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Bösendorfer VS Fazioli VS Steinway (Three Way Comparison)

Jun 03, 2021
Today, as you can see, I am here with


pianos and these are not just any old pianos, this one here is a Steinway D a few weeks old with the Spiro system installed, this one here is a fancy lef 308 a few months old and this one here. It's a Bose model for 290 Imperial that I think is several years old, so I'm here in this room and I'm going to do a




with three world-class pianos and I've never had this opportunity to do that. this before, especially not with these particular pianos and I will probably never have the opportunity anywhere else in the world except here in this room.
b sendorfer vs fazioli vs steinway three way comparison
Now the person who owns these pianos actually has a YouTube channel and I will put his channel in the description of this video make sure you go there say hello tell him thank you for inviting me to his house and all that because he is an absolutely wonderful person, he is an enthusiast of the piano just like me, do you realize? It has amazing pianos and it's so much fun to come here and play, so what I'm going to do is play a piece on one of the pianos and then jump to the next piano and play the same piece and then play the same piece on the other one. third and I think I'm going to start from the newest to the oldest, so the Steinway is only a few weeks old, so I'll start by playing a piece there, jump to the fot for Scioli to play the same piece there and then. go to bo's'n River and play the same piece there, then I'll probably go back to the Steinway, give my opinion on the sound of that piece and then play another piece and do the same thing, so I hope you guys have the idea that I'm going to play a couple of test pieces I've written to test the sound of the pianos, a couple of snare pieces and also an extra Debussy and I might include a couple more things if I feel like it. like the piano really shows that piece particularly well, so you might be wondering before you get into this video, you might be thinking that this video is a little unbalanced because the F 308 is 12 inches long, it's like 10 feet 2 inches. long.
b sendorfer vs fazioli vs steinway three way comparison

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b sendorfer vs fazioli vs steinway three way comparison...

The sine wave D model is only 8 and a half feet, not really, it's not even half, it's 8 feet 11 and 3/4, my bad 8 feet 11 and 3/4, so it's significantly smaller than the F, but it's also significantly smaller than the 290 I think by a few inches maybe a little less than that, but it's a little smaller, so you might think that's a little bit of an unfair


, but if you think about it in this way, the Model D, especially with the lance system. It's Steinway's best and most expensive piano and the f 308 is Olie's best and most expensive piano, so on that level it's a perfectly even comparison, the F with the turns out to be a little bigger, but I also think that if had a 278 or maybe even a 228.
b sendorfer vs fazioli vs steinway three way comparison
I think it could be solid competition for a Steinway d because the fotz, the only base on those pianos, the end of the base is incredible, they all sound absolutely incredible, so I don't really think about it. HE. I think the comparison between the F 308 is that unfair because they are the main piano and the flagship piano of each of those brands. I just wanted to mention that before we get into this video, so without further ado let me start playing some music. these pianos I'll go straight from one to the other, they give my opinion and they do the same with a few more songs and I hope you enjoy this amazing comparison so I hope you enjoyed this review. of three amazing pianos and what I wanted to do now is give my thoughts and opinions on the sound and feel of the action, you heard how they all sounded, but now I wanted to do what I do in my normal reviews where I only have one piano, as I I say, and I touch it a little as I speak.
b sendorfer vs fazioli vs steinway three way comparison
I wanted to do that with all three, so since I played on the sign at first, I wanted to start with the Steinway and it's absolutely incredible and some of the things I love about it are the treble. It's really brilliant, as I mentioned in my review of this piano, but one thing I notice is that the other two seem to have a little more presence and overall the other two need to have a little more power. I have to turn up the recordings a little more and turn up the gain a little more when I'm recording this and playing it back. is loud, the maximum volume on this piano seems to be a little quieter than on the Fat Slow and the Bosen River, however the bass still sounds amazing on this one, let me give you a little demo of what it sounds like. first it was quietly and also very loud they are very thick they have a very warm sound in an amazing sound and speaking of warmth I really loved the midrange of this panel it is probably what I like most about this piano in particular it works great for those Bach pieces, particularly this one and also Debussy, what I find is that this region right here, at the top of that little section of Debussy, is bright enough that I can sing over the other notes, but not it's so bright to the point where it actually sounds bright and it's a really nice sound, I actually really like that sound in that region of the piano.
Now the action on this piano is excellent, it has a very good feel, it has a very light feel, it responds very well. I play fast or if I play light and slow, it does everything well, but for my personal taste, I enjoyed the fotz action a little more. I'll talk more about that when I get to the facility but I just like the feel of that one so for me personally a little more than this one there's nothing wrong with this one it feels absolutely great but for my personal taste I like the feeling of a rendering a little more than the new sine action here that is felt. very similar to the accelerated one.
I'm told that the spiria actually uses a completely new action. It is not an accelerated one. He is not a renter. It is not a hybrid of the two. It is not a modified apparently. It is something totally different and totally a brand. -New, although to me I think it looks a bit like the old sped up action, but it has a very nice feel to it, so that's the sound and my thoughts on the Steinway piano. I think it has a little less presence. Sympathetic resonance also in the treble. If I just play a few notes up here, they have excellent sustain.
The treble sustain even here in this exact term is really good, but I don't think it has as much sympathetic resonance as the other pianos. Let me move on to the others and show you those, but before I do I want to mention one more thing about this. Well, I'm noticing that here in bass, especially here, is that when you play a note loudly and briefly. the damper takes a little bit of time to cut the string and you might think that makes sense, but I'll show you that on the flat roof you hear there's a very different sound down here when you touch it, it takes a little bit of time. so that the damper stops the string from vibrating, but at its points the only cut-off point, so to speak, or the decay of the note is very, very, very fast, when you release the string, I move the key and also the dampers . they have a bit of a harmonious sound when they sit back down, it may not come across in the recording, but especially with that G here, that kind of sharp overtone at the end might not show up in the recording, maybe it should be me, but that B I hear a lot of very high harmonics after the damper ends up making the string stop, that's something I noticed very interesting in the design of the task, but let's look at the front of the Olli and see how it sounds. my thoughts on fat Julia that I love about Thalia pianos.
I've played on quite a few of them and there hasn't been one that I haven't liked, which is saying a lot, but I did think about the pianos for myself. the actions on them are phenomenal the sounds of them there is just something about the sound the richness of the bass the warmth of the mids is beautiful and also the treble on these panels are always impeccable they are always brilliant they are always brilliant and in this particular, It seems to have a lot of resonance. I hadn't realized before that newspapers from France had a lot of resonance, but this one really seems to have a lot of resonance.
Look at this. I think it was the same. I put it in the Steinway to test the business and you can probably hear that there is a little more here and overall this piano has a lot more presence than the Steinway and that is probably due in parts to the extra foot or a little more than this piano has about the Steinway. I think if we had a 9 foot setup, which would be the 270 or even the 228, I think the 228 would be very close to the sound of the Steinway and the presence of the Steinway under the 278 would probably be the same. or possibly even better as far as piano presence and volume goes, this thing is an absolute powerhouse and really all the ones I've played have had a lot of power, they've been very consistent, they've had a lot of power and they have a really good sound. wonderful the bass on these is amazing and I love it every time I sit in a fat cell and play the low notes I just say ah I love it I absolutely love the whole sound of The piano is absolutely gorgeous but I want to point out here I mentioned on the Steinway that the notes end when you release the key too quickly, when you play staccato notes, the dampers squeeze a little bit and they had some nice sounds, not nice ones, like harmonics, if you do that here, there's none of that, one has a little bit, maybe, but it almost sounds nice and resonates on the other strings, it's such a clean sound that I have no idea.
To what extent did you manage to make this sound so clean down here? It's really amazing, maybe the dampers are extra heavy or thick or they really hug the strings very tightly. I don't know how they did it, but it's really impressive even. I even think it's this low B flat where the strings are, the last triple string on the bass, even that one almost doesn't have any if you go below that, it takes a little bit of time to dampen the string as much as possible. look, but even in that there are still no harmonic nuances and you can hear that after the strings finish ringing, it rings a little and then disappears, which is really interesting, of course the low strings take a while, it's a damper , but even those I'm not hearing many harmonic sounds, so that's kind of interesting.
The action on this piano is incredible. It's my favorite of the three in this room. I love the feeling. Probably the best thing is the dynamic range. that you have with it, you can play extremely quietly and pretty much as long as the key makes contact with the base of the key and your person on that note all the way, you will make a sound that is not like on some pianos where the note goes down and the key doesn't sound the only way to press that key down and have it not make a sound is you don't press it down all the way and I barely touch it and it's making a sound and the action on this thing is absolutely incredible probably be it my favorite or one of my favorites for sure and it feels absolutely amazing to play fast or play soft and slow, it handles it all and is really amazing, I think that's all I have to say. about the F 308 and why I love it, but it's an absolutely fantastic piano, so you might be wondering what I think about the Bose stand for 290.
Well, there's one thing I wanted to clarify before we continue and that is if you listen at the end of this video that he may still be here. I mentioned it at the beginning and you'll try to remember that I said this piano was a few years old and that's because this piano is in excellent condition when I sit down. and I don't think about a piano that is actually from 1993 because it doesn't look like it and it doesn't sound like it and what I mean is that it plays almost like a new piano and it definitely sounds amazing.
I would have to say this is the best 290 Imperial I have ever come across and it has a wonderful sound and an amazing feel and of course it has the cool factor of having extra keys on the bass which is always awesome but other than that I will play it a bit, but my opinion on this pin is that this one might even have more resonance than the Fazioli. It has a really wonderful sound here, isn't the treble of this piano the typical German sound? It's so cool I see that crisp sound some people love it some don't.
I enjoy it and it has a very, very crisp sound like I said, it sounds a little cold and it has that really wonderful sound, it's very, very nice. It's very bright, it competes very, very well with the midrange and bass and bass on this piano. I must add that it is absolutely amazing, it is really very rich here much more and then the Steinway and if it didn't. mention it, the base of the setup I think is a little richer and has more presence than the Steinway D and this one is also in that category, it has a lot more thickness to the sounds and I can't really describe it. but playing your bass like the bass maybe from this F to the entire base register sounds great, but try from this F to zero, the normal bottom note on pianos is thick, rich and extra deep sounding and really very beautiful, Whether that's the chemistry. of the strings that Bosner Fur used or if that is due to the resonance of the extra strings on the bass below zero, I really don't know, but it has a really wonderful sound.
Now this piano is a weakness and I want to be honest, the weakness of the piano I think is playing loudly in the same way. I think he did it very, very. Well, I played out loud and Fazioli did an excellent performance lab, but I think thispiano, due to the age of the hammers, I think it sounds a little bright and doesn't feel the same when you play it out loud. I don't think it works as well when played at high volume, that's just my honest personal opinion, but playing quietly on this piano and playing at medium volume sounds absolutely wonderful now of course you can play at high volume .
You heard me play Pirates of the Caribbean there, but I think that bass worked a little better on the Steindl and it worked a little better on the brotherhood element than on the Bose nerve and that's just my honest personal opinion, but the rest of the piano is Absolutely amazing and like I said. Up front this is the best 290 Imperial I have ever come across and I want to say it is absolutely amazing and overall just a fantastic piano. It has a really wonderful and rich sound. Overall it sounds so good and so cool, and really really.
I loved the sound of the bass, now didn't I mention that it has extra keys down here, which are really fun to play, they sound amazing, they sound really cool and there are certain pieces that work really well with those. low bass strings I tried playing Pirates of the Caribbean off camera with the bass and I went down an octave and unfortunately that didn't work out all that well, but these extra keys are cool, there's the sound of the extra keys in there so it adds a little factor extra cool to this piano and the piano overall is really fantastic 290, the action on it is another thing that I think is a little lacking compared to previous sources and compared to this toy, they both have an incredibly refined feel, they feel very soft in another video.
I shot a Mason 50. I used the word creamy to describe the action and people really seem to like it. I thought people thought it was very strange, but that works on the other two too. pianos in this room this time and they felt silly compared to this one they feel very creamy this one feels a little thicker if you will it's like chunky peanut butter versus creamy peanut butter the other two are like korean peanut butter and This one is a little bit chunky, however, that's not necessarily a bad thing because an action like this is really fantastic for practicing because it can develop finger dexterity and just develop overall dexterity and get you used to playing a heavier piano and some People may not agree, but when you're practicing on an instrument with a heavy action and you're going to play on a piano with a light action, there's actually a little less of a learning curve than if you go from practicing and being used to a piano with a light action. and you're going to be playing on a piano with a heavy action, so for a playing example I'd probably choose the f28 sources, but for practicing between the three it's not really the 290 that's the best instrument to practice on because of what it's really like. it should be kept, but for practicing with all three, I think the action would be really great for that and it's kind of a chunky feel, but still responsive.
I don't have any difficulty playing. pieces on it, be it clair de lune or just a nice simple Bach, I have no difficulty and there is nothing wrong with it, it just has a bit of a different feel, a new bosner skin would definitely be in line with the silly fashion. and with this style they would have a lighter action, a smoother action, very consistent and it would be a really difficult decision to decide which action I like best because of the new bows and different actions in the 280 BC. C. and even some of the smallest ones.
The models are really top notch and they're really cool, so now I've gotten to the hardest part of this video. Which piano wins in this three-way comparison? Is it the Steinway, your daily fountains or the nervous arches? Now sometimes things can come out. differently on the recorder, sometimes things sound a little different on recording than in person, so if you have a different opinion on this, maybe that's why maybe you shouldn't bleed, you just have different tastes than mine, but I think that the winner of this competition this championship so to speak is Fazioli and for me I think that the winner here is clear the fraud only has more presence it has more power the action is impeccable and I love the sound and also the appearance It's very attractive piano but I wasn't really taking into account what kind of desire it was really just based on my piano playing aspects but I think the sound, feel and everything else is superior to the other pianos in the but it What really became very difficult for me was which of these two, the Steinway D that I was hitting here and the Posner 290 sitting here, which of these got second place and which got third place.
That decision was actually much harder for me. to decide from what I expected. I honestly expected it to be very clear that one of them would be much better than the other just as it was very clear to me that the thought even from F to 8 was much better than either of these two pianos, but there is Things I love and adore about these two pianos. I love the feel of the action right now. I think it's a bit for my personal taste. I like it a little less than Difazzio Lee's action, but there's nothing wrong with it. and it's a great action the mids sound right now I like the range of that Bach piece in Claire de Lune's range I think it's amazing but where I think the Steinway lacks is pressure and volume I think it's much less even than the 290 and also the 308 and I think the bass sound, while it's very good, I think it's not as good as the bass sound here or on the imperial and there are things that I love about the Imperial, like I just said, I love the low bass, it's phenomenal, it's rich, it's deep, it growls, it's really everything I love about bass, but there are also things that I don't like so much about the imperial and the main one of them is that the action is a little clunky and clumsy compared to a modern action, it works well, but I like the actions on the other two pianos better.
I thought there was something else in a dimension, oh yeah. I love the sympathetic resonance here in the bows and references, but I also love it in this small mode and this small mode also has a very good treble, so there are things that I love about these pianos and there are things that I don't love. they like. There is a lot about these two pianos and I think the competition between these two was very close, but what you need to know about the Imperial bosner is that it is from 1993 and I think that is one of the things that you have to take into account this to a piano of that age, it's excellent, but compared to a modern piano, it pales in comparison, so what I'm going to do is think that the f28 is number one and I want to put the Steinway D at number two and I'm going to put the bosner for Imperial 290, so the number three spot now, if there were new arches in River, a new 280 a.
C., would be a difficult comparison and would be negligent. If I didn't mention that there are a couple of other piano manufacturers that also make phenomenal pianos that really wouldn't fit in this room, but I would still love to have them next to these three pianos to really see how they compare. In my opinion the Yamaha CFX is an excellent piano, I think the action, as well as the sound, is partly with a large concert Fazioli and also with a blue touring model, one specifically regulated by Knut Gloton. I have touched some. of the ones recently in Texas and those are really good pianos, I think it will be interesting to see which piano has a more forgiving resonance, the Imperial or one of those, because those, of course, have aliquot strings and when Knut gluten or voices them, They are warm. and they are rich and surprisingly close to the sound of a THAAD Scioli.
I did a comparison in Texas where I compared a seven foot setup and a seven foot blue dinner and the competition was surprisingly close for the blue tener, so a blue tener model and a Yamaha CFX I think also deserve to be in this room and at Unless it is mentioned in this video that they deserve to be in the championship of the best pianos in the world but they have these three again in the order that I think I want to put this in the fraud Scioli is the king the F 308 they called it King Fahd Scioli which is The number one sound of this piano I think reigns over the sound of the Steinway and the sound of the opponent the Steinway takes second place for me, this warmth of that midrange that the owner specifically wanted from the technician.
The technician did an amazing job because the midrange of that piano is really wonderful and the bass is very good. I also love the treble. the sustain is excellent, the sound is excellent and I really like the sound of it and in third position we have the Posner for Imperial with that deep rich bass that I love and the beautiful nice highs that I think could even have a little more resonance understanding than the Sealy fraud, which has a little more than the Steinway, which I think is kind of interesting. I really wasn't expecting that maybe that sympathetic resonance comes from the extra keys at the end which again add a bit to the cool factor of this piano or maybe it's just something to do with the design of this panel, but this one comes in at number three.
Simon comes in at number two and the winner of today's competition is the Fazioli F 308 so I really hope you guys have I enjoyed this video and this has been a video that I will probably never do again because who else has these three pianos or even three pianos of this caliber in your home? I would love to thank the owner of these pianos very much. You can later enter his house if I didn't mention this at the beginning of the video, I think so, although the link to his YouTube channel will be in the description of this video, so if you liked this video, do you like his pianos?
He is amazing, let me come check them out, go watch his channel, go watch his videos and thank him for letting me into his house. If you liked my video and you liked listening to these three pianos, you might want to check them out too. my channel because I have some other really cool piano comparisons, nothing of this level, nothing that complex, but I have some comparisons between, like I said, the fancy and the blue tener and also just reviews of pianos, organs, keyboards and other really instruments great musicals, so if we want to see all that, you can, if you want this video, go ahead and like about subscribing, but if you subscribe to me you should also subscribe to the guy who lets me into his house to play his panels, so subscribe to him also in the description of the video if you liked everything, thank you very much, thank you for subscribing to both him and me and see you in the next video or maybe I'll see you in one of his videos bye

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