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Avoid These STYLE MISTAKES When Traveling To Europe This Summer

May 30, 2024
Traveling to Europe can be very exciting, but there are definitely things you don't want to wear if you want to go unnoticed and not be the target of scammers. Hello friends, I'm Angela. Today's topic is something I definitely did a lot of research on. This happened before we took our first trip to Europe because I love fashion and really wanted to plan what I would wear on our trip, but it's also because we heard so many stories about all the scammers and literally everyone. the different creative ways they have to distract you so they can take your money and valuables and the easiest way for them to distinguish you from the group is based on what you are wearing, there are things they just don't do.
avoid these style mistakes when traveling to europe this summer
You don't use them in Europe and if you have them with you you will be an easier target, so let's get into


list of items you should definitely leave at home number one. Let's start with the caps we love, our baseball caps, right? and our golf visors, both things should be left at home, they don't wear those kinds of hats in general in Europe, that's just there it's like Bingo, they're from America, so don't stand out if you're a woman and want to wear a nice hat, think about a straw hat, a bigger brimmed hat and as a guy you want to wear something that looks a little bit more stylish, but definitely baseball caps, golf visors, they're not number two, they're for us.
avoid these style mistakes when traveling to europe this summer

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avoid these style mistakes when traveling to europe this summer...

The t-shirts go, they don't wear t-shirts with the logo, with the team names, the school names, we wear those things because we are proud of our team, we are proud of the school we go to, but you won't see it. That happens in Europe and many times we wear souvenir t-shirts here from a city that we went to visit or a big city that we admire, but they don't do it there, so if you have a t-shirt with an Eiffel Tower on it or you have a t-shirt that says Paris or London or whatever they won't wear, that if they live there it's just us who think, hey, let's go to Paris or let's go to London, let's take the shirt that goes with it don't do it don't do it it'll make you stand out As a tourist, number three backpacks or purses are really convenient, right?
avoid these style mistakes when traveling to europe this summer
We love taking those places we travel to with them. on airplanes and we put them under the seat, we walk with them on campuses and we even have these cute little backpack purses. Here's why they are not good in Europe. You want all your valuables out front somewhere you can have them. Eyes lock in to make sure you're seeing what's going on here if you're walking around with a backpack chances are these people are good, they can open any pocket, reach in and pull something out before you know what hit you . What they're doing is cutting, taking knives and just making a cut right in the bottom of one of your backpack pockets and letting everything that's in there fall out and they're gone, gone. with your things before you know it, so please don't carry something that you are going to have behind you.
avoid these style mistakes when traveling to europe this summer
You always want it on the number four front if you're going to be carrying any type of larger bag or a larger purse. with you, please make sure it has a zipper, there are many different types of beach bags let's say, or even people that may have a little zipper on the top, but you can still put your hands directly into the bottom of that bag , whatever you want. make sure it definitely has a zipper and think about


, if it's an over the shoulder bag, make sure the zipper is turned towards the front so the zipper end of the bag is here, not on the other end facing the back , it just makes it easier for you to keep an eye on it and a zipper will make it a little harder for anyone to get in there bonjour merci La adicio Si Vous Play wow, did you just say: can I have the check I wrote?
I learned French in Babel to prepare for our trip to France and remember


we were in Italy people were so appreciative that we at least tried to speak their language so I thought I would do the same. for France and Babel is the top-rated language app in the world, so you can learn it from your phone. Yes, I could learn it from my phone. I can learn it from my computer, five minutes a day and it will prepare you to at least have a simple conversation with the people of that country wow, that's great. I'm really excited about this if you too are getting ready for a trip or just want to brush up or learn a bit of a new language conversationally, click through. the link to get 60 off your subscription number five is fanny packs.
Fanny packs are pretty convenient, true, they used to be a big thing in the '80s and maybe even the '90s, and nowadays it may not be as much of a fanny pack as especially with a younger crowd, but they go with those fanny packs that we carry crossbody type on the front of our chest, now it's a pretty nice bag to carry because everything is in front of you, but as we learned, they don't use those in Europe they go with smaller and much more elegant looking purses or something that is like a crossbody bag but it's leather, it's much nicer than what we would take as a casual, athletic fanny pack if you're like me and love your Lululemon fanny pack.
I mean, I carry that sucker everywhere with me


I'm here, but trust me, don't leave it at home if you're going to Europe, opt for something much more stylish, even if it's just a smaller crossbody bag. I'm going to make you stand out a lot less than wearing some kind of fanny pack or a number six six fanny pack. Don't bring your hoodies or sweatpants to Europe, they aren't wearing loungewear everywhere I hear. time and time again that your gym uses your leisure clothes and your training clothes are only for the gym, there they don't take that to the street, so think about that when you're packing, leave the sweatpants, leave the sports shorts , leave the sports shirts. and your hoodies at home, while we're on the subject, you won't see women in general wearing leggings on the streets of Europe, to them, in their mind, that's gym clothes, that's what you wear when you go out doing exercise. but you don't wear that kind of thing walking down the street going out to any kind of meal with your friends just don't do it, it's very comfortable, right, we use it a lot here, we will wear it as our casual clothes. we will go to the mall in that place we will go to lunch in that place, but when you go to Europe, please leave those things at home, another thing that is not going to work there and that a lot of people get into here is like a hiker, okay, you've got your cargo pants, you've got your safari shirt, you've got that kind of hat that looks like you're going hiking, you know what I mean, I think you know what I mean and you've got your hiking boots on, that's all there. well, especially if you go to a big city, you go to Paris, you go to London or you go somewhere in Italy.
Nobody wears hiking clothes, so drop everything. those clothes you might wear hiking leave them at home you will stand out like a sore thumb wearing your hiking clothes on the streets now in the clothing department another thing to keep in mind especially for women is when you go to any kind museum or if you are going on a tour of a church, make sure you have your shoulders and knees covered, it is something they do out of respect, so if you have a dress with spaghetti straps or a tank top, make sure you bring a scarf to wrap around your shoulders, maybe you're going to bring something like a cardigan with a bow on the front to put it on that's thin and doesn't have you on it, but covers your shoulders, maybe you even want to. bring some type of thin jacket so that when you go to those places you can put it on and cover your shoulders now with your knees make sure that if you wear a dress it reaches your knees or think about putting it on pants, don't wear shorts, even if they are shorts, you want to make sure they cover your knees, believe me, you don't want to get to the front of the long line where you waited to enter a church or a museum and find out that they are not going to let you in because you don't have the right clothes to cover you next let's talk about shoes some shoes you definitely don't want We'll wear them there, we wear flip flops quite a bit around here, right?, we wear them to go to the beach, we'll wear them to walk somewhere, just as a really casual shoe to match with our outfit when it's hot, right? do it there now I'm not saying don't wear sandals just don't wear those cheap flip flops over there number one no one wears them number two their streets over there Many times are different than ours you'll find cobblestone streets there, you'll find cracks, sidewalks and things like that uneven pavement, so don't wear shoes that are uncomfortable when walking on those types of surfaces, let's talk about heels if you are going to wear a good shoe to wear with your dresses, let's say think about a wedge because now, at least with a wedge, you cover more of the ground, so you'll find it a little easier to walk in those, say, than some kind of stiletto heel or wearing something with a thicker heel, if I had to do it over again packing, I'd actually wear two pairs of shoes, my sneakers and a pair of Birkenstocks, those were the two that I wore all the time on our last trip because they were the most comfortable for walking everything we did, I could wear those shoes and at the end of the day my feet never hurt.
They hurt and the number two women in Europe, even wearing dresses, tend to wear sneakers with them because they are generally walking a lot and are familiar with what their streets are like, so sneakers are a much better option, even with a dress or a skirt, you'll see that a lot there now, maybe what you don't see in a sneaker with a skirt or a dress is like a gym sneaker, don't wear those big, bulky sneakers with that kind of thing, maybe look for something that's still comfortable but more stylized, not so bulky and looks nice. classier for a tennis shoe, something like a thinner Adidas or the VJ or a Ked, something like that, as long as it's comfortable for you and it's not too big and bulky, the other thing you want to leave at home is any type of clothing that is really flashy and has a lot of bright colors, usually there they look much more elegant, they go with more neutral colors because they go with a lot of things, so think about leaving your shirts that look like you are ready to go to a fancy luau or really bright and bold colors, you might want to leave them at home because they might make you stand out like a sore thumb.
Some people like that kind of stuff here because it just gives them energy, makes them feel like they're expressing themselves, but trust me for more. In Europe, leave at home any type of clothing that has very large, bold prints. Now, as for other items you should pack, other than just clothes, they will make your trip even better. Watch this video below. Here I talk about 13 things. that you should make sure to have on your next trip abroad until I see you next time my friends stay beautiful inside and out

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