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Baby Penguin Tries To Make Friends | Snow Chick: A Penguin's Tale | BBC Earth

Apr 10, 2024
Two weeks have passed in the colony, the


s are testing their independence and spending time away from their mothers. All but one, who is the last to hatch, are very behind in their development, while the older


s are boisterous and confident, he still feels most comfortable in his home. its mother's pouch but


s are sociable birds and to survive it must learn to play its role in the colony it's a daunting prospect but the chick finds some courage it's a shaky start but you shouldn't lose your nerve time for a little love hard with each step he gains more confidence, it's good that he has so many




, but when you're the youngest it's hard to join the gang, for now there's always a mom in the open ocean, parents delight in being back in the water that they have not eaten for four months and have lost half their body weight to supply themselves with fish and squid, they hold their breath for up to 20 minutes and dive to almost 600 meters deeper than any other bird in the colony in three weeks . passed and the chick confidently follows its mother wherever she goes, it is still learning how things should be done and how not to do them, soon it thinks there is nothing left to learn, so the nervous child becomes a cocky explorer , but at this age she should not leave him. out of sight
baby penguin tries to make friends snow chick a penguin s tale bbc earth

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