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Batman’s Scariest Villain

Jun 28, 2024
alien I think it's finally time to talk about James Gordon Jr. James Gordon Jr., despite not being as recognized as some of Gotham City's most notorious


s, possesses a chilling presence and truly terrifying nature that sets him apart from the rest. . James Gordon Jr. bluntly is the black sheep of the Gordon family because where every member of the family is heroic in some way, James Gordon Jr is the complete pop 180 and in this video I am going to explain why James Gordon Jr can be considered a purely terrifying


, as I would even go so far as to say that he is scarier than characters like the Joker or Professor Pig, as I have talked about in the past.
batman s scariest villain
James Gordon Jr's unpredictability makes him a perplexing adversary. His ability to blend in. Hiding his true intentions among the crowd and manipulating others without being detected creates an atmosphere of constant unease, you never know what he is planning or when he might attack, making him a truly disturbing and terrifying villain number two. . James Gordon Jr is an incredibly intelligent individual capable of devising intricate terrain and outwitting his opponents, his strategic thinking and meticulous attention to detail allowing him to exploit the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of others. Light yoga column and if he can't improve, there's also his complete and utter lack of empathy, which really sets James apart.
batman s scariest villain

More Interesting Facts About,

batman s scariest villain...

Gordon Jr, aside from most other villains, except perhaps the Joker of course, his ability to emotionally distance himself allows him to commit disturbing acts without remorse or hesitation and this absence of empathy allows him to manipulate and harm others without conscience, creating a feeling of dread and fear. on those who find him and finally his dark past which I will completely break down on because it's a truly disturbing origin and that's putting it mildly because James Gordon Jr is a crazy son of a bitch and his story is not for the faint of heart. from heart. but before we delve into the character of James Gordon Jr, first a word from our sponsor rage Shadow Legends rage Shadow Legends is an incredible mobile game that features over 700 unique champions, a super detailed and tactical RPG battle system, an intense combination of PVE and PvP Content and raid Shadow Legends is now increasing its roster by introducing a new system called morph that allows a new mythical champion to switch between two different forms oh no, it's almost as if while talking about the new morph mechanic it was just starting to change into a different form oh no, I'm James Gordon Jr, the deranged lunatic who is the subject of today's video, this is not good, I hope I can change back, but while I figure it out, let's talk about the new mythical champions in raid Shadow Legends.
batman s scariest villain
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batman s scariest villain
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Download raid Shadow Legends today, it is believed that during the events of Batman year one that after James Gordon Jr, as a baby, fell from a bridge, James Gordon Jr suffered so much head trauma from the fall that he grew up developing tendencies psychopathic Examples include James Gordon Jr becoming quick to anger and engaging in malicious behavior. when he got upset like killing and dissecting animals, dressing up and idolizing the Joker on several occasions and even going so far as to kill several of Barbara Gordon's friends because he didn't like them except for Dick Grayson because in his eyes cock was always nice.
For him and pure of heart, and also during the early years of James Gordon Jr, he was also incredibly intelligent and intuitive and always knew how to cover up a penis act given that his father was a detective and closely admired the works of art he had seen in Case Files that his father brought home after work, specifically The Jokers, and what's incredibly interesting to me about James Gordon Jr's early years is how his family viewed him as having been introduced to his sister Barbara Gordon , it was almost as if she knew something was wrong. with him as if he could see through his lifeless eyes something pure evil, as Barbicorn always speculated that his brother was responsible for many horrible acts, but never had any evidence to back up his claims, only that he was always around when something happened. bad was happening. and as a child, James is unpleasant even to his mother, who feels the strangeness of him but she is not sure how to put it into words.
Then there's Jim, he's a father but he's also a veteran detective. You can see the Dark Spark in a baby who doesn't cry whose classmates become mysteriously sick when he is upset with them an elementary school kid who casually guts a bird and dresses up as the Joker for Halloween that last one is cool a refrigerator where Jim can see that there is a problem, but even so he is opposed to allowing therapists to administer the psychopathy checklist to his son, after all, just as he is a father, he is also a detective, he is a detective but also a father, Everything that came before pales in comparison to what happened when Gordon took care of James and Barbara. a family vacation during which Barbara's old friend Bess officially disappeared.
Bessa's disappearance remains unsolved to this day, but there has long been a whisper of suspicion floating around the Gordon household, the belief that James, who was just a child at the time, may have been responsible. , to understand why. we have to rewind imagine this the Gordon Jim Barbara James Jr and Jim's second wife, Sarah, arrive at their comfortable summer home and are greeted by Bess, a science-curious girl who is Barbara's age, the friends share a a science girl, Barbara, with the girl herself and better with a bat-shaped key so they can use it together better take note of James Jr's glasses making a little joke about them James fiddles with the lock of the kit and almost breaks it she breaks up then she better go home she walks through the forest asses next to a river a shadow falls on her and that's the end of bess's story her body is never found and it's not even certain that she's dead she's a teenager later The only thing is when Jim goes upstairs to talk to James he finds his son alone hunched over the unlocked Science Kid, leaving Jim and the rest of the Gordon family wondering if James Jr had anything to do with it.
With the disappearance of Bess after this traumatic event in the Gordon family, her father and sister would always feel an imminent threat. presence of evil on James' part, so Commissioner Gordon would try to discipline his son in any way he knew, and when nothing worked, he even at one point put James Gordon Jr in a cell next to the Joker, the idol of the children for an entire night, essentially nothing. worked so James Jr was sent to live with his biological mother in Chicago, however, things only managed to get much worse as James grew up with no empathy for human life, he quickly began killing random people all over the city. city ​​to feel anything but nothing. ever his sanity was going into a landslide at this point until James Gordon Jr enrolled in an experimental drug facility that was testing a new drug that would deliver chemicals into the brain so that people with psychotic tendencies would feel some sort of of empathy for a while. worked on James Gordon Jr almost changing himself for the better, but after a while he began to see empathy or emotion itself as a crutch, a weakness, yet James Gordon Jr took it upon himself to reverse engineer the medication to be able to remove any type of emotion from your body in a way that essentially kills your soul, if you ever had one to begin with, once it was complete, you felt at peace until watching the news you saw something strange , he saw Batman's smile on TV and Batman never smiles, so James Gordon Jr wanted to.
To give this Batman a reason to never smile again, which would lead to James returning to Gotham to kill his family and become this different Batman's nemesis, starting slowly, he would pay the kids to break into Batman's zoo. Gotham and free all the animals, visit their father. to let him know that he will be working at a hospital in Gotham as a caretaker because he suddenly reformed after taking a new experimental drug, so he says, and beyond catching up with his father, he also meets up with Dick Grayson to catch up and talk. about the old days, although Dick is a little apprehensive about meeting him, so to break the ice he reminds James Gordon Jr. about the old days playing in the park together with his sister and another boy, but he can't remember who he is and which James disturbingly.
Ben Wolf says as if James had already done something wrong until James saves himself by saying that he actually ran into Ben the other day and that he was a real idiot back then, but now he's a pharmaceutical rep who lives on the east side and He says it's funny how some people take a while to grow, while other people just never change feeling the uneasiness of the conversation. Dick decides he's had enough of James Jr and leaves to be Batman the next morning. James Gordon Jr is seen at Ben Wolf's house checking his mail. he then enters his house and heads towards the basement and as James walks down the stairs, a disfigured body can be seen hanging with body parts surrounding it as James tells Ben that he just ran into Dick Grayson and guess who they were talking about. you and through Ben's missing jaw, he begs James to stop, but James just pulls out a saw and says now, where were we reading this from the graphic novel?
I swear, he sent a chill down my spine like you wouldn't believe later. the story Commissioner Gordon is quite suspicious of James Jr, so he goes to his workplace, takes one of his son's pills, and gives the pill to Barbara to reverse engineer and see if her son is really telling the story. truth about the experimental drug meanwhile in Arkham Asylum. Joker is in the middle of being transferred when he starts making fun of a doctor and his life by saying that the doctor's wife is always sick and he is always taking care of her night after night, the doctor wonders how Joker could even know that, but in the middle of Talking, he starts laughing uncontrollably, shouting through laughter that something is secreting into the Joker's skin as he kills one of the security guards.
Meanwhile, at the lab, the test results come back and it turns out that James Gordon Jr somehow reverse engineered the drug to actually amplify Psychopathic Tendencies. Jim then asks Barbara what her plan could be and Barbara mentions that she couldn't. Simply throwing this psychoactive drug into the water, it would simply leach out and even if it did, the potency would be too weak to affect the brain of adults, however, for children it would be a completely different case and suddenly a horrible gaze falls on the Jim's face and realizes that James has been doing the nutrition tests for the hospital, which means he has been handing out these pills along with baby formula in In an attempt to poison Gotham's children, Jim runs to his car and speeds to James Jr.'s apartment.
When he gets there, Jim kicks in the door and yells at James to show himself, but discovers that no one is home as he searches the apartment. Jim finds a small box in the closet. and as he begins to open it shortly after, Harvey Bullock enters and tells him that Joker is out, but Jim doesn't answer and Harvey asks if everything is okay while Jim takes out the bat-shaped key fromBess. Saying no, no, nothing's right, Jim runs back to his car and calls his ex-wife Barbara to tell her what's going on. He frantically tells her to stay inside her because the Joker has escaped and will probably attack them.
Barbara then asks why the Joker. would do that to which Gordon yells because the Joker always comes after them telling him to stay inside until the hotel security arrives, however, Barbara opens the door when someone knocks and when the door opens, Jim hears a loud knock. on the phone as he runs up. up the stairs asking what's going on until the phone disconnects when he finally gets to Barber's room he breaks down the door shouting for her but only sees blood on the shower curtain grabbing the curtain and opening it he finds Barbara naked in the bathtub and with blood dripping. from his mouth shortly after this, Barbara is in critical condition and they have stopped the progression of the toxins because she was infected with the Joker toxin, leading Batman and Commissioner Gordon on a wild goose chase, defining the Joker believing that he is responsible for the attack, however, is not what they expected because after Dick would find a prankster who refused to fight back and admitted that he was not the one who hurt Barbara, which is completely unlike him, Dick begins to realize that this was all a big misdirection and she finally sees who could have hurt Barbara and in Oracle's office she starts following James' surveillance and just when she thinks she found him, James appears behind her asking her if she's happy to do it.
He sees it and grabs her, then Gordon and Dick arrive at her office and find everything destroyed in her bloody wheelchair with no sign of Barbara as Dick tells Gordon that they will find her somewhere else in Gotham. James steps out of the shadows and asks Barbara if she likes her. the place because he thought they would take a walk through the past, but Barbara says that when Batman and his father find him, he will never see the light of day again, however, James leans in and tells her that it's funny that he's been having trouble. . having been afraid of something like that his whole life, in fact the only time he came close to being afraid was the day he met Barbara, it was the day his father introduced them, it was like she could see the bad guy and James He asks Barbara when you were able to really say it and Barbara tells him it was when she heard the bus driver James lean back saying it's true, she called me four eyes, but how did you know it was me?
Barbara tells him. He told him that it was the way he heard his two razor blades taped to a matchbox so that when it was opened the cuts would be too close to sew together, so it was done by someone who wanted to hurt them and torture them. James remains silent and then says. Why don't you go ahead and take a look at your legs? James removes the blanket from her legs and reveals two knives stabbed into each of them, telling her that they are nice and tight next to her femoral arteries, so she pulls one out of her.
He'll bleed out in a matter of minutes as he tells Barbara that when he was put in that cell next to the Joker, he told the Joker that he really wished his sister would just slow down for a change instead of always being in a rush, but he never knows. He realized that the Joker would actually go ahead and make his wish come true, to which James apologizes. Barbara is completely shocked by what James just said, prompting James to laugh eerily saying that he should have seen the look on her face after so much. Barbara gloats a lot and then says that she thought he would look different from all the other Gotham villains.
She thought he would just show up in her room one night and strangle her, but instead he's like everyone else, just sitting there gloating about keeping her alive, but in the middle of her. of her talking, James pulls out one of the knives and says you're right, but this time it's not about you, it's about Batman in the middle of Dick talking to Tim Drake trying to find Barbara, the feed cuts out and James starts to talk to Dick. knowing full well that he is Batman as James goes on to say every step of his master plan and how he pranked his mother as a way to get back at his mother for institutionalizing him and adds that he surely poisoned the children of Gotham with his drug essentially. which means that within a decade there will be hundreds of kids wandering around like him, hundreds of budding psychopaths for him to introduce, yet before he hangs up his dick, he tells her that first he'll kill his sister, then his father, and when it's over, he can't wait to see Dick quit because the pain will kill him too.
Leaving the radio, he turns around to find that Barbara has disappeared and James gets a little excited because now it's like a deadly game of hide-and-seek. As James tries to find Barbara, she comes out of nowhere with the other knife she pulled out of her leg and uses it to stab James in the eye. James falls to the ground and like an 80's horror villain, he looks at her and says that. shouldn't have done that, Barbara tries to crawl away but James is not far behind about to kill her until Dick lunges and punches James in the stomach saving Barbara, she asks how Dick knew where they were to which he says that when Dick met James days before James was injected with a tracer while shaking his hand because he's not an idiot during this James runs away and tries to escape by going up to the bridge where he fell all those years ago when he was a baby and in the half. celebrating his Escape, James is shot in the leg by his father and when James tries to limp forward, his father also shoots him in the other leg, causing him to fall off the bridge, but before plummeting towards his death, his father jumps forward grabbing his son's arm because even if he is a monster, he is still his son.
The next day, James is placed in Arkham Asylum and after Gordon performed tests on baby formula he could have been transmitted and that it was poisoned, the tests came back completely clean, however, there is nothing real. One way to know if it was poison in the end or not, so all they both can do now is pray that in 10 or 20 years there won't be any more people like James Gordon Jr wandering around Gotham City as the story goes. ends with a panel of a baby who could very well be infected by James Jr's psychoactive drug, implying that James Jr's plan may have been successful from the beginning.
James Gordon Jr is a monster through and through and reading the story and what he does gives me goosebumps because Unbelievably, there are a couple more things he's done that I can't really mention on YouTube and as for anyone who Wondering why I didn't mention James Gordon Jr's role in the Batman Who Laughs story, is it just because I really want to make a full video going over that in itself or maybe I'm just going to procrastinate for another six months and I'll leave you guessing but who knows lol but in conclusion, James Gordon Jr is a terrifying villain due to his unpredictability, intelligence, lack of empathy, darkness. origin and moral ambiguity His ability to manipulate harm and commit terrifying acts without remorse makes him a truly chilling presence in the world of Gotham City, so be careful when encountering James Gordon Jr for his charming masks of Darkness that they will send shivers down your spine Nexus edits I I hope you like this video along with many others who waited along the way.
I have a real procrastination problem, but you all have been Troopers requesting this video for months, so you better liked this video about James Gordon Jr. and Don. Don't forget to leave a like and subscribe and as always I'll see you all on the other side and thanks to Rage Shadow Legends for sponsoring this video, you guys should go play that game, you should have known that from the beginning. The boy needed to be hand-delivered to Satan when Barbara Gordon and James Jr were watching a horror movie and James Jr kept facepalming because the killer in the movie was doing a terrible job killing what the

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