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Benefits Britain 40 Grand in Debt

Apr 17, 2024
In Britain, our personal


s total more than £190 billion and the average household owes a record $13,000 when on


. Debt can be easier to accumulate and much harder to pay off if you receive


that should be there for you. Realize how it is and it's not easy, it really isn't once you're in the red, always keep in mind how much you must. Plus another 24/7 cash box, another payday loan, but it can be hard to escape the


trap, not good. Having debt and taking out my loans now, but like I said, I only live once or know the ex-gambling addict who can't control his spending but isn't sure if it's worth taking a job.
benefits britain 40 grand in debt
Well, if he would take the job. Basically it would have made things worse for us, I think the aspiring rapper who spent thousands of dollars on music equipment but now makes a profit can't pay the bills. So much so that now they are facing eviction that they say I have to pay 807 pounds or they will take over the health between them they owe more than 40


and the debt is about to arrive at the door when life gives you lemon lemonade , that's my motto in the UK, we are drowning in debt and many benefit claimants are in Red Hartlepool in the North East of England.
benefits britain 40 grand in debt

More Interesting Facts About,

benefits britain 40 grand in debt...

David, unemployed, 29 years old, lives with his partner Rebecca. They started a family five years ago and have three children. I have been in and out of work for the last few years but have managed to rack up around £30,000 in loans and unpaid bills. Basically, I will spend this way. No, I just like shopping, buying things I don't need. The couple has been spending thousands of dollars on high-interest loans on things for the house, including the latest high-end washing machine. My girlfriend wanted this. one, but it didn't bother me which one she wanted, I just went to the washer, she wanted this because it has a super fast dirt wash, super eagle, you can linens and, like all your baby care, on your dog, and it has like a bubble wash, but it's actually a steam remover, it's like removing stains.
benefits britain 40 grand in debt
This £700 washing machine will eventually cost £2,500, almost four times its normal retail price, £13 a week, free, yes, I let it be. Marina with because it's obviously interesting around two and a half two and a half thousand to run David also bought his high spec computer in the never ever what is the best, the best ones that you can use for other things, but it's mainly for gaming. The computer will also take three years to pay for itself and with interest it will cost another two and a half


, that's £13 a week or something new, it's basically just repaired every cycle, well that's on me, obviously no, I don't need it, but I like, I've always had a computer, David now spends around half of his jobseeker's allowance of £450 a month to pay for his household items, so if you calculate that per month, let's say I think it worked out to £220 , I think 220 pounds. a month for there to be like four items in the house, which is crazy, but it's not just David's spending that's a problem, he also developed a gambling habit, he started gambling about six years ago, he just got into the cabin, one day I had no idea what. he was doing then I will start earning a lot of money and I became addicted to it when the game became an addiction.
benefits britain 40 grand in debt
David went deeper into debt to finance his habit. He has destroyed my life. I wish I had never seen the place where David might repent. I play him, but he doesn't regret his 30 big debts, it's not good to die and pull my lawn now, as big brother would say, if you don't have them, basically you shouldn't have them, but like I said, I just live. Once or that's what I think I'd do for twice, just a few miles off the northeast coast of Hartlepool lies the town of Seoum. Julie, a 43-year-old former factory worker and nightclub singer, has racked up almost £2,000 in debt and tenant ears. which he is struggling to pay for with his benefits but I love singing in clubs that's one of them when I was in the club in a club in Sunderland that one there when I was younger I would never have dreamed for a moment that I would ever do it receiving benefits I worked since I was 16 and worked weeks on weekends I acted and sang I did everything and besides working full time I never would have dreamed it would have ever come to this Julie ended up on benefits due to a dramatic change in circumstances Ten years ago, after being told she would never be able to have children, she found herself unexpectedly pregnant with a son.
Alex, say tonight son, be careful, say tonight son, she was absolutely delighted to be able to have children. this son that I basically wanted just for myself, it just meant that I had gone from being like an independent woman who worked full time and had a side singing in clubs and who liked to perform at nights and stuff and just do all these things I liked having to pack all that up because I had a child to look after I ended up on benefits because I couldn't work I haven't had anyone to look after Alex or help me with Alex at all As a single mother with no family support Julie was forced to leave her job to care for her new baby, but soon ran into difficulties with benefits.
She couldn't afford me to pay for a television license. She couldn't afford to pay the water rates so I got caught without a TV license and I was able to find things like that for £250 and it just adds up, doesn't it with your debts piling up? Julie got desperate five years ago and started working again as a singer without telling the benefits office I shouldn't have done it but I started singing again to try to make some money and I didn't declare it and I should have done it and obviously I did it for a while for a few months and someone told me when I got caught, it was the anti-fraud team, someone called the anti-fraud team and said I was singing.
Julie's failure to declare her income meant she says she was fined £3,000. She cut off her benefits to pay them back, which increased her debt problems. They gave me money for £90 a fortnight to live on and I had it and I got it to live on for five years and the deaths just piled up and piled up, that's when I went into rock worm, that's when I just couldn't go on, while Julie was struggling to find a solution to his debts, meanwhile in Maidstone, Kent, father of six Diaz has been claiming sickness benefits for the past four months.
Díaz is an aspiring rapper and musician and he hopes to one day make it big. in the music business Despite his love for urban music, three years ago, Díaz decided to move out of the city in search of what he hoped would be a better quality of life. He left London because of all the crime, drugs, violence and all that, you know. raising the kids in a decent place, you know, yeah, but Diaz's big move ended with him relying on benefits and 10 grand in debt, the stress of the commute got him down, so he quit his job.
£30,000 a year job. I was traveling from Maidstone to Farringdon every day sitting on a coach for about two hours, um, it's two hours there, two hours ago, um, my health started to deteriorate, you know, and then not seeing the kids was also a big problem for me. Well, there were a lot of things that really got to me, so I ended up having to quit and that was it. He is now claiming £17,000 a year in benefits and Diaz's debts threaten to spiral out of control. I have a gas bill an electricity bill which is about £2000 at the moment I am a little behind on the rent at the moment I owe £375 of last month's rent and this month's rent of £875 yes it doesn't show alright uh my teapot broke So, I'm back to the basics of how to make a cup of tea.
Díaz now spends more time with his children, but two months ago he separated from the mother of his two youngest children. My ex-partner just came back and left him. outside of the kids and uh, we've had another little route, the breakup has caused additional financial stress, there's still a lot of raw feelings and a lot of raw emotions and they differ from the fact that we racked up a lot of debt together and it's going to need to be addressed, you know, and we have these two beauties that will need us both to take care of the debts, the emotions, that's the reason, another reason why I go to therapy for depression, you know, so yes, there are many.
Come on, that's good, come on, push, push, dad, push dad, with the bills piling up and Diaz is now behind on rent too. He just received devastating news. Your landlord has given you an eviction notice. He needs to leave in a month. I know they want, they want me out, but hey, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade, that's my motto. Could David have found a job to help pay off his debts? Here, it will be to drive for them, but he is self-employed delivering packages, Diaz chooses to finance his music career with the rent payment I had withdrawn almost 300 pounds to get the camera and stay and save my camera and Julie receives an explosive letter from the council , they're only giving me a £14 benefit to pay my rent, the average UK household debt is rising by over a thousand pounds a year, but when you're on benefits, juggling your finances is even harder In Hartlepool, David has incurred a debt of around $30,000 due to his gambling and spending.
His girlfriend, Rebecca, has had to take control. from her benefit of £23,000 a year to stop them going into further debt, yeah well if I had it I'd feel like gambling, that's why I don't have it normal, it all goes into my bank and it's probably all worked out okay. You see how it leaves us spending as a family and the children shopping everywhere else, so it is not allowed unless it gives them the power to go to the bank. What for me is not having money because I feel like it all the time. and like I said, he's a devil, David hasn't had a permanent job in years, but while he was searching for work online, he may have found the perfect vacancy.
His earnings range from £400 or £650 a week up to seven days a week, today David will find out. him about work at a seminar but he hasn't left her enough time to put on her suit and boots. I was going to put on a shirt and now I'm going to squeeze my hand. The seminar is in a hotel in Gateshead, an hour's drive north. could be the answer to all your prayers the dream job I love different types of jobs but the realistic job is like driving I love driving so obviously I would like that I won't be stuck in one place or occupying a spot in the factory for eight hours a day or 12 hours a day I would be on the forums, well, what I like to do, David hopes that if the seminar goes well, they will offer him an interview.
If you get interviewed, you should try if you don't get it. You don't care but I hope I get it because I love driving as David heads towards potentially stopping benefits Seam County Durham single mum Julie says her benefits have been cut after she didn't declare her earnings as nightclub. As a result, the singer has a debt of almost two thousand dollars to improve her finances. She found a part-time job as a receptionist in Sunderland. I work Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, and it's from nine to two. Wednesday and Friday and Saturday are from nine to three. which is ideal for me, you know, so I can get Alex out of school, it means she is £23 a week better off than she is if she gets financial support.
It's not much, but Julie is thrilled to be earning money again when I got my job after being out of work for so long. She made me feel like a person again. Not only did I feel like a mother and because I had sunk so deep into depression from not working, she made me feel good, but today she came home to find an unwanted letter from the council. She now she is working. they are reducing your housing benefit they are only giving me £14 rent benefit so I think they expect that on £120 a week I will pay £78 44 rent and full council tax and only you literally don't I know.
How do they expect you to pay it with such a low salary? It's um, I'll have to go tomorrow and see what's going on, besides cutting off his benefits. The letter says she must pay the tenant's ear or she could be locked out. on the street um and they tell me that I have to pay 807 pounds or they are going to take over the house. I'm going to have to go to citizens council and see what they say in Maidstone. Aspiring musician Díaz has a debt of 10 thousand dollars. He quit his job due to depression.
When he was working, he spent thousands of dollars buying equipment for his home studio to try to achieve his dream of success. I brought one thing, one thing, one thing, all the time. every paycheck they say okay I want to get this, let's pay a check when I get it and you know, little by little I managed to get all the things I wanted to help build an online fan base. Díaz films himself performing his music, but with money running out now he decided to pawn his video camera to raise extra money. Díaz received a call from the pawn shop.I'm sure you said last time it was less, like 2:30.
He weighs 375 pounds as a tenant and has been threatened with eviction now he has to decide whether he pays most of his arrears or buys back the camera from him for 270 pounds. Basically I had withdrawn almost 300 pounds to get the camera and to stay and put my camera away only to lose it would be like losing half of it. of my creative power, so I have to publish it in Gateshead. David came to his job seminar and hopes it will lead to a job offer as a self-employed delivery driver and, eventually, a path out of his $30,000 debt after just a couple. hours the seminar is over, but David is not impressed by what he heard.
Well, when it's okay, but yeah, I've got £60 here for the application form for everything, then I have to look for clues next Thursday for a drug test and so on. a test run and get some paperwork done right, don't let David be worried that being self-employed means his weekly pay packet isn't guaranteed. um you get a working fund from them in the sense that you can get away with 150 pounds, 190 pounds, but if you get then you have to pay for all your stuff, your accountants and your fan, yeah, taxes and everything, but yeah, it You do it every 13 weeks and you can earn like 22 grand, almost 23 grand a year.
David says that if he wants to continue, he has to pay up. Take out the cash so the company can run background checks on it. There is a problem, since I have a 60 pound spring. He said I think it was a little more, a little less, and then I have. leads next Thursday I have never been the leader before he finds the application process overwhelming. I'm going to talk to my girlfriend and see what happens. David has a big decision to make in Seoum. Julie, a single mother, just received a letter saying that her housing benefits are being reduced due to her part-time receptionist job.
She is also threatened with eviction if she does not pay her rent arrears. Basically, I want to go in and fix it because it will have a huge impact on my life if I don't. I can't fix this, Julie desperately hopes that the council got the sums wrong, so she goes to the council offices with her friend Emma for moral support, like she's at the end of the tunnel, basically, sorting out these debts and See where I can go from there. see what I can do and someone just has to be wrong somewhere if that's him, no one else I know has that kind of rent and council tax, Julie needs to persuade the council not to evict her but 30 minutes later she walks out and the meeting begins.
It hasn't gone well I told her how much I was struggling and in a way at first she was a little rude and told me well you're going to have to do it or you're out and I'll say well how? If I have to take out my entire salary for this, what? how am I going to live? I'm going to buy food and she's not going to a food bank. A food bank, I know, but I have food for him. bed for school I'll also have to go to the food bank with the burn I'll pick up the bed maybe I'll pick up the school banner and then the food bank yeah we'll drop you off first we'll go get the bed and I'll come what Julie says.
She has been told that she will face eviction unless she pays her tenant £800 by the end of the month. She fears that means she won't have any money left to buy food. I have to use every penny I can afford and I have to go to the food banks to buy food and gas, electricity, so I have to go there now to the food bank, David thinks I might be better off on benefits later. Well, if he had taken the job, it would have basically made things worse for us. I think Diaz has a chance to meet a music manager who promises to make him a star.
Do you want to go on a trip? Yes, and I can help you continue. Julie's trip and debts have forced her to need help. I'm distraught because I obviously didn't think things would get this bad in Britain. It is estimated that one in four of us has nothing set aside for a rainy day and our debts. are on the rise in Hartlepool, Unemployed father of three, David has racked up £30,000 in debt in loans, unpaid bills and higher purchase agreements. He has now been offered an interview for a job as a delivery driver, but he comes with some pitfalls after having chewed.
He broke up with his girlfriend Rebecca, he decided not to go to the interview. Well, if I had taken the job, it would have basically made things worse for us, I think because I have my own time in the truck, I paid a fine, the insurance took their own tax money. You have to pay your own taxes for that and I would have been left with nothing if you don't get a job in one day, two days or three days. I'm going to work three days and I don't have money to pay bills and stuff like that, which is not what they said, it's guaranteed work, but when I read the reviews and looked at my interview it just wasn't worth it, David says I'd even have to pay a £60 fee to apply for the job. but there is no guarantee of work, he thinks it's better to record when it happened, I felt angry and angry, angry in a different way when a couple of days ago, but now I'm fine, I just have to go ahead and keep watching. to work, but obviously people know I'm looking for work, so I can't say, oh, at least, he's trying to look for work, obviously, and I'm in Maidstone, unemployed, dad Diaz, he's weeks away from being evicted in Right now, the only money he has.
The benefits have arrived to be able to continue claiming every three weeks. You need a doctor's note saying you are not fit to work. Hello, I was calling to obtain a repeat medical certificate. Please, Díaz has booked an appointment to see his family doctor. Thank you very much, yes, greetings, goodbye, he hopes that the doctor will continue to dismiss him as sick and has decided to smile, not at his appointment. My mom always said that every time you go to see the government you should try to dress up, I don't know. Because? But I've always listened to what she said.
Díaz heads to the doctors after a brief wait. He has the medical certificate that he expected. I just received my certificate. Now I'm sending this down to Diaz's benefits are sorted for now, but he's still no closer to paying off his tenant ears at SEOUM, former nightclub singer Julie also faces eviction unless she can clear £800 of the tenant ears she owes to the council and receives just £14 a week in housing benefit. She has been forced to use a food bank for the first time in her life. I'm distraught because obviously I didn't think things would get this bad, but I need to sort out I need to sort out my bills I have to stay on top of things and be on benefits, people that's what happens to you when you want benefit bills to pile up and they don't you can handle you know how soon with Julie needing to save every penny to avoid eviction, she has stocked up on the basics from the local food bank, necessities like pasta, cereal, cans of rice, jams, saw dust, normal family things, I think it's for someone who has worked all my life, you don't want anyone to know. that you can't afford the food, you don't want anyone to know that you're going to still hate it enough that you have to go there and show people how vulnerable you are.
Julie now realizes that she made a big mistake five years ago by not coming out. Her income has left her in a much worse situation: 2 million. I guess in a way she shouldn't have a few years ago when I decided this. I shouldn't have done it, but by God, I shouldn't have to pay. All these years later and I got off here, the unpaid bills keep piling up, it's a good payday loan arrears citation notice that I would never recommend anyone get a payday loan. More debt, more debt collectors, more another 24/7 cash box, another payday loan.
Oh yeah, so there's a lot to figure out. Díaz has been trying to make it as a singer and now he hopes that an unexpected encounter outside a local supermarket can lead to a successful music career and a way out of his $10,000 debt that I stumbled upon. This guy came out of Tesco's and they asked me. I just turned to Mr. Dart, what are your plans for Christmas? And then we ended up talking. The man Díaz met in a parking lot told him that he is a music manager and he says that he is.
Interested in signing up Diaz, I sent him through the link on my website and yes, this morning he sends me a message basically telling me that he wants to talk to me ASAP, full of hope that Diaz has set up a meeting. No, I really feel good today, you know? I mean, um, I really feel like my luck is changing. You know, definitely, the head of the security company, Mick, recently set up a management agency. Okay, he told Diaz that he is interested in hiring talented artists and that he might fit the bill, what's his name? from your record label or your agency or whatever well I'm forming a company called uh kite flow music international kite floor music international ok and that's it my favorite singer is al gero and I just heard some belgium diaz and mick are having their big meet up at the local pub and Diaz is giving it his all obviously yesterday we only met briefly yeah and it was a pretty good conversation yeah he was excited I was excited yeah you want to go on a journey yeah , and I can help you. go on the journey, so I need to know a little bit about your journey, where you want to go, what you've done, who you are, that's really cool, well I've been making music my whole life, um, I'd say I'm just a born artist and i would really like to be like a household name you know, for my music to touch as many people as possible you know how many of you touched right now um god, i would say over a hundred thousand now mick thinks he's the Man, to help Diaz reach for the stars and record with the greats, my favorite singers in George Benson.
I love that you sing with them. Well, of course, they have a studio on Maui that I saw George Benson perform at, so something like that would be a Dream That I See You Do That Too, so we'll have to get in touch with him. I hope I can help you do it. Then I'm sure I can do it with your talent. Mick has big plans and bigger dreams in my business they call me a facilitator which means I help people they call me a nonconformist because I do special things maybe that's my dream thank you very much Diaz left today's meeting with a copy of a contract management after years of trying to make it big, it all came as a shock.
Okay, what an amazing day. OMG I'm still overwhelmed right now. I just had an amazing lunch at last supper. I talked about what I want. My aspirations. in music, he seems to understand what I want and what I want to do, and he seems very positive, thank God, what can I say? Single mum Julie has joined the ranks of the estimated half a million food eaters. The banks, she needs to save money to help pay off her tenants with council debt, has affected my life enormously because, um, you get the point, you're looking for a depression that you feel like you can't get out of and I'm still struggling with it.
I'm still trying to deal with this after years of being this way and not being able to work and not getting help. He's so gutted, but a routine visit to the dentist has given Julie something potentially much more serious to worry about. Yes, I went to the dentist and it was just for a regular checkup and he noticed the back of my throat and sent me away. She got an emergency appointment at Chesley Street Hospital and I had to go get the camera. down and when she lowered the camera she said that um, on the whole right side of my body we write tonsils, the right vortal cord is not working and it's the mirror, the tonsils have a growth.
Doctors have told Julie that she might have a throat. cancer, is now nervously awaiting the results of more tests, obviously I am having the scan on Thursday because I want to rule out if it is in my lymph nodes and to what extent it will melt them and the doctor wants all that checked before doing the surgeries. Just to be safe with a possible cancer diagnosis, Julie feels even more isolated and fearful of what the future might hold. I haven't told Alex no, he hasn't, he's only nine, he doesn't need to know. I told him I was going to have my tonsils out, so just in case the worst case scenario happens, I think this month has been the worst month of my life, to be honest, now that Diaz is going to get his big break, Duke ASMR is in the building, but no one is there to watch as David racks up even more debt on the prelegal assessment and Julie gets her test results.
Aspiring musician Diaz has put his debt aside and traveled to London's West End for what he hopes will be his big break. I'm told he will perform at a glamorous casino and nightclub in front of hundreds of diners if all goes well. Diaz is hoping music manager Mick, who we met outside Tesco, will sign him up. This is something that will change your life at the end of this performance. He could have a contract with a manager and then,At some point this year, he could have a major record deal. This will change my life and it will change life not only for me but also for my children and my family, so I'm going to give it 100, I'm going to give it 1,000. at the venue, mick has bad news, diaz is going to perform in a room empty, we're not good with diners so you just have an open space to do whatever you want to do wow, which is a showcase for me.
Díaz is disappointed because he believed that his performance was going to be seen by someone who could hire him for future concerts. He's a fucking disgrace, man, this guy made us go do everything. about these things and he doesn't even tell me, but he's missing the live performance, so it's like he's the one who pushed us to do this. He's a bit upset, I must admit he's sitting there and he's a bit there and I said, I mean, he wishes he could go home, but Mick doesn't want today to be a complete waste of time.
He has decided to record a promotional video with his mobile phone and Díaz is still eager to impress. The idea is to act for me. manager so he can see what he's signing and hopefully the rest is history, okay let's do this, it's called this song, do you really have to go, that's it, come and sign a contract now if you want a really perfect performance , is it down now? to the business oh my god good diaz oneThe song is good enough for me friend, seriously, yeah, you know, I came with six, although, oh, we could even have a couple in a minute and then party later.
This is a contract that we have fulfilled. Yes, we are all happy with him. Yes, everything is great, yes, we will sign it now and that's it. I'm your manager. I will take you on your journey. Do you want to go. Well, this is amazing. So, seriously, I've done my part. You have to sign it. and well, you're already saying no, no, I signed it on the first verse, oh God, okay, that's me. Díaz hopes that having Mick as his manager will be his ticket to stardom and clear his debts. See it, Julie was recently told.
According to doctors, she could have throat cancer. His best friend Courtney has been an ever-present shoulder to cry on today. Julie just received the test results she was waiting for and fortunately she is now clear. I don't believe, I don't believe. I've once been happy because I thought about going in and I couldn't be happier now that everything seems to be falling into place, it kind of puts everything into perspective. I was thinking, you know there's a light at the end of the tunnel. As long as you stay on top of things and figure out plans, payment plans and keep your job, as long as you can keep your job and can stay with you, you will end up knowing that you will get out of the debt that you have. in that that's not what matters it's okay to keep the roof over your head that's what matters in life is being healthy being alive and being a good man being a good friend and being there for your friends and just getting on with life and I will never let things trust me again when I went to the hospital and found out it wasn't cancer.
What a great relief. Just thank God, thank God, it will be here for me soon. Now Julie's worries about cancer are behind her. She also had more good news. She just received a letter from the council saying that some of her housing benefits are being reinstated. The extra money means you can start paying your rent arrears. She says she was paid less than 182.54 during the period from the 25th to the 7th extra. 20 pounds a month, which is an extra 20 pounds a month for my increase, I can pay, yes, I will pay exactly the same amount and then you will get it, it will go down quickly, I want it, yes, so that's a Take the weight off the head in Hartley Pool after turning down an interview David's 30 big debts aren't going away Birthdays and Christmases have been expensive because I said I only want to spend about £150 on each of them and I think we probably spent about £250 each each one, so it's like £750 for three kids, it's for some of the gifts you buy like £50-odd to fund his expenses on the kids, David has resorted to even more loans and I took another bill just before Christmas. and mcgovern took another loan to focus, but we were seeing people now, it was really a renovation and we obviously didn't want to address, we obviously want the extra money right over the Christmas period because obviously we didn't know what. we'll do it as the loans add up, just like the red letters, um, it's just a pre-legal assessment that says that or 247 pounds and 56 pence, if I had the money, I said I wouldn't afford it, I'd pay it. the day when something would never kneel, it's not like that and I get my credit back, but obviously I don't win the lobby because I don't lobby on things with no chance of achieving it, luck that David doesn't have. the money to pay your bills i have never had beers like i said there are 247 pounds 56 pins it would cost me more than percent a liter than they actually tried to get the money back for us at maidstone diaz finally had good news despite performing in a hall empty in a London casino, he has now been promised a paid gig after making the presentation.
My manager, Mick, has managed to secure some reservations at the casino, but the money won't be enough for Diaz to avoid his imminent eviction. Today he's going into town to try to find a new place to rent. I'm going to go to a couple of real estate agents and basically see if there are any properties that you know that fit my budget, but after meeting the real estate agent, Diaz is surprised by how much a move will cost him the total amount that I will need to move is say around 3200. I would have to earn 32,000 to be able to move without having to involve a guarantor, basically I mean I don't have the money right now to be able to do this.
He would have nowhere to go right now with his debts and no job for now. Díaz will have to juggle his dreams of stardom and the search for work. Obviously, my back is against the wall. Regarding the situation I am in, so I posted my CV and I can't trust anyone to get me out of this situation. Yesterday I attended a job interview that also seemed quite promising. which I usually do and this is the first interview I've attended, but it looks like there are quite a few lined up in the future as well. Diaz hopes that getting off benefits will lead to a debt-free future regarding the debt situation, I mean.
When I go back to work, I'll obviously be able to increase the payments I'm making and I think you know before the end of the year I should be able to be debt free. His sudden death on Christmas Day surprised me. the world takes a look at george michael's final days new then doc dodgers finally relents and checks in for a proper checkup and you don't tell the doctor in the five star next while in five united states even the station firefighters 51 is not safe from corruption in new Chicago fire

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