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Best clips of Grand Poo World 2 Part 1

Jun 03, 2021
You know what's up guys so as you know Grande Pool 2 is out now it's been out for about a week and people were already over it before people rushed it so I think now it's a good time to release


1 of the


. compilation of


, it will include the funniest moments, the


moments, whatever, turning moments, all that stuff, so I hope you enjoyed these videos in each of these, in each of these


, you will see the channel contraction of the person, please give him contraction. follow channels, please check them out, they are extremely skilled players, they are fun, they have great communities, so I would really appreciate it if you would check out these channels and show them some love, maybe even tell me you came from the video.
best clips of grand poo world 2 part 1
I really appreciate it. With nothing more to say why don't you watch it, enjoy the video and I hope you enjoy the big bite pool there, come on wow that's tight, oh I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, he knows everyone the trolls you know. all the trolls he knows all the trolls he's no he's not going to get cha I know trolls don't mean I'm not going to have a big troll pie oh how close was that no friend I don't even think I came to the game. Awesome, it's that, oh yeah, not like a block, why are you hurting, oh my God, there we go, mother, while dude, that delay, oh my God, no, I knew it, I knew it, dick, move pick, Oh, a smarter to be smart, baby, oh, me.
best clips of grand poo world 2 part 1

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I'm alive, do you know about Mark Grace? Oh, okay, that was even at the same time as the music. Yes, put it on the net. Brah, wait, that was Streets of Rage, what the bezel says. First time I had my name, hell, man. oh my god that was the end no there it is there's the first one because a shiny block oh I knew it was bad until I saw Chelsea I just completely forgot about it no come on oh man what an excuse ?, oh, I gotta go fast huh what was that? how you do it there's no way that's how you do it you're kidding there's no way this was all just luck excuse me Jane, give me that 1:24 you're so oh oh my dad, my god, I thought I was going to be dead, but once again, again, we outsmart the ladies and gentlemen, it's two levels in a row, I'm just saying, I mean, I'm not trying to brag, I'm just saying it happened boy, oh, poor mother, boring fish, no, I knew it , I knew it, I knew it, I didn't know it, man I didn't see it coming, are you a flying fish?
best clips of grand poo world 2 part 1
Why else would you put a long hallway there? Why else would there not be? a long hallway Oh God No, oh, I had so much confidence to do what's right, motherfucker, come here oh God, I'm dead cool, okay, secret, why?, okay, excuse me if this goes to delete my checkpoint, no. Oh who is that, yeah dude, it's kompozer, he's on the hack, he's cool and this is going to kill my checkpoint right now. I don't have a checkpoint anymore, right, yeah, you take oh oh, don't fuck around, you can come back if it's okay, uh. none, that was good buddy, that made me wait is that the game is that is that the level is that the end of the level wait that sends me back to what is this sends me back to the beginning of the level I didn't do it so he didn't get over it we didn't know we didn't get anything oh oh and then you died in the fall that's so weird i've never seen that before barb what are the right eggs oh no no no he didn't he didn't oh don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me oh come on don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me whoa what's going on I don't like it I don't like it I don't like it I don't want this I don't want it this I don't know what's going to happen man what's going to happen oh baby oh baby oh baby oh baby it's there oh baby just touch it good luck bug master Chester Oh Brigid Brigid kaizo blocked no, come on, no, no, you're a sign of a well why is that so tight let me in let me in the pipe let me in pick Wow you know what oh can you come back Hey look who it is look who it is it's him it's that guy uh I tried to kill myself in there oh can I go back to the pipe was that dude, this level is really good, I like this level, it's hard, this level, this level is hard, it's definitely a step up and the difficulty here, you know, we have a step up and the difficulty of the previous levels, but it's eh, a good one Rock now I realized something was wrong why barb why damn why did I sit and wait to hide it was such a dumb move I just wanted to figure out what I had to do you barb everywhere you can suck on your barb , spikes, spikes, right and the damn ass I saw it coming my life is not the way, let's find that rock, how wild, okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, oh, come on or yeah, listen or Britt, there, go, go , yes, yes, yes, yes, me. you missed the best


of the map which is great for a one oh wow that's cool wow ahran the classic oblak water loops the classic kaiser water block right there you probably want to beat these guys look look look where it's going what the hell was it?
best clips of grand poo world 2 part 1
How does that sound exist on Super Nintendo? What is the room? How did you get that noise here? It looks amazing as soon as that pipe was played. I knew I was going to die, but I didn't expect it to be that way. died I didn't know it was there no I didn't see it coming I should have seen it coming and I didn't because Barb is so smart at this game you man ah what would have chased me Ben damn checkpoint baby ok , let's go? down I'm sure this will take us somewhere nice anga hahaha I'm in the hack mom I'm in the hack let's go to the room we'll come back here and we'll never leave we'll never be we'll never leave this room in the whole game okay let's leaving the room because I'm bored, are you a trick?
We've accomplished everything we needed in life, that's basically what my fingers are doing right now, damn, ah, that's what's happening, oh god. God, I get there and I'm trying to grab the thing and my fingers are like boom, oh there we go, okay, what's going to kill me? No answer, I won't give Barb the pleasure, don't roll me over, he said, don't troll. Me, why didn't I just move? I wanted to analyze the situation. Something is going to happen. What the hell was it? I saw the dolphin and got really scared and then I sailed on a boat.
It's an incredible welcome aboard the ship SS Jiang captained by you and First Officer Stacy. Kappa Kappa Kappa that's why everyone at my troll level told me to like Aseema, you see mine, oh my god, so far I've been hit by all the fish, fish, fish, fish, oh my god, what goodness, my game really saved me there, oh that's it. Well, oh, oh, don't put me in poverty, oh, because what luck, what is this, what is this, what is this, maybe I shouldn't think too much about this and maybe I shouldn't think too much about that maybe I should go, no one wants to. the water castle you gotta be kidding no one wants a water castle why is it killing me what's going on what is this this isn't getting cold hank this is weird what is this guy?
We're in the twilight zone Oh God, what are these physics? No Oh, surfing I think I was standing in a hard spot there I jumped I jumped I didn't mean to oh no no no no yeah give me a checkpoint thank Christ I was sick I actually dug it oh my god, with these physics, I'll tell you Damn water hurts, damn physics again, let's tie them up, though oh he's coming up, yeah, okay, kaiser block, I ruined it, that was kaizo's blog, I should've known it was there, he's going to run towards you attack you guys, why?
Oh, what the hell happened? Why did he go that way? Oh damn, I saw that coming too and I just couldn't make the jump in time, oh my gosh, that was cool, that was awesome, dude, you guys? guys for some mommy runs that's Jimmy it's Jimmy from MMC I tried to go back to the pipe it's really twice oh my god well what is this? Where did you get this from? Why is there another one? Oh my god, double that. ok this is ok this is ok ok yes very good I want points now I want to clear the level come on baby get in there idiot like I'm a fan of this level it's really this level it's really blowing me away this level is a breath of fresh air cool all these jokes are ruined do I want to be in the compilation video or not?
We'll see, see you around, Pooh Bear deals with blog types. I'll change the laser bells, I could probably shout it like a fool. that's a bad meme i love that that's really awesome oh boy barb baby baby what are you doing honey? You just got shot at a million dicks an hour what yeah that makes more sense Wow barb barb honey you don't have to do this anymore Barb this is just we're fine okay you don't have to hit me with the kaisers anymore. I love it, you bought them from BC Canada. Wow, I punched that idiot in the face, People's Champ brand, make a joke out of nowhere, try it. black from nowhere barb is an idiot No, nothing is going to fall, nothing is going to kill me, that was sick, I didn't even think about it, I didn't even think I just did it, holy, don't die now because it was a fluke, please do not do it.
Please, no, please, no, please, no, please don't do this, don't do this, okay, thank you, it was a high butt, so here we go, the final portrait I didn't find. You go through there, back down. the pipe and yeah that was good oh man still from beyond the grave this game still shoots you oh my god we have a level called fortress of senses this is going to be brutal oh my god this It's going to be progress, don't run. Too fast, one wrong step and you'll fall off the tightrope. I'll be the judge of that.
He's right, oh God, damn it, don't run too fast, one wrong step and you'll fall off the rope. Wait, can I run now? in this section, oh my god, so this is it, but this is it, this is shit, oh my god, okay, okay, you're going too fast, you fall across the room, try to show Black out of nowhere, who would have imagined who would have imagined? Barb really Kadima Barb why not? Why don't you put on like a I don't know like a dye once here a marker and I'll do it for you. I do not like this.
I don't like this at all. What the hell nearby? Thank you. boss pot - oh oh, okay, we have bowling balls, okay, let's see if I can oh, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, it was like balls crashing into my penis, I knew it, I knew it, I was waiting a saw, no. a bowling ball but I was expecting something it was just a flashback to the beginning of the level I knew it I called it in my head I saw it coming dick bag I saw it coming damn for you I knew it I knew there was something coming you know I'm gonna take some my soup in that, damn, good this rope, damn, God, I'm so sick of this rope, ah, this rope, oh, you've got to be kidding me, damn, you son of a bitch, wait, is he giving me a mushroom as boss?
Is this going to be like a tough boss then or what Chuck, oh what? Oh bring it on, oh god, oh my god, this is great, what the hell is this boss? This is incredible. there is a mushroom that is not good what is that who are you what do you want from me oh my god oh my god is this something like a megaman boss flame here what what the fuck is this oh my god we are what what what me I'm screaming in his ass, he's screaming in my ass, it's okay, buddy, even though the rocks aren't around, oh my god, wow, damn, I think it's broken, bastard, I think we can hear the music now, guys, what?
What's going on here, okay? was that went from zero to 100 very quickly put a face on it you know are you serious face are you dead are you dad are you dad what the hell is this what is this is a second phase what happened what Jesus Christ what oh my God oh my God, oh my God, I thought I blocked oh, oh man, oh my god, imagine dying from the explosion, oh my god, imagine dying from the explosion, what am I doing here? I'm sitting there trying to hit him and he just explodes, he's a kamikaze Chuck.

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