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Bank Robber REACTS to The Diamond Casino Heist in GTA Online | Experts React

Jun 19, 2024
This is aggressive because they didn't get behind something. I have no idea, honestly,


s don't sell gold bars. It's all cash. Where are the spike strips? Why haven't the police put the spikes on everyone? It's Camden, back. The day I was arrested for a pair of armed



ies, I spent nine years in the United States Federal Bureau of Prisons. Today I will


to a



y and Grand Theft Auto. Five can't wait to see it, okay, we have a team. jumping into the van and they leave and say what kind of casino is this, they come back and it looks like they are in the management offices, someone is trying to eliminate surveillance.
bank robber reacts to the diamond casino heist in gta online experts react
I think it would have been better to just spray something on this. Oh, someone. down, they've eliminated someone, so there's no going back. This team seems to be a little more focused here, like they know where they're going, they're trying to hit a vault. The guy is having a terrible time trying to get through the doors and we're running down the walkway. Jump for me. Currently there is no reason for the vault to remove the hydraulic lock. Okay, that's pretty high-tech. I have no sense of urgency. What are they? I just checked it and got another security checkpoint violation.
bank robber reacts to the diamond casino heist in gta online experts react

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bank robber reacts to the diamond casino heist in gta online experts react...

Fingerprint recognition. They have some losses. We have gold bars that are too light to be real. Those bricks are incredibly heavy. And it's not like he put it in his backpack. He would be buckling up. that way and I really don't understand why a casino would have gold bars on hand. I don't know of any casino that had gold. Everyone would be cash there. Surveillance Camera. It's a pretty good shot if you can hit something three inches in diameter. that distance and here come the police, okay, special tactics, strength, punches, everyone lined up, he's jumping and jumping with 450 pounds or more, that's pretty impressive for those who are not familiar with a small break and weigh between 50 and 65 pounds, too. the math that would never happen, they would literally have to have a forklift to put all those ingots on a pallet, load them onto an actual truck, a second getaway vehicle, well that's right.
bank robber reacts to the diamond casino heist in gta online experts react
I need one of those now that I see climbing over the car. than a police helicopter. I don't know, I like the helicopter. It would be nice if you had one and avoided other air traffic routes. I think it's a good idea, but probably not for long. You'll probably want to just get out of a 30-40 mile perimeter and then get into an undisclosed vehicle and go from there, but I like the helicopter getaway. I wonder if you are flying with instruments, it would have to be the horrible weather, there is almost no visibility. and we've got some guys here in the snow handing over a briefcase for all the gold they're getting, there's going to be a lot of briefcases full of cash unless it's swiss


drafts or some daylight robbery, so this will be interesting to see if it is an inside job, it is not common to arrive at the same place twice, it is one and it is done with many measures or it is placed after that, they are going to roll back these cameras, watch it as if it were a game movie, where did we do it? go wrong where we are, this is a very, very intense thorough investigation by the casinos and, in fact, by the Gaming Commission plus the US Treasury Department, so no, you would never want to end up at the same place two times.
bank robber reacts to the diamond casino heist in gta online experts react
It seems like they have to know exactly what We'll do right, we have some kind of security clearance card, these guys can't get their act together, they can't get the security card scan simultaneously, look at these idiots, okay, They finally discovered it, they relate dollars, why do they stay? Jumping for no reason, guys, will just open the vault for you. I guess you assume they're an armored car company. Oh, and there he takes it out with one punch or less. Yeah, that was really weird if these guys were coming in to get access. to the vault, they would have had to have cleaned it with at least two levels of security.
Those are two safeties that something like this couldn't actually happen. They would have needed a code to give to one of the officers and then a separate code to give to the second line of defense so they couldn't just walk in and say "hey, open the vault." Vaults are also generally timed free, so if you start an opening sequence it could take five to ten minutes for the locks to open. actually disconnects more gold bars with just one hand and although it's strong, if you move it like that drill and I'm not sure how realistic, that's really okay, three million nine thousand stolen, okay, then your strategy of Exit is too risky. to come up with another plan just walk around the game room no one seems to think it's strange or pay attention he has a delivery vehicle outside those are two guys who seem to have theirs oh my god that's good that's crazy we're in the one going straight ahead on the highway jumping curves, you don't know, there's no damage to the front tires, oh my god, how did that car not explode, how did that not happen, that's crazy, oh my god, they were in such a hurry to make this one drop.
I'm surprised that I got there, now we're in aggressive mode, okay we got it, it looks like digital camouflage with snow print, why I don't know, because it looks like they're in a very dry desert area, okay, so they come with weapons shooting directly into the game room. this is aggressive, oh my god, they're just slaughtering everyone, oh Hannah, these guys, these guys aren't playing at all, okay, where's the vault? They just let go of the box, whose ton of money must be looking for the big things, oh. They evaporated the waitress, why would they do that now?
I don't like these guys, it's definitely not the smartest move to just shoot guns in the gaming room and take out the people playing the slots, cashier, waitress and whoever is dispatching at the time is calling the law. law enforcement, so they haven't even entered the casino let alone entered the vault, they would never even get halfway there and realize that security would have already taken them out, so it's not The smartest strategy is to shoot guns in a very exciting way, however, if a person, we are planning to do this in real life, that is not the way to do it, when are we going to get to the money?
Because the alarms are already going off everywhere, you better pack your things and leave now. We are in another management office and he is quite skilled at the draw. This comes out of nowhere. I'm curious. Oh, they'll work their way through why they didn't get behind something. I have no idea it would have been shrapnel cutting everyone in half. I like the explosion I like it I think I like the aggressive mode trying to piece together why cutting out an oil painting just destroyed its beautiful work of art if you just cut that out of the frame and it doesn't have any container. so it's all going to be a waste of time to get somewhere worthless somehow they were able to shoot through the bullet proof glass and here comes SWAT looks like he's at a horse racing track maybe this guy is still jumping around for no reason and he's carrying probably 300 pounds of gold on his back, he's got the getaway car in the stables, where are the horses?
That's what I want to know, well this is so much fun, okay let's see how they negotiate this, oh man, talk about drawing attention to yourself, roadkill. The cops are fine, the cops have a perimeter set up, where are the spike strips? Why haven't the police placed the spikes? All the cars would have been next to each other, three guys couldn't have gotten around them again and there's the obligatory handshake. What we're doing here is probably one of the most realistic games I've ever seen. I don't think gold bars are as easy as security clearance, especially with fingerprint recognition being on par with security with double doors. what they're doing to get through those key combination locks, that's pretty realistic: shoot through bulletproof glass because that glass would be bulletproof, it was a lot of fun to check out the gameplay, aggressive mode had to be my favorite and if you like them, Head over to your YouTube channel and your Game ologies Facebook page, see you later.
I'm a little lost with the fact that there were different amounts of gold when it seems like the same amount of bars stayed on every time, yeah, which is like Yeah, yeah, that boo-yan, it's like that though, I mean, like 45, 50 pounds of brick.

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