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Autism Spectrum Disorder in Education

May 11, 2020
Hello and welcome to teachings on






. Today you are here with your favorite teacher, Franco Vela. We want to cover everything you ever wanted to know and we are going to go into several details specific to this topic. Now let's start with the first section. Children with




(ASD) exhibit repetitive behaviors and have difficulties with communication and social interaction. Some broad statistics include the fact that ASD is much more common in children. ASD symptoms appear before the age of two, but often after the age of three. The disorder affects all ethnic, social, and economic groups, and there are discrepancies within those groups as well.
autism spectrum disorder in education
ABA therapy is often used to help modify disruptive behaviors in children. Autism spectrum describes a range of complex developmental disorders that are believed to be caused by brain development and deficits. ASD is considered a spectrum due to the wide variation in severity. Let's take a look at the different types of disorders that fall under ASD according to the DSM-5. The first is autistic disorder, which is the oldest term before it was replaced by autism spectrum disorder. The spectrum includes Asperger syndrome, which is a milder form in which children can have high levels of intelligence. PDD-NOS, which stands for pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified, is also known as atypical autism.
autism spectrum disorder in education

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autism spectrum disorder in education...

Next is red syndrome, which was once a category of ASD but has now been removed Rhett syndrome primarily affects girls. The last category is childhood disintegrative disorder (CDD), which is the most severe form of autism on the spectrum. Children deteriorate quickly. Next, we will see some of the causes and risks. The specific causes of ASD are unknown. However, scientists Some potential risk factors have been identified. There is currently research that strongly implies a genetic component. Scientists can now focus their study of genetics on a few different alleles and their mutations within the gene, although there has been a lot of talk about vaccines and autism scientists. that the research is definitive, there is no link between the two, another risk factor is the age of the parents, in fact, the risk of autism spectrum increases as the age of the parents increases, babies born very prematurely , like premature babies, are also at increased risk.
autism spectrum disorder in education
Much higher risk of autism exposure to air pollution during pregnancy. The type of air pollution described is one that has a high metal and Lessie content. There have been some claims about the use of specific medications during pregnancy. The next step is how doctors will diagnose a child. With ASD, the specific measures for the diagnosis of children with autism are divided into two levels. Level one is the initial detection level and is carried out by general practitioners. Children who do not pass initial screening level one move on to level two and receive a more detailed evaluation by experts.
autism spectrum disorder in education
Again, early detection of ASD is around 18 months, but diagnosis is usually made at three years or later. Assessment and assessments are carried out using a neurodevelopmental framework. The framework includes the participation of the child's family and teachers. ASD is difficult to diagnose because it has a very diverse list of symptoms including delayed speech lack of eye contact lack of responses or social skills atypical tone behavioral problems withdrawal repetitive behavior learning delays personal abuse and many more next section It's early intervention. Research has shown the effectiveness of early intervention services for children with autism spectrum disorder. Services begin by informing parents of everything that is happening while trying to build strong relationships with them.
Ongoing evaluation is necessary and should be used to determine the appropriate frequency and intensity of services. Some children may need more than others at first. These services. It should focus on the basics, such as helping students express themselves, having them follow and respond to instructions, and developing communication skills. It is also important to give these children as much time as possible with their peers. Social interaction is such an integral part. Curriculum-based assessments are used as a direct method to assess the target skills that these children need to master and lastly, results-oriented frameworks are also needed to set specific goals and objectives for target skills that educators want. that children reach.
The next section is quite important and that is communication. Children with ASD have communication difficulties. These children may not understand hand signals. They don't make eye contact. They have trouble reading facial expressions and understanding gestures. Children with ASD also have difficulty getting attention, which occurs when one person draws attention to an object and the other person then draws attention to it. It also looks good their language development is erratic these children do not reach the same levels of understanding at their relevant ages Children with ASD at the high end of the spectrum may show savant skills they may be able to deliver excellent and well thought out speeches Echolalia, which is a condition in which sounds or phrases are repeated without meaning or context.
Conversations are supposed to be a two-way street and this is yet another problem. School systems must provide specialists who work individually with the child with whom the specialist is to collaborate. parents teachers and others continue to next section special interests special interests are basically activities in ASD children pay special attention to some examples of special interests maybe in animals like a cat toys trains for children teddy bears maybe a card credit small jewelry or an object like a baseball bat, unfortunately, special interests can dominate a child's life, they can take up all of their time, they stay focused to their detriment, it can be used to modify behavior, if a child behaves well and does his job, then he may gain time with his special group.
Another positive interest is that children with ASD are often empowered because of their experience and talent. There are many cases in which children with ASD use their special interest skills and knowledge to produce a fruitful career. Let us not forget that special interests are in danger of becoming an obsession. too much of anything is never a good thing the next issue is socialization autism spectrum disorder children have significant barriers to socialization and play first understand that all children all children just want to play and have fun the problem is that these children simply no I don't know how to do it, being able to socialize is not easy for anyone, certain skills are needed, play is a form of socialization, autistic children learn to work as a team, they gain greater cognition and physical dexterity through play to facilitate social skills in play, teachers, parents. and therapists need to plan activities for these children on an individual basis and for children, it is essential to teach them the perspectives of other children as they only see their side and lastly, social metacognitive strategies can really make a difference, these children need to think in how they perceive and see the situations we live in.
Let's move on to the next topic, which is sensory processing. Sensory processing is the method used to perceive and respond to sensory stimuli. Here we will focus on Dunn's model of sensory processing. The dance model describes different neurological thresholds within the brain. Dunn describes four sensory processing. patterns, the first type are sensory seekers who need to seek high levels of sensory information, these students are also very active in the classroom, the next is the low register, these are individuals who are insensitive, quote, do not register sensory information, the next type is sensitivity that they notice Sensory phenomenon more than most, they also get very distracted and the last one is to avoid, quote, avoid sensory information because it really bothers them.
Now I'm going to quickly give you some strategies for interacting with each type with students who are looking for, be careful when bringing new things into the classroom. As this will get their attention with low enrollment students, you need to be very clear, direct and encouraging with them, working with sensitive children, you don't want to overwhelm them with unexpected events and to avoid this you can try to slowly and gently evolve them into more and more . more activities below are positive behavior supports positive behavior supports require a collaborative team effort it takes a village to raise a child the most important part of positive behavior supports is doing a functional behavior assessment that will help understand the reason for a student's misbehavior that you want.
To specifically define behavior, the behavior being defined must be observable and measurable. Data is collected in the form of intensity, frequency, and duration of the target behavior. ABC charts are created for the purpose of identifying what happens just before and directly after the target behavior. Once you have this information it is time to create a behavioral intervention plan, Plan B IP should help avoid situations where the autistic child is more likely to have an outburst. Don't forget that everything begins and ends, an assessment that will be described in the next section. Some of the best teaching strategies Perhaps the most important thing you can do as a teacher of students with ASD is to know the child, you know the child's strengths, weaknesses and triggers, try to limit the amount of time spent on classroom lectures when talk to kids be very literal in the words you use don't be sarcastic with students research tells us the importance of having solid schedules try to stick to the schedule when asking questions and looking for answers make sure you give them extra time to process the information or In-class questions limit the amount of distractions in the classroom, including having bright posters with lots of colors.
Teachers can use concrete objects when teaching, for example, if they are teaching math, using manipulatives for a counting lesson. , provide options for students, options for students. Not only is it a stimulus for children, but it will also increase participation and homework or lesson. In the next section, which is collaboration, all people who work with children with ASD must collaborate for the benefit of child behavior therapists and schools collaborate in the way. of IEP teams and various intervention teams must act in a professional manner. The first part of this type of team collaboration is for everyone to develop a solid understanding of this child, that is, the p-n intervention teams must establish shared goals for the child.
The general


teacher analyzes the content. achievements each member of the team focuses on their own area the meeting must be scheduled with specific times and dates and in these meetings some discussions include the emotional state of the child, their academic strengths and weaknesses and an overall evaluation of the services. An important component of the IEP is the development of modifications and adaptations. Modifications are changes in content, while adaptations refer to equal access. So far, let's move on to our final section, which looks at the life expectancy of children with ASD. Students with ASD are often bullied for the simple fact that they are easy targets and that they are different these children generally like any important social success in their lives do not have long-lasting friendships or a close group of friends often lack life partners and do not usually marry, however there are always exceptions with which jobs that earn a minimum wage with very little responsibility are satisfied.
Parents, teachers and educators do the best they can, but it is a difficult transition, as said before, always There are exceptions. Students with ASD can turn their special interests into a career or perhaps just a job they love to do, however, it is most important. What we can do is that anyone who watches this video stay in their lives, stay in the lives of children with ASD, be there for them right now. I want to thank you for your time, don't forget to like, share and subscribe, also check the description link to see many. resources too

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