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Best Pancake Art Wins $1,000!

Jun 10, 2024
Man? No, I'm Iron Man. Like Batman, yeah, why are you so round? He hasn't been to the gym in a while. I tried brother. I don't make fun of my Iron Man. He has feelings. He's fine. I think the more accurate Iron Man is, yeah, come on, how does he feel? Dude I'm catching up, you're still losing, I'm catching up, though 3 or 4, you're still losing, I'm still catching up, though you know what's going to be amazing when you're the


at the end of this. video you're going to be a human


no you're going to be a human pancake like just imagine 10 gallons of syrup literally in every crack and crevice of your body that sounds gross you'll find syrup in some places that syrup shouldn't be you know you I'm going to butter it now this time we make pancake flowers ooh I love eating flowers and I love eating pancakes you don't eat flowers I'm making my flowers for someone special not my girlfriend why don't you make them for me because my girlfriend is the one judge?
best pancake art wins 1 000
If I make her flowers maybe I'll get an extra point and win this round, but you always give her flowers, you never give me flowers. I thought it was your friend, dad, calm down, let's spin the wheel. I really hope it's you, Cam. no no no no yes yes no yes the handicap cube I want this I don't know if you want that polio scopes oh and are these the cios copies kidcope what a kaleidoscope what do you say Kylie J is and if you guys are wondering what Ben is seeing in this moment this is what it looks like this is what I see what Ben looks like oh this is what I see oh yeah I'm so glad I got that holy shit you look great there's like nine of you there's like 35 bottles of pancakes here it is time to make some flowers with some pancakes and 3 2 1 come on I don't know where to start where is the purple one I don't see anything I'm doing something my head hurts where is the brown one I need to make a pot, time for a pot, first I'm making a small pot and then I'm going to make some pretty little flowers and I have a great idea for a little finishing touch, so I make sure I get that point, are these flowers? where is the green? where is the green? where is the green? where is the green? ah, it takes me a few tries, you know, there are so many different lenses, let's add some leaves, let's go with a nice little red flower stem, you know, flowers should like to have like little leaves on them and things you know like little pretty leaves you better not make them for my girlfriend no, but she is the judge no no no no it is not what it seems it is not what it seems newly discovered flowers my girlfriend no, it is not how it looks this is wrong, you chose it , not me, sorry, this purple fills it out well, what the hell is it even now?
best pancake art wins 1 000

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best pancake art wins 1 000...

Okay, it's time to flip, put the flipp 3 2 1, yes, the colors did it. It didn't turn out that well but it looks sick it's time to flip mine into three 2 1 oh you actually made it there yeah oh let's see what judge hannah thinks next pancake what the hell is it that's a flower to you that's not a Look, we've been dating for a while, so I thought, "It would be cool to get you some flowers and I bought you this. In what world is this a flower? A camera. Yeah, that's so cool. What do you mean the mine is also good?
best pancake art wins 1 000
What kind of flower is this? It's a eucalyptus lily. Mine is bigger, bigger, not necessarily. Cam looks perfect. It's a winner. Yes, let's go okay, so I won't give you this flower because I was going to give it to you. I don't want it. I'm kidding. It hurts a little that you didn't want my flower. You should look at what the flowers really look like. I had CID Scoppy glasses. Can I say that one more time Kio scy glasses on I'm going to take my flower and give it to myself It's time for the next pancake What's the next pancake?
best pancake art wins 1 000
The Indian flag. Oh, okay, there are some pretty colors there. There are some fine details. Can we do it? make it with pancakes, let's find out, let's just spin the wheel, again, no, again, brother, what are you laughing at? Oh, because now it was three times in a row and you were laughing at me because I got it twice. in a row, okay, choose your handicap. Tong hands, that's perfect because, oh, then you have to use them to make your pancake cart. What do you think I'm a crab? 2 minutes on the clock starts now wait, wait before starting.
Can I look please? in a photo of the flag i really don't know what it looks like look at a photo it's okay with the clock ticking so you better hurry up these are the colors i need look at this this isn't that bad i can just take my colors How easy, I can do this right. I'm going to make the first orange line on the flag. It will be the top part of the flag. I'm going to look for a black outline. This is quite nice. I am not going to do it. lie, this is pretty accurate, it's a little awkward, but it's working, it's a nice orange color inside the flag, it's like this little blue circle, the sun dial is very hard on the clamps, all good, looks pretty good, pretty good, okay, this is working pretty well.
Have you ever been to the Indian chamber? No, no, no, we should go, we should go, comment below if you're from India, it's very satisfying to work with a mix of pancakes of all these colors, it's like Legos, but you can eat it well and finally the white one. Our two flags are ready now we have to flip them. I'm going to have to flip them using these. Yeah, well I can do it here we go and 3 2 1. I mean, you flipped it. I turned it over. It's my turn. Here we go. 3 2 1. she looked much better than before, yes, I think her temperature was too high, let's bring these Indian flags to judge Hannah, see what she thinks, oh yes, the next Nosh pancake, no, it's four or four, oh look who's back, who pancake's back, okay.
What are they supposed to be? You don't know where this is, yeah, oh, what flag is this? Wait, I'm not good at geography, it's actually algebra, which is actually geometry, wow, honestly they're both pretty good, but I don't care. Burness on I was going to say this looks a little burned bro, no, but it's okay, I put it a little too high and it burned a little, okay, okay, here I'll fix it, I'll fix it a little. shorter that's definitely not what I meant now it's good now it's even messier this is technically correct mine is just better camera literally they just tricked me by changing the way not disqualified and you are the winner what I am the winner no , come on I have to back off, okay, I don't know how much longer I can do this.
I'm winning now it's 5 to four so maybe that's why he's mad because he might be a human pancake in the next round, the next pancake is the Tik Tock app. logo oh okay I'm a tiktock tick Tacker let me see your


tiktk dance yeah okay let's bring the wheel and see who's got the disadvantage because listen camera it's getting real intense one of us will be a human pancake, won't go. be dancing when it falls on him hey, can you land on the camera? No, yes, that was here. Oh my God, there's one here with pants on his arms.
What does that mean? What do you mean? What does that mean? What do you think it means? Okay, okay, yeah. okay, okay, put your hands up, it looks like you're doing a handstand. 2 minutes starts now. The Tick Tock colors here first we start with the Emoji app, it's like a very rounded square edge, these pants are suffocating me, it's pretty. nice square rounded I can't lie Hey guys, you like my I drew the logo wow, I don't know if it's going to look good, trust me, trust me, trust me, okay, we need a lot of red on this side, not a lot of red.
It doesn't really look proportional, but that's okay, what the heck is even that pretty? Okay, that's pretty nice. Let's start filling this baby around all the edges. How are your pants? Hands up, brother. It's not good, it's not fun, it's choking my neck. but it's okay, my Tik Tock logo looks cool. What is happening there? You did it backwards again. No, buddy, you'd think I'd learn. No, it all started with the e-mer about to put the brand on top. Oh, that was so satisfying. that was actually pretty satisfying the app is black no it may be white last time i checked it was black bro there's a white one okay okay whatever i can tell you know let let the judge decide, okay Hannah Tick Tock Hannah Tic Tock, let's flip this thing 3 2 1 nice this here is a Tik Tok logo let's see yours camera okay let me flip mine three two one Z yes it looks good it looks well in what ways do it well it's just reversed okay well we have some Tik Tock logos let's see which one is more Tik Tock and the other one is Tic Tac let's see what Hannah thinks next pancake yeah yeah did you see my Tik Tok dances?
Well, thanks for terrifying what it is, Kim, could you, could you wait, could you. I can't say you couldn't tell what it was, I actually have no idea what that is. Tik Tok can do that dance again, so you guys made a Tik Tok logo. Yes, Ben, the winner. Sorry, what you didn't give them. You didn't even judge ours, bro, she didn't need to judge ours, what the fuck, what the fuck, are you about to turn into a human pancake? No, follow me, no, sorry, it's time to become a human. Pake, no, you see. Just don't tell me that's all the syrup you're going to pour on me, oh my god, look at that, look at that, that's all syrup at least I'll taste good, obviously we had to get some butter because all the pancakes They have butter. so yeah, you can't forget the butter, okay, have a seat right there.
I'm going to grab all these things and I'll be up there, bye, yeah, I'll just do it. Be here, it's okay, camon, are you ready? No, I'm not ready. I hope you like pancakes. Oh, in three, no, 2, 1, go, wait, what's with the butter? No, oh no, butter is so good, it's so disgusting on the S and now I'm. a human pancake stay wild baby peace bye

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