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Jun 13, 2024
Sweden's capital is full of amazing things to see and do, but it's also full of attractions you'd better


today. I'm going to talk about Tor


in Stockholm. This video will be about stock Tor


. Overpriced places you want to


and generally miserable attractions, there's just one problem. The house is so expensive that it is very difficult to know what is a T-strap and what is not. All the things I'm going to mention will give you some value. for your money, none of these things are scams, there are just places you might want to think twice before going, unless you feel like wasting money, if you don't stink rich then this video might be helpful for you, so that without further ado. let's start with some more or less common


traps in Stockholm most people who come to Stockholm arrive at Orlando airport and the first thing they want to do is get to the city of Stockholm the most expensive option is to take a taxi but the next most expensive The option is to take an express train called Arland Express.
avoid these tourist traps in stockholm
Orlando Express costs 320 SEK for a one-way trip, which is very expensive, even if it is very fast and convenient. There are airport buses with getaway buses that are much cheaper, but these will cost you. 129 SEK if you buy online, do not use the tax ticket machines although they will cost you an extra 20 SEK compared to buying online. You can also buy flick bus or net bus for a little over 100 SEK, but they don't do that. t leave very often there is also a public transport option with a commuter train but that costs 169 SEK and has a slightly complicated ticketing system.
avoid these tourist traps in stockholm

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avoid these tourist traps in stockholm...

My recommendation is to take a plane by coach. Orland Express is more than three times more expensive so it's not really worth the cost, it's not a scam because it's actually a really good service, but it's also a bit of an expensive


trap. Stockholm is full of water and it is absolutely lovely to experience it from the canals that run through the city. There are many companies. Offering bow tours with great sites and lots of interesting information, but those boat tours cost several hundred SEK. I've done these tours a couple of times and it's definitely an enjoyable experience, but is it worth the cost?
avoid these tourist traps in stockholm
No, not really. You can still experience it from the water in other ways. You can rent a kayak, for example, which is much more fun and also cheaper, or you can take a boat to the archipelago. Either way you will get a wonderful view of the city. It's still cheaper than one of Stockholm's canal boat tours, so while these guided bow tours are quite enjoyable, they're also a bit complicated. The global stadium is called Aichi Arena these days and is an infamous Stockholm landmark. like a giant pimple in the southern part of the city and it's not exactly a beautiful place, you can tell, although I admit that Sky View is an attraction that promises beautiful views of the city at the top of the world arena for 170 Swedes.
avoid these tourist traps in stockholm
Crowns, you can travel 85M in the air to have a view of Stockholm. It's a beautiful view from there, but it's a little tricky to get to the Globe Arena and you have to reserve a time in advance and you don't. exactly cheap, or you can walk to the montelo vagon orik bars and get beautiful views of the city for free. Sky View isn't much more impressive than either of those two options, so I'd say it's a bit toist. trap, let's talk about the Swedish tipping culture or lack of tipping because in Sweden you don't really tip in restaurants or bars, if you buy a beer you can collect a couple of crowns if you get good service in a restaurant.
They earn a couple of dozen crowns, but no one expects it and no one depends on it. The only time Swedes tip is if it's a bunch of happy, drunk guys in a restaurant, then everyone's like, yeah, they've got a couple hundred extra. However, today many card payment terminals have buttons to facilitate tipping, you know, 10%, 15% or 20%, presented on Big Shiny temporary buttons, I assume they are built by American companies because those values ​​do not have no sense in Sweden for the most part. situations where Swedes tip 0%, nothing at all, so keep that in mind, especially if you come from a country with a tipping culture, that tipping in Sweden is a tourist trap.
The old town of Gamone Stock is a charming place, full of narrow alleys and historic buildings. Stockholm. It was founded in the year 1200 and this was the royal city back then until 1980, the official name of the commercial city of Stockholm was the city between the bridges and it is definitely one of the most memorable areas of Stockholm and it is also one of the most touristy places in the whole city is stock M Town, a tourist trap, yes and no, it is not a tourist trap in the normal sense, local people hang out here and there are many amazing and quirky little shops, but also There are many places to avoid.
The restaurants in Gastan are a bit hit and miss, some are great and some not so good. If you see restaurants with menus primarily in English and no prices on display, you may want to be a little careful and even non-touristy restaurants can be quite expensive. Restaurants in the old town may cost almost twice as much as restaurants elsewhere, but the quality is not twice as good. Har krishnas are also quite common in the old town, but it's all a bit of fun, they don't hurt anyone, except they make a lot. There are tons of tacky gift shops along the street from Dring Got to Oldtown.
I understand that if you want to get some Swedish years and sometimes the easiest way to get a Doolan horse or some craft is at one of these places. But you have alternatives among all the kitchi and tourist stores. You can find shops that sell authentic crafts. Here are some quick tips on how to tell if what you see is a tourist gift shop or not. Do you see any Viking hats? Sweden t-shirts. or trolls in the window then it's a gift for tourists if you see the word authentic somewhere then it's not authentic also if you see some movement then it's a gift shop aimed at German tourists if you avoid the shops with all those signs then you might Have I found something really authentic if you have F or a beer in Gamon, you're going to think you've stumbled upon a tourist trap but actually you haven't, it's incredibly expensive everywhere, there's stock of Hol and if you see signs about medieval vaults. or viking themed restaurants and things like that, then it's not really a strap either, it will be expensive but you will also get a really cool experience.
Oh, and speaking of things that are in tourist traps, I have to thank Morton Trotzig. Grand, is the narrowest alley in the entire city and, when it is not crowded with tourists, it becomes a magnificent place if you can see the alley because of all the graffiti there is. Don't forget to visit Sweden's smallest public monument, Yan po the. Iron Boy aka boil looking at the moon. I'm not exactly sure why people offer things to Yan Poen, but hey, it's a nice gesture. I guess alcohol is expensive in Sweden, very expensive, since you might have to sell kidneys.
To afford a night out even though Swedes tend to drink a lot, you would think that all the exorbitant prices in pubs turn them into T Trps, but in reality this is not the case, you often have to pay more than 100 crowns Swedes for a beer all over the world. The most expensive places are around the central station or in the old town, so you may want to avoid them, but if you go to Sagon or Sedal you can often find more suspicious looking bars where you can find a beer as cheap as 40 Swedish CRS. that's a little more affordable, regards, something that many people want to do when they visit Stockholm is go to a nightclub.
I guess you're imagining a night of drunken fun between beautiful Swedish boys and girls dancing all night into the morning, in reality what you're getting is a night of expensive drinks and expensive tickets between WABE rappers and rich, stuck-up kids with too much white substance around the nose. Stockholm's clubbing scene is actually quite ridiculous, if you even go into Stockholm's clubs. The bouncers are famous for being a bit megalomaniac, turning people away at will and letting others wait in line for hours while they select who can go to the soap bar and Spy Bar are examples of places like this, for some reason they are still very popular despite all this now I may be a bit biased but I think those clubs qualify as tourist traps in Stockholm, wait a second, what is that?
I have a sneaking suspicion that bouncer didn't like my comment if you're a hip young guy visiting. Stockholm, then you could definitely end up in ston at some point personally. I prefer alternative places compared to that SX mistake. It's a nerd club once a month in Stockholm. That one is awesome if you like games and geek music parties in Nan slack tet or debaser. It's pretty excellent too, but on any given night I still think the CD bars in Calum or places like H are better than the trendy but expensive nightclubs. After a night of debauchery, you should return to your hotel or wherever you are. stay and what is the best way to do it if you are thinking of taking a taxi, you should be aware that taxis are expensive in Sweden and are practically a tourist trap.
There used to be a lot of taxi scams in Stockholm but that seems to have gotten a lot better these days but it's still very expensive either way, if it's not too late or too early in the morning you can use the metro or other public transport and , if that seems too inconvenient for you, you can also get an Uber or a lightning bolt, if you're sober, riding an electric scooter is also an option, but I guess that won't be the case if it's late at night and if all else fails , you can always walk home, can't you? big and it is very possible to walk through most of the city, all those options are most of the time better than taking a taxi, in my opinion, and that's it for this little video about tourist traps in Stockholm, for Of course, there are many more tourists. trps than these, but I still hope you found them interesting and maybe even a little useful.
And subscribe, but the most important thing is that you have a great day. Oh, and be sure to also watch this video for even more Stockholm tips.

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