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Best Friends Play - The Beginner's Guide

Apr 05, 2024
I was showing your work, yes, yes, I felt good on the far left, no, finally for a moment. I had to like it, stop taking my game and showing it to people against my wishes, giving them something that's not yours, violating the only boundary that keeps me safe, would you stop changing my games, would you stop adding streetlights to them? was that it was a lie simply then you would stop and I had nothing left to show people. He just had to be with myself and as soon as he can't tell you when I'm around you I feel less physically sick. that I desperately need something and I can't give it to you, I literally don't have it.
best friends play   the beginner s guide
Can you imagine, friend, struggling to find new ideas doesn't depress me? Low points are just part of the process. The fact that you think I am. Frustrated or broken says more about you than it does about me Christ, that is very hard. I realize this doesn't make sense to you yet, but it's how he feels, man, which is fine, you're not my problem to solve, but I do. I hope one day it clicks and you make peace with what you were struggling with. I'm afraid I did something really stupid because I don't like myself and when you finally see what I'm talking about don't say anything.
best friends play   the beginner s guide

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best friends play the beginner s guide...

That's why I'm releasing this collection of your work, it's because I haven't been able to find another way to reach you, I've tried everything, and that's why a part of me feels like if I release this compilation to the world and if I put my name on it, maybe Maybe enough people


it for it to reach you so I can tell you that I'm sorry, I know I was wrong, if I sincerely and deeply apologize, I will. you start


ing games again please i need to feel good about myself again and i always felt good as long as i had your job to see me yeah go stand near the door something is wrong with me cause i know i did something horrible and I'm doing it again right now like I'm showing people your work.
best friends play   the beginner s guide
I can't help but do it. That's how badly I need to feel something again like I'm an addict. There must be something wrong. Me, can I apologize? What if I told you I was wrong? Will that work be solved? I don't know, I don't think I will, but there's nothing else I can do, just tell me what you want. It's me. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please start making games again, please help me, please give me some of whatever it is that will make you whole. I want whatever that wholeness is that you just summoned out of nothing and put into your work that you were whole in. in some way that I never was, I want to know howI want to know how to be a good person I want to know how not to hate myself please I'm fading and all I want is to know that I'm going to be okay It feels like a Bojack is happening there same, man, it's like it's become incredibly personal, I like it, I feel uncomfortable, yeah, I feel a little uncomfortable looking inside, you know, I guess that's what makes it amazing, although it's like this It was between two people, yes, or one, and it should have nothing to do with it. with you or with me, but you're finding out about, you know, you should walk to the end, yeah, I was just seeing what's going on more more more more more more love more praise more people telling me I'm always good more more more it's like a disease, Yeah, go find your spot, it's a nice train, but are we coming out the other end? solution solution solution turn around real quick just one train car yes, it's Monte Rioni after all these years no, I want to leave now Before time, I really enjoyed making prison games.
best friends play   the beginner s guide
Maybe I wouldn't have thought he was so desperate. He wouldn't have told so many people that he was depressed. Maybe he just likes making prisons. Should we have LPD? I mean, you know what I mean, you know what I mean, like no, I know what you mean, like I don't think this was for this kind of thing, it's too late, air your dirty laundry on YouTube, everyone come see these dirty clothes. as we discuss it, we like this is a uh, this is legitimately even now the design of an abstract form in a video game that, as far as I know, has never been done before in a public forum and again as soon as I would be remiss on our part not to touch that, assume this is not a job, assume this is not a job, assume exactly that this and even if it is a job, because if it's kayfabe then it's fine, but if it's not, then another Once, I feel a little weird about this, it can't be helped, she had a look at this point like these games we are playing right now, since if I remember correctly, the last one we played was Tower, so right now I guess we're playing. things done that validation, what would that be?
It's strange, but the idea of ​​not being driven by an external validity, his epilogue was added to the games like, actually, yeah, that's right, isn't that what he's saying right now, like Kota as far as we're concerned ? As I can see, it was driven by his own internal validation, if he's honest, which he probably was, and the idea of ​​being able to conduct himself like that is so foreign to a lot of people and that makes sense or having that conversation with yourself, yeah. you exactly know how to have that conversation and still be comfortable with yourself and that's not it.
I'm not saying that saying that is a critical thing, but just the concept is, I think, foreign to most people. Sorry, I know I said I would never want to solve all of that internally and never feel the need to give it an outlet like that, just for it to feel like a feedback loop. You know, it's so strange to be able to see inside another person. idea no it is not a game these these are not games this is this is this is almost like an autobiography this is not a video game in is I don't suppose it is an apology letter it is what it is it is it is an interactive apology letter yes , available on Steam for $849 for $849 on Steam, which again is a job, it might be and we might sound like idiots, but how could we not right now?
I'm willing to accept that right now in this game I accept it I accept it we paid $849 to look inside someone else's staff you know that door is too high oh we're getting there we're getting there like that that's the other question is: you feel it and if you are? Why isn't it free? Well, and if so, why did you do this? And I mean, he addressed that a minute ago. Why is he doing this? This is the right thing to do. Why are you selling this? Yeah, well, I think that's less. The problem, I think, is why is he posting it?
Perhaps since this Kota character seemed to not enjoy that aspect. Yes, are you going to give him the money he earned? Well, who knows, but again, even the idea is to share it. first of all, that would probably make it worse, well where is this going exactly? That's the question really too like if your need to do it is apology, you have to apologize like it ultimately still tramples on the guy's desires in a sense, yeah, and he does. sure to me that's wrong because you should respect what he asked you to do, yeah I like it, I don't know if that's morally, no, assuming this is a real person on the other end, it's like he's asking you to do, he asked you to do. to actually go down and stop and not go back to not do these things oh, there's the and now we're going to fly through the roof yeah, I guess we are, yeah, I don't know, maybe it's just me, maybe you know like me , but that's how I interpret it as an Infinite Labyrinth, what's more.
It seems infinite. Sky Box could be the same Sky Box that you know is beautiful. It looks pretty good. I take this as a safer screen. It's quite nice. Ascend indefinitely. yeah, easy, look, look when you get far enough. blue, yes just blue, when you get far enough you shouldn't even be able to really see. Med may not even go that far. Wow, it's a little crazy to look at it directly, yeah, well. it's exactly like I have to squish my eyes this will probably melt the video Codec onio on YouTube oh my god you're right yeah just move it really fast a few times and it's like your video quality is G because it's so so. the screen but the change is so subtle, you know God, look at that, yeah, uh, you know that again, like it's a game I bought on Steam, so I guess that qualifies him as, I mean, he's a capable person. , quite impossible, you know, I mean you.
I know again it's a commercial product it's a commercial product it's abstract and it's But ultimately it's a game and I don't think it's a good game, I mean it's a game in the traditional sense, you move and you have to move, yeah, you can't complete it without interruptions, like it's not a traditional game, but you know, I mean it's using the You Know video game medium to tell its story and do what it's doing, but I don't. Don't call this a video game, you know, like you said, it's an interactive apology, I'm sure you know that, but it's the same way that, like, um, Dear Esther is a game, you know what I mean, like Rapture, etc., yes, I understand. but that's right, it certainly goes in the games category, yeah, but that's interesting and it makes me think about the title of the game, you know, the




, what does that mean, what does that mean and there's the lamppost on the corner. and omg i want to know if there is a solution for this.
I want to know if there are things that can go to the store page. I think it's the store page or it's the community center. Don't know. Let's not use the theme too much, let's look at the store page, what is there to say: this is the preview video, the preview video, yes, let's say you sit in front of a stranger's computer, you start opening files and looking at things and eventually you get to a folder that just says "my work is fine" so you open it and click on a random file and it's a video game that looks like this if you had to guess what you would say you know about this person right now, like maybe he's kind. stupid, okay, you close, scroll down a little and open a new file.
It's another game. Do you think this person is happy? Are you unhappy? Now another one, what do you think is comfortable for this person? What calms you? think that he is lonely, what is missing in his life, go ahead, open another file, let's look at all of us. In this trailer, are they actually upset about something or am I sure that list is the real thing? Do you think it makes this person angry? What kind of


? Do they do it? They even like making video games. Take all these images. Keep them in your mind and now try to imagine without having met this person who is okay, let's do it, let's assume so.
I guess that's what it's about. an interesting game, how interesting do you want to do, would you like to know more, let's find out, okay, horse porn, yeah, uh, uh, okay, uh. The Beginner's Guide I guess this is where or should I say Kota, yeah, Rice Lake, no, no, that's wrong, stop. Well, googling, I should have. Damn, damn, okay, GU


s, oh god, what do we know about this? Is there an official site? Is there a Wiki? We are in the same place where all these people are. Remember this game came out. yeah it's been less than a day but we're getting So Meta at this point this is part of the lp man it's what we just experienced Rock Paper Shotgun has some opinions you know Destructoid has some opinions but I want to hear them from The Source, if possible, I don't know if there's anything you know like uh Dave, damn, DAV reden readen, so he's the writer of Stanley Parable, oh no, it says Creator right there.
I don't know, okay? Come on, let's go to Indie this, what are you looking at here? no, the press release, the press release, Dave readen on Twitter, what do you have to say, what do you have to say and now it's time for me to take a long time. pause which was 21 hours ago from this moment is in the game came out is when the game came out do you have anything to explain or do I think that's it? I think it should stay like this. I think you should interpret it. like you're going to do it and I think like he said all he wants me to do is go back to this Kota guy and expect him to do something that he wants him to do or just spread the word that he's sorry yeah that's fascinating , there is nothing else like this, nothing else like this, maybe there will never be anything else like this.
Once again I reiterate that if this is not real, everything I am moving my keyboard is done, but if it is real, yes. that's interesting, it's a real thing and I feel bad again looking at someone's personal information, yes, yes, I don't recommend it, people say, yes, although it still says I looked at the very positive review I looked at the reviews of people who were, I was reading them right there, people were saying it's not Stanley Parable and it's like well, no it's not, it's the opposite of Stanley Parable, we should end it here or because I don't think we'll know more tonight, I think maybe be the time.
I'll say it, but right now that's our LP, guys, look, we can finish it right. This is us finishing it. This is us finalizing it right now. This is meta, since you don't press the stop button while I'm talking, you're going to Ruin everything Sorry, no, don't do it, no, don't do it, when should I do it? So not while we're talking, okay.

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