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Assassin's Creed Lineage - Complete Movie

May 10, 2020
1476 have no new Elif Italy art culture and science are flourishing under the guidance of inspired minds so it is dance this is probably the way history will remember us but in the shadows far from gold and knowledge lies another truth corruption betrayal murder secrets secrets so dangerous that I must hide them even from my own family family justice honor these are the values ​​that guide my sword this truth sits in the blood and the shadows are where I strike I am Giovanni Auditore and like my ancestors before me I am an


you come with me I'm behind you I stopped them on the left Florence unfortunately Your Magnificence the fourth man escaped what have you heard from Giovanni rumors about an important event that due to the change of power that man you captured while he was speaking?
assassin s creed lineage   complete movie
However, he will tell us what he knows where, anyway, give me Londo today Christmas, but it is not months of the fifth when the choir vehicle makes noise on the altar when the bell rings for the twelfth and last time. see transit gloria mundi I Also feel the echo of the choir becomes stronger when the bell rings on the 12th last time the Duke of Milan for a stop I just learned quickly he reminds me of you Edd's remember I need to think about the future don't wait Your opponent must move, dispel and surprise him. How do you feel about the death of the Duke of Milan?
assassin s creed lineage   complete movie

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Lorenzo de Medici has lost a powerful ally. I'm sure his enemies are already planning his next move. The death of the athlete was not the end, it was just the beginning and I know that in the fight of my next battle you have served us well in the past, that is why we entrust you to send this letter to our teacher. It's perfect, it's just perfect after all these years, our time has come, cousin, yes, you must. protect this letter with your life until it is delivered, you understand me, go to sanam temple only next to the wine merchant there is a statue, our man will be waiting for you there, don't fail us, he thought she had a backlog of work, what what do you do with this damn one?
assassin s creed lineage   complete movie
Speak well as my witness I will cut your throat My life is not yours and my secrets are rubbery See you now in July Did you find anything in Venice? I intercepted this letter. Take a look around you as it carries the seed of Barbary. says: I never trusted an encrypted letter. It will take you several hours to unlock the secrets from him. I'll send you when it's ready. Giovanni, get some rest. Father Maffei, you cracked the code. That's good. I knew you wouldn't let me down. Father Maffei. Go fast. Giovanni. telling me that we will have to travel soon I will do it with Lorenzo and father remember that you owe us your silence secrets are born here and here they die no one should know the content of this letter capisce well you can go now pedophile or denied a Better that's it, come back soon with We, I promise, I know you should talk to him, I win, tell me dad, why is it a bank?
assassin s creed lineage   complete movie
We go out so often in the middle of the night. Business calls, son, I can come with you. No, why not? I need to. you to help your brother take care of the family while I'm gone I want to help your father this will help more than you think soon more than you know because we broke the seal the original letter we had to make an exact copy father Ramón D is working on one as we speak why we couldn't figure it out. The only way to unlock the secrets of this letter and find out who planned Sforza's murder is to hand it over and see where its magnificence will take us.
I know exactly where. Rome, Barbary goes, I wanted the letter to be delivered to me. I can go, Father Maffei, it's ready. Rome is a dangerous city, my dear Giovanni, are you sure you want to carry out this mission without any help? Yes, for the safety of Florence in honor of the Medici. So be it, go and find the well where these snakes hide and be merciless for the father of understanding, be with us like Rodrigo Borgia, become a messenger even when harshness is necessary, the death of the Duke of Milan changes many things, do alliances really Men are fragile, even cities can change hands as easily as money, as long as God is on our side.
Amen. I have been told that Lorenzo de Medici does not show much respect for our position, that is true, but you could force them to obey you. Florence is weak now we must take advantage of it with your help it is not part of my position to consent to the death of anyone, but my concern is the greater good of the public of Florence, therefore, I am prepared to offer my spiritual support and military aid to ensure the order is maintained it serves the honor of the saint she rego you can count on me your holiness I am looking for the managers came in they must have seen him where he went it has been very quiet I have not seen any other man besides you the hood covers his face he was wearing black clothes No I can help it, maybe God can be right, you will find that yes, your sword will not be enough.
Besides, what happens now depends on you, you have a unique set of skills, Giovanni, that's your name, isn't it kind of? skills that I would be delighted to have on my side which side is that the side that is going to win a war that you don't even know has started but the word is changing under your feet Giovanni join us then you can go see it Borja yes I also know your name. I also know how this is going to end with your fantasy in ruins. A murderer's sword at your throat. We'll see. It's all yours.
Get it. That sword almost pierced your heart. You haven't said a word since he answered what's going on the murder of Giovanni Swartz was just the beginning this is a huge conspiracy Maria I'm pretty sure the next step will happen here in Florence. I'm worried about De Medici's safety because it's that fatal ice. The brown part of my face here wants you to come with him immediately he is not alone armed men are with him Carmen tibideaux my mood Lorenzo de'medici some guards for you why I don't know come back and tell my faith and I'm already gone, buy me some time there you see, I depend on you close to infinity protect the family I told you my father is not here never again doubt the words of an auditor keep this place now you our main problem is that and a murderer whose investigation threatens our plans don't worry I will take care of Giovanni I already have something in mind so nothing will stand in our way anymore My dear children The dark skies are rising over Florence and time is running out the enemy is closer than I thought now the end the battle is about to unfold every man is mortal every life comes to an end but certain things will never change Federico and Ezio my children always remember that we are the hearing difference and we are murderers Oh

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