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Beach fishing Australia for food

May 26, 2024
Australian terrestrial oh it's getting deeper dates my ankles now why state knee to waist okay that's another one let's find out oh big hit really serious amazing. I was modifying it, yeah, oh, I think it was a snip, I think it was a snip, they just cut me, oh, my leader, all the way up, my leader is cooked, what the hell has me crazy all the way up my leader, about a foot away from the end of my leader, is that a room? It's time to go back and smoke some fish. Tyler's crazy session, oh, wild session, two-Tyler cut, isn't that a little look at what we have there, he's got that 14-inch size, 20-inch tail and the 13-inch wing, all in the smoker, nice and cool, here to stay fresh. and welcome back and we'll get the smoker going.
beach fishing australia for food
Next thing you'll see, we'll be smoking the fish again. I'm back. Someone's whipping, chopping there, so you've got a little bit of wild noise. I have never done this. before, so I have no idea what I'm doing, this is the smoker I bought, I hope it's good, stainless steel, that was the main idea, there are no instructions, I should be able to figure it out, oh there are some instructions , should we lift it up yes, it says I have to heat it up to 100 degrees before using it. I'm going to put it together and record it.
beach fishing australia for food

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beach fishing australia for food...

Sony is helping me do it. Yes, it's a little scary. I sat down? Yeah, I think I just hate it, it's going to smell like burnt plastic, probably because it comes from a factory. I'm going to fill the fish while I wait for it to burn and I'm going to put them on this baking sheet with a little bit of teriyaki sauce, salt and raw sugar, first things first, fill it, time, do all that or just like a normal fillet, delicious, a clean Tyler filling, should I remove the bones? Just take them out once it's smoked, these smoking bees, take out the second bit.
beach fishing australia for food
Tyler's fillet, that was 35. I didn't climb it, look, you meant Scarlet, yeah, that's still up there, okay, it'll go down, yeah, look, yeah, this is the neighbor bird, Brett, see if it concentrate on it, yes, get it. the great moment of the air where is he from the Amazon? I don't know, double bird, stick the other little one in there, oh yeah, wait, you gotta throw it back, oh yeah, that's the shot, look at it, stick this one in there, I don't know. I think so, no, no, no, the neighborhood birds, one of them flies away completely gets attacked by crows and stuff, oh really, yeah, that's crazy, look at it, it's trying to fill it, ah, in my back, fighting on my back, oh my god, he's actually 18 years old. he loved it I know he probably likes salt he went up another wing steak so the whole fish is filleted this is a dry bacon filled fillet two Tyler and wing that looks green green is blue because blue Taylor Blue they call them blue fish in America, let's get lots of sugar.
beach fishing australia for food
A little bit of salt, a little bit more, which is Celtic Sea salt, which is apparently the best teriyaki sauce with salt, I'm just going to give it a fine pinch because I don't want it to take over too much, it's a little bit of Terry. and actually I'm going to go to the garden real quick Rosemary too, let's go get lemon balm lemon balm where's the lemon balm? this Do you want to pick something up? Okay, grab all that, yeah, grab that one too. right down in the gutters, do you want to sprinkle it? Yes, I saw it.
Go crazy. Perfect lemon balm, so I'm just mixing them together to make them. I can smell the lemon balm very strongly. Okay, that's what we're dealing with. We have the teriyaki, the salt, the sugar and these are lemon balm. I don't know if you've ever smelled them, but the smallest things in the world, lemon, lemon, just get them out of the garden, hopefully, we know what we're doing and this works, we couldn't have fit any more fish, so that was the amount perfect fish. I'm going to turn it on. Sonny asks me to smell his hands with lots of lemon.
I'm going to turn it on and we'll leave it for 25 minutes. hopefully we'll have some yum yum fish at the end, leave them, we'll go make the Hickory, there we go, I have no idea how many to put in, that seems like a lot to me, I'm not sure how much you need. so that seems like a solid amount okay they're both on let's see what happens eh okay so Ah that's so many points brother from New Zealand he did it with Manuka Bush yeah that's really good yeah , it's okay, because it was good, yeah. humans, I have bay leaves.
I could take a whole bay tree and just put it all in there, maybe a mix, something that's quite intense, yeah, you get a mix of different herbs like thyme, peppercorns and coriander seeds and things like that, yeah. that smells really good that's Hickory that what's Hickory some kind of trope it's finished below the flames are out so I'm going to close the smoke again and wait for it to cool I think it's ready but we'll let it cool We'll let it continue cooking for a a while before opening it. Okay, it's cooked. My God, it has transformed.
It completely worked. We've cracked the lid and we're just letting it cool like this so it doesn't go away. too soaked or something. I'm not sure if this is how it's normally done, but let us know in the comments what I've done wrong here, so I'm sure I've done some things wrong. Anyone Pro Smoker, give me some tips. The aluminum foil idea could be something like putting alcohol on the bottom to clean the bottom pan because it looks pretty gnarly down there, really burnt, so I'd just cook some Japanese rice if I had to describe what we're doing now.
It's smoked fish Pokeballs, do you call it purple? Pokey pokey pokey Bowl I don't even know what you're talking about, yeah, it smells so good, it smells so smoky, yeah, those bones in the ribcage areas, save those bits for dad and try using the bottom sections for the kids, de Otherwise, it's big Canty, oh oh, okay, wait, we have to try it, are you going to try it? Tyson, yeah, it's a lot of fun, well, it's exactly what he tastes the best smoked fish he's ever had and it tastes like lemon balm. completely toasted lemon, you put lemon, oh, so smoky, smoky eyes, I didn't think it would be so smoky, it's really good, you're just squishing it in there, yeah, what we're going to do with good Pokeballs, this is going to be really delicious, it's good. hot trod Tyler now I'm trying the edge better totally different really moody oh oh yum so I think a very different flavor oh yeah, very different do you prefer the crab or the bread or do you like the title better, the tailor, yeah I like it the tailor?
It's more interesting though because Taylor would normally prefer I'd prefer the edge over Tyler if it was just normal cooking, yeah, funky flavor, yeah, well, it tastes moody. Crabby's room, no crab tastes better than that, okay, that's an interesting little lesson we've learned that it's not as tasty as Tyler in the smoker, Tyler was next level, I'm really very excited to try different species, It's the best way to cook things, okay, we'll serve it, let's throw it in, brother, when you have a 13-year-old son who flexes at every moment big dog odd live Chopsticks those yes, please, so be careful, which one is this I think it's Tyler, okay, Big Bone session oh, you're good, it's really good, you like it, have you had a lot of smoked fish? never before that's your first smoked fish probably not, but I don't remember Brigsy making it amazing.
I just ate the fish, yeah, you don't even need the Pokeball. The fish is so good it was delicious. I love smoked fish, I think. I'm going to try all the different types of species. I'll try to widen them if I can get a car cable. Now I call them car cables because all of New Zealand has gone up, but Australian salmon, what else? Kingfisher probably went very well, mackerel, not sure about the smoked tuna. tuna I don't think so, maybe I think I want to try everything with salmon in it, we sure catch so many salmon here oh yeah, a little bit of GTO, it probably tastes great if you have a small one lathering like that, I hope You all enjoyed the video of the Wild Tyler session that turned into a great smoke.

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