, or it could just be the size of the roll. Experiment with that too and also if I sleep on my back. And I take a pillow, look how it fills that space. Very nice Brad. They make these two, that's one from McKenzie. , a Mackenzie cervical roll. They are simply more comfortable because the cushion is more consistent and feels good.
But you know if this works, it will work better. Yes. It's softer Yes, many times once you put it on the pillow it stays there. Again, it will support my neck. I'm going to mention a pillow. Where are we at Brad? Nurse, I'll make sure this is in our products next. It's a memory foam, so it's very nice and soft. Brad, his wife and I all tried this and it has a zipper, so it's a washable cover, and it's hypoallergenic. Your wife liked this curve, didn't she? Yes, because most of them go in a straight line and if you look at it from this angle, there is a depression here, which inherently causes it to rotate.
You don't need a roll there. It's built right into the pillow, but the pillow also has a place here that your shoulder fits into when you're on your side. And really, it's a personal thing. Really is. I liked to sleep on my side. I didn't like sleeping on my back. I'm not going to be one to say go out and get this because pillows are very, very personal. Beyond trying to get your neck in the right position, how much softness or hardness or firmness do you want. That's really individual. It depends on your body. It depends on your mattress, if you have a firmer mattress there are many variables.
Did you like it or not? This? Yes, we gave it an A. Not an A+ but an A. Okay, do you sleep on your side or do you sleep on your back? I'm failing with Bob. Yes, I like to sleep on my side, but my back doesn't allow it, so I have to sleep on my stomach. Anyway, that's the long story. That's the Nurse, it's $35.99. You can try it if you think it's something you want to try. Okay, so in the next category we're looking at Brad, if you're feeling pain in your arm or you need to take the stress off your


s, so one way to do that is, by the way, when you're sleeping. your back.
You've got the thin pillow here and what you're going to do is go ahead and I would take another pillow, Brad, and put it here and rest that arm on it. It just makes a big difference, it really does. It's amazing how some of these little things can make a big difference like this one hanging around your neck. You wouldn't think it makes a difference. But you try and it's amazing, this is another one, and if that's not enough, you could even try putting one next to you and one here. For some people that's what it takes.
If you have to go to your children's room and grab their pillows so you can sleep well at night. That's how it is. Do what you have to do because they are children and they can handle it. Yes. They are tough. Then the other thing, you. I will lie on my side, same thing, I would try to avoid lying on the arm where the nerve pain goes down. Go ahead and put a pillow next to you, this is the arm that is giving me problems, and another one above like this and again to support it. Again, you can almost put two in there.
Again, I realize there are a lot of pillows, but it makes a big difference if you can, yeah, there you go, fold it in half. If you are going to lie on the painful side. Which we do not recommend at all. If you do, you could take a smaller pillow. Create the channel here and place the arm here and that gives a little bit, it's not that difficult or stressful. I should say they make a sleeping wedge with a hole for your arm. in this. We haven't tried them, but I've seen them on So we'll have to try them and report back on this one.
Yes that's fine. The other thing is that someone had asked Brad how you watch TV at night in bed or how you read a book. So our recommendation in this regard is That is the sleeping wedge. Google Sleep Wedge, there are many that will appear. That's the one that also has an arm hole. Is the same. I'll put this in our products section; They are not that expensive. But a great thing is just putting a pillow like this on and now I have pretty good posture. But I can read or watch TV normally. What if you don't have this?
You place an extra pillow or two under your head. Then you take your head out of the neutral position we've been talking about and it's not desirable. It's not comfortable and that's the third category we're going to look at is the comfort itself and again, if you sleep primarily on your back, I would probably buy a medium pillow that's not as firm. If you're on your side, I'd probably buy a pillow that's a little firmer. You know, I realize there are down pillows, feather pillows, foam pillows, and memory foam pillows. There are synthetics. There is a website called Sleep Like The
It actually really talks about pillows, beds, and mattresses, and rates them all. So it's a good deal. Yes, it is and it's objective, so it's okay, I guess we were ready to call it quits, right? I don't know, should we stop? We're probably boring them to death. Sleeping well is a great thing. Yes. Thanks for watching. Keep your neck healthy.

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