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Batman - The Dark Knight | The Joker Compilation (All Scenes)

May 30, 2024
beer, you live, you die, now we are. speaking lady oh oh my god it looks like some kind of detonator why would they give us the detonator for our own bomb tonight? You will all be part of a social experiment. I want to blow them all through the clouds. Freedom. Come in. dead, anyone tries to get off your ship, everyone dies, each of you has a remote controlfly the other ship at midnight I will blow you all up if one of you press the button I will let that ship live so who will it be? Harvey Dent's Most Wanted Trash Collection or whatever sweet innocent civilians you choose, oh and you might want to. decide quickly because the people on the other boat may not be so noble we should really stop this fight we will always miss the fireworks there will be no fireworks and here we go so what were you trying to prove that deep down everyone is so good?
batman   the dark knight the joker compilation all scenes
Probably since you're alone, I can't trust anyone these days, you have to do everything yourself, right? Okay, we came prepared, it's a funny world we live in talking about, you know how I got these scars, no, but I know. How did you get this? Couldn't you let me go? Could you? This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. You really are incorruptible, aren't you? You won't kill me because of some misplaced sense of self. -righteousness and I won't kill you because you're too funny. I think you and I are meant to do this forever.
batman   the dark knight the joker compilation all scenes

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You will be in a better prison forever. Maybe we can share one. You know they will double. the rate at which the inhabitants of this city are losing their minds this city just showed you that it's full of people ready to believe in good until their spirit is completely broken until they get a good look at the real Harvey department, huh, and All the heroic things he's done, you don't think I'd risk losing the battle for the soul of Gotham in a fistfight with you. You need an ace up your sleeve. Mine is Harvey. What did you do?
batman   the dark knight the joker compilation all scenes
I took Gotham's white


and brought him down from our level. It was not difficult. Madness, as you know, is like gravity. All it takes is a little push.
batman   the dark knight the joker compilation all scenes

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