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Authorities in pursuit of carjacking suspect in LA County

Apr 10, 2024
is that the car I don't know what the description was of the super low helicopter right over the highway yes, it's the white truck it's the white truck it's definitely the white truck it's positive I'm sure it's higher up that's what I'm saying it's Further up, keep going, keep going, he's far ahead of the helicopter and there's a police officer behind him. It's the white truck. Are you sure? expect 70 to 80 miles per hour what that that that that that that that that Yeah, okay, I'm sorry, if anyone's talking to me, go ahead, I've got everything turned down.
authorities in pursuit of carjacking suspect in la county
What do you need hair? Have we confirmed that this is a


? Wow, I'm making some lane changes. Well, this vehicle just arrived at the shopping highway we are on. Right now in Covina, actually in West Covina, you can see how fast this vehicle is moving. The sheriff's department is actually chasing this vehicle, but after that maneuver, moments before we went live, that vehicle basically went from the carpool lane to the right side just cutting through a bunch of vehicles, they have a helicopter above and they're saying this is a



, now in any type of carjacking, you just assume from the words carjacking that there was a gun involved, yes what if the gun is a gun, when this comes to an end, it will be an interesting ending just in that respect because the officers will have that added stress of this


being armed, there you have it, with a wider shot, you can see one of the sheriff's vehicles chasing this car again the truck again this is going to be the 10 freeway heading west and we're passing orange that's going to be the exit ramp which is the big one and there you go again with one of those crazy lanes uh changes, you're going all the way through, there's the sheriff's helicopter up there, a very dangerous situation, in fact, a very reckless driver, yeah, that's right, we're trying to see if he's getting up, he wouldn't get off the exit ramp, you know, we've got our guys.
authorities in pursuit of carjacking suspect in la county

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authorities in pursuit of carjacking suspect in la county...

At the booth there, as soon as they saw that photo of the car, they came to us almost immediately, but we've been hearing it all the way here from the Van Nuys area where this vehicle has been driving mostly on streets Of surface. the 210 on the surface streets heading towards the tent highway he was on ravine as soon as he got on that westbound 10 freeway was his direction and it's basically been there ever since, high speeds, reckless driving , a lot of these wicked maneuvers where I basically see that car going on the wrong side of the road and also cutting off a lot of other people, now the helicopter stays with him making those calls.
authorities in pursuit of carjacking suspect in la county
Thank goodness there is some law enforcement behind him, at least some of those lights and sirens could be warning some of these people. I'm looking ahead and I can tell you the 605 is the next major freeway there and there's a lot of traffic between here and there, hopefully it won't crash. anyone, but again, they are above that, they are watching him and they are calling this chase, this is not a car theft suspect, a dangerous driver behind the wheel, not only in bad driving at high speeds, but also He could be armed, well, you know, all the law enforcement, this is the sheriff's department that's still chasing, they could turn us over to the California Highway Patrol.
authorities in pursuit of carjacking suspect in la county
All law enforcement in Los Angeles has many tricks in their bag of tricks to try to pull off. These vehicles stopped, we heard them before when they were on surface streets trying to use some spike strips to put an end to this, but that didn't work because they just didn't have a chance to get ahead of that vehicle. fast enough and deploying those spike strips on the freeway makes it even more difficult, we know this from anyone who lives in the Los Angeles area, we all sit, we all watch and we all have an idea of ​​how they can do these things the most part of the time.
It's basically just following that vehicle, hopefully the driver will come to their senses and just stop, but are there real ways to stop this, of course, but they have to have those windows of opportunity to make that difficult and get them to back up. ? into the number one lane when he does this, I always think if he's looking for an exit ramp because you know he's moving to the right making those sharp turns, but right now it looks like westbound 10 his destination is West is moving very , very fast this morning on the 10 freeway and it doesn't look like the speeds are slowing down, but the helicopter, the sheriff's helicopter, is still overhead making those calls, maybe we'll see some CHP intervention here shortly, you know, that's .
Well, and you know, a lot of times we see these things run out of fuel and now we found out that this started in the West Covina area, but it basically went through that area, but right now this vehicle is still moving. very, very quickly and we're getting confirmation that you know car theft is a real crime, a dangerous crime in itself, but when you hear car theft, it could actually just be someone opening the door saying come out or I'm coming, I'm going to hit you or however it was taken, but it was physically taken by someone's force and just the words carjacking, you just think to yourself, you know I'm not personally going to walk away from my vehicle if someone just threatens me, but If you show me a gun or something like that you know I'm going to get out of the car even though I love my car very much right there you can see the sheriff's department still behind code three that at least is giving a lot of information to the people in the area, the drivers in the highway, alerting them that something is happening, they could turn their heads just to see and could help prevent a possible collision right now, although about nine, basically less than 90 got the information.
The mileage there has basically increased by almost 90 miles per hour, but it continues heading west and that's basically the direction this vehicle has been going since we heard about it, even when it was on the surface streets, it's going a little south. , but West seemed to be the direction this truck or this driver this truck wanted to go right now, although they are still driving at high speed on the highway, lightening up a little, but everyone knows when we start to reach the area of Boyle Heights in downtown Los Angeles. that traffic is really going to start backing up, hopefully, no one's going to get hurt, uh, you know, the speeds are like he's leveled them off, he's gotten into that shared lane, maybe he's doing it, doing that moment there, the Traffic is lighter, this is one of those.
The paid lanes are express lanes, so there is less traffic and you can see it passing a lot of that gridlocked traffic as it enters that busier area in downtown Los Angeles. You know, we've seen these vehicles really start to get aggressive. I never want to see anyone get hurt, but in my personal opinion, I don't even want to see anyone's car get damaged. You know, we see these suspects basically go through traffic crashing into other cars just to get by right now, although I do hear some cross talk. in the helicopter correct me if I'm wrong some bad luck for one of the officers in front as we heard one of them got a flat tire while chasing this so now it's basically the helicopter and maybe the the another one has to get there we go here we go past very far and we're going to get out of here itself, just getting off that highway, making a little bit of a sharp turn and making our way towards uh towards the I have to look, it's the san gabriel there monterey park monterey park so we'll be on the lookout hopefully this vehicle will start to obey some of these traffic signs uh traffic signs that was one of the things that really worried me on our way here, I was constantly hearing the words run the red light pass a going through a red light and you just worry, so I personally do when that happens, someone has a green, maybe it's just, you know, trying to go on the wrong side of the road and definitely coming to a solid line. red here you can see that for a long time and yeah, and just passing by Garfield there, I heard that that suburban guy that was behind him when he got off the freeway was some kind of law enforcement officer that they haven't made contact with. with that person, but apparently law enforcement in that suburb is probably keeping up with this vehicle, but at 60 miles an hour on these streets here, I think this is going to be the valley we're taking, uh, it's just, you know, It's too fast, that's all.
I have to say I'm slowing down a little bit, but again, I'm very happy that we don't have traffic out here, coming to a major one here in a moment, a major intersection, I think it's going to be a mission, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah , okay, oh, no. No, no, yes, oh, yes, and you know every time they come to those intersections, you at least slow down a little bit, but it's still an idea that you don't want to see that kind of collision with that white vehicle. is chasing that van right there in that suburb, we're getting confirmation that it's some kind of law enforcement officer, maybe undercover, but we definitely keep this suspect, this, this, after the early afternoon hours, making another sharp turn towards the south, which is the Atlantic heading south.
The Atlantic is where it is now, but you know this driver clearly committed this car theft crime. This vehicle does not want to be stopped. It seems like this person is doing everything he can right now to keep the police away from them, but. It looks like we're continuing west, so there might be a destination. Everything will unfold. We will see it live, but again you can see that the vehicle is now taking the center lane and heading against traffic. That police vehicle. You know we can see the strobe lights from time to time, but we can also know that they have sirens.
I think this is going to be in the valley, it's what they're talking about on Valley Boulevard right now, so it's heading west down the valley. Another law. The Monterey Park police could be involved and the sheriff's helicopter above, but my goodness, we're glad we didn't see a collision. Hopefully this comes to a peaceful end as the vehicle stops somewhere definitely accelerating on the highway. There is no doubt about it. We're in the Valley, we're heading west, it looks like we're getting to Fremont, that's going to be the next big one here and you're right, I was calling it, I was calling Monterey Park, we're clearly in Alhambra.
I wonder if that vehicle that's chasing him now, the black and white of that suburban, has backed away. I wonder if it's a sheriff's unit or possibly, uh, Monterey Park, but you can see that suburban right there, definitely, law enforcement. offering some type of backup to his brothers right there, since the sheriff's vehicle I think will be number one in this search and then also because it is a possibility or it is described as a carjacking, that is not a possibility, that is the description they will definitely want to have backup when this comes to an end, I think on the 710 where the 710 meets the valley and it looks like we're going to take the 7 10 southbound.
I'm looking out the window which is a really good shot, it's wide open down there, but we'll see what happens when it gets to the 10 freeway like we've been saying you've really been having a love affair with that thing going west, so we'll see where. this goes on but the speed is definitely increasing as he enters an empty 710 freeway heading south out of the valley and there is definitely a sheriff's department behind him and in the air making those calls trying to keep those people safe in the highway as the suspect continues to flee from


, um, that's right, and those are the great blessings of what we've been seeing right now, you have the California Highway Patrol taking over the sheriff's department on the ground, That doesn't mean those sheriff units are just, you know, stopping and going back to where they came from.
I have a feeling they will stay close by if this goes off the freeway again, they will be there to take you back to the highway patrol, also just to be very clear once you get to the exit ramp, that officer behind the wheel it's not just that you wash your hands and say, "Oh, it's gone, they'll continue with this as long as they can and make that decision however they want." We'll do it in whatever jurisdiction they end up in, but right now the 710 freeway southbound, two California Highway Patrol troopers behind it, right there, these guys, these are their roads, this is their playground and this guy is definitely not is welcome here so they're going to try to bring this over as quickly as they can and as safely as possible again with that sharp turn to the right we'll take a look and see where it ends up but we're already past if you make a west turn, it'll be on 60 right here, but it looks like we're going to get past that and it looks like the center lanes are pretty much established as soon as I say it, there it goes.
Back to the right again I'll keep my mouth shut until we pass the 60. There we go, we already passed it, so we're going to stay on the 710 southbound right now. This chase continues east to Los Angeles. angels area whoa yeah, it's definitely a destination and whatever it is, changed your mind there, make a hard turn, make a right turn there, we'll take out that exit ramp here in just a second as you get off the freeway, it looks like we're definitely based in the East Los Angeles area. Okay, now I know where we are. We're on Whittier Avenue.
I see the cavalry cemetery right there, so it's definitely in the streets. Maybe it's not the best option. It's going to be very dangerous for any of the people that are on the road down there. This vehicle appears to have no regard for any type of red light or traffic signs. He slowed down a bit, which seems to be an advantage, maybe that sharp turn. It scared him, it looked like the back end might have come out a little when he made that turn, uh, it looks like we're crossing the highway again right there, we'll give you these locations here in just a moment, but you're right, I actually have to do it. .
I admit that it seems like this person has a destination in mind rather than simply taking the opportunity to take whatever path seems to be in front of him at the moment and continue making his way. In this neighborhood the speeds have slowed down a little at times, that means you could be in an area you know because you might jump and run or you're in an area you have no idea where you are and maybe you're trying to get back to a main road, well he got on those, was on the telegraph there for a few moments and headed back to highway five, this time I'm looking out the window, it looks like we're definitely going south on highway five, just saying seeing where there's the citadel on Atlantic Avenue, yeah, you're definitely going south on five right there and you had a chance to get off the freeway, you're going to stay on the freeway, so we're right next to the citadel, heading south, no we have our map technology, it just gave up on us, it couldn't keep up with that chase, so we can't give you those exact speeds that we've been seeing. but you can tell from the traffic down there that this vehicle is moving a little faster than average traffic, so on Los Angeles five southbound there is no traffic, I probably still timed it correctly at about 80 miles per hour despite which is about yeah definitely about 80 passing that big truck there and again the california highway patrol are still down there 100 they have a sheriff's department helicopter keeping it two helicopters just uh jackson our pilot today just told me that There are actually two helicopters from the The sheriff's department is following him now, they really want this guy in custody.
There have been many times where we have seen a chase where they backed away because of the dangers or they just felt it, you know, whoever it is, thank God I'm the one making those decisions, but someone. on the range is making that decision, well, let's let this guy balk at taking the risk of injuring someone. This one appears to be very different, so they must have some information on that driver. They really want this guy off the road and into custody, yeah truck, yeah, that Prius said, yeah, that Prius over there keeps blocking a man, looks like we're taking an exit ramp again, so here's what which I mean, even if I wasn't following a chase in this area here in the trade.
I'm always so confused by Telegraph Bandini all these roads, but we'll get you some roads right here when you came off the highway, it looks like it's doing a U-turn and going the wrong way, so maybe it looks like we're going north. I got off at Garfield and you can see right there, always busy, downtown Shaxton is always busy and this guy just makes his way, makes his way through those red lights and makes another turn south and, uh, let's see if passes under a highway or, oh, it seems. like we're going to head north from Garfield right now so let's keep an eye on it and I just got the thumbs up from Jackson at the helm of Skyfox he definitely has it in sight and I actually see it down below.
There it also seems that he is approaching another important one and it seems that we are moving west once again. I'm trying to see where law enforcement is. They've fallen behind, but that helicopter is still overhead shouting these. streets so uh, yell, yeah, turning right, it looks like it's getting like, again, kind of stuck between a bunch of these big trucks down there, we're going to keep an eye out for that too, uh, we hear it. . very clearly that all the units on the ground have backed off, so that's one of those decisions that someone is making way above my pay grade and they're basically telling the guys on the ground to back off at least for now.
I've got that helicopter still on me, I just have to make sure I hear that and make sure it's correct, but they're going to keep an eye on it to see if that can get this driver to slow down a little bit. maybe you won't run the next red light, maybe you'll reduce those speeds to a safer speed and that way you'll protect some of the public since you're going on the wrong side of the road without anyone chasing you there and, but uh Ya You know, we keep an eye on them, but if this comes to an end or this vehicle stops or it just stops and the guy gets out or the girl, believe me, you will see a police officer.
Appears out of nowhere, apparently he's going to try to stop this guy right now, although it seems to be working, driving a little slower and we're waiting to see what happens when we get to a red light, but we'll definitely try. to blend in, it looks like he's trying to blend in with the traffic, here comes one of those sharp left turns and clearly there's a red light for him and, uh, he opens, there he is, there he is and uh, yeah, and he's making that turn, so he's driving. a little better, but he's definitely still dangerous to any of the people who might be near him and this chase continues now and I think we're back in Washington, maybe I'm completely flipped, I have to look out the window and find him.
Sorry, we don't have it, we don't have our mapping technology today right there, 710 North Atlantic. Well, I can tell you right now that it basically left Bandini and returned to the Atlantic. He could have entered at 7-10, but he stayed away from that. This highway takes you back to the five, so we'll be keeping an eye on that as well the guys of the guys and the girls in the law enforcement arena that everyone has supported. Those are not the drivers, nor the law enforcement, boots on the ground, as it would be more coming from their bosses, they basically said it's too dangerous, let's back off, let that helicopter do its job, keep an eye on where it is. .
Thing goes, hopefully this person will look in the rearview mirror from time to time and notice that no one is chasing me, they might be doing that right now as we approach a parking area and basically, you know. , speed down. It would be finding out they attacked him again, thank you, that's just who I am, what is Jack, what is Jackson trying to tell me? So yes, they have attacked the sheriff's department again in the


of this vehicle, the helicopter that is on top. and again we are in the city of commerce and there are a lot of big trucks here, a lot of unusual traffic, a lot of big trucks trying to make U-turns or trying to make their way into a lot of the businesses here, so it's also dangerous for them, which It makes driving a little more difficult, but the sheriff's department I can tell you who is behind the wheel trained in this type of train driving with these types of maneuvers, the guy who is a girl behind the wheel. from that car theft van, white van, I'm guessing he probably doesn't have any high speed driving experience except for what we've been seeing today, hopefully no one gets hurt.
We heard them before, when this happened and up by azusa in that area of ​​the san gabriel valley uh they were out of the ravine and I heard them clearly say that one of the units had a spike strip and was trying to get into position, so They couldn't and we've all seen enough chases in Southern California that we know this vehicle is moving too fast for any type of pit maneuver situation, so right now we're keeping an eye on it and it looks like we're getting back on track. highway, we'll take you that highway here in a moment, but you know, that's basically what they can do, they'll try to keep an eye on this vehicle, they might have someone behind them, they might back up, but eventually this.
The person will stop and when that happens, that is when they will have their moment to try to stop that suspect. Right now it looks like we're on Highway 5 when we're looking out the window, we're headed back to Disneyland so we're going south and you can see the vehicle reset into that traffic and it's moving a little bit faster than it would. What everyone else does, but that sheriff's unit right behind him, lights and sirens. Hopefully that will get the attention of some of these drivers and they will be able to get out of the way, do what is predictable, that's what the


behind the wheel have told me a couple of times when we ask them, it's like when Hear those lights at the sirens, don't stop, don't hit the brakes, I mean, unless you're a suspect, like you're watching a cop make her way to the right, that's all we expect you to do. to the right make way and that's predictable at this point, although this vehicle continues to weave through traffic and it looks like looking ahead it's going to get increasingly denser and maybe those lights and sirens someone could really do that.
I'm not supposed to do it and pull him over, that might create that moment where well, now there's a couple of law enforcement officers who will be able to stop the traffic and take the suspect into custody. um, oh yeah, not a collision, not even one like. the paint swap comment i haven't seen any of that this afternoon or at all which is surprising this driver is still driving very very erratically so i have to thank justin for keeping this out and keeping up these wonderful shots . to us and letting me know that they have changed the East Los Angeles Sheriff's Department as the ones who are actually chasing this suspect now as he heads south on the five freeway, uh, dr, the road itself looks . like it's going to be like this for a while law enforcement is doing what they can just get a little bit closer make that command presence maybe just if that suspect sees like, hey, there's four officers behind me and maybe make that That makes the right decision and just stop, leave it as it would be now, although with the mentality that I can, the only thing I can say is that whoever is driving this vehicle is trying to drive while they can, but don't. being stopped and that type of mentality is very dangerous and law enforcement understands that and sees it added to the fact that this is a carjacking suspect and this person may be armed which makes him extremely dangerous for law enforcement of law enforcement when this stops his arresting this person might be a little more difficult than we've seen in the past right now, although that guy in that car, that 530 store that you see right there, is an excellent driver who does a job incredible to keep the public. sure and that suspect just knowing we're here we're right behind you just stop no well the traffic is pretty much the same it might be getting a little lighter we need to make it clear we've been heading south. five now for a few moments and I can tell you that we just passed the 605 freeway and we continue south so we get back into the Orange County area, the speeds are actually decreasing as it would be, I mean, although we are still passing many of these cars on the highway, we no longer see the situation in California, where the sheriff's vehicle is not sure exactly what it is doing there.
I know Justin is working on our ocd maybe he's backing up that's that vehicle that was behind him the whole time store 5 30. So oh maybe what they're doing is returning this to the California Highway Patrol and so. That sheriff's unit is basically yielding to the other law enforcement and maybe just staying in the area in case they need help, but you see that vehicle as I look out the window, that lane is wide open for quite a while. clusters as we approach Disneyland, but at this moment, although the Highway PatrolCalifornia seems to be taking over and this vehicle, a carjacking vehicle, started in the Baldwin Park area and continues south on five, several officers we have four of them on the take, at least one or two in the air keeping up, but they want this person in custody and clearly there's a little more to the story than we know just from an evading vehicle, we're hearing it's a carjacking, hopefully this person, If he has a gun, he'll hand it over immediately when this comes to an end or possibly throw it out the window, but right now, this chase continues heading south.
It is suspected that we are carrying out a car theft on the five highways. We move away from the Los Angeles area in downtown Los Angeles and back to the Orange County area, but again there are multiple law enforcement agencies, that is, jurisdictions, which means there is a sheriff's department in the air and on the ground and also a California Highway Patrol behind him. Now everyone wants to work together just to stop this vehicle and detain the suspect safely. It wasn't right, uh, definitely, you know, it looks like we're getting new information that this is a carjacking with a hostage situation, which means it's possibly us.
I haven't seen this yet and like the authorities until they actually see it, that's what we're going to look for, but apparently there may be a female passenger inside that vehicle. Those windows are highly tinted. We couldn't see it before. Also the driver, the suspect of this vehicle, the car thief, as he would apparently be extremely agitated. Well, we saw it and we understand that that could be his reaction to being followed by the police. You know, hell, it's cause and effect, man, but anyway, what? What we see right now are extremely slow speeds. Police are slowing traffic behind this vehicle.
That vehicle is still driving. Are you running out of gas? Is there a conversation inside that taxi right now? Hopefully, whatever it is, it will lead to a very peaceful ending. without anyone getting hurt, including the potential victim and also the suspect behind the wheel, law enforcement, this is something you know we don't mention enough. They're concerned about everyone's safety when it comes to detaining people right now, though definitely. It looks like this car, this carjacking vehicle is slowing down and maybe stopping due to the driver's desire, maybe it's running out of gas, it's not clear, but it's not a very good place if this turns out to be a dead end. because we are on 5 southbound. highway heading towards Orange County, this will create a traffic nightmare if this vehicle stays on the highway and this becomes a confrontation combiner, there you go, there you go, you put your hands out the window and it looks like the passenger window could be going down too so it's clear now it's clearer that there's someone on the passenger side, they just have to double check yeah definitely looking at the hands on both sides so the driver and the passenger something came out the window right there, not sure what.
That was it, but something just went out the window. This is very positive, especially for law enforcement. The door opening on the passenger side believed to be the carjacking victim is possibly doing a kidnapping victim at this time, although she is outside. He put his hands out the driver put his hands up I'm also sure that they're following, uh, whatever the police tell them to do, they're following instructions that will get them a little bit closer They might stop them both because, until really know, they won't know what was going on inside that van, so the driver is definitely the number one they're going to want to stop.
Put the handcuffs on, I saw that woman get up, maybe she continues walking back to the police, but don't be surprised if they handcuff her, it's not because you know they're trying to be thugs. or whatever they just want to make sure she's a victim and they're not there's something else going on that they don't know until they know and that's the deal with the authorities but it's definitely coming to an end that's carminina . It's going to be a long chase on the southbound 5 Freeway exit ramp, some very dangerous moments. Thank God no vehicles were damaged in this chase, but until the handcuffs are on both of them and you are talking to them. on the part of the authorities, this will be a situation until we see that it is all over right now, although like I said, they are going to handcuff her, talk to her, try to find out exactly what is happening to the driver of that vehicle.
The same thing is going to happen to him, but right now they have to take him into custody and again, if it's a possible carjacking, a gun still in play, that's right, that's the suspect, the driver that we should be. Of course it was a person who was driving this truck erratically for so long that she got out, they stopped her first, they have her in handcuffs, but again, just so you know, so you can find out exactly what's going on a little bit of communication between the officer and the suspect right there, possibly just asking if you know you're going to resist, you have a gun, something like that, we clearly saw the head shake, but they're going to arrest this person right now. figure out exactly what was going on in this whole scenario, but before that really starts to happen, you can see those officers right there approaching the vehicle making sure there's no one else inside there and again, you just know it's the same thing.
Until all the possibilities of danger have been eliminated, there is always the possibility of danger, there you have the universal code 4 which means that there is no one inside that vehicle and now, hopefully, they will let some of that traffic open in the 5 freeway southbound because it's building up really fast but two people in custody no one was hurt this is the type of chase if we have to cover them these are the ones i always like im okay i can tell you the california highway patrol are very, One of the things they always have in mind is moving highway traffic, so they are going to open these lanes as soon as possible.
Hopefully they'll make it here in the next moment or two five heading south. You saw that photo. For asking Justin to put the tray there, he's backing up quite a bit, but they have to make sure that vehicle is on the side, they did. You have to see what was possibly thrown away and I can tell you right now. At one point, they're starting to open those lanes back up, there you go, they've got traffic coming through, so on Highway 5 there's some slowdown, it'll probably be 30 minutes before it's really back to normal, but the Highway Patrol California does an amazing job.
Job, they were the ones who were there when this vehicle definitely stopped. He ran out of gas. I wonder if we will ever know and again, the sheriff's department had it for a long time.

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