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Beating Minecrafts HARDEST BOSS (part 6)

Feb 27, 2020
place. I'm willing to use one more. these things stay still in that direction don't break don't break yeah, let's try this again it's still like that don't break don't break the rag yeah, that's still like that don't brag no, damn it, I have a Feeling that's underneath from here somewhere just because I used the Pearl right on top of that hill before I calculated that here is like a good place to randomly dig and we thought we can't, we can't risk having more pearls, sorry, I could do it. just start digging randomly because it should be in this area and the forts are pretty big so the chance of you finding a little bit is actually pretty high if you start digging around it.
beating minecrafts hardest boss part 6
I'm going to dig here, properly, yeah. solution to not waste more pearls, it's just randomly big but still, what was that video I saw in the fortress? She said there was a silver fish spawn. I asked that means I'm close. Yes, these little things are scary. Where do they come from? Where you come from? Little rats. Vinca found a mine shaft. I'm going to explore all of this, hopefully it will lead me to the fortress. I'm nervous because if I die and lose all these pawns I'll be so sad my heart will break oh my god that could be yeah so that's the Brick that has a fortress that's all I know let's be careful Here I spy, yeah honey, it's okay, we still have to be careful, there may still be monsters here somewhere and we still have to find that portal, we have to figure out where to go to get to that dragon.
beating minecrafts hardest boss part 6

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beating minecrafts hardest boss part 6...

What the hell? No one should read so many books. This is the scariest thing I've ever seen. It's starting to seem real. You know, it's starting to feel like, damn, we could be fighting that dragon soon if I can find the portal. I will continue hunting. It's getting spooky here inside these cells. Why do the cells here have so many doors and I don't know where I've been? Because there are like torches that I haven't placed around the place, so I have Dog Storm confused, there it is, that's it, so there are a lot of vines down there.
beating minecrafts hardest boss part 6
Let's try my bow real quick. Yes, we hit them high. We bring the leader. Good. We found it. We finally found it. I have found the final portal. There is already one. Be careful there, so I only need eleven. We really could have wasted one, but we didn't know how to fill this with Ender's Eyes. Oh God, so much work, so much time and so much effort from everyone led us to this moment, oh, it's getting. Real, it's getting real, okay, okay, I'm scared, okay, this is all I need. I think I have all the tools.
beating minecrafts hardest boss part 6
It all comes down to this. The ender dragon. The baddest Minecraft in Boston. Let's go through this portal. Good. Well, there it is. Health, we have to be careful because I think wherever we might be below it right now, depending on, oh yeah, that's the edge of existence, we don't want to be, we don't want to go that way, the thing is you have than to be. be very careful because you can fall and die there is no return there is no respawn and you can't save your equipment I find a way to like a tunnel design where I won't be able to attack me immediately we will be very careful not to look and there is the y8 dragon in person, he's shooting at me.
I'm going to be very careful not to look at Enderman. I'm being attacked, but I, Enderman right now, don't like it, let me finish them with a slap. At this moment I don't like that he created this little hole to kill Enderman. You know, I can always run back to my spawn if I need to hide from Enderman. You know, God, this is so stressful. I can drink now. we move faster we're going to keep looking up avoid that dragon and we wanted to destroy those towers those are those little beacons up there yeah there we go we have one of those yeah that one yeah okay that's what he uses the ender dragon to heal himself.
You have to destroy all of those, oh yeah, you have to be careful with those fireballs, you have to destroy them before you can fight the old friend, yeah, okay, okay, okay, now there are some of these towers that you we have to escalate fights. It's pretty easy if we don't know, if Enderman doesn't screw us and you keep an eye on everyone, dude, these fireballs keep going, they're beautiful, they destroy that tower, it's still beautiful, it's so hard to see what towers you don't have. It's not destroyed, okay, I have another one, okay, I'm going to drink the slow fall potion and then we're going to go up the towers, okay, we have four minutes without fall damage, hopefully we should be fine, well, well, oh oh , that's where the slowness the form comes we're okay, we're okay, no, don't panic, don't panic, okay, there should only be one left, then we can fight the real dragon, okay.
I feel like I have enough flat stairs. I don't think it's going to be okay, that's why we need the slow fall potion look that saved our lives no big deal okay I'm going to have to build with cobblestones now beautiful that's all the tower is made it should be anyway I think there's a tower nearby it looks like that to me Tower, there should be a tear up there and that's what explodes, it's very hard to reach, okay, so I think I got all the towers, but I didn't see it explode, alright buddy it's the final countdown, now I'm on a totally vegan diet I'm about to rock your world I'm going to eat my Golden Apple I'll become a vegan with superpowers no more towers to heal from the old defeat Minecraft the


more hard I'm a youtuber it's going down going down I have some of that I have an infinite bow oh yeah throw throw throw all the fire that you wanted me friend I didn't even need a sword honestly I'm just destroying this kid let's go get him let's go hit, hit the legs, yes, yes, yes, we are going to make him look very healthy, he has lost everyone who said he would never do this.
Look at me, hit me now, honestly, the hard


is fighting, he already did it, oh, oh, late in this hell. Oh, okay, I've taken some serious damage and that guy threw me so far into the sky. I am so lucky to have landed on that Tower. I may not go near him. Am I doing this with my bow? Honestly, well, I was. big one, oh we're doing damage, baby, always live, you already have half the health ID. I just need to use my bow, I'm looking close to him if he's going to shoot me in the sky like this, yeah, we're doing it, we're doing it. he a couple every time he passes slow and steady wins the race The Turtle taught me that when I was a kid we Ramat has almost passed the e this is a good game it was a little late that's a little scary I'm not going to lie Oh oh what we are doing so much damage Oh Fagin Paola big bacon and power vegan powers activate one head plus one plus a good hit plus that's it it's all done yes, I understand you oh we did it Vegas we did it fellow vegans at home I can't, I can't believe okay now i have a damn andaman trying to kill me yeah stuff okay i'll take care of these guys.
I am level 69 enough to kill the dragon. Okay, I'm going back to my Hardy hole to finish the men's finale and then we'll celebrate our victory, we have a lot of Enderman, there's Jesus, thank God, a lot of you, relax, oh, I'm crying for you too, but now you'll like this video right now, okay, so what's really cool is that now we. I have unlocked the entire final dimension, there are so many places to explore in this place. I think to get back home I have to go through this portal and there is also an ending for the dragon egg in that tower, but don't look at it. guys we did it, we defeated the



in Minecraft, it was stressful, I had to sweat a lot, I was panicking the whole time, okay I guess this is what I do, but if I die if I die from this, not really I care because I killed. the dragon and I am a god, yeah, and I think we get the credits sequence for Minecraft.
I beat him. I beat Minecraft. I want to do it. I want some laser codes in the Minecraft item shop. This is like some fourth wall credits right here. legit it took ten hours to film to finish the preparations to find the fortress and defeat the dragon it was like 10 hours to film now I'm going to edit for like 10 hours but damn it was worth it yeah yeah I made it back baby. I'm back a little melons back I'm back giant dong I'm back I'm back home I'm back oh, it actually feels so good, it feels so good oh, what's up Willie, I'm back, well, I've got a lot more ?
Shitty random game for this Minecraft series. I am exhausted. The guy with the belt I like the button and see you next time. Mon craft, huh.

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