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Best OS for programming? Mac vs Windows vs Linux debate settled

May 29, 2024
Mac, Windows or Linux, that is the most important choice you will ever make if you decide to become a programmer, not only will you spend tens of thousands of hours with your operating system, but it will also have a profound impact on your subconscious when you click I accept the terms and conditions, you are now forever part of the collective Windows hive mind. When you unbox that fancy new Macbook, you unknowingly join the cult of Apple and the only way to break these proprietary shackles is to compile the Linux kernel from scratch to call yourself. an open source freedom fighter who will be your supreme leader work dates or tours in vaals in today's video we will look at the differences between Mac Windows and Linux from the perspective of a software engineer for over a decade.
best os for programming mac vs windows vs linux debate settled
I have enjoyed the pleasure and pain of these three operating systems and have realized that FreeBSD is superior to all of them, but I don't want that secret to come to light. Many years ago, when I got my first real job, I was assigned a Windows machine and introduced. to beautiful technologies like Java and the Oracle database from my cubicle. I use these tools to build shoddy websites for a failed Fortune 500 company, it sucked, but luckily, thanks to divine intervention, I got fired from that job and started working remotely full time with my new job. Macbook Pro, this bad boy had a dual core CPU and a full gigabyte of RAM.
best os for programming mac vs windows vs linux debate settled

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best os for programming mac vs windows vs linux debate settled...

I traveled across the country, from Starbucks to Starbucks, sipping lattes while developing Ruby on Rails apps on my MacBook, but I finally realized that the real hardcore developers were using Linux like as fate would have it, my MacBook Pro stopped working. as planned exactly 2 years after I bought it, so that's when I built my first PC from scratch and installed Ubuntu around that time. Richard Stallman called it spyware, so I experimented with a bunch of other dros, but I've mainly stuck with Debian, which I refer to as Linux is in fact G new Linux or I've recently started calling it G Plus Linux, the ganu plus Linux system.
best os for programming mac vs windows vs linux debate settled
Linux is not an operating system itself, but another free component. of a fully functioning gnu system useful thanks to the gnu cor Libs shell utilities and the vital system components that comprise a complete operating system as defined by posix. What I have learned over the years is that there is no perfect operating system like today. I use Windows, but I use Windows. subsystem for Linux for development and I always have a MacBook Pro along with my ski goggles available for traveling now when I use three different operating systems it is important to have an IDE that runs on all of them and there is nothing better than Jeet Brains Ideas the today's sponsor. video Its legendary family of integrated development environments is used by millions of developers every day and is famous for its sophisticated code completion and built-in tools as a web developer.
best os for programming mac vs windows vs linux debate settled
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language with a 30 day guarantee. free trial use the link in the description, but now let's talk about the pros and cons of developing on a Macintosh.
Apple is by far the


hardware, but to get it you have to pay a big price, like $1,000 just for one stand, plus another important one. The downside is that you can't upgrade these machines if you want to add more RAM or GPU storage. Upgrade options are extremely limited. Plus, that ecosystem is designed to lock you in if you want to build apps for iOS or Apple Vision. Pro, you will almost certainly need to have a Mac and if your hardware ever breaks you will find that the components are glued or soldered in place, which means it is impossible to repair them without going to the Apple Store and there has been a lot of controversy over regard. the right to repair, but no one really wants to repair their old MacBook, when it breaks, there will be something new and amazing that you will have to buy, but more important than the hardware is the software and one thing that is really good.
Mac OS is that it is based on Unix. Unix has been around since the 70's and has a really nice file system layout that uses forward slashes and the Mac comes with a bunch of good development tools out of the box like Zell git vim etc plus you. I can use package managers like Homebrew to easily install and manage different development tools. The terminal experience on a Mac is nice and the tools in the game look great, although they can be quite annoying to use. I'm looking at your search engine, but the most important thing is that everything works.
Out-of-the-box, no-configure Mac OS stops you from falling into customization holes by spending days configuring meaningless things on your machine instead of writing code that's actually useful, but if you want to get really good at computers, you'll need to learn Linux on the server. Linux is king, the vast majority of servers running in the cloud and powering the world's infrastructure run Linux and that is because it is free, open source and reliable; However, very few normal people actually use it for their personal computers, so why is it about complexity? to use Linux, first you have to choose a family like Debian Arch red hat genu and many others, then you have to choose a Dro in that family, like in Red Hat, you have Enterprise Linux vedora sentos Rocky Linux and many others, then you have to choose an environment desktop like gnome KDE etc, eventually you'll need to open the terminal type in a bunch of commands to resolve dependencies, compile things from the source update file permissions and then a few weeks later you should be good to go.
Some dros are designed to be extremely easy to use, like Debian-based Linux Mint, but if you really want to be a top Alpha programmer, you'll probably want to go for something in the Arch family that allows you to legally say you use Arch, by the way, not . Linux is only free, but it gives you the most flexibility to customize your machine, and in turn, you're likely to learn a lot more about how computers actually work when you use it, and if you really want to delve into something like penetration, it's like Cal Linux is highly optimized for that activity;
Plus, if you're deploying applications on Linux servers, you'll be much more familiar with the Linux ecosystem when you use it every day and there are all kinds of awesome development tools you can use on Linux. It may have a higher learning curve initially, but it can dramatically improve your productivity, but there are quite a few downsides. Support for commercial software such as Adobe products and a large number of games and drivers for hardware is simply non-existent. Linux only has a single-digit market share. of personal computers and many developers simply choose to ignore it completely, but Linux is not the only open source kernel.
If you're really brave, you can use other kernels like open BSD Minix or redo, but then you'll be on your own and ultimately, when you have to configure a lot of things by hand, the whole system becomes more brittle, which means you'll eventually break something stupid. and you'll end up spending two days debugging your bash profile, which is one of the main causes of problems with Linux. It may be painful at times, but you need that pain to grow. You don't know real pain. However, until you've tried developing Windows at first, you'll have to charge your mom's credit card $199 for Windows Pro and then when you install it, it'll try to sell you a bunch of junk software like Microsoft Office and a drive, even if If you reject it, you'll still need to log in to a Microsoft account so it can spy on you in perpetuity and resell the same to you. trash every day for the rest of your life when you start it you will find artificial intelligence everywhere you will need a copilot just to manage all your copilots now if you are coming from unix you will notice some weird things like it uses backslashes for file paths and every one or two days the system will close an update to make sure you have the latest spyware installed when it comes to open source software Development development Microsoft has some skeletons in the closet in the 9 had a strategy to adopt Open Standards, extend them in incompatible ways only to extinguish them later and Balmer once called Linux a cancer how much do you think this advanced operating environment is worth?
But today things are different even though I hate the Microsoft I use. Microsoft VSS code to write my Microsoft typescript code, then push it to Microsoft GitHub and install my Microsoft mpm packages and then deploy it to Microsoft Azure from my Microsoft Windows machine. At some point Microsoft realized that the way to win over developers was to become less like Windows and more like Linux and the main feature is the Windows Subsystem for Linux which allows you to run a full Linux drro inside Windows, not just an emulated one that gives you the best of both worlds, you can use all your favorite Linux terminal apps and I even run Linux apps like VLC and in the past I used to dual boot Windows and Linux but WSL has made that unnecessary, no It's perfect and some random issues arise and WSL can be painfully slow at times, but it's pretty awesome.
General feature and a big benefit of Windows over Mac OS is that it is not kept in a Walled Garden. Windows is proprietary, but can be installed on any hardware, meaning you can easily upgrade your RAM, CPU, GPU, etc., but that brings us to the end. Ask which tribe you should join. I've created a helpful flowchart to help you choose. The first question is are you rich? If you answered yes, then the answer is pretty easy for Mac OS, but if you answered no, the next question is: do you have? a girlfriend Andor a life If you answered yes, then Windows is the optimal choice then your last question should be: Do I want an operating system designed by God himself?
If you answered no, then Linux is your best option, but if you answered yes, then the obvious. The choice would be Temple OS.

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