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Being PDA To See How My Boyfriends BROTHER REACTS!

May 31, 2021
Are you ready baby? I'm ready baby, well I'm back, yeah oh my god baby stop Dawa stay I'm sorry oh my god come here go give me some love real quick welcome back to our channel. My name is Keiko, honey, it's your boy, Josh. If you can do it, here you go, JD Kevin, this is it and I felt like I should sing it, but do I sound like it, guys? Welcome to the most enlightened channel on YouTube. Insert fire, but anyway we are a couples channel and on this channel we make jokes. and a lot of times Josh and I prank each other, join in, yeah, give me some, give me some, oh my god, she ruined our handshake, guys, oh great, it's to give me some, here we go Anyway, we'll team up. today to play a prank on my little


, yeah, so Alex didn't bring him.
being pda to see how my boyfriends brother reacts
The other day I brought Josh in and we did the whole thing like give Frank a hickey, so I gave Alex a hickey, but I didn't really do his makeup when we brought Josh in and we got him really upset, so no, let me look at me babe, you're blessed. , look at your friends, we'll be back in a moment, one more for once, one more time, okay, so the video we're going to make Gavin jack Gavin. Jack, okay, so they did extreme Jack and Gavin, so I did extreme PDA on what's his name, wait, that's not true.
being pda to see how my boyfriends brother reacts

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being pda to see how my boyfriends brother reacts...

I didn't, oh, you're so ready, um, oh, I love it, basically, in the JT fan, yeah, so we'll do it. It's stupid, little


, my little brother, to see how he


, to see if he gets angry like he screams and we never do extreme PDA, we never literally in public right now, yeah, we basically told Alex and we're filming today, so Let's go get it, I think it's even going to drive, so we'll activate it. He'll know we're filming, so it's not like we have to hide a camera or anything, but we will do it every time. day bro yeah every day guys Katie just said off camera she's in the car we can practice like we're alone but not really because you guys are here so for me I can't because you guys are fakes with me, right?
being pda to see how my boyfriends brother reacts
There I'm going to kiss, like Josh is all about PDA, but Liv will hold hands and show that we're trying, yeah, we're here, okay, but anyway, why hello? We don't need to practice. oh wow I'm back I'm excited for team Jada like when we don't prank each other unless you and Alex have something up your sleeve and don't forget to enter the giveaway until the last day subscribe by clicking oh , forget your body, okay, official way to enter, oh, I don't even reveal them since we have pictures of all of us on Instagram, if you were to pose and say all the shady things for those that are fun crises, you can point them out, so subscribe. us and on vacation with us on IG and we're going to play a prank on your little brother whoa whoa haha ​​okay guys alex is coming we have to get you ready baby okay let's see I think that's good are you ready baby?
being pda to see how my boyfriends brother reacts
I'm ready baby is that if they can't say I think we're good, I hope the camera moves, okay, he'll know that we're always filming something that he's going to do. He just looks like you guys have to see a kid, no, okay, where are we going, what you want to look at. On this, so let's go buy Chipotle, are you excited? I'm so excited. I love playing Chipotle is my life, yeah help me down. Sound off, Alex, are you blogging today? I have those scratchers, I might have to work at three, so, oh. he has a job, three guys, why did we give you a new lens and you know, vlogging, take me to work, I should fix a house today, it's very hot here today, let's make a JD family, let's make a day in life, take a lifestyle, blog, dance, okay, listen, I pressed, that's how you pay attention to me and not the road again, baby, it looks so nice, like it's hot and look, look, I feel fast, okay though, yeah, we got too close oh my god, okay. video video video so he was yes Alex, what did you say?
We've been in the car for 20 minutes longer because he could keep his hands to himself Alex, come on, lie on my chest, are you kidding me, you would never hug and cuddle? Sorry, I love my girlfriend, it's like some kind of extreme sport, yes, it's extreme PDA, no, you know, a lot of couples like it, they don't even show that they love each other and I find it okay. I appreciate you trying to do it. make up for all that terrible traffic, what do they say? It's just tone it down a little bit, tell me what, I'll take it all as flirting and stuff like that, that's my girlfriend, I know, but I don't know.
I feel like today is a little bit more and I feel like the kids don't want me here, I feel like I'm intruding a little bit, oh no, I didn't even realize, I didn't know we were doing something like that. I don't want to be like that person, but I feel like today is a little bit more, you know, I didn't know, I'm sorry, hey Joe, we asked Apollon with his head down, and anyway, I'm surprised he's a little guy in the foreigner Japan you're copying me with the hat and everything I came strong Chipotle game strong baby right there what you want oh sorry I thought you wanted the cameras like I know you want my baby okay guys so now we had some Chipotle and there was fire so now we're going to go to the park and take a thumbnail because stuck in the corner yeah the video is like a day in the life and it's going to be like with Alex hey oh god come get it.
Me, he's like, oh, they're so annoying today, um, but let's go anyway. I just cleaned my color. Hey, let's take a thumbnail. Are you ready? What should we do? Pin a thumbnail. Let's do it, literally. like oh yeah, well I guess we'll make it and you guys won't be kissing on the road. I think we'll be good guys. I don't know what Alex is talking about, we really don't. I don't really like kissing them, you had absolutely no eye contact on the way here, which is why we should go, okay, don't listen to Alex, he'll just do it, but we'll see the boys in the park, okay, since the video today is a day. in life we're going to take a thumbnail with Alex right in the park so the lighting is really good here so Alex will take the thumbnail with us are you ready for this I'm so ready for this now okay Josh , Go to the right.
There Alex, I mean this is like a day in the life, so we're really like cheese in this, yeah, is that even good, oh my god, do you like it, are we ready to go? um, yeah, um, so what do you want? I'm doing the signature name, okay, we have V boot because then it's going to look like Alex and I are dating, you know, are we taking the thumbnail this way? wait a second, well, I've talked to you to extrapolate that you guys are


a little excessive today, wait, what did you say? John, I mean, I just mentioned it and I like to make them feel comfortable.
I think that's okay, wait, Alex, is that it? brother, what do you like? Wait, I'm done. Did you say something? Oh God, we came here to take a thumbnail. I've been with you for 45 minutes and then you kissed 25,000 times like, oh, we know you guys have been all over the place. each other we should be on the way kiss my girlfriend this is just oh I'm sorry I didn't know what we were doing do you want me in the thumbnail or not because it's going to be a kissing thumbnail like this boy boy? Oh relax, no, what do you want me to do?
Relax so you don't appear in the thumbnail. No, what am I? Then what do you want? A day in my life basically, a day in the life of a third wheel, that is. not with everything you touch today it's not a good look for a Dalek sorry this is the power you say you found dollars yes they're there to never make it we're not that couple okay Alex we're sorry that It's a summary, hey guys, what? Are you guys like this video? Look at me like trying to make me feel like going to Rome like yeah Alex how we make them feel really bad literally and Josh actually missed the turn like we're not even songs you know what?
It would be a very good idea for this video, the one we did well, to hang my brother with $1,000 every time we kiss, what a good idea, guys, he only took like 500 photos with the little brother, okay, watching all the time, how are they picking me up? uh I shot a little brother for


a good sport and you know it's not going to turn out too bad but I won't turn on the channels go ahead guys what broke right there the blogs will put a little wink in the description log in, what about situations? so because they, oh, okay, you know that tick-tock song, what the hell, Brooke, this is what really happens, this is what really happens all the time, oh, shake, shake, shake, oh, I don't know who doesn't like it. to see your terrible ticking movements that the officers have to do, I have to apologize because your guys like to be sick or have really bad allergies or something.
I've blown my nose like a thousand times today, my nose is fine, it sounds hard, so guys, back off. iPhone, an Apple watch and one lucky winner, although no, they are lucky winners, it's their first day on the job, guys, just kidding, baby, hey, wake up soon. I swear to God if you press right now. Hey guys, JD Boggs is coming up with an admin account tutorial. I'm going to attack the kiss of him today. I make sure he's okay, so he turns his head a little more at 90 degrees, like I said. JD's robots are coming to an end today, guys, but we'll be back. as always and Oh guys look at the hair dye supply okay we hope you enjoyed this video Alex did you enjoy it damn yeah that's true if you haven't seen that video check it out anyway please subscribe , click to browse all that fun stuff? and fall on the IG and see you in the next video

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