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Batwoman Season 2 - The Funniest Thing I've Seen All Year

Jun 06, 2021
You know, you at least have to praise the CW for their sheer persistence when it comes to Batwoman, any other production company facing lower ratings than your average laxative commercial. Jesus, half my videos get more views than the scores of this disastrous review outside of a wave of online mockery of all human beings running the YouTube channel and the highly publicized departure of its main star at the end of the first


they probably would have taken about three seconds to assess the situation before legitimately deciding that we're pulling the plug on this. and honestly, wouldn't it have been a shame to know that not all shows are destined for success, some are too cerebral, too niche, too ahead of their time or just plain shit, and in situations like that there's no


else to do but Take your failure on the chin. cut your losses and move on clearly, the CW is made of sillier, sorry, harsher stuff than that.
batwoman season 2   the funniest thing i ve seen all year
I mean, it's not like they have about two dozen other trash level shows that desperately need more funding and better writers that could have been freed up by the cancellation of this absolute stinker now we have to keep the


train running at all costs guys yes I can definitely smell shit but your financial loss is our cultural gain especially when the great minds at CW announced the casting of a new


to replace ruby ​​rose I don't think any of us were prepared for that first promotional image of her, she seems almost as excited to be on this show as we are to see her on it, but the best was yet to come, like me.
batwoman season 2   the funniest thing i ve seen all year

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batwoman season 2 the funniest thing i ve seen all year...

I found out the other day when we were finally treated to the first proper trailer for the upcoming


two and what a delight it was, I honestly haven't laughed this hard since my partner Crazy Dave took one line too many and tried to kiss a blender, So let's take a look at this work of pure creative genius and see if we can unravel the diabolical pleasures that await us. The trailer begins in the sewers of Gotham City, which seems oddly appropriate considering this entire show is basically a big pile of us and humans. We are immediately joined by the acting powerhouse that is Alice Me, this wooden board lives on.
batwoman season 2   the funniest thing i ve seen all year
Forget your classic antagonists like the Joker, Bane or Two-face. This empty, dead-eyed simpleton is truly the epitome of every


this show represents. Anyway, Alice it is. singing a lullaby about Batwoman disappearing now, where she might have gone. I love how the main characters conveniently disappear when the writers can't be idiots thinking of a good exit for them if this show somehow makes it to a third season and expect a lot more people will inexplicably disappear, but there's still some turds clinging to the side of the toilet bowl. Morgan Freeman is wetting his pants and crying, maybe he saw some of the reviews for the first season anyway and got tears in his eyes. seems to be what defines basically every character on shows like this: they're crying or discussing why they cried or preparing for the next satisfying round of crying.
batwoman season 2   the funniest thing i ve seen all year
Now that I think about it, it reminds me of Star Trek Discovery. Come to think of it, strangely Dugray Scott is also going around claiming that he hasn't given up hope that his daughter will return. Well, great, Ruby Rosie's agent probably wouldn't agree with that. I guess she hasn't worked up the courage to disappear yet, although she does. I wonder why when this show is basically where careers go to die, either the CW paid him a ridiculous amount of money to continue humiliating himself on a TV show that is only marginally better than a daytime soap opera or he was dumb enough to to be stuck in a contract tighter than a civil war battleship for whatever reason he is absolutely lost in this ridiculous assortment of bees that have been and never will be and it's a little sad to see him reduced to this.
I remember when grace scott was still considered a hot prospect in hollywood she stars in big budget movies and gets paid millions of dollars per movie it's time to get a new agent i think folks meanwhile ruby ​​rosie's sister mary is complaining That Gotham needs a Batwoman, no joke, Mary Gotham needed a Batman and look what she got instead, but fear not, dear viewer, for a new hero has emerged to take up the mantle of cheap plastic and the ridiculous wig. pink. You know, I can't help but feel that it's somehow appropriate that she puts on the Batwoman costume for the first time in a public bathroom.
I do not know if. This was either an unintentionally hilarious piece of fecal symbolism or a subconscious cry for help on the part of the writers. I mean, imagine being saddled with the task of crafting some kind of coherent narrative for a show like Batwoman. Personally, I prefer to work for him. mary sue, but just when you think it's finally hit its creative stride, the show somehow finds a way to sink even lower - remember that infamous Ruby Rose line in the first season that made almost the entire Internet cry with laughter and cringe. shrinking so hard at the same time that its spines practically bend in half is literal perfection, it will be when it fits a woman.
I think we found a new champion. If he were a cynical man, he would point out that the more a person talks about being strong and powerful, the less likely they are to be either of those things. Tywin Lannister said it better than me. Any man who must say that I am the king is not a true king. The point is that he makes her look like a desperate wannabe trying to fake it. into something she's not at all cut out for, which I guess is pretty accurate when you think about it, we're now reduced to rooting for an imitator of an imitation of a comic book hero who was once a great hero, if this It's some kind of clever metaphor. by the slow degradation of our culture in an environment of endless cash grabs and bankrupt creative reboots, so I take my hat off to you, maybe you're better writers than I thought, anyway, I guess it's time to show Batwoman 2.0 in action, if you can call it that.
Cue more uncomfortable rubber suit fight scenes with extremely compliant stuntmen obediently falling from one hundred pound woman's punch like they just took a first round punch from Tyson Fury and of course it wouldn't be Batwoman without an obligatory reference to his sexuality, the bat symbol dressed in pride colors during a big rally thanks for that little reminder cw I guess the fact that basically every episode of the previous season revolved around some tedious romance just doesn't It was enough as a couple of clues. all this with ridiculous shots of a walking emoji being chased by the Batmobile that looks like someone took a mid-2000s budget sports car, covered it in superglue and rammed it through Halfords and the obligatory girl power moment in which Batwoman 2.0 crushes her authority over Morgan Freeman before she runs off for her next crying session and you have all the ingredients of an epic that will make the first season look like a Werner Herzog movie in comparison and what I really admire about this.
The trailer is how seriously the show still manages to take itself despite the mockery and ridicule coming from all sides, the complete lack of acting talent on display, the cringeworthy dialogue, the soap opera storylines, and the choreography of fights straight out of a 1990s sci-fi. -Fi Channel original, they still bravely affirm the belief that Batwoman really is a believable superhero show with a dark and gritty underpinning that rivals the best of the genre in which these Ridiculous cardboard cutout characters played by bumbling actors really resonate with people. a deep emotional level where they are creating a complex, meaningful, epic showdown between good and evil, it's like the entire show is a hilarious joke that everyone except the CW is in on and to be honest, There is something impressive on that level.
Self-deception is like the angry middle-aged woman who complains on social media that her potential suitors are intimidated by her strong personality without even considering the possibility that maybe she's just boring and self-absorbed, but one thing she doesn't it's awesome it's the widest The point this show comes up when I think about all the amazing television shows over the


s that were killed in their prime because they didn't reach their ratings goal, which by the way was much higher than what this program achieved at the peak of its popularity. or all the big ideas with huge potential that could have been commissioned with money down the drain on this show, all of them 100 times better written, more complex, thoughtful, creative, and accomplished than Bat Women could hope for.
Well, she's kind of a kick. It's crazy to realize that garbage like this will continue to be renewed for no other reason than because it ticks the right boxes and pushes the right message and really that's what we have now, that's what our entertainment has become, but hey, at least it's fun to point out. and laugh anyway that's all I have for today go now

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