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Best of the Worst: The Instructor, Through Doohan's Eye, and Twisted Pair

May 30, 2021
of balsa wood and paint and you know it, because then I'll call you three times, you don't know the part of the appeal where they have to pretend they don't know each other in front of the homeless is a part of it, yeah, and in front to the rubber rats, these two rubber rats supply the hobo and we don't know if the hobo is crazy and only has these rubber rats or like Neil Breen using them as pranks. they're supposed to be your mind that scene is like a dirty alley that's the idea that's how you film a very clean community college I guess it's from the community college throughout the movie the new community college they just built last year is pristine yes Was he trying to make some strange contrast with his evil side?
best of the worst the instructor through doohan s eye and twisted pair
Well, we get that contrast because we have a very similar sea scene with Kade Kale and there you know, he passes us like any Woody Turian, which makes him evil, they have a strange fight scene. but it's real because apparently they're both high and since he pushes him from the beginning this is a mistake like her and then she just awkwardly falls off the bed yeah but he tries to hit her and then he catches some of the wine bottles I wonder if you really hear the sound effect, but when she hit him, she just caught his hoodie, but this is like their version of what an alcoholic, drug addict relationship is like, they just have tons of bottles and pills. like bottles yes yes It's like it's a student film or something, in every aspect, you know, whether it's that or another, acting like Neil Breen seems to be like constantly impersonating a human being, yes, instead of representing to a human being, yes, I trust you. completely, it's like he doesn't know how to pass as a human being, it's just that it's because he is above the human being, something that is in all his movies is that he is here to teach us.
best of the worst the instructor through doohan s eye and twisted pair

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best of the worst the instructor through doohan s eye and twisted pair...

I am as I am on the web, yes. I'm the greatest thing ever, he has a Messiah complex, yeah, I mean, that's every one of his movies, yeah, but that's the weird thing about this, is that he's starting to get conflicted about it and that's why He developed this other character, the only one. who can defeat Neil Breen is another Neil brain. I would say that because I thought they were going to have a fight at the end. They never have a fight. What's going on here is really interesting. Really its double attempt. He is simply him. badass, yeah, it's Finn's, it's a fantasy, Neil Breen and then you go through the last one we saw, yeah, and he still thinks very highly of himself, but like the madness has started to set in.
best of the worst the instructor through doohan s eye and twisted pair
I have wiped out 300 million humans from the planet today in human terms I killed them all of these were humans that were harmful to other humans he takes a dark turn in that movie where he just presents himself as a guy who wants to watch the world burn yeah and and here in


parrots like he started to become aware of that, yeah, and that's why he took on all the negative aspects of his own personality that he's developing ah, that's just a separate character, it's time to like exercises, you're right, it's like If he was trying to exercise his craziest thoughts, it's like Superman 3.
best of the worst the instructor through doohan s eye and twisted pair
In the evil version, he's not aware of himself as a filmmaker, no, but it's like he's becoming aware that he's crazy, yeah, yeah, we got the Messiah Complex, but in passing, just as in this movie, it also has a real appearance. real connection with the animals as he develops more and more into a humanoid state over the years. Is he supposed to be the one who tramples on these petting, but not enough to be there with the animal? Yeah, bad, I think more than that it's a connection to the green screen. Yes, good morning, have a good day.
He uses a lot of stock footage of him being cooler and super me. I mean, that was what struck me the most in this movie. It's like he just discovered You know, yeah, like he just discovered that the footage is something that exists, like the army guys, where he says, oh, in that way, that he has nothing to do with the rest of the movie. I guess it's just to establish that he's like a savior. They can't hurt me they won't hurt you follow me he has to be somewhere at this point right, that's a question that everyone can't answer this is too much he has overplayed his hand you know rich you underestimate crazy I don't I don't believe it, I don't I think right, he doesn't know that he is the super badass created by the aliens to be super badass and then he works with some kind of agency that he may or may not be the boss of and the aliens may or may not.
He may not be ahead, yes, fight all the evil in the world, yes, his brother was also created to fight all the evil in the world, but he didn't do so well and then he was depowered and then he became one hour. but even though he's not good at fighting evil, he still fights evil by kidnapping corporate guys who are very upfront and honest about evil, thank you, stolen cars, millions embezzled from charities, all the politicians to whom that we've been paying, oh, we've been politicians for years. I had flashbacks at that party, yes, and his corpses multiplied.
I think it's supposed to be other people that he killed, we think, but he just, yeah, he just copied and pasted the same three people over and over again talking about. stuck on there are a lot of fake mustaches, yeah, and you can see the spirit gum bleeding, that's what I'm saying, it looks like duct tape, yeah, yeah, and it's like the light is constantly shining and there are two Mike characters. Not here, it's like Spock in the mirror universe, well that's the creepy part, it's the other guy, yeah, the businessman or whatever with the fake mustache and then we have another character played by the same actor from that scene, yes, he plays it. another character later in the movie and he clearly wears that same mustache as if they just reused that same disgusting mustache.
He's a master at reusing everything he can, oh yeah, like I say, Leo Breen doesn't cut anything, he just reuses his stuff to get the movie dialogue scenes longer takes Eagles everything he can reuse the special effects over and over again until the jump even when he falls he jumps and immediately this is a sheep now this is how humans come back oh yeah that's a great moment where it's like neoprene I didn't know that it's like I don't even understand what sleep is it's not like oh I woke up and I was startled I'm going to go back to sleep it's like he had narcolepsy and he just passed out yeah he sleeps now like I'm like Microsoft or Google like them they tried to have the chat BOTS they tried to teach how to communicate with people is that your dream you should vocalize little brainless Clippy, guys, it looks like you're having trouble here What do you want?
How can I help you? You like text-to-speech. But you could include it as Neal Brut. You could get an item in I steal Brains Voice. It would be great if there was a


novelization. -par I would buy it and read it as if it were literally just hitting a random keyboard no, they are like separate words technology artificial intelligence the whole novelization cyborg warfare biological DNA biological cyberwarfare what are you saying? I bought the twisted


novelization it just says that everything works and none of the gameplay makes Jack boring. You will find that the twisted


novelization on Amazon is like buying it right away and you open it and it's all lorem ipsum, anyone is not a rock.
To finish this off, these are just shots he already had again. Oh well, that's a good thing, or is this guy a good thing? What is it? Kade's story returns. I guess she fell in love with this character she created. to himself because he wants me to come back hey, we're all sorry, I just hope he didn't get his heart broken when he had to murder his girlfriend oh yeah, right, that happened yeah, oh yeah, they shot each other it was just a business, what's that? That's like Romeo. and Juliet, yes it has been established that he is like a super traitor and that she is a super being or a super reing, being super super green, they can't kill him so she tries to shoot him, yes, but a sequel could be Well, you know, we've done it. a lot of unanswered questions if Neil thinks to watch it, I just hope he films at Nevada State College again, right?
I hope the sequel is full of like the classrooms are full of students like who is this guy what is he doing so they can do it in a lecture on how to make blockbusters so he wasn't scheduled to give a lecture he just walks around towards the forest very confused, who wants to work on a film, why do you want everyone to have the right to be loved? Everyone has the right to love and peace. I'll be right, well, this is the point of the night where we choose the


from the


. Colin. Which is the


of the


I have to give it to the twisted pair. I think it's the most entertaining movie of the night. All followed, I would say by


Jim, well, these two movies have very bad artifacts and quality, you know, they were filmed a long time ago, the quality just isn't there, the quality isn't here either, but it's a newer movie , so it's easier. To see these movies, there are people acting badly here. Neill Brain is not acting badly. He is impersonating human beings, which is terrifying. So I'm doing well. You know there was strong competition tonight, really strong, but you know Neil Breen is on top. his game he's the man he's untouchable he's not on a hot streak right now Neil Breen is the Michael Jordan of bad cinema I know you're being sarcastic about it being some kind of competition I enjoyed all three movies I mean I'm not being sarcastic like We watched three terrible quality movies, yeah I think we're a little bored with some dead eyes but yeah I really enjoyed it I mean it's terrible but it's like I could watch the alternate universe version of the Sega Dario movie Argento and it works, yeah, sure and then the


says yeah, the second half of that movie distances itself, it's a crowd pleaser, they say, I think most other nights Bert Pesci would have escaped with Hello, absolutely clumsily , he got away real quick, but yeah, I mean, twisted. -Par, it's almost like you have to like Neal Breen is almost beyond the best of the worst right now, it's like he's always going to win, you know, we saw that and I'm thinking we could just have the discussion. about that, yeah, yeah, so if we took it out of the equation, yeah, I'd probably do it through dead eyes, but I'd say the instructor really time, yeah, I enjoyed through dead eyes, like I said, I can see what it is. could have been, I would also say three dead eyes because the ending really was a twist, yeah, like it was a more competent movie that would just blow me away like it was incredibly stupid, but we were engaged throughout like we were trying to figure out the mystery that It's like it was stupid enough for the movie and it was stupider than that.
It's amazing that a shitty movie can still hold you captive to discover its whodunnit quality. Yes Yes. I think everything else about the movie for me was just very boring - - borz is boring, yes - I've been very active, terribly unpleasant protagonist, so - if it's between the other two, it's a close race, actually it's part of Pesci and that incredible chase scene, yes, he wins, this is it, yes. and the instructor is like the classic good and bad movies, nothing in this movie rises to the top, it doesn't get more genuinely involved with the story, but the instructor is like the story of the movie.

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