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Batman Forever - Movie Review / Retrospective

May 12, 2024
Why can't you just die? Why can't I kill you? Batman is a comic book character and a cultural phenomenon at various points in the character's history. He looked as if he had been knocked out and destined to disappear into the Shadows themselves. used as an ally and so many battles after the poor commercial performance of 1992's Batman Returns, Tim Burton was sidelined by Warner Brothers in a producing role. Several other Batman Forever related videos on YouTube have talked about how he was kicked out of the franchise and I recommend checking out Let's Get Them Out to get a full idea of ​​why the change was made.
batman forever   movie review retrospective
Joel Schumacher took on the role of director and had the responsibility of reviving the commercial viability of the franchise. Well, I think Tim Burton's second outing was a better


than Batman Forever. I think there is no denying that Joel Schumacher, in association with Warner Brothers, created a sequel that was a financial success. Some may think it's a stretch to say he saved the franchise, but I'd say he reached an important milestone and revived interest in the series. Movie series in 1995, this


could have turned out differently with a different Steward and Schumacher played a positive role and an important one in the history of the movie franchise at this time, at the same time I think this movie has a lot of flaws. why I think Batman Forever is both a disaster and a success;
batman forever   movie review retrospective

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batman forever movie review retrospective...

There are a number of things this movie did exceptionally well: it gave audiences exciting and surprising action scenes, it introduced the comedy Goods with Jim Carrey as the Riddler, and it didn't let go. so far from Tim Burn's first two films that it was unrecognizable, on the other hand, it had a story full of inconsistencies, a villain who shouldn't have tried to be ridiculous and annoying characters and a love interest that didn't seem very convincing. There's a lot of ground to cover, that's for sure. I will provide an extremely abbreviated version of the first part of the story.
batman forever   movie review retrospective
I want to give an idea of ​​what this movie is about to people who aren't familiar with it and save time. For those who have seen the story and know it inside and out, Batman Forever begins with Two-Face robbing a bank on the second anniversary of Batman's capture. His obsession with his retribution is possibly even stronger than his obsession with relying on his currency to win. Options Batman foils the attempt to rob the bank, but Twoface escapes to fight another day. The other villain of the film is Edward Nigma, also known as The Riddler. He starts out as a scientist working at Wayne Enterprises and one day he has a disturbing obsession with Bruce Wayne.
batman forever   movie review retrospective
He gets the chance to meet his idol and asks her to give the green light to human testing for his device, which will later be called The Box. It allows you to manipulate a user's brain waves so that they feel part of any television program. You're seeing that Nigma is erratic and too impatient to have a one-on-one meeting with Bruce to discuss how the device works. Basically, he blows the opportunity of a lifetime to sell an idea to the most important person in his company and is reprimanded by his direct supervisor. Fred Stickley, this leads to nigma falling into a rapidly downward spiral, he attacks his supervisor and holds him captive, this creates an occasion for some impromptu testing on humans, one of the side effects of using the box is that the contents from the user's brain can be sent to nigma. creates a challenge and an opportunity, he just committed several crimes, but he can get rich, so he gets rid of Stickly, makes it look like a suicide on security footage, and leaves Wayne Enterprises to pursue his own nigma.
He also begins to stalk and harass Bruce. Leaving you mafia riddles, it is worth talking to Dr. Chase Meridian, the love interest of the story, she is in town to consult with the police and help them put an end to the two fa's Crim spree and she is in love u Obsessed, if you will, with Batman, she is also hired by Bruce Wayne to try to help him figure out how to deal with his stalker. Bruce feels a strong attraction to her when he does not interact with her as Batman and invites her on a date to the Gotham City circus.
The story takes a dramatic turn there. He takes the crowd full of wealthy citizens hostage and offers them a deal that will spare their lives if Batman's identity is revealed. Her reasoning is that one of them must have an idea of ​​who Batman is. Bruce tries to let Two-Face know that he is Batman. but to no avail as no one can hear him over all the shouting and screaming, a family of aerial stunners, the flying Grayons work valiantly to get rid of the bomb only for most of them to be killed by Two Face, the youngest member. .
Family member Dick manages to get rid of the bomb by rolling it off the roof and causing it to fall into the depths of Gotham City's pier. The chaos at the Gotham City circus was televised and inspired Edward Nigma, create the Riddler Person and search. Out Twoface understands his obsession with Batman because he is obsessed with Bruce Wayne and proposes that they become allies if Twoface helps Red get the money he needs to mass produce and sell the Box, he will use that same technology to help him discover the identity of Batman in parallel to the villain's revenge plan, we have the story of Dick Grayson who wants revenge on Twoface.
Bruce invites him to live at Wayne Manor and tries to guide him so that he doesn't end up alone and alone. However, things get more complicated once. Dick discovers Bruce's secret, decides that he wants to be his partner and sets out to get revenge. Bruce faces several problems, as a result he has to stop the emergency room and also must be a positive influence for a young man whose life could change. going down a similar dark path to the one he took there is a mix of good and bad in this film which is part of what I think makes it an interesting film.
I'm going to talk first about what I think works well. I talked about how the story has a lot going on, juggles multiple characters with plot lines that are parallel to each other, and that it at least tries to make the audience think about themes like Revenge, Injustice, as well as the subplot of Batman fighting with his two identities and his past is positive, helps make the character a little more accessible. I don't necessarily think this makes it a better film than the other two installations from a story standpoint, but it's interesting to see what motivates them and helps the film just stand out a little more on its own.
V Kilmer's performance is amazing when I watch this movie. I have no doubt whether he is Bruce Wayne or Batman. I like other interpretations of Batman on the big screen. Get me wrong, but his performance makes it feel like he's a Toli version of the character and his performance is top-notch. He knows how to sell himself to the audience. Also, I think physicality is an important part of playing Bruce Wayne and Batman. Kilmer did it. The bulk of the fight is the opening scene of the film and does a good amount of hand-to-hand combat without the use of a stuntman outside of the costume.
Well, Michael Keaton definitely had the strengths about him and, like my favorite Batman, I think. that Kilmer just had that bit of Menace in terms of being physically dangerous that Kaden lacked and I appreciated what he brought to the role. I think Kaden's best asset was that he could seem so creepy almost like he was something. straight out of a horror movie, if Kelmer had leaned a little more towards the darker side of the character when he was in costume, I think he probably could have been the best Batman we've ever had on screen, one of the What I liked about this film was the design of Gotham City, as Tim Schaer of Joker's Corner noted.
Gotham City is a character from the first film, we saw it as a decaying industrial nightmare that seemed almost born from the mind. by HR Giger in Batman Returns felt like the city was cleaner, but the same scare factor was still there with the cool color palette and German Expressionism-inspired statues. In the case of Batman Forever, we see a city that is still filled with incredible larger landscapes. than the Life statues, but this time they appear even larger during the day. Gotham seems like a modern and safe city, but at night we see it turn into a fantastic, wild and violent place.
The extravagant color palette in the neon lights helps sell that Gotham. Not sure, it may sound strange to describe something that is colorful as dangerous, but 1994's Strange Days also portrays feelings of fear and danger with bold color choices and I recommend watching it as well. Gotham City needs to be larger than life and very dangerous. Seemingly otherworldly, the weights presented in this movie during the nightlife remind the audience that it's still the same character and that bad streak still exists. We also see the same design sensibility for Gotham City's nightlife in some of the films.
Interiors, especially in the second and third acts by adopting similar coloring styles for the interiors and exteriors, the film has a distinctive, beautiful and memorable visual style, without a doubt, Jim Carri is a laugh which makes him an absolute asset to this movie. He's excellent at playing Edward Nigma aka The Red Alert as an incredibly unbalanced guy, he could be hilarious in one minute engaging in slap comedy and having online users cathine kill you and quickly becoming psychotic In the blink of an eye, there is a kind of universality in car humor among all age groups - well, it may not be the most cerebral.
The man is pretty good at making everyone laugh. There's one line that even made me nervous as a kid. I remember rewinding a VHS tons of times with a friend and watching this particular wine. Batman Batman is coming for you It seems like more than a few movies these days seem to miss the mark with CGI. What I find interesting about Batman Forever is how even with limited technology as it was at the time, the CGI managed to feel. A real example I'd like to talk about is the beginning of the movie when Batman is fighting Twoface.
He still manages to work perfectly despite having a lot of CGI. If I had to guess, it's because the director and editor knew how to set the pace. the cuts between the computer created sets of worlds and miniatures with enough precision that even the least realistic parts didn't seem unreal. They must have known that belief can be suspended if you know how to do a balancing act correctly. There's a CG scene in the second act of the film, which is impressive in its own right, Batman jumps off a roof in search of Twoface and we're treated to a fastpac scene of him gliding down to Earth.
The scene works well because the audience is aware that this moment will only be possible with CGI, the camera work is also engaging and Elliot Goldenthal's music helps create just the right kind of excitement for the moment. I think it's important to talk about Golden Th's music in more detail than last time. Good film music segment can help sell scenes that are not 100% visually convincing. I remember John Williams' music in Superman when Superman and Louis go to fly for the first time, it may not seem 100% real but the music makes the whole sequence charming and takes the audience into the world of fiction.
Golden Th's music is fantastic. He was tasked with filling the shoes of Danny Alman, who scored the first two films. It works well because the music, very different from Alphin's, evokes similar movements. It's dark. and mysterious like a soundtrack at times and in other cases evokes similar feelings of triumph. It is not an identical twin, but it seems like a brother who is similar enough to create a feeling of cohesion with the other things, one of the biggest problems that Batman Returns was that the action scenes didn't seem to have the same wow factor as its 1989 predecessor.
The action scenes were well choreographed and well directed, don't get me wrong, but they just seem to lack a certain jaw. The high-quality Batman Forever really knows how to do things that surprise the audience. The opening fight scene, for example, shows Batman using a wide variety of martial arts techniques as he pulls two faces in addition to being proficient in hand-to-hand combat. We see Batman employ some wonderful toys during the fight. Using gadgets is a staple of Batman's fights and action scenes because he doesn't have the same natural gifts as someone else. The film does it very well.
Provides stunt moments and vehicular action movies. needs to be larger than life to make a lasting impression and Batman Forever offers the best supporting cast members in my opinion are Michael Goff as Alfred and Chris Odonnell as Dick Grayson and Robin Goff does an incredible job as Alfred because he plays him like The loving father figure that Bruce needs sometimes, he also has a certain kind ofauthority that only a father would have when disagreements arise, especially when he tries to teach Bruce how to be a father figure to discover those qualities with such validity, makes him more than just a one-dimensional character who runs Aon for his employer, Odonnell convincingly plays the Dick Grayson and Robin's character by realistically portraying all the emotions that happen after the loss of a loved one.
I really felt for him every time I watch this movie. The same weight behind the quality of his performance as he emphasizes Dick's unbridled ego and arrogance, even talking down to Bruce at one point, how are you going to stop me? I can stop you with such arrogance that you really want Bruce to put it on. Instead, the most important part of his performance is that he meshes well with Kilmer, even when they disagree, I still get the feeling that there is mutual respect. It's important that that is there so that the partnership between Batman and Robin develops well. convincing way for the audience.
Well, there seems to be a lot of admirable things in this movie. There is more than enough to criticize, since many people know Batman. He wasn't always portrayed as this dark and brooding character in the 1960s, he was portrayed as a comic hero that adults laughed at while their oblivious children simply thought he was the coolest guy ever. time. The lighter tone Schacher had to adopt had dangers associated with it. with him and are at the root of the imperceptible problems that exist in Batman Forever. Some critics contemporary to the time I made this video see Batman Forever as brilliant because of the themes it explores.
I would respectfully disagree and posit that philosophizing The movie alone is not an exceptional or even good movie. We need to start with one of the most glaring problems. Batman doesn't seem interested in doing much detective work regarding the Riddler or Edward nigma. We see Riddler leaving. On a two-faced crime spree and stealing tons of incredibly expensive things, Edward Nigma left Wayne's company after the suspicious suicide of a boss he didn't get along with quickly turned into fierce competition, these two things that happen at the same time does not seem to justify a lot of suspicion on the part of the film's hero.
Yeah, he snoops around a little at a party held by nigma. Overall, he's not being that aggressive looking at it. I guess you could say in defense of the story that Gotham. The city is a larger area of ​​Li MO filled with crime. Batman is in a city where various acts of violence all consume a large amount of his time and that helps excuse his lack of interaction with the Riddler and gives him an excuse not to notice. that Edward nigma and Ridler are the same guy as a rebuttal. He would ask them to imagine this as an episode of Batman, the animated series.
At least I'd see Batman breaking into one of Nigma's tech facilities to look around or take advantage of every detective strategy he could to figure out how Edward Nigma was making so much money so quickly, aside from the episode I asked them to imagine. I think some questions can be raised about the Riddler's identity not being more obvious, how could it not? It may even be a composite drawing of the Riddler, why is there no security footage? There isn't even a photojournalist in town taking a photo while we're on the subject of cameras? Why doesn't Wayne Manor have any?
Bruce is one of the richest people in the world. the planet and he should be a little more cautious or even paranoid. I guess that would allow you to more easily make a connection between a disgruntled former employee who leaves behind riddles and a guy who goes on a crime spree called The Riddler. I have to ask these questions. Also, why is Bruce so careless when he has a deranged stalker in his way? Isn't he worried that Catwoman is still out there and maybe leaking his secret? too many questions too many questions the film's logic is so poor that it drags down anything positive I had to say about the thematic elements of the script.
One of the weakest things about the script is Dr. Chase Meridian, played by Nicole Kid. She is Gotham City and works with the police to help them thwart two. This sounds like she could be a seemingly interesting character. but she can't do much, she suggests that she can use a two-sided coin against him of course, but Batman tells her that she already knows and takes advantage of it in the third act. She is also obsessed with Batman. point where she's just a few steps away from being as creepy as Edward Nigma as a mental health professional with an advanced degree, you think she'd know better, of course Bruce Wayne meets with her to get advice about the stalker, so that there's a reason for him meeting her outside of Batman Persona Chase's story purpose is completely shoehorned in, which is a shame.
I think a psychologist could have played a bigger role in taking down the Riddler and Two-Face. It's unfortunate that Nicole Kidman was reduced to being a pretty blonde and a damsel in distress - you could say Vicky Veil was like that - but I think her character served an important role in showing what the events of the 1989 film looked like to someone. that he was not a comic book hero or villain. One of the endearing things about the Batman of the 1960s was his sense of humor, however, I think when you're part of the world that Tim Burton created embracing, I saw the sign, oh no, it's boiling, oh, there's Bruce Wayne Bruy is in bad shape, in fact. it just seemed to help cover up lazy writing in at least one case.
I found this in my cule. You find handwriting matches. He has the sentence structure and spelling exactly right. Speaking of the camp, we need to discuss two sides in the weak point. It may not be so. original of me to say it but having two villains trying to be funny hurts the movie Joel Schumacher said the following in an interview with vulture Tommy is and I say this with great respect a scene stealer well you can't steal Jim Carrey's scene it's impossible and I think which upset Tommy, although the silliness of Jones' performance may be partly his fault.
I don't think he can be blamed entirely. I think AKA Goldsman and other writers on the project possibly misunderstood the character. and neither did Joel Schacher with such strong vibes in Batman Forever that there were bound to be issues with whoever he played the character in Batman the Animated Series. We saw two sides of Harvey that even before he became two of them there was a dedicated district attorney in one. hand while the crazy wild and bad Harve was bottled up inside until the tragic accident, even after his transformation we saw both sides of his personality in the opening scene of Batman Forever and maybe a small portion at the end of the movie feels like we have a glimpse of the more stable side of Two-Face, unfortunately for the most part we are often treated to a very bad Harve to make matters worse for how poorly the character was understood, we even see him flipping a coin until he gets the result who wants in the way Ray, he just doesn't seem conflicted at all, as I remember the character is in several incarnations, he just seems enthusiastic about being evil, it's such a change that it makes two faces pitiful instead of one Batman impressive and memorable.
Forever is interesting as far as superhero movies go, it's a movie that does a lot of things well and at the same time performs poorly compared to its predecessors, in other ways it gave a lot of people what they wanted right away and in Even though his VW is entertaining, I usually see him several times a year. I am aware of the alternative cut. Shiman's cut according to CBR was approximately 158 minutes compared to the theatrical cut which is 121 minutes. I'm not sure how much 37. Extra minutes of footage can fix some of the film's big flaws that I pointed out.
I never heard Sh Moner complain too much about how different the two versions were or his level of satisfaction with the final product, regardless of whether there was always some level of collaboration. between the producers, directors, actors, writers and all the other parts of the production together they made a movie that I think is very entertaining but at the same time has tons of problems. I think it's worth talking about because it shows how a product with such glaring flaws can still renew public interest in a film franchise if it does enough, with all that being said, I offer you and you

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