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Barbie LOL Family Fun with Neonlicious - Class Pet Babysitting Adventure

Jun 08, 2021
the laughter stops in the neon house mom will go crazy when she sees what's in the box come on alysha it's time for you to get on girl use your fears don't come any closer mom mom mom mom mom Roxy came out of her cage , could be anywhere Ha ha, you got punished, you're looking at teething toys and everything new. Alyssa, would you mind going to the bus stop and waiting for your brother and sister? Oh right, Mom, I want you guys to come straight home after school because Dazzles is coming to dinner. Oh great. my older sister, tassel, goes to college here and comes on the weekends and since she now lives in the college dorms, i have to move into her room, let me write one more answer and i will go to the bus stop. bus.
barbie lol family fun with neonlicious   class pet babysitting adventure
Hello, it will be better. I enjoy the calm before the storm. Okay, the bus takes forever. Oh, I heard it at the last stop. The nyan house. Okay, kids, have a good weekend. Thank you to you too. I miss Nancy, my lady. Manson, have a good weekend, Karl, please don't call me that, bye, oh look man, waiting for fries, hey guys, mom is going to go crazy when she sees what's in the box, no , he won't come, hello guys, hello guys, how was school? with straps hey sister, why are you late in front of the bus, not today?
barbie lol family fun with neonlicious   class pet babysitting adventure

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barbie lol family fun with neonlicious class pet babysitting adventure...

Oh well, Mom wanted them to come straight home because Dazzles is coming to dinner. Carl, what's in the box? My apologies, Neal, but that's classified information, check. So come on kids, come on, Carl, stay back. I want to see her dazzle. I miss her. Yes, our cool older sister. Hi Mom. I have my brother and my sister. Thank you very much honey. I will finish my task very quickly. Hello mother. Hi mom. Hey guys, how was school really good? I had to upload my clip in class today because I was suddenly a sample critic and making good decisions.
barbie lol family fun with neonlicious   class pet babysitting adventure
That's very good, how about you Carl, hey, what's in that big box? Well, today in science class, mr. Coony had some sort of emergency and volunteered to take the class at home over the weekend and of course, being an animal lover, I said I would take him. Oh, wow, Carl, that's a big responsibility. I wish your teacher had called to ask. um, yeah saying that was nice, but show us your class pets Huba trusts you to take care of her pets for the weekend thanks for believing in me o'licious um, this is Roxy, you want to meet her, come take a look , it's cute - wait Oh baby snake snakes oh wow a snake I didn't expect I was expecting a cute little hamster or a goldfish but but a snake, are you sure you can take care of a snake for the weekend?
barbie lol family fun with neonlicious   class pet babysitting adventure
I mean, like you have to feed her. and everything mom, her name is Roxy, she's female and um, and I know everything about snakes, I'm always the one who helps in class, you can have mice, you can ask me about linda, that's true, Carl always helps mr. Clooney with Roxy mm-hmm and she's very friendly, don't worry, look, come on, Alysha, it's time for you to overcome your fears, come on, give her a little pet, Karl, I'm warning you not to come any closer, okay. go back to your box come back, come on, okay, Karl, what exactly are you going to feed Roxie today?
Quint usually gives him mice and stuff, but she told me to keep it simple and give him a frog, hey, hey, it's okay kitty, it's just for the weekend. I'm very stressed right now, Karl, please make sure you keep that snake inside his box. away from me in my room uh yeah uh today I'm filming my first live youtube for my youtube channel and I can't let anyone ruin it well my youtube career is really taking off. I have 100 subscribers and I'm going to be Answering questions live, that means I can't make any mistakes, don't worry honey, make sure no one interrupts.
My friend Jesse has like 500 subscribers and posts videos of his Lola's PET SHOP toys. What is LITTLE PET SHOP? Exactly, he's not famous. Isha annual because I am your mature elder sister. I'll take my homework to my room. Mom, please let me know when you're here for dinner. At least mom supports my YouTube career. I'm too malicious. I would like to subscribe to all three. from our iPads Thank you sister I don't know I think I want to call your teacher I don't know if you are really ready to take care of a snake for the weekend mom, please trust me, I can handle this, sir.
Coony trolls me for a reason now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going out with Roxy. I have a bad feeling about this, okay, my studio lights are on on my camera. This will be the best YouTube life I've ever imagined if I become famous. youtuber oh that would be so epic. I'm wondering if I can teach my snake some cool new tricks I learned about. Could Roxy, you are such a smart snake. I wonder if you go totally racial. That would be epic. Whoa, oh no, no, no, no, don't think about it Roxy go back to your box Carl let's have dinner your sisters here okay stay here after I eat my dinner I'll give you your dinner hello Pam I'm back hello honey dinner It's almost ready mom these Delicious vegetables, you always support me a lot, hey sis, hello dazzling, today I'll do another live on YouTube, oh really, so let me do your hair, honey, what's going on here?
Hello, hello little sister and where is my cute little brother? Hello, neon boy. things, you're the only one who calls me by my cool nickname, okay guys, everyone sit down, let's have dinner, shame, dancing on a business trip, you're missing out on all the fun, okay, everyone enjoy your dinner, So Carl, are you staying? Honestly, sister, I've been trying to stay out of trouble, but for some reason trouble always seems to follow me. You know, I can't even help it, but his teacher let Carl take his class bed home over the weekend, which shows that he. think you're really responsible Wow, awesome little brother, uh, yeah, and guess what it is, it's a snake.
Wow, I didn't even know they had those kinds of class pets. Mom, my new friends at school invited me to see Emily with them. I know. I just got here, but do you think I can go? It has been very difficult to make new friends. I can understand that we had a very pleasant dinner together. You can go ahead and go to the movies with your friends. Yeah, so I'll be in my room. like 2 hours through my life and stuff, so I'm going to do the zombie movie marathon, we're better at everyone and I'm too busy taking care of Roxy, so don't worry sis, go live your life, it's Okay, then I'll be.
Excused dinner was delicious, give me a hug dad, bye guys, I'll probably go tomorrow, bye everyone, bye glare, thanks for dinner, mom, it's time to feed my sweet rocks tea. I wonder why continue with a frog in the hawk, laughing and yawning QT, more broccoli. ok guys i'm going to my room no one comes in and bothers me please thank you good luck with the video of your life honey hello guys its me the wisher thank you for tuning in to my channel today we're doing some questions and answers. I have all the questions. Here on my phone and I'll answer them Jessi, you from Texas, ask my visco girl, well that's a bit of a complicated question, actually, uh, the box is empty.
Roxy oh no, oh no, no, how could this happen? She never leaves her box, right? I'll be in big trouble so I love scrunchies I love shell necklaces I love turtles but I'm not a slimy girl if that answers your question I can finally sit back, relax and watch my favorite shows ma-ma-ma-ma - mom Oh Carl, what happened almost knocked me out of my chair, well we have bad news, mom, Roxy came out of her cage, she could be anywhere, what Carl, you had a job, honey, oh, great, and your sisters up there filming their lives, we have to preserve it.
Down, I told you I had a bad feeling about this, come on, shoot your atomic fighter if Rox leaves, I'll never be able to show my face at school again, I don't even know where to look Master, the reason why it might be in anywhere let's split up look there in the kitchen I'll go look in the living room in the dining room I'll look in the bedrooms and the bathroom but please try not to bother your sister her life loot is a big problem for her okay , I'll try, yes, we'll try. Come on, her snake could be anywhere.
I learned about the BIID. I didn't tell Carl anything about the mini fridge, no, no. Roxy here, Roxy, where are you? Great, sir. cheesy is going to be so mad at me that he's probably going to fail me in his class, Roxy, oh brother, so there was no Roxy in the nursery and apparently there was nothing in the bathroom, okay, I'm getting really worried: where Could Roxy be another super awesome burning question? You never know which youtubers I don't like and this one is really juicy so stick with this answer hey bingo I think they found Roxy oh brother Roxy yeah you can tell you just got me in big trouble OK sir.
Cooney perfect Carl mr. Cooney is coming to pick up Roxy, okay mom, are you that mad? I mean, you, Alysha, may still matter. I'm still mad at you. Everyone saw me yelling and screaming during my YouTube live video. My YouTube career ended thanks to you. Doesn't mean this happens, losers. I am very sorry that it still happened. OK. I need some time to forgive them. I feel really bad about that, luckily I only have a hundred followers and four of them are his girl with different IDs. Well, that's the gentleman. . Coony goodbye Roxy I'm sorry I failed you goodnight lady. neon I apologize for any inconvenience Roxy may have caused you and your


, maybe next time you want to talk to the parents before letting one of your students take Roxy, of course, and Carl told me that he had allowed bring Roxy home this weekend no, I never said that, it's okay, I understand what's going on here Carl mr.
Cooney, come on, Roxy, let's go home. I'll see you on monday. Oh Lord. Cooney is so disappointed in me that he'll probably never let me take Roxy again. We have bigger problems. Carl like me being the laughingstock of the whole world, darling. Hello neo malicious, you won't believe it. Your video went viral. sharing it and everyone is saying amazing and so funny really and you just got like 500,000 subscribers no way people actually think it was funny they lost it for myself it's true this is crazy okay I guess this is the part in which you say thank you Carl.
You're the best little brother in the whole world, not exactly, oh no, sir, don't think you got away so quickly that you got punished for lying to mr. Cooney, oh brother, did I mention that he had a bad feeling about this?

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