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Best Halloween Candy Taste Test (Day 2)

Jun 06, 2021
the battle for the




continues let's talk about it mr. Golden morning, it's a great day for us. Our novel The Lost Cause is a Dark Brook comes out today. Get it wherever you get books. Barnes & Noble has signed copies. Target has a special edition with photos and you can buy it from anywhere by visiting. bleak Creek dot-com can't wait for you to read it Yes, today is the second day of our ultimate Halloween


tournament, which means we're one day closer to selecting a winner and one day closer to selecting a vendor of insulin hmm if you haven't seen yesterday's episode, click on it and catch up because we have eight more delicious candies to throw down the holes on the bottom of your face and only four will emerge victorious.
best halloween candy taste test day 2
It's time for the fascinating battle of the


Halloween candy, day two. quick summary if you take a look at our gastroin


inal, a group of glamorous sweets, you will see that four sweets have advanced to the quarterfinals, those are Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Butterfinger Milky Way and Snickers, now we have four spots left more among the eight sweets we fight for. those places are Jolly Ranchers KitKat M&Ms Swedish fish Reese's Pieces bowling Twix and almond joy, let's eat my first matchup is 15th place with 2057 votes Jolly Ranchers against second place with 9000 40 votes KITT KITT is fine and pink Running the meeting today is Matt Liebe, happy Halloween, are you a happy penguin?
best halloween candy taste test day 2

More Interesting Facts About,

best halloween candy taste test day 2...

Oh, excited. I'm an excited penguin whose entire habitat is melting. Yes, there is a message with this costume. I appreciate it, so don't use it just because it was the only one that was tall enough. Not for you, oh no, I'm using it because I just moved to North Hollywood, where it's a lot cooler than my normal happy north, north of climate change, okay, Jolly Ranchers, the most popular flavor according to surveys is blue razz because people I love things that don't really exist, it's true. I like Apple. Hey, let's make it a real time just sucking on Jolly Ranchers and no edits or cuts, we stay here until they're gone and of course here we have KitKat because I.
best halloween candy taste test day 2
I'm giving up on that part. I'm still sucking on the gun, it will be forever. I would say it's like 15 minutes, if you say it's 50 minutes you have a soft tone. I don't care, now here's the thing, man, almost you. You have these KitKats and they are made to be shared or at least part for Pho, can you have the right one now? Here's a fun fact: the song Give Me a Break was written in 1982 and composed by Michael Levine, who would go on to produce all the music for Nickelodeon's Naked Brothers Band and also be Stevie's father.
best halloween candy taste test day 2
Oh, and no, no, thank you. One of the brothers in the naked brothers van was Nat Wolff, who would later star in Hereditary as Brother Oh Spooky. and also Stevie's brother. I haven't seen her edit it. Yes, it's really the role you don't want to play, that's the little sister. She's fine, she doesn't


as good with Jolly Rancher. Jolly Ranchers is really working. things to me and it's not even in my mouth anymore. I'm just thinking about what it was like to have a blue raspberry Jolly Rancher mom, but I have a special place in my heart for Kit Kat because she not only


s so good, she captures the camaraderie.
I don't mean to join the ranchers, but they are stronger than the votes gave them credit for, but I can't beat a kid. Who are we kidding? But I wouldn't feel what a happy rancher is. Like we could send Jolly Rancher. I mean, he's a jolly rancher. I tried Jolly Ranchers Happy Cow. I hope I haven't taken away all your joys because Kit Kat moves on. They are the seven seas with 3136 votes. M&Ms versus the 10th seed with 2,900 in a vote swedish fish a fun fact link what do you think is the most popular candy in the entire world swedish fish no, it's imminent now how many M&Ms do you think come in a fun size?
I would say six, okay, three, six, nine, twelve, thirteen. in that package consisting of all of that, all of that is good, that will be what will be a lot of your quality control here three six nine twelve thirteen fourteen what they're fooling you well, sometimes it's okay, you know what you get M&M extra sometimes why are you complaining? yes someone is being treated how many swedish fish do you think are in a package? seven count those six what and after our sentence just to keep the same sample size one two three four five what oh no, the Swedes the Swedes are so consistent that they would never give you different numbers now Swedish fish is vegan it's for that you love them so much you know me it's a powdered berry go on and then you have the M&Ms I like Eminem I don't like them because they're they're too close to pharmaceuticals for me I think that's what it is it just felt like if it was a gateway drug to drugs and I felt like someone was at the door again and who could it be Kristine, give me the candy, the trick if you? don't give me tree, it's just that I give you crabs, well yeah, you're still a couple days early, she's so anxious Christine loves candy, but timing is everything, um, I don't know, my argument about drugs influenced you.
I'm already on the team, so he's going fishing anyway. I don't have to be persistent. There was a lot of backlash yesterday about the Peanut M&Ms thing that didn't move forward so I feel like I have to make an argument for Eminem to move forward because they just aren't Peanut M&Ms that people really wanted to move forward and we can't do that . I don't know, no regulars are going to make up for the regulars, they're not that good, so I'll hold off on them. I don't want to, I don't want to burst your bubble, so you love Swedish fish, so let's keep this for a lot of people, yeah, you like Swedish fish, ping man, well, yeah, soon it'll be the only fish left. the environment upcoming confrontations between seat 11 with two thousand seven hundred and fifty votes Reese's Pieces and the sixth with three thousand eight hundred and ninety-six votes bowling bowling now they have finished with the funny sighs I'm sorry to ruin the fun for you but there are no more funny sighs Reese's Pieces, like this that you have to get the big n and in each package what they look for, they say it's 50% orange, 25% brown and 25% yellow, and each package I can tell you right now, yes, that's it.
More or less, these are light on the yellow eyes, very light for you. I have to disagree with the fact that for this Halloween candy tournament, if they discontinue Halloween candy, I don't think it's Halloween candy at all, hey, hey. I agree with you and let me also tell you that the inside of the peanut butter is very good, but it is not as good and it is not the same peanut butter as what you get inside a Reese's Cup. The proportions you stated are not true. They fully complied. right, yeah, they're like they're light on yellow, look how light they are on yellow here mm-hmm, okay, do they really matter?
Let's try bowling. How many gigs were I going to ask the same thing? I would say well, 14, wait, wait. Wow, because this matters too, it's like you're going to have enough of them. 1216 skittles three six sixteen nineteen twelve think about those fourteen. Wow, very inconsistent or maybe I counted wrong. Well there we go four so we'll just say there are 15 of those try the rainbow grapes that Logan introduced in 1994 and if they ain't broken don't try them so fruity mmm-hmm this is a fantastic little candy they're not that popular . I prefer these on sale. I prefer the taste. of starbursts and I also prefer the flavor of Reese's Pieces, but I am offended that they removed the fun size and feel like we should punish them, yes this is not a Halloween size, it cannot advance, it is only graded.
Hey, outside of running puzzles for now there's no good reason to keep going, can that penguin? Yes, I'm allergic to peanut butter, so I appreciate your choice here and finally we have third place with six thousand six hundred and thirty-five votes, Twix versus 14th place, 2259 votes. almond joy now the word Twix is ​​actually a mix of Bix twins because Bix is ​​what the British call a biscuit. Twix isn't the first thing I do when I'm raiding my kids' candy, but it's really early because it's a solid. oh, it's nice because it keeps you eating chocolate, but there's enough of that cookie in there to feel like you're breaking the experience, you're leveraging it so you can keep eating chocolate, yeah, I mean, there's no reason there shouldn't be.
There's no reason, there's a good reason why they're very popular around the world, they're good, it's a good mix, but you know, the candy can get too chewy and they've got the consistency, it's creamy, it's a care creamy, yes, melts in your mouth, now almond. joy I know you like almonds, but it was #14 in our worst Halloween candy tournament last year. I can't help it, that has to tell you something. I mean, look at this, it's perfect, it's mounds with an element on top. with a growth I love it with the coconut, we may need to cauterize, you know, fun fact, well for me, they cover the almond with chocolate and then cover the whole thing with chocolate again so that half of the almond is double. double chocolate yes but and that's beautiful the problem is that all this white stuff is coconut that's not a problem if you're like me and you like coconut I think almond joy is one of the most complete chocolate bars ever made made. actually it's not bad at all not only am I going to like the coconut I think it has a great name I think the fact that it has what it makes you feel inside the name has a little Q don't forget to feel joy when you just beg for alms taste? this last year because I'm starting to like it at least a little, but not enough, no, I'm sticking with twigs.
What I'm saying, this isn't even technically a Twix, there's a whole individual package. ideas it's twin Bex mate it's not twin Biggs anymore it's just a big one Biggs it tastes wonderful so I say Twix I'm on team almond joy well I guess we need a tiebreaker well luckily we have the youtuber. from woe, the high priest of horror movies and co-host of the dead meat podcast, dead meat, Jane, welcome to the show, so what, so we have um joy gang, we have Twix, go ahead and get into the that we need, the ones we need. your help no, you know the horror, yes, so yes, maybe that means you know which of these scares you the most, no, I mean, you were right, this kind of appearance looks like tumor death, actually mm-hmm, no you ate, you didn't eat the Pod stuff, they sure didn't really reach the tumor mm-hmm, you have to really understand that you are a coconut man.
I have nothing against that, oh, I feel like a lot of people just have this big garage against it, yeah, sure, sure. Now it was a horror reference, no, but I could make one, that's not the case, it's the consistency, okay. Oh, grudge, remember, yeah, right, what are you experiencing with twin cakes, which isn't technically a twin, it's just a grand. I actually appreciate that argument. Because you know that it feels like something of its essence is missing. It's the lonely thing. Where is the other? oh yeah, it's there in a bucket, I mean, oh, you know what's there, there's a lot of things like cooking, what's this cookie in there, yeah, this is big? that's the Bix, yeah yeah I think there might be too much Bix, you heard it here so you're going to enjoy it, okay I'm trying to decide, it tastes good but you know what?
This feels like you're enjoying yourself at home, like I'm getting all my macros at once. Okay, you're going to go with the nutritionist angle. I'm going to be honest in case people are watching and really know me. I don't really like sweets that much, hey you know, I consider it a blank slate for me, it sounds like you're voting for twigs, not at all. I'm going to go with the damn upset, oh so many people are mad at me. right, thanks for being here man, thanks, well there you have the sweet final eight going head to head tomorrow, so make sure you come back to see which one is the best of them all.
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