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Best Of Richard Ayoade & Stephen Merchant | The Big Fat Quiz Of The Year 2022

May 04, 2024
answer was C. Okay, um, we said Wordle, but I don't play. I was telling the chess team um Wordle, words for nerds, who, who, who, who, Richard is there, that's not going to fly, you still fight, I never did what he never just walked. You immediately like it very much, greetings. I asked you which channel 5 chose to broadcast instead of the Queen's funeral. What do you think we put in the top 100 funerals hosted by Jimmy Carr? Yes ok this is the part of the show where I introduce a mystery guest all you need to do is tell me who they are how they appeared in the news however you can only ask them yes or no questions please welcome them to our Mystery guest, ah, there it is, hello, nice to see you, oh, now you can ask questions, uh. but you have a strict time limit, so how did it make the news this


best of richard ayoade stephen merchant the big fat quiz of the year 2022
Did you go viral? I went viral. Yes, I went viral. Yes Yes. Just a Yes. You went viral. Were you dancing? Did it have to do with? a hobby of yours or an activity you do anyway that's complicated that's not a trick it's yes yes yes we'll say yes what do you mean you'll say yes it's yes I'll say yes I'm sorry, check out Carard Do you remember who you are? Yes, is it a dangerous hobby? No, I think you're right, it's not dangerous, but I think people can perceive that it's dangerous. Oh, okay, is this something you planned or did it just happen accidentally?
best of richard ayoade stephen merchant the big fat quiz of the year 2022

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best of richard ayoade stephen merchant the big fat quiz of the year 2022...

Oh that's good. a yes, yes or no question, yes, no questions, so was it planned? Yes, it's okay, but it was unexpected. Can I get up that day? Are you happy with your legal representative? Do you do it as a job too? Yes, I do. Oh, it's yours. work, okay, was this? Was this the most important moment of this? Does this become bigger at that time than at any other time? uh, bigger than any other time. I think you know what's good. Write some answers. Does it involve heights? Yes, you are high. above yes, it couldn't be clearer yes, it's really yes, okay, that's it, everyone has to write something.
best of richard ayoade stephen merchant the big fat quiz of the year 2022
Richard has a question. Do you believe in the indestructibility of the human soul? Yes or no, yes or no, thank you. I believe i know it. The answer is okay, let's take a look, see, does everyone have something? Yes Richard, he wrote the Banana line in that song, the Eurovision song he came up with you thought was such a great song, we had two guests. He is a good guest. All Hollywood heartthrob Luke Evans wanted to know what was so amazing about Brazilian jiu-jitsu fighter Edward Hardy at Milton Kings. What you think, well, I didn't know, but Maisy destroyed it.
best of richard ayoade stephen merchant the big fat quiz of the year 2022
I think, well, it could be wrong, so go with it, but yeah. It's true, I destroyed it and it was Tom Hardy, the actor. I thought it was Tom Hardy too. oh yes, oh, you're right, yes, you're right, it's very, very surprising, yes, it didn't come. Not Ed Hardy. he came more like Ed Ed elbow or something like that no, no, it's uh Ed Edward Hardy, he went under his, that's his birth name and the referee said afterward he said a lot of people think, oh Tom Hardy, he's just a superstar, no, you have him on the mat and he will crush you wow, who would have thought that Tom Hardy was legitimately tough?
He is very strong, he came to my house one day and carried me upstairs, oh God, that is a dream. He carried me upstairs. Any memory of what happened next. This is it. when you ate the white pea

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