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becoming unbelievably rich [Dream SMP]

May 31, 2021
Any moment, it's going to happen. above, thank God, it cannot burn, that would be very uncomfortable. I didn't even put Mendon on this peak, that's the reason I bought Mendon's books and then forgot about it, I'm a genius, okay, speed up mine, oh, oh, okay, well, we. They are in the hands of some ancient rubble, ladies and gentlemen, we are incredibly


. Oh, they're already accusing me of x-raying in the chat. Right guys, no one else could extract that much stuff without cheating. I actually connected a second monitor and I'm not even using it for chat, I'm just using it for x-rays, that's my secret. that's my secret oh there we go oh the No. everything I say is the truth, that's all I say, I'm the most trusted new source in the world because I'm a Minecraft YouTuber, that's good enough for me Yuki, thanks for the 20.
becoming unbelievably rich dream smp
Oh, I already read that one, has not moved. there's automatically no exercise in the spirit of quiet conversations any book or movie you've enjoyed recently uh, I've mostly been reading the same web novels as usual, honestly, a lot of my web novels have stopped updating recently, I think it's because I am hacking them from second hand websites. I don't tell anyone I'm doing that because I'm an honest citizen okay I thought the server was lagging for a second oh there we go x-ray activate do oh oh I can't think of any movies I've seen recently I can't think of any oh oh there let's see people told me I can't believe that technoblade has removed so much ancient debris from the stream that it obviously went into creative mode it's so easy it's so easy what do you mean? it's just not that hard that you missed one i don't even care i don't even care to chat you're probably lying and if it's not like that it's just not like that it's just not worth my time it's just not worth my time to chat actually there probably is Pretty decent odds that I might miss one but I don't care we just keep going we always push forward I don't want to deal with it my armor is making the rock How far down am I?
becoming unbelievably rich dream smp

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becoming unbelievably rich dream smp...

Wait a minute. That's not what I like to see. It's okay, Mike. Thanks for the techno 27. It's almost Christmas. Can you call my friend Eliza a nerd? Eliza you are a nerd Robo Pig. What novels do you read? I should know, I read Avatar of the King a lot, even though they finished translating it, but I would recommend Avatar of the King, it's pretty funny, it's a pretty good web novel, it also has an anime, actually, well, people debate, uh, technology , it's not a proper anime because it was actually made in china and I just don't care I just like cartoons I don't like cartoons I just don't care about that workbench oh oh x-ray x-ray pug awesome there's already nine of us oh god, there's lava every oh no no no no the lava lake no the lava lake we're going back we're going back I just don't want to deal with that in my life no, I've been a good boy, I've been a good boy boy no lava please oh it's cute no it's not cute it's terrible okay this seems this seems reasonable around here oh reasonable no more lava maybe salem switch think about 20 could you bully could you bully? the name amelia is okay emilia what a terrible name i mean oh wait i just realized there are probably people named amelia in the chat well you know what you guys are getting caught in the crossfire sorry , amelia is in the chat, sorry, but it had to be done. paid they paid me moderate sums of money to make fun of your name amelia sorry it had to be done well uh f in the chat for all the emilia out there canceled canceled by amelia oh no, it turns out that 80 of my viewers are actually called emilia and they all leave me they all leave me you missed one I don't care oh wait there's one here chad I don't care I'm not going back I don't care if it's true or not it's just not worth going back it's just not worth going back look , I really believe you chat that's what I believe you there's enough spam from you that I believe you and I just don't care I don't care I'm sorry, it's just not like that It's worth it, we just move on, we just move on, there will be more in the future, Chad, okay, okay, look if you want me to back up, you should have said you missed three techno blade, you missed three of them that will be worth spinning. come back that's why you missed the diamonds oh my god there were diamonds back there there were diamonds I have to go I have to go back and there's more oh just a vein of a lame lame okay we're going to leave that work table behind we're going to leave it behind I don't have it an ax to extract it that's the kind of thing you can do when you have 43 work tables you can leave them behind how many donations have I missed yuritsu do you like shakespeare hey he's fine eh carter thanks for the 20.
becoming unbelievably rich dream smp
I literally


ed that I was sending you money last night , so here I am fulfilling the prophecy that you are living in my head, no rent, no rent, well it's not actually free, I think you are paying. rent by donating oh this is what we like to see yes yes more of this oh x-ray is paying dividends is paying dividends I hear four I hear four I don't hear four four it's just I know what nobody says four but it's okay because three is still pretty good, okay helios thanks for the 26. Hello techno, it's my birthday, can you show us your minecraft sensitivity and mouse dpi? uh, 66 percent dpi, I mean 800, maybe 1600, who knows, who knows, oh. oh god, no, no, this is almost as bad as lava, we have to turn, we have to turn and avoid this biome, ancient rubble, okay, x-ray, don't fail me, now you missed some quartz, oh no, I missed some quartz, I missed some quartz guys. we have to go back no no this biome again the armor is still working fine oh hello I almost miss you was I just a dumb fool imagine being just a right inferior just an ancient rubble shrink what you don't have friends you just don't have friends that's what that I thought of ancient rubble, here we go, more than one, more than one, lame, lame, imagine being one, just one, ancient rubble, how lonely, how lonely, kind of embarrassing, I'm not going to lie, it couldn't be I, I mean, if I was weird or I had done it, I would be in such a big vein, the biggest of veins, but I'm a little vain, okay, I'm this work table, we'll bring it with us, we'll bring it with us, he deserves it.
becoming unbelievably rich dream smp
He deserves it, he almost got burned when I said that would have been a little awkward. I'm sure there is a slightly more optimal way to grow the bed and I just don't care that Minecraft experts are in my comments section like a technoblade. I should only go out 7.5 blocks before putting up the next bed and I just don't care, you just have to keep going, it's all about efficiency, the only efficiency I need is time, there are already 17 of us, I didn't bring that many. potions but I think it'll be fine I think it'll be fine you missed a bed thank you chat thank you you know I was just thinking to myself you know I've been out of chat wisdom for a total of 20 seconds I need to check in and you've missed a bed it's the first thing i see it's the first thing i see oh i missed netherrack oh no oh no the netherrick oh okay you know i've gone like 30 seconds without seeing ancient rubble this is too much for me game could you just let the rays X They will start working again, that would be fantastic, oh, it is immediately worth it, oh, the power of begging, oh, and there are three, am I here for the legendary four veins of ancient debris, no, but do we?
I'll take it, I saw a four vein once, it's possible, I've only seen it once, but we might be up to 20, we're up to 20. Okay, bacon worked last time, so four vein, oh, a second vein of four up here that's just lava everywhere that's not what I wanted okay but this oh wait a minute that's not what I wanted either oh no this is not good oh oh oh oh I don't care if I do, I mean while I'm here, you know, okay, this is not a good area to be in, so I was going in this direction, what if I go from uh, if I go a little bit over here and then I go left after this up here?
Oh, it worked well, get rid of it. of this crafting table oh I want to create it here actually you missed the iron you missed the emeralds you guys are incredibly helpful Chad thank you I don't know what I do without you guys honestly furious thank you for the 20 as high as possible. van of netherrite has 12. you mean several veins together because I thought it was one. I'm pretty sure it's one to four. I'm pretty sure it's one to four. Actually, it's okay, Frida, thank you. Could you tell my twins the agonies she has? I am the superior she is not she is not a member of the channel oh clearly you are the superior freda everyone would agree the last of you thanks for the 20 three inferior rights per Minecraft fragment is the maximum you can find well, I found four, but that could have been like a barrier like a chunk who knows who knows mom 5d thanks 20 can you tell aspen she's a total nerd you're a nerd johann think about 20 tell her to my friend David who is a strange nerd? plush, thanks for the 20, do you have a favorite genre?
Honestly, romantic comedies tend to be pretty good, just in general, I like almost all comedies, honestly, I watch the live action, it's okay, but the comedy is good, it's just the comedy. I think my favorite anime is probably Kagyu Kaguya. I do not know how to pronounce it. Love is war. That's great, that's great. You just don't expect the storytelling to be that good and then it is and then it is. yes chat make fun of me make fun of the narration is good I tell you it's because of the plot it's because of the plot and also the jokes you missed a computer oh my god a complete computer I missed the complete computer technoblade you missed tubbo I only saw tubbo technoblade you have to believe me you have to believe me audrey thanks for the 20 bendy pencil thanks for the 20. how much more money should I give you to join my school's minecraft server?
That's just not happening, sorry. lego game thanks im in lava no im just on fire perpetually ancient rubble let me catch up on donations for a second here come back and get that right now young man absolutely not you medji thanks for the 20s my mom came in when you said you were good boy technoblade how do I explain this? It's first it's for Santa Claus, what else is there to explain religious ramen? thanks for the 25 can you say hi shadow sniper hi shadow sniper nia thanks for the 20 thoughts on the British, uh, pretty mixed in my experience, I mean, on the one hand, you have people like uh, you have people like Wilbur and Phil, on the other hand, you have Tommy, so you know, you know, I know that's too good and too bad. but if you average it out it's still a little negative chloe thanks for the 30 techno you made the twitter artist cry again what did I do to him what did I do to the twitter artist I don't even know what I did except the salad the timer just went off fast everyone in the south everyone hit the subscribe button we're going on skippy we're going on skeppy and the subscribers go go go oh my god we're almost at 4.24 we just need a couple thousand more subscribers guys go go. go, go, go, go, go, toxic hits, thanks for the 50 you passed, geppy, when he passed you two years ago, tell thirty wires to face me, no, no, we need, we need the subscribers, we need Let the subscribers delete skeppy once and for all, friend. play think of the twenties hello my name is kevin happy birthday kevin happy birthday kevin turkey thanks for the 25 prestige short name of the 20. brahmo thanks for the 20 I'm just going to speed this up sorry mike thanks your robo pig thanks salem switch wait actually i got here hannah blue thanks for the 20. could you call hannah a nerd?
You are a nerd while you vibrate in the abyss. I remember you mentioned playing the violin at some point. You still play now. I was only for high school. Twitter is not happy that you deny it. Oh, it's because of the family dynamic. No, now I'll stick with that. I'll stick with that Twitter that can bend, they can bend. that completely changes the story for me just constantly backstabbing my family members that doesn't work doesn't work for me lauren thanks for the 20 who's your favorite author oh i have no idea i have absolutely no idea back invader thanks you by tech 25 now you just made all of sleepy twitter go dark rip rap hey see you can still you can still have that as your main cannon okay I'm just not going to act in the game like it's true , Alright. right, there are no family ties to Tommy, okay, there is no way my elite player genetics would be shared with that man, it just wouldn't make any sense, it would just be a huge plot hole, he says the coffee It's epic, okay, you paid me. money david michael thanks for the 20 jacka boy thanks for the 20 colossal thanks for the 20 paladinthanks definitive knob thanks for the 20.
Is there any data package just spheres or pure vanilla? Well, we have the complement. Where you can, you can make the maps that have images, but that's it. Brandon King 25 Xbox Reunion. Thank you for 100 sliced ​​bread. Well, you just know I'm going to speed them all up and I'm going to I'm going to go back to farming okay. I'm sorry if I don't recognize your message, but I'll recognize your name at least River, thanks for the 20. jaded, thanks for the 20. Blake, thank you furious. your zack thanks donation just says ohio alyssa thanks for the tactic 25 you missed a girlfriend oh no oh we have to go back I don't want to die alone no alpacas laughing thanks for the 25. gg luna thanks for the 20. maxine finds a single piece it's five, okay stone python, think about the 20 toxic heads, thanks for the 50. okay, I'll assume I'm up to date if I somehow missed one, sorry, sorry.
Sorry, I'm doing the best I can here Agnes, thanks for the donation can you tell my twin Frieda that she's a loser because I've been a channel number for a month you're a loser for you lucas thanks for the 20. okay, let's go, we're leaving, we're leaving. playing the game we're playing Minecraft again we're getting more another true, I have no idea where my home portal is. It's going to be a little awkward, oh, I have to go higher. It's actually quite dangerous because if I lightly click like. wrong, I just die almost immediately, but that's okay because technoblade is simply incapable of making mistakes.
I tell you he is simply incapable. I'm telling you, I was going to phrase that differently the second time and I just didn't because I'm so capable. where is my old debris? It's been a while, that's soul, come on, game, you can't make me go 60 seconds without ancient debris, that's just not necessary, it's just not necessary for a game, oh thanks, see, chat, complaining works. Well it works very well, the moral of the lesson is that you just have to complain louder when things don't go your way you just have to complain the squeaky wheel gets the grease is the phrase I think or maybe I'm making a mistake who?
Who knows if I'm sure to complain about that make sure to complain about that I have one more bed left but we can create more okay we have a lot of wool left don't save the sheet you missed some netherrite oh my god I'm only I'm going to make 15. If I can't get it right, so be it, so be it oh, we have to get rid of this, actually, oh, we did it, you missed one, I just don't care, I just don't care, chat with you. You're probably lying anyway, look at the first time I believed you, I'm sure I missed at least once on this broadcast, but not there, but not there, I don't believe you and even if I did I wouldn't go back, I just It is not like this.
It's worth it, you just have to move forward what coordinates am I at 800 oh? That could be a real pain coming home, maybe if I turn around and start mining in the other direction that will work, oh, oh, oh, I don't care if I do. I don't care if I do, oh yeah, four, I hear four, no, it's okay, it's okay, I'm okay with three, I'm that humble, I'm okay with three and then we'll go here and then I'll turn right on some time in the near future. I'm so good at this game. I'm so good at Minecraft.
Ivan, thanks for the 20. Tell my friend Kat to log into MC and get her own resources. from living on my base and enjoying my things i feel like you could relate to having tommy in your basement right right we can't tell tommy we have all this downstairs well he would waste it all i'm keeping it in my energy chest no there's no way Way, it's just not allowed now that we're already at 300. This will eventually damage my armor, but it seems to be working fine. It's my beak that worries me the most. We probably should have given him a mandate, but on the other hand.
It would have fixed it, it would have helped us, there aren't really many sources of experience here, but in the future, in the future, okay, where is that ancient rubble? I've decided to complain some more because it always works, it always works, I want an ancient rubble in the next 60 seconds, this is a lot of lava, this is the opposite of ancient rubble, I don't actually have that many beds so I have to get ancient rubble Now, oh, that's not good, but it's okay, I still have them. another bed so it can't be garbage, no, ah, get rid of this cover of all this that is just not good at any time, chat with the complaint strategy, it works every time it's meta, it's meta.
I threw away the real bottom right that I need for the the underrack is complaining oh no oh no chat the complaining stopped working is this the end this is the end of


techno no it's not because I'm going to keep complaining I'm going to keep complaining in the next this is the one who is this oh was right I was oh there's two of that there's two of that the complaining worked everyone doubted me they're like this is a techno sword the complaining can't save you this time and it does save me every again I think five is okay I think it's decent acceptable even okay good you know maybe it takes a little bit more to get the next one because we just had a bunch that's acceptable to me game that's acceptable i I won't complain about that or I will or I will know maybe I will complain maybe that lava that lava is annoying get rid of it in fact I demand compensation for the paddle it works it works so well it is simply the strongest strategy in the game okay here we go I'm leaving let's complain I can't believe I only got two veins of ancient rubble with minimal effort I demand three better that was too much that was too much I'll admit it maybe maybe we're going for too much here but 42 ancients we need to fix the stick at some point you're right chet you're right we'll probably stop mining soon tubbo's gone oh he's back tubbo's back doo doo doo Doo, oh no, the lavas on the left, can I turn right now?
I'm like at x 800 and I really don't want to be at x 800, that's not a good place to be, it's a very long walk back home, no. right, if I don't get one in the next two beds, I'll complain, I'll complain a little, I'll file a moderate complaint, okay, this time I'll find my microphone, okay, yeah, he actually left the room without saying anything . so my proper microphone mutant was for nothing, it was for nothing, but at least it showed character growth, character growth, I tell you I learned how to mute my microphone on a live stream, it's a good skill to learn that this doesn't It's going to catch fire, right? that would be a little awkward if it was just that that wouldn't be ideal oh, I managed it perfectly, the exact number of beds to fill my inventory, okay, I want some ancient rubble now or I'll be moderately upset, I'll be moderately upset game I want one immediately oh god mine I just took I just got like a tick of fire damage and now I'm angry I'm complaining to the Minecraft manager give me ancient rubble it doesn't work it doesn't work I'm going to complain about the Complain doesn't work and then I'll get a main four.
It will work amazing. Could this be the end of the complaints strategy? No, I refuse, I refuse, okay, wait a second, I won't give up. I have complained my entire life. life and I'm sure not, I'm sure not, I'm sure not going to stop now, oh, it works, oh, there are four, what did I tell you? chat complaining undefeated is undefeated chat wait five it's so good j the technology karen's strategy is so good this is what we call the care and mining method it's so good karen donate 20. I give you my care and energy go complain directly come on thank you karen you got me five you got me five ancient rubble it was all thanks to your power i couldn't have done this without you karen it just couldn't have happened without you okay papa wolf bad or justice thank you owl winter 20 think about 20 all my twitter is crying technoblade what have you done? oh no oh no Aaron thanks for the 20 I used to whine on Stratocaster for the first time and got three other pogs right yeah boy Nick thanks for the 20 If you read this tell Danny they're great .
I love your anarchy and they're working really hard on a cosplay, Danny, you're fine. Alright. Complain. Activate the strategy. See, that didn't work because I wasn't actually complaining. I was just saying the word complain. In fact, it is not the same. Look, I've gone against the ideals of complaining and strategy, so now there's lava everywhere and I hate it, I hate lava, okay, here we go, we just have to complain. This lava is so annoying. Oh, it didn't work. It didn't work, but we just have to have faith, we just have to have faith, chat anytime, thanks, British narrator.
I love how techno has caused like 10 canon deaths so far in exchange for zero of his own never-dying techno sword. true true this is all correct information i keep pressing f1 by accident and it's making me furious give me ancient rubble this is the game's fault somehow it's okay i did it again let's get a pile of ancient rubble that would be pretty pop oh god oh, There's lava everywhere, this is the end, the plants are falling apart, this could be, this could be, unless I complain, oh oh, it's over, it's all over your pickaxe, I know my pickaxe needs durability , okay, I know, but I can't fix it.
Right now look, I'm actually heading back to the portal right now, I'm actually heading back home. I'm doing toxic multitasking, sick, thanks for the 50s, boy, thanks for the 20s, when the frame of mine 2.0 comes, I have no idea, Lauren. I thank you for the 25. Can you call my friend Diego a nerd? diego you're a nerd i think of 20 lunatic everything thanks for 25. umeji is my boyfriend and i can't believe he donated 20. i can't let him outdo me at 25, that's exactly the kind of competition i want to see here on the Technoblade channel. Okay, let me get caught up so I don't miss anything.
What do you think of Oscar Wilde? You can too? call my friend reindeer nerd rin you are a nerd a little flower think about the 20s tiger mc think about the 20s. lucas thanks for the 20s oh lucas oh well it's not spelled with the k so that's fine I think the bad lucas is it is spelled with k, okay, I was literally saying that and I just found a second donation from lucas, but this one is spelled with the k, sorry lucas, sorry, thanks for the 20. That's such an awkward coincidence, lucas with the K. quick games thanks for the 20. agnes thanks can you call my twin Frida nerdy it's okay I wish there were only two it was awkward we have two lucas in a row two lucas in a row emma thanks for the 20 I have go study for my finals now that you have a great rest of the stream ok bye emma good luck on your final meal thanks for the 20.
My sister Grace is dozing on your stream from 10pm. m. here, can you yell for him to wake up Grace? Wake up Wake up Grace Wake up happy detective thanks for 100 How was Floof? He's fine. How is Lee? Floor boy. I haven't seen him recently wearing anything from the 20. Oh wait, I think I read that. I think so. I'm stuck in Unity Blue thanks for the hundred john borg thanks for the twenty can you call my girlfriend emily put up with emily you're a nerd bro i'll donate 100 if you tell 30 virus to take on me 30 virus can you please fight in mourning? this man, except not really, the longer you take, the richer I get okay, I told him, I told him man, any moment, any second, now, my ears look, I just woke everyone up, okay, I woke up all the thanks I had.
I had to wake them up so they could hit the subscribe button so they could hit the subscribe button wait, did I forget to set this up? I forgot to set the exhaustion timer, I think there would be another nine minutes actually, so okay, okay if you bind the use of the item block to v and then hold it you can ring a bell at hyper speed. I'll have to try it next time. Deuce, I'll have to try that next time. Luke. What's wrong with Lucas with a k? I think money will solve this. problem maybe it's just a reference to the minecraft story mode stream so there was a lucas and that guy sucked, he sucked half the character to be fair but him especially a promise is a promise thanks toxic for the hundred that I really reached. about donations now just kidding, poopy just donated 20 sub detector blade pog, okay you know, it's been a while since I have ancient remains, maybe if I complain, good things will happen.
I'm so upset because I haven't received any. Ancient debris lately I'm very upset. I would like to speak to the Minecraft manager. If the Minecraft manager could come into the chat and explain to me why I can't find ancient debris. Works. Melon King. Thanks for the 50 can you say hello to my friend chris thanks for the 20 sahara hello chris ellen the fox thanks for the 20 what's your favorite minecraft memory? Oh, there are so many. I couldn't think of one on the spot without someone saying well what about this other memory and I'd say oh well that's a much better memory, although when in Minecraft Monday week six has to be up there, it has to be up there, okay, my fire resistance is depleted, guys, will it be?
It does not mean anything,really show yourself a little, maybe he could get it, really, if he did. a lot of influence because of that, you know, he would have so much cloud that he could run again even though he is in decline, since he knows he couldn't run for president again, but I think the


smp, I mean, you get more subscribers than the actual president, so it's kind of a wait amount to get back there, really true if the electoral college saw him and said, oh he's in the dream smp, oh you can run. again, yes, yes, well, he could be president of Lehmannburg at least, oh yes, Obama for president of Le Mansburg, yes, yes, like, yes, he will win, definitely, oh yes, that informal poll would be in ruins .
It would be 98, yes, imagine having it. compete against obama in minecraft actually the president like the action is over yeah yeah squid boy is the squid boy who joins the smp. I do not think it is. I don't know why I thought they were going to act like a sick fan. artistic accessory, that was my idea. I was like, oh, they're making a hit list, oh, that's going to be cool, they're making propaganda that it's going to be cool and then they just put it like ms paint, no, you have like one of what's possibly the base. largest artist fan community on the planet, well actually, I guess there is k-pop, but you know what I mean, it's true, but one of the largest artist communities on the planet and you guys are sitting here like truffles . cut out of tommy i'm the obama government i'm an orphan but i'm happy that's something else bad boy halo under the sun apparently for some reason i don't know what you mean are those sunbeams or sausages i think they're bacon actually that makes a lot of sense , yeah considering it's an anti-tech blade, yeah I see what they're going through there, that's kind of stupid, but don't subscribe to technoblade in the cloud. that seems like an afterthought, yeah, it's kind of a spinoff, honestly, you know, they're just like everyone, there's an empty space here, yeah, but don't subscribe, it doesn't matter. they really need to work on their propaganda, yeah no wonder they wonder if they will lose horribly, I mean look at this, yeah they did, they didn't even remove the subscribe button, they removed the check mark, wait I think I think Which is the reason.
The reason they did that is because it shows that you're not subscribed, so that's not true, but if any of my viewers see this button on their screen, if they could press that subscribe button, yeah, yeah, it looks like this. It seems like if everyone could press that button, it would be fantastic, it would be fantastic, really, yeah, yeah. You know, I should post a bunch of pro-technoblade propaganda and wait for people to notice you. If that was fun, you could just like it. make little altercations with this, yes fans, I need you in that pro technoblade propaganda, come on and it will actually look good too, yes, it will look much better, people won't be able to take it off, it will be such. improvement chat, stop spamming the coordinates of things, okay, it's so funny because they're like, oh wait, like my chat when you were coming, they were like technical swords in their way, and I'm like, oh god.
God I'm going to start but no I know I'm just going to do what I would normally do and then let the bit die because that's what you do don't you understand that the technoblade is currently at x 25 z negative 36? Oh, and it will be at its current speed. It will be at your base in 2.3 minutes. Yeah, they were like it was on its way. You're almost there and have an x ​​pick with 246 durability. Be careful, be careful, wait. you got an ending oh yeah, I just got it today okay, okay, that was pretty bad cute, that's good, that's good, isn't that the one you called quackery? oh yeah I've actually killed a lot of people with this today oh really yeah I was like minding my business uh definitely not trespassing and then three guys came out of nowhere like punk and frost jack manifold and said , hey, let's go to technoblade 1v3 and I was like, oh, I thought, you know.
I could run away or and then I started hitting people with my beak and it worked. I'm surprised it works so well. It just works so well. Yes, I actually made a video on how I played it. I played Skywars with the pickaxe. It just worked too well, I know, that was a couple of months ago. There's a video like on all my fan sites where it's like I get eight kills with a pickaxe and like at the beginning of the round it's amazing so yeah who needs it? weapons when possible we can simply undermine people exactly that is this anti-techno propaganda.
I think this is the leak they were talking about. Yes I think so. It's probably this. Hey, it could be Logan Paul joining in. It could be Logan Paul because. He's done with that Jake Paul I don't know Paul's types okay okay he was saying we should get scientists and then put them in a box and then make them think about his actions. in the smp maybe this is I think we should show this on the stream probably no probably no yes, I'm going to keep watching it anyway, although I'm going to get closer, I'm going to get closer to the fine details, I'm going to do it.
I wonder if I'll check Discord and see a bunch of frantic messages. Stop, don't look at the pictures guys, please, what are you doing? No, okay, I don't see anything. Stop watching it, it's okay, I don't see anything. or so we're fine, yeah, we're fine, we're fine, we're nice, we're nice, so you'll get some real fan art for your propaganda, what kind of things do you want in it? Hmm, I'm sure. fan artists will create cooler things than I can do, do the opposite of this, yeah it looks cool just this, but really cool, it's going to be awesome and then you can have different sizes and things.
I can rescale it myself. as nifty as that you know yeah I need to figure out how to use that app actually it's just ms paint you just change the crop size oh wait that's really it oh yeah that works I really need to learn how to use computers, man, amazing. It's okay, especially now, do you mind if I accompany you, uh, it's just that we are enemies. It would be a little awkward. Okay, if I wanted to take you directly back to my hidden base. It already was. already there oh yes but maybe you forgot I didn't write it ah you have that book with you no no no no no again no I don't have it on my person again no this is the second time like why am I just like food oh him He has potatoes he's going to die wait, are you out of pearls?
I'm out of pearls oh that's it that's that good that's a bad thing okay that's good oh that's not good for me Okay, well, now that you're distracted, I'm going to get back to my face. Right now, I just did it. I just had to delay you a little. Okay, sounds good, now that you've got it sorted. I'm going to dive in, actually, okay, see you, oh, that was fun, Chad, that was a great moment, you know, sometimes you just have to give up on hitting him and you just got mad. a spleef talk, you just had a spleef, okay, let's go back to our base.
I almost ran out of golden carrots today. I don't think you have any more trade with the nearby villagers. I still haven't fixed my pickaxe. Listen, we have enough durability, okay, okay, oh, I didn't take any swords, that was bad look, it's, it's alive, it's okay, it's full, now, you're right, you can't die, you're basically invulnerable to damage, just slowed it down a little just slowed it down a little another true, can't burn anyway okay chat stop spamming coordinates that's stupid I'm not going there boo shame boo , I don't think you understand how the server works, chat, how are my donations? doing I'm a cable guy only the owner of the world can see it well I have two options stay at work and use the bathroom or leave work and watch the broadcast you know what to do steve you know what to do pileo think about 25 hey my friend evergreen that's a big simp for you oh I can say that word because I'm not on Twitch, I'm flexing if I say it in chat, ranboo will be banned, he'll be banned on Twitch, he should hold on. that against them oh every time i go on vc i should start spamming the word simp and they would just be devastated they would be devastated oh no oh no that's like if they ever try to raid my base again i can be like what a bunch of sims im right instantly banned from twitch cough youtube games reign supreme oh oh what a coincidence 250 sympathy donation that's how you spell thank you that was that wasn't that's a coincidence I didn't do it I know you were there welcome healer okay thank you for the nation Owen, thanks for the 25.
You passed Captain Cubs, Pog Quinn, thanks for the last donut. I hope you have an amazing stream, thanks Quinn, thanks Daniel, thanks for the 20, take my money. because my girlfriend broke up with me oh I'm sorry about that daniel taylor simp son that's what he says it's simple to explain this is not a coincidence taylor thank you uh squeals game thanks for the 20. I'm trying to get better at pvp any advice so you just gotta practice man practice those crits mom so full thanks for the 50 the voice is great Blood Quinn thanks iron player thanks for the 20 Okay we're stuck ricotta hi technically , Please tell me. my friend gabby she's a nerd gabby you're a nerd thanks for the 20. okay, we have to ring the channel number bell because we didn't ring it during the last sell out timer, one of us has to ring it, one of we one. of us, one of us, channel members, come on, channel members, come on, come on, come on, and if you don't have any money, hit the subscribe button, hit the subscribe button.
Only I wasn't here during the last exhaustion timer, so I have to do it. now i have to do it now press press the join button press the join button wait am I running out of hunger because of this or did I just run out of hunger earlier? this requires saturation one of us one of us oh my god this has been a four hour broadcast my voice was not created for this it was not created for this chat oh the channel members are coming twisted thanks for the 20 canadian dollars oh the channel numbers are everywhere they are everywhere hit the subscribe button hit the subscribe button yeah one of us yeah channel number bell undefeated lily thanks for 20 years what do you think?
Oh no I'm not going to get into the drama on the stream no no no we're chilling one of us one of us appreciate thanks for the 20 hey can I wear the Antarctic empire uniform for my look of Minecraft? Well, I mean, I did. I didn't do that look, so no. I'm really not in control if he uses it. I was one. from the fans artists me one of us one of us brother I have to eat food I have to finish the broadcast guys I'm finishing the broadcast I'm going to eat food I didn't have lunch before this so I had breakfast to Let's be fair, I had a very, very good breakfast , so yeah, I'll go.
I hope everyone enjoyed it. One of us presses the subscribe button. Oh, okay, bye.

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