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Aston Martin DBS Superleggera road test review. The ultimate Aston V12

May 30, 2021
Welcome to Harry's new garage and today's Aston Martin DBS Superleggera cars. You see behind me the definitive version of the DB 11 car that I actually had here two years ago almost to this day and I really enjoyed that car, this big jump in horsepower now 715 horsepower. of 600 horsepower and the conversation increases another 30%, as well as 663 pound-feet of torque, big numbers and also the list price, as you can imagine, also increases, so 225 thousand pounds for the super Azera compared to one hundred and fifty-four the last time I


ed. the DB 11, if you really want the example behind me of the super Adair and this really beautiful paint and some extras on the exterior, two hundred and sixty seven thousand pounds, great numbers, let's go and take a closer look and see the changes that What made this car a big change from a design point of view is this completely new front appearance, it's almost like a cigar, so the grille is much deeper than on the DB 11 and also those side intercoolers they're also new, so the dramatically different one on the front and also two extra large vents on this hood, the clamshell hood again, it's made of carbon fiber and then on the side, those vents coming out of the front arch , you can see a slightly bigger shine as straight carbon discs are standard on this one.
aston martin dbs superleggera road test review the ultimate aston v12
The wheels have now also gone up to 21 inches on the side, there is no that type of carbon on the bottom, the lower sill on actually it was body color here and then around the back there are different lights, there is also dual exhaust of any size depending on source and interior just a different treatment it's kind of a small fixed change for the Aero, same type of era where we see it in a little more detail one minute and then the actual lights are different and in a way go directly on top of that. The Aston Martin writing is actually quite different and also on this car it has an exposed carbon fiber roof, everything is lacquered in carbon on top, as are the mirrors.
aston martin dbs superleggera road test review the ultimate aston v12

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aston martin dbs superleggera road test review the ultimate aston v12...

I don't know, I really like the look of the DV 11. I think it's a modern interpretation. from Aston Martin oh they also have the other change on the front, there are those lights, the LED lights, there is a police report that they were not very good at night, okay, I love this style of doors from Aston, the handle comes out like this and then it rises it's like it has a motor and it rises at such a high angle now it arches back I'll also show you the boots in a minute bust the front down here this was aluminum on the DV 11 I tried now it's beam carbon fiber See the carbon fiber here too, you also see some gold panels here that reflect the heat here and it's also gold on the old oil dipstick and oil cap which is actually an extra 1400 pounds, it's an additional payment of 1495, I'm not sure it's a Great value, but what it is is this engine.
aston martin dbs superleggera road test review the ultimate aston v12
Sincere congratulations on being Harwood, whose name is on this engine, something powerful v12 biturbo and 750 horsepower. No complaints about the amount of power this thing produces and congratulations to Aston for how far behind they have been. I've got it in the engine bay as well as a lot of room in this front and they actually have a 50/50 weight distribution here, so the car actually comes with a winter tight arm, with type zero tires, the same size as the standard ones. but as you'll see it slightly compromises where we hit the


and then also these vents and how it collects all the mud underneath, just like the DB 11 did, but either way it's one of those things you just have to live with .
aston martin dbs superleggera road test review the ultimate aston v12
If you're going to get a DB, there are plenty of other highlights to put on the back and again it's this really clever arrow. DV 11 ago I had a little thing that used to appear here, now it's this fixed blade of carbon fibers. and if I lift the trunk you'll see how this air comes in through those side intakes that we saw before we went through here it comes in at the top of the trunk and it comes out from here and that's how you get this arrow and they actually claim I think it's one hundred and eighty two. loads of downforce to a top speed of 211 miles per hour, so it's apparently very effective.
You will also see that this is also made of carbon fiber. Now that the trunk lid was removed before, it was not as good as me. I said before, there is also good space in the trunk of this thing, so there are some of the details about this car, let's take it outside, let's drive dps as soon as you get in, it has a high seal, but it's something to be expected that is turned on. Carlos, here we are, we have to protect ourselves behind the wheel, there is not a big difference between the DVS and the DV LM and it was one of the slightly weaker parts of the asteroid belt with the DB LM when I first drove it, there is only a bit.
There's too many Mercedes happening and the fact that you have this display permanently on display and then it's enhanced by the Bentley Continental GT and now having that spectacular interior and it's a rival for D me 11, this one just doesn't have that feeling about it even though that they have helped me in some way, this seems to be some kind of carbon fiber trim here or something that helps anyway, let's get things started, but I probably heard that pops and creaks are pretty loud. I should also point out that both types are still booting up so I just press start at that point and we get the full noise eruption of the v12 or if I do it again and hold the button and then it starts in a quarter and I think it's a really good trick, they actually have it because there are times when you don't want the loud starter, but in this car you can't choose between the two.
Now, let's get going. I can just press Drive. I could have just bought an annoying paddle, so now I just want to show all the series how good the cameras are for reversing. I have that Birds IV when I have all the cameras around and I can see exactly what is on each side. of me and the direction to which I am going to retreat. I know a lot of cars have this, but I think it's one of those really cool features we have on modern cars now, so we just use parking sensors. Everything is visually displayed on it: I have a sensor rev counter with just the speed in the middle, it activates in GT mode and voila, we are also presented with this square wheel, which was a saying that strangely works well.
I don't mind at all, it's not too complicated a wheel than how many buttons it has and stuff, so yeah, it's a very nice place to be and I have heated seats, which I quite like because it's three degrees and half out, it's been a little cold today, but it's downhill, but Hale is looking for better


s and will join you later, my Braves got deep just now, we think it's a little out, yeah, and a golf of anyway, yes, a pleasant surprise with this city, although it is like the crazy turbo, vice versa, it moves DB 11, it still moves deeper.
The lips and the DBS have not gone crazy, giving it enormous rigidity, centuries on these adaptive dampers, Skyhold, etc. and yes, when you just throw it in this car, you're surprised at how comfortable they are, but then again, it's pretty heavy. This area is the simplest, so that means light, but there is nothing particularly light about this car. They've used all these carbon fiber panels, so you scratch your head saying, well, why isn't it a little bit lighter? It should weigh around 1,500 kilos. Aston saved but the raider card in the way the car passed the


they got it with fuel etc. and weighed nineteen hundred and ten kilos and just a smidge under two tons, which helps the quality of the ride, the laxity, it's just a good place to be an assistant in.
However, I have to be careful how easy it is to increases speed. It costs $750 per hour. It's kind of a mockery of speed limits. It wasn't my fault, so it helped the engine. Also note that this car thinks about the mirrors that have their domestic stems. and they are a wonderful design. Just showing that the really powerful rear arches on this car work really well and it's just another kind of indicator that you're buying this car. You said yes. I've been a really special car. Just a look in the mirror. stuff on the hood, you're pretty low in this car.
I think one of the first things I do when I enter deep terrain, all this torturous stuff, put the supplement C, yes, very low, the other thing I have to do is the brakes, these carbon ones. brakes oh, they are really difficult to modulate my notice. I said the same thing about DB Lemon. It's on a steel clamp where it's improved tenfold with these carpet brakes. They are so difficult to model that you always touch them. I'm fine. and I just pray that I have to go down again sometime. I'm not sure if you get used to it because come on, I've had this car for a few days now and I'm still doing it now, visibility is good otherwise.
The car also has a darker interior, so it doesn't have all the glare that Debian developers suffer from. There is a funny vs. This is strange. A strange sound for the indicators. It was like someone was beating a drum or something. So you're playing the tape. It also starts in GT mode, which is totally appropriate for the back seats of this car. Well, I haven't met the human being that fits them yet, so there may be a certain size when you grow up, something like five sixes that you could sit on. They have ice to fix in the back, but I don't see you ever getting to the ice thing.
I think it would be much better, like optional folding seats or something and have a bigger cargo space or something This car also has a piano sound system with a little tweeter that pops up; when you start it up it sounds pretty epic but the price is pretty epic and a very nice place to be, nothing tells you about its potential when you just drive like that and of course stop, start as you would expect, it's very easy to control, scroll through the solar systems, i GT, if I press it once, I go into a sport setting, the shifts are very holy, dampening the acceleration speed, sorry the throttle responds so quickly.
What's a little more weight in the steering? An editor presses him once again. Sports Plus, where things feel a little crazy, which is not what I want. Just as I'm driving on some of the local roads, they turn to GT now on the left? On the side I will have the very smart damper settings and what I like about them is the same on TV 11, they are usable if you put it in sport mode, you will use it on the road which is always very good, some of the Germans. Manufacturers go a little crazy when they have billiards on smooth asphalt and it just doesn't work.
In the UK, that is not the case with a disaster. First chance to give this as a bit of exercise, so I've opted for sports in my early 30s, let's see. The first thing that happens is the truck control ramps up the dose, you just can't handle it easily, this equates to yes, try it, dump the power and Nautilus, loose with the traction control, just can't handle it. I think winters are not. It doesn't really help, but that seven and thirty percent increase in travel is giving this car a serious workout, as it turned out, and in some other rows we went down here, so here, right at GG Tebow, it was Street, This car has double glazed windows, I noticed it, but it just knocks it down. the sounds there is a fantastic job just slowing down the shifts, you can go miles in this car without any problems and I'm really impressed with what happens with what I pointed out with a dynamic road like this arm in GT.
Going to sport mode sounds good and the gearbox is more responsive. I'm starting to use horsepower more wisely. You are really using a tool. That's what their engines are all about. It is a spectacular event until 661 has spoken. He has required it. a different Gables that they don't fit at all. I had to talk to them. I realized it first secondly by hearing its power. Would I be in third? Good and I also lowered the gear to make it faster. They cited a six point four. seconds 200 miles per hour whatever number I've ever seen, this car calculated it and they got seven point four seconds 200 seconds slower but still very fast, not as fast as a super fast Ferrari 890 or something like that, but SEP 24 seconds to get your point across.
You know, complain, let's go to Mattie's place. I just played the pattern, come on. I will simply demolish the bitter road like this. You've talked, but I've seen a contrast control light flashing a lot, especially the lower gears are not designed to be used. a higher gear only for the limited hum can be deployed on the road if not further, they touch, it passes by here, it just has some of those characteristics of a typical car where it is more difficult to balance the greater power. I can't, it keeps you turned on. toes, to say the least, are surprised that it's okay, they're in the tiresIt's winter and it's almost two and a half degrees outside, but this is giving those red tires some serious working conditions, so how does this car sum up well?
It's a big step forward. from DB eleven things I really like are the ceilings it's really out it looks modern it looks like it's still sold out huge but it doesn't look like it's not looking back it's just looking forward and it's dramatic and edgy and ASA has a WOW factor, it's are I really don't like the way it looks. I like its usability. I like its visibility. The ease of controls. Still, Indy, ahead, you can use it every day. the fact that they also stuck with a v12 there is a magic in a v12 just get this glorious deep park where the turbos were has a wonderful voice this car right there are quite a few butts with us come on one of those brakes they drove take me crazy Susan down Island Road this way I get to town man I just gotta wash up I'm too sensitive I'm overreacting and I haven't gotten used to them in the days I've had this car there's no chance I can. use this, I get it, no, garbage control might weigh too much.
I think they saw that they ate the holes and that maximum torque kicks in at speeds of 1,800 and it's the chatter that overloads the rear tires. I don't have a chance to turn. the engine, uh, what's not happening at the top end when I'm really pushing the car, it's passing a bit of Frost just because all of that completely overwhelms the tires. I don't know, I'm committed to his two degrees outside. I want those winter tires. I think I'll have to


this card in the summer, but. If I want to use this everyday car, this is kind of yours, so I'll give it a try and be careful when you're overtaking or something like that exists in the back of your mind.
Can I use formality? and I think I've reached the limit of what they can achieve with two-wheel drive, probably God can do it, but since the interior doesn't feel like 270,000 pounds of years, it's really shown itself, I think with that Bentley Continental GT that I had the other day. which had a killer interior and could also be faster on a road like this because of its four-wheel drive and also had this super-quick dual-clutch transmission that totally activated some CFL-caliber dynamics, but this and that is a big surprise so See I've enjoyed this car I want to enjoy it more and in my head I think I know I'll pay more to have this look but would I pay a lot more for this car above TV level which it doesn't have bad appearance? car I don't know that's where my head is at this car nice but kind of an 8 out of 10 instead of 9 10 or 10 or so I gave it to the TV level there you go I hope you enjoyed this video if you keep watching , keep subscribing, more videos will come with you.

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