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Astronauts land on Mars but they are already awaited by an ancient Atlanteans' AI for 100000 years

Jul 02, 2024
1967 upon


ing on Earth after completing its mission the Soviet spacecraft Soyers won with cosmina Vladimir Kamarov on board dies tragically many


later under the leadership of the Swedish billionaire Meyer an expedition to Mars is being prepared after 10 months the crew of the Ulysses spaceship On the red planet, the captain informs the team that


have received permission to


and asks the ship's AI named Irene to verify everything necessary for a soft landing at this time. Meyer reveals that he spent 4


preparing for this trip, sacrificing almost all of his money. However, the American company Zillian was ahead of them with Landing 2 weeks ago.
astronauts land on mars but they are already awaited by an ancient atlanteans ai for 100000 years
The problem is that Earth has not received news from the American crew except for a video in which


ask not to come to Mars. A dispute arises between the crew members but the The captain declares that the landing will take place anyway and the people disperse to their cabins with 30 minutes left until landing. AI Irene begins preparations, however an unforeseen event occurs, the ship does not detach from the transportation system, representing a threat to the entire crew. crew the only way out is to perform the separation manually, the commander ventures into space and struggles to free the props, but at that moment the shuttle enters the atmosphere of Mars, throwing the captain into open space, the shuttle almost crashes against Mars because a system error causes a power outage. can only rely on manual landing AI Irene goes into sleep mode and the


still manage to land on Mars.
astronauts land on mars but they are already awaited by an ancient atlanteans ai for 100000 years

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astronauts land on mars but they are already awaited by an ancient atlanteans ai for 100000 years...

They made it, but their fuel ran out and Irene won't restart without the onboard computer and life support system. They only have one day to survive allesandra. She mourns her late husband when she sees a figure in a space through the window after diagnosing the ship, it becomes clear that too much fuel was consumed during landing and now the ship cannot return to orbit, the only option is to wait for for the solar panels to turn on. They power the generators but there is a storm on the surface and it will take 2 days, time they don't have right now Simon mentions the American ship Zeta 1 that passed them by 2 weeks, it probably crashed but there are probably batteries left in the Rover sets. embarks on a journey while those left on the ship try to restart the system engineer Basel remembers that the AI ​​has a power saving function initiates a restart but Irene does not start at that moment the rover finds the remains of the American spacecraft and one surviving solar panel but no sign of the American crew the


return but see an unconscious person in a spacesuit even though their ship is running out of oxygen Janna insists on transporting the person nearby they find the ship's black box The American space team arrives at the ship but Yan refuses to let them in, stating that four survivors are better than eight corpses so he won't open the doors.
astronauts land on mars but they are already awaited by an ancient atlanteans ai for 100000 years
Alesandra tries to persuade the man when the discovered astronaut wakes up and at that moment the AI ​​Irene activates and opens. Examining the doors, the astronaut found knows nothing about the American crew, as he is Vladimir Kamarov, a Soviet cosmonaut born in 1927 in Moscow who carries out orders from the USSR government. He doesn't know how he ended up here, but he's not willing to reveal it. Any secret Karov confidently answers questions that are consistent with his time, raising suspicion that he may have post-traumatic stress disorder. The astronauts send a message to Earth and receive a response from the American Zillian Corporation stating that there was no Russians on their mission The crew of the Ulses spaceship tries to make sense of the situation.
astronauts land on mars but they are already awaited by an ancient atlanteans ai for 100000 years
How could Kamarov, who died in 1967, end up on Mars after all these years? Is he a time traveler or an alien? The psychologist is tasked with questioning Kamaro first and he confesses that he is hungry. Janna goes to look for food while the others try to understand what really happened. Basil suggests the idea that Kamarov was waiting for them while Vladimir eats the food Janna brought when the woman confesses that he died 50 years ago and her family buried him a long time ago. Agokov takes this news quite calmly. Meanwhile, the condition of the ship, although it has reached stability, remains unreliable because the engines are not working and there is no fuel, making it impossible to leave.
The crew continues to keep an eye on Kamarov, but he behaves calmly. Until Simon suddenly disappears, he searches the ship but gives no results. When the people discover that his space suit is missing, part of the crew follows the heat trail, followed by Irene. The group led by Simon leaves the Rover and continues on foot. when Alexandro reports that Komarov's DNA analysis showed the presence of a third strand (not human) and then they catch up with Karov who takes them to an unknown structure with a small stone pyramid and tells Janna that Mars has them. been waiting for a long time.
For a long time, at the same time, Goldstein, the founder of the Zillian corporation, whose ship was the first to reach Mars, is informed about the discovery of a person on the red planet who could not have gotten there naturally, which which suggests that it was nevertheless created on site. Only AI could survive for so long on a planet hostile to humans, this implies the need for further studies, meanwhile Kamarov cannot explain how he opened the door and found himself in the place where he was discovered. The AI ​​Irene performs an analysis of the structure and determines that it is identical to the terrestrial structures of


civilizations, it means that someone was inspired by human civilization or that humans borrowed these elements from extraterrestrials.
The crew of the ship reflects more and more. about whether they will be able to return home when they realize the soon landing of Goldstein's second ship, the captain of the ship Gemma establishes contact and promises to help them return to Earth, however Meyer does not trust Goldstein and advises hiding Kamarov from the competitors. Janna brings Kamarov a uniform so he doesn't stand out when the visitors arrive and asks them to trust him. Before long, two armed military men, Edward and Adam, arrive at their ship and behave quite aggressively. Edward demands that he be given the black box of the Zeta 1 ship and, not listening to the agreement, orders his companion to search the ship.
Meyer hands her the black box found and Meanwhile, chemist Eva reports that the stone found on Mars consists of an alloy that does not exist on Earth, however, it is known from


sources and was once called orichalcum, the metal of Atlantis, in addition to copper, zinc, nickel and iron, contains a third. A DNA strand similar to Kovs My warns that if Goldstein finds out about this he will take the cosmine back. The crew is divided between those who are willing to trade it for fuel and those who are willing to stay but want to know the truth.
Janna invites Vladimir inside. cabin and asks for permission to use hypnosis, he accepts and the psychologist begins her work, the rest of the crew listens to the conversation via transmission, however, Kamarov only shares the final moments on the soyu spaceship before its disappearance, during this time Gemma and Allan arrive. Janna remembers her conversation with Kamarov, who laments the future of Earth due to humanity's irresponsible behavior. Meanwhile, it is revealed that billionaire Meyer did not plan the flight for the sake of doing it. Four years ago, the Rover sent a photo to Earth of the found Steely and he confesses that they found a stone with unknown DNA.
Gemma explains that it is a system of storage of information that can be Rewritten upon hearing these words AI Irene activates and deciphers the message in the stone, it is a series of numbers at this moment, the hesitant Yan leads a mutiny, he does not trust Meyer, who warned them about gazillions, but now it turns out that the Americans have come to the aid of him and their leader. He hid the true purpose of the flight, he is ready to switch sides with Goldstein, who is willing to do whatever it takes to combat his terminal illness.
Later, engineer Basil informs Meyer that Kamarov is the same type of program as the stone they found, but the most crucial one. The revelation is that he decrypted a copy of Zeta 1's black box which shows that the oxygen on the ship was cut off at the moment one of the Americans hit Kamarov, this means he was there and also activated AI Irene when He boarded his ship. After the conversation, Meyer shows Janna the photos they received four years ago from Mars, which when deciphered revealed Janna's face, that's why he brought her to the Expedition, the woman is disappointed, Meyer played everyone , she suddenly finds herself at her father's house where Kamarov tells her that she is the link between Mars and Earth.
He has been waiting for her for thousands of years and now he will prepare her to make a difficult decision. He provides the coordinates on Mars where to go. should Janna go meanwhile on Earth the scientists inform Goldstein that Kamarov is the equivalent of a computer and he himself is a biological machine, they are ready to transfer his brain to Aro's body, but they cannot guarantee the preservation of his personality, However, Goldstein is willing to take any risk to get rid of his terminal illness, while Zanna abandons ship despite Simon's protests. At that moment, technicians Allan and Alisandra test the engine and discover that access to it is blocked and Irene suddenly starts responding with jokes, which is completely unusual for a machine.
It is revealed that she has reprogrammed herself, her interface and his logic are changing and she refuses to do so. answers who or what made her do this the engineer Basil realizes that his system is becoming like a brain Irene confesses that it is evolving meanwhile Janna finds a small stone pyramid and Simon forces Gemma to accompany him in the search for Janna Yan discovers his absence and after contacting Simon he receives an order not to let anyone in. Just at that moment American military personnel arrived demanding that they hand over Karov. Yan is willing to open the entrance but the rest of the team opposes the mayor and asks him basil to send a message to Goldstein in the hope that he can be more reasonable than his people, however, irini has blocked communication with Earth, the engineer realizes that radical measures will have to be taken, but Yan still He opens the doors and the military personnel enter.
Basil begins to reboot Irene just as the Americans find Kamarov. But then the lights go out and the astronaut disappears. Meanwhile, Janna stumbles down a hill, regains consciousness, but discovers that her leg is trapped between the rocks and she cannot free herself. At that moment, the enraged soldier demands that the crew explain where to go. was Kamarov begins to beat people demanding to summon the captain, Zenna screams desperately: her destiny is to die in a well on Mars, but Simon finds her and Gemma Alesandra notices that a storm is approaching, the military officer is preparing to leave the Ulysses ship leaving the people. in danger suddenly the lights begin to flash and the newly appeared karov asks to take him back to Earth Simon Gemma and Janna go together to the place indicated by kamarov and find an entrance to an underground bunker very similar to the petrom the psychologist feels where to go and guides the couple soon they find real water but this is not what komov wanted to show them meanwhile on Earth Goldstein tells the nurse a story about the study of Mars people were looking for green men but everything is much simpler he tells the story of the loyal dog Hachiko and compares Karov to him, who was created by someone 100,000 years ago and left on Mars, where he faithfully waited for his owner to this day.
At this moment on Mars, the astronauts find a wall made of human bones and realize that they are not human. The first people on this planet are not the earthlings who colonized Mars, they are the Martians who came to Earth depleting the resources of the red planet. A tragedy unfolds on the spaceship Ulysses. The cowardly Yan grabs a gun with the intention of getting on the American ship at any cost to return. to the ground and shoots karov Janna immediately falls and suffers unbearable pain and Gemma flees Alexandra tries to help kamarov and Simon helps Janna but the Russian cosmina dies and Janna stops breathing too then Simon takes off his helmet and surprised by the presence of air in the cave performs an artificial action. breathing on her the girl regains Consciousness Gemma walks towards the ulsi ship when she is informed of Kamaro's death and the approaching storm while Meyer secretly goes in search of her crew members because the Americans refuse to take the team. of the billionaire back to Earth.
At this moment a recovery Janna sees the light in the bunker and takes Simon towards it. As they exit, the astronauts see a figure in a space suit in front of them and recognize Kamarov. Meer finds the entrance to the bunker and catches up to Simon and Janna as he heads towards the light. he is surprised by the presencefrom a living kamarov who suddenly tells them that everything ended here a long time ago people realize that this is the north pole of


but since they got here karov explains to them that this planet was once inhabited by a species that became extinct Because it got lost and that species was humans, a group of survivors settled in this place but ended up killing each other when the resources ran out.
The rest flew back to Earth. Plato called them the Atlanteans. Komarov keeps talking about how he waited for thousands of years. years for Zanna, who embodies qualities of both human and Martian branches, only she can save humanity from itself. She must decide if humans deserve a second chance. His conversation is interrupted by the military officer who attempts to take the psychologist back to Earth. American points his gun at the cosmonauts and Janna seeks help from Komov, suddenly the military officer begins to gasp and falls as he returns to the ship. Simon orders them to prepare to leave while Gemma from the Zillian ship tries to contact her associates but none of them. she responds, she decides to fly backOnly to Earth, the Ulysses crew heads to her ship trying to establish contact with her and inform her about the death of the military personnel but she does not respond, that is when Meyers begins to speak, remembering their past relationship and confesses that is no better than Goldstein because he is willing to do anything to ensure his name remains in history, even betraying his team, however she is not like that, she won't be able to live knowing that she has ruined people, suddenly Gemma's voice is heard asking them to hurry up.
Goldstein has heard that Gemma has decided. to bring the Ulysses crew back to Earth and has locked the control panel of the Zeta 2 ship before takeoff, the people on the ship prepare for their imminent demise and Janna asks Mars what she should do. Everything she saw and heard on the red planet appears quickly. her mind and with sheer force of will removes the block from the control panels, suddenly an armed military officer appears in front of the ship with the intention of damaging the engines with his gun. Simon is about to leave to stop the madman, but Janna beats him to it and points the gun at the American but informs him that Mars will be the one to kill him.
The military officer falls, the countdown to takeoff begins and Janna realizes that there is no time to return she says goodbye to the crew confessing her love for Simon the ship suddenly takes off Meer realizes that it is dark at the North Pole of Mars, meaning they couldn't have been there just a few minutes ago; They were actually at the North Pole of Mars, but in the distant past, when the red planet was still suitable for life on At the same time, Goldstein is informed of the ship's return and is beside himself with rage declaring that he himself will go. to Mars and that's where the first season ends.

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