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BEAT The Tightrope TROLL to WIN! (Golf It)

Jun 05, 2021


is here, no one asks for it, no one wants it, but I also managed to convince Jelly to play with me, yeah, but three people who want to watch


, let's click the like button. Okay, I'll do it myself, done. Come on, if I do it and you guys do it, we'll get four likes on this video, maybe if we get five, we'll get jelly for another one. Who cares if no one wants to see it. Okay, let's get into the video. expect the unexpected Tosh, I was going to say that, wouldn't you like it, let me do it, wait, I wasn't paddling, look, look, jelly, this, I really wasn't expecting that, just go for all the jelly, okay, this is easy, jelly , what is this happy?
beat the tightrope troll to win golf it
Where did he do it? See, I don't know, oh, that's cool, okay, you're kidding, right Josh, it's been a little Wallace while you were playing well, Jelly, it's been a while, I forgot we were doing


stuff, well, I got it Is there a hole behind? How do we get there? Let me tell you, there is a reason why I didn't play this game for a long time. Oh, Billy, I see the target is behind us, yes, but I don't think it's for this level, right? You stop being. well in the game this isn't even fair thank you for revealing all the points to me jelly really oh oh Jenny did you ever try to try harder to chase Josh you have two points in total I have eight yes, so far no Don't smoke with people, the person with The more points you earn, right?
beat the tightrope troll to win golf it

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beat the tightrope troll to win golf it...

Why do I feel like that's


jelly? Yes, yes, there is a troll. I'm going after this boy, do you understand? Yes, I'm done, you're a liar. Oh. hole in one baby I know by the way I don't like you I don't like you it might be worth saying jelly but this is a map of a single hole in one it's a hole in a single man I mean that hasn't been There's a problem for you yet, but this is not going well. Jenny said to expect the unexpected. That's true. Josh and I don't expect anything right now.
beat the tightrope troll to win golf it
Okay, it'll be behind these bushes, so it'll be somewhere. Okay, I'm going to trick Josh. I'm looking around, it's allowed, yeah, I mean, it doesn't say it wasn't allowed, okay, Josh, you have to shoot first, three, two, no, I'm already complying, but if I shoot, you'll see. where is the hole because I found it oh I found it too thanks Jelly maybe don't be so suspicious next time okay you know what I've had a hole in one every round okay and I haven't Josh can you start being one? really bad at this game for a second please I can try but it's not that easy so it's okay Mike I could lose everything.
beat the tightrope troll to win golf it
I want to make a streak on this one, this one is kind of hard, oh wait, oh stop being that, it's just that you're literally like six points ahead no wait I can't count these eight points eight points ahead start exploring Josh keep going I'm exploring wait what happened I don't know what ah I lost my hole in a stream Oh, over it yeah, I did, you've been playing with me Josh, she didn't make formulas Oh, map, look, you know, I warned you, don't even test me, six points difference now, six points difference, what do you think this one is gelatinous?
Well, it's clear that on the back Josh, but that's very difficult to hold, it's very, you're going to be possible, let's do my best, uh-oh, that was a little slow, that was a little slow, okay, yeah, no , I saw it at the beginning, no, come on, Oh. Across the gap ah, come on, come on, jelly, come on, come on, stay away, it's okay, I'm fighting now. I think my hole-in-one streak is dead. It's over, yes, mine never existed. What's happening right now is jump, jump. this is this is a bouncing ball is that ball this is are you kidding me on seven Josh and seven all you have to do is keep missing every shot you miss I catch these jellies come back this is my calm don't look at that if you get it a DNF that's it Josh thanks Jelly yeah just letting you know what the DNF counter is at 12 this is it this just blocked you Josh someone wrote this map here we go that was beautiful so Josh , I'm just one point behind what happened with that hole. in a streak of yours in it's the temporary vacation okay okay I think something suspicious something is going to be on these walls oh well I've shown you there no, I wasn't looking it's that little hole that you weren't looking at everything I wasn't looking at everything I found it no I got hole in one okay so that's miles away I bet it's a little closer or maybe it's a role reversal and they want to be allowed to free roam Josh no one said you weren't allowed I mean I'm not allowed, I'm not doing it much, so you're going in a different direction, jelly, no, I got there, trust me, you're a little liar. still rolling Josh no, you have to shoot very, very fast, this is possible, okay, and right there, where did you go, little via, oh, there is no where are you going, oh, what a fight, what is it?
Hey, look who's ahead of the game, are you bleeding? No way right now Josh, so I see a ton of portals, in fact I see three in total, yes there is one below, but what does that mean? Underwear, wait, where did you see the third one? Oh, I see four, I see five, now there's one there. on the sides, yes, then one of them comes in, but which one do I mean. I can give my best. Wait, I have a feeling, I have a feeling I know what to do, Josh. I'll try. Oh. What happened? He was doing so well.
I will do that. My holes in one have blinded me. Oh, Josh, look at that. I want a streak of holes in one. I have as many holes in one as you do. Josh, yes, but I have better ones. What's that? Oh, I think I got it. What is it? I see it too. There was a booth on the floor. Josh. Where are you going? Hey, no, no, just one for you. You got it. Magic hole in three. We're still winning, we still lead Josh by three points. Wait, okay, so now I have to go to the center clearly.
There is a sofa. There is a cannon. I got this though. I did not do it. I did not understand this. I thought it was just, oh God. That's great, I didn't expect that, oh, thanks to the deli notice. I'm not going to tell you where I'm going. Wow, I feel like that was wrong, that was clearly wrong, I think we need to fire the cannon, Josh. oh yeah, I'm in the canyon, wait, how ya, hmmm, this canyon is a little squashed. Where did you shoot? Where did you go to get to the cannon? I don't know Josh, but you already know, and one question, here we go where.
Should we shoot Josh? Honestly, I think we just need to shoot this way, but he really feels dangerous, yes, he feels dangerous. I don't think we're going to get it right like this, it's okay, we can always try, come on, you go first, you're winning. Oh. What did you manage to get it a little far? I did not understand. It was close, man. No not at all. Usually not. We're just going well. Why not the question mark? Why don't we try that? I can't reach it well. I have gone to the question. Is it a bad idea.
I can't, but it's Han's abilities. It could have to do with something else, although honestly, I think we're supposed to go downtown. I got it, it's shots. the tralala is a pretty good shot are you lying to me no no I wouldn't lie to you jelly especially I wouldn't lie if it was five Josh lying three to shoot tell me four in the middle I'm winning come on okay that's right This is a tough question. I completely forgot about the moment. I was just watching the time trying to attract you. Oh, come on, come on, come on, come on, no, hello, embellished, yeah, okay, six points behind Josh if you get a DNF, though I'm. well, you know, yeah, but I'm not getting D&F, so, glasses, you know, it's not right, where did you go, nowhere, I mean, I'm in the bushes, get it, it doesn't count, I thought, what?
Wait, what, Jenny, in that little cave there's a whole we were you hello I'm miles away I don't know what happened you got it no oh I see you see the hole in the cave I mean I see that jelly but the hole in the cave It's crossed like that's the real one, I mean, I see the one on the other side or the one in the cave, yeah, yeah, disappear, they tempted you. Oh, if you wrote down why you're provoking me at this point, I'm literally how many points behind six, oh, so close, yeah. Totally not behind the house I've got a long way to go Oh No, hey, totally new, this is no, no, don't hit it good, come on, yeah, just take a couple more hits to be okay, Josh , come on, be nice, I want to have fun, okay, I'm four points behind.
I can still do this. We have two options here. Josh, left or right, go somewhere else. Oh, oh, if not, whales, yes, maybe they could be something you look for around you. Keep searching. I think it's somewhere. here it's definitely somewhere here Josh the moment you shot I turned off free Roman it went to hell no yeah that's exactly what you gotta do man okay what's the problem with this it looks like a hole in a legitimate one, really isn't it? but it's like it's not easy transportation space, okay, good luck, jelly. Oh, jelly, what just happened?
I'm going to space, yeah, no, I didn't get food, okay, they launched you? Yes, I was about to say no. go far enough to be launched and then I did it right, how do we do it sister?, we do it right, Jenny, I got it, I know it, you're ready, oh I see it, I just showed up, I think we were like that, that was definitely what I wanted. I was about to do it, I really hope, yeah, I'm catching up again, look at these little shots from little Jody, Josh sucks, so now I'm gelatinous, I'm


ing you Josh, there are four more matches.
I can still do this, okay, oh uh. Why are there blue things? Wait, I don't like it, this is suspicious. Jelly there is a hole behind us. Do you know the answer well? Isn't it Zelda? It's definitely LinkedIn. Well, they know it's Bowser. Okay, but the question is Jelly. she doesn't do anything that doesn't do anything I'm going to try again and Dolph Dolph Dolph probably because he's a troll. I see the hole looking behind me. Wait, what if I know they didn't do anything? The bow should do something. I haven't tried Bowser yet. I tried the other one.
I saw you try Bowser. I entered Ganondorf. Stick with Bowser. So you do it. You did it daily. No, yes, liar. You are an old liar. Jelly can see through your dirty clothes. little lies I didn't do it I wasn't Bowser what nothing Bowser doesn't work yay I don't get it Jenna you go into Bowser and then he shoots you back okay it's not that hard you kept disappearing for me Josh I'm still winning so I'm fine three points behind, that sucks. I could have done it right away. It's a green thing that looks suspicious, but it's fine, everything is perfect.
There's a force field, mate. The tree is huge. Now wait, what changed the pavement. Oh me. I'll be watching you I'm so confused help or hinder Yujin what hello oh my god there are two more levels and I'm still three points behind what is it? It's not on that side oh that's right there's an orbit around the hole okay I guess we probably shouldn't launch it we can't launch it no you just have to go around the planet oh Jenny we only have one chance well oh wait, what's the ending, I win, oh yeah, thanks for playing Jelly.
We'll play some more, right?

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