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Assassin's Creed Facts YOU Should Know | The Leaderboard

Jun 07, 2021
Assassin's Creed has one of the most successful franchises in the gaming industry with the incorporation of real historical characters and events, the series has been able to add an exciting element of realism that other games have not matched and it all starts with Desmond and all the ties. Hi, I'm Kyle Stover with the


and we have all your favorite Assassin's arms and haystacks here, so prepare your hiding places because we have 107


about Assassin's Creed, let's start with number one. Ubisoft created the Assassin's Creed franchise nine years ago and the first game was released on November 13, 2007.
assassin s creed facts you should know the leaderboard
Since then, there have been several sequels to the game along with a movie and a number two comic book series. The game's conflict revolves around the two ancient secret societies of Assassins and Knights. of the Templar number three, the Knights Templar are introduced at the beginning of the game as the year of the Altai ambush and the other two with Malik and his brother from the Temple of Solomon, proving that the Knights Templar


not be underestimated number four due to the time. period, some people may think that Assassin's Creed is highly religious, the franchise actually takes a more philosophical approach and claims that


s have been around longer than Christians or Muslims number five, the game allows the player to take on the role of Altai air a The 12th century


, Ulta Air, lives in the city of Masyaf during the Third Crusade in the Holy Land number six.
assassin s creed facts you should know the leaderboard

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The actual Third Crusade that occurred between eleven eighty-nine and eleven ninety-two was the only crusade in which the actual Knights Templar were number seven, the assassins. During this period of time they were called assassin, which actually translates to assassin, a translation that didn't require too much creativity number eight, unlike those in the game, the real Hassans in real life targeted certain people to further their goals. political and religious number nine. The Haseen was a secret order of Shia Muslims led by the missionary Hasee Sabah. These assassins became


n for publicly killing their enemies in broad daylight.
assassin s creed facts you should know the leaderboard
Number 10. The assassin believed they were a religious warrior. The young warriors received religious and combat instructions. in his eleventh training even though the Assassin's Creed franchise expands over time the real Sheen Ax lasted only three hundred years during that time they killed two caliphs, leaders of the Christian Crusader and numerous planar viziers our version of the assassins alone left in science fiction game number 12 the real Templar began as a charity to escort pilgrims to the Holy Land. That charity goes far beyond simply helping an elderly woman cross the street. The Knights Templar were


n as some of the most skilled fighters of the thirteenth Third Crusade.
assassin s creed facts you should know the leaderboard
The Knights Templar wore a white cape with a red cross, this is very similar to the Knights of Monty Python and the entire Grail. Yes, of course, the Holy Antioch Hand Grenade number 14. In the game, the assassins used the phrase a Shia hoon wathah would close the bell. guru Mukhi this translates from Arabic to English, meaning nothing is true, everything is permitted. The motto of Assassin's Creed. This quote is said to be from the 11th century Persian missionary, Hassani Sabbah, number 15. The book Alamut served as the main inspiration for Assassin's Creed. The Alamut was written. by vladimir Bartol Issue 16, all the tigers were supposed to have Middle Eastern accents, but at the last minute the director decided to give Ulta Year an American accent.
Number 17, plus you don't get a Middle Eastern accent until the fourth game in the franchise. Assassin's Creed Revelations Issue 18 Ubisoft originally included a crossbow in the first Assassin's Creed game, but a play tester used it primarily instead of as a melee weapon, so Ubisoft decided to remove it. It can still be seen in the original trailer for the 19th game, the crossbow. also removed due to historical inaccuracies the weapon did not exist until 1480 over 300 years after the year number 20 was born another weapon the player can use are the throwing knives which ended up being the ranged replacement for the crossbow number 21 to create the game environment Art director Rafael Acosta and his team spent a lot of time researching historical documents, including period illustration maps, paintings, and travel logs number 22.
Some say that all Thai air cannot swim because grew up in the desert, but Rumors are that the reason Altair can't swim is because of a bug in the Animus software or at least that's what the developers put in sequels number 23. Assassin's Creed debuted on Steam on April 9, 2008. PC gamers waited a year to play. game or used Assassin's Creed as a good excuse to buy a Playstation 3 or Xbox 360 in my opinion, they probably did both because you can never have too many gaming systems number 24 in 2007, bugs were introduced into the game so that pirated versions you would not be allowed to finish the game a surprise happens IRC never pays number 25 Assassin's Creed 1 was hacked more than 700 thousand times and filed a lawsuit against manufacturing optics experts for leaking number 26 francisco Randor Eze is the face model by alta hair Ezio and Desmond Miles This makes sense because they are all descendants of Altair.
Assassin's Creed number 27 was supposed to be a Prince of Persia game called Prince of Persia Assassin, but some of the Ubisoft people didn't like that the game wasn't actually about a prince that they decided. To rename the entire number 28, Ubisoft and game design chief De Okajima played an April Fool's Day prank on their fans by posting a video showing a crossover between Kojima's Metal Gear and Assassin's Creed, which is a game we would like to see Assassin's Creed number 29 and Metal Gear Solid, both Easter eggs that refer to each other, one is a cardboard box and Assassin's Creed Brotherhood that looks a lot like the one in Metal Gear Solid.
I mean, cardboard boxes have been proven time and time again to be the best places to hide. any time period number 30 nolan north is the voice actor for desmond mile he is also the voice actor for drake in the uncharted series as well as many other protagonists yes he has one of those guys who is made for the number action role 31, although it is alternative. year and Desmond Miles are essentially the same person, they are not actually voiced by the same person, the entire upper voice is voiced by Philip Shabazz, he only worked on the first Assassin's Creed number 32.
Kristen Bell is the voice actress of Lucy Stillman, who was actually designed after Belle. Kristen Bell is known for playing the television character Veronica Mars and for playing Anna in Disney's Frozen #33 until its release. Ubisoft Montreal attempted to keep details of Assassin's Creed a mystery on October 22, 2007, less than a month before release, an email was sent. sent to fans with only a bloody quill and get-ready message number 34 Kristen Bell actually spilled the beans in late 2006 about some of the game's history. She said in an interview with IGN that it is a scientific company trying to matrix. style go into people's brains and discover an ancestor who used to be a murderer oh obviously sath wasn't mad about that number 35 the name of the machine that allows Desmond to relive the memories of his ancestors is called animus the animus is kind of like the womb and that thing they used in Inception to share dreams had a baby together number 36 Alta here is missing the ring finger on her left hand this is a self-inflicted wound to hide her sword that extends out of her his forearm number 37 all tiger is not only the name of the main character but it is also the name of a star, since he is the star of this game number 38 the name Altair and in Arabic it means flying or bird of prey his last name even LA HUD means son of Noah number 39, all tire's birthday is January 11, 1165 and he was raised to be a Master Assassin after his parents died at a young age, well if Batman told us anything and if Your parents died at a young age, I suppose. you just have to become a 40th professional ass kicker at the start of Assassin's Creed altair is 26 the same age as Desmond Miles the biggest difference between them is that Desmond mild is not as successful as LT air but at least Desmond still has it his parents are one of them number 41 Desmond Miles was a waiter before he was captured, so being kidnapped was something of a step forward for him.
He was promoted to assassin almost immediately. Number 42, the reason Altair loses rank in the assassin organization is because he broke everything. three of the assassins' tenants, the rules for being an assassin are very similar to the rules of Fight Club. It appears that Assassin's Creed number 43 launched with a major bug that caused Altair to freeze in mid-air. Number 44 in Assassin's Creed 1, some of the balconies are shaped like Optimus Prime from Transformers, he can be easily missed, but once you spot him you'll never forget he's there. Number 45 Assassin's Creed does not kill the player, but rather the main character loses synchronization upon death.
This makes sense since the player is just playing. another character in simulation number 46 the animus is still being perfected an assassin's


1 this is shown in the sequels by referencing the animus as different versions number 47 hitman an assassin's


have much more in common than just being both games stealth that involve killing main targets, they also share a music composer Jesper Kyd Jesper has worked on several titles, including the famous Borderlands franchise number 48 for the game's music, which just reused many gloomy choir songs and some medieval oriental instruments number 49 on the Assassin's Creed soundtrack. there are 11 songs that provide around 40 minutes of good killer music number 50 Assassin's Creed was first demonstrated at e3 2006 which also debuted in Super Smash Bros Brawl Final Fantasy 13 number 51 the game was in development for three years before debuting at e3 2006 number 52 Ubisoft built a completely new engine for Assassin's Creed to make it run as best as possible on ps3 and xbox 360, even though the game had its problems, the fact that they developed it for a next generation console put Assassin's Creed at the forefront of the The line for the 53rd game standard Assassin's Creed spawned several spin-offs and eventually became Ubisoft's most successful franchise with over 73 million copies sold in 2014.
Number 54, the world Assassin's Creed Open has three detailed cities in Jerusalem Acre and Damascus. If you know some of those names, lived in the area, or went to church a lot as a kid, thanks to Sunday school number 55. Assassin's Creed allows players to kill almost all non-player characters, another title that does this is The Grand Theft Auto series that kills everyone is not necessary or really recommended, but it is possible that in issue #56 the director of Assassin's Creed was Patrice Desolates and he did so well that they brought him back to be the director of the sequel number 57.
Assassin's Creed was written by Corey May and M Duma Wenshu have worked together on several titles, including the popular Prince of Persia series number 58. Corey May wrote six of the 13 Assassin's Creed games, those five being Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed two Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Assassin's Creed Revelations Assassin's Creed 3 and Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag number 59 the Assassin's Creed movie game do not follow the same plot the game follows the story of Desmond Miles while the movie Falls Callum Lynch number 60 the film adaptation starring Michael Fassbender was released on December 21, 2016, it's almost a decade between the Assassin's Creed game and the first 61st movie, the game was nominated for several awards and won the award for best action and adventure game at the Game Awards Critic Awards 2006 number 62 In Assassin's Creed there are beggars who ask for money relentlessly, one of the ways to get rid of them is by putting away the sword that all of Tiro has and using a fist.
I mean, it sounds horrible and I mean it's horrible, but come on, they're just so relentless number 63, the reason. The reason the player doesn't die in the game is because creative director Patrice Desolates wanted the player to not feel like they were in a 64th game. The quote from memories in the game is another way of saying levels calling the memories that the player can. In keeping with the idea of ​​living the 65th game, the developers originally only had a crowd of 35 people, but after four years of development, the crowd grew to 120 MBC, at least that was outstanding in 2007, most of them were relentless beggars.
The Assassin's Creed development team started with just 10 members, fresh out of the critically acclaimed Prince of Persia's Sands of Time issue #67 once Assassin's Creed was for production, the 10-person team got to work immediately and weren't sure what they could do yet. Since they didn't even have the development kits for next-gen consoles, all the team had was the dream of making a game that was supposed to be a spin-off of a successful 68th next-gen launch title by which Assassin's Creed is known. For their art, they created 250 keyframes of climbing animations to make Altair look much more natural when he scaled buildings in the 69th game in Assassin's Creed.
The player must collect flags. Unfortunately, this does nothing for player number 70. How useless these are! The flags you're asking about, well, they provide a save point and can help restore synchronization. If you collect all the flags in an area, you will get an additional sync bar that is not related to the main plot or memories. Yeah, it doesn't really seem worth it. effort, but hey, the number 71 is there. Giving more bars can help develop resistance. The more memory sync bars you fill, the longer the sync bar becomes. It prolongs the life of the players, so to speak.
The 72nd creative director, Patrice Désolé, explains the reasoning behind the flags as an act of rebellion. The flags are meant to show ownership, so all the tires are removed and they let people know they are not their property. Number 73 looks like Patrice reclaimed some of his own flags after the release of Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. Patrice désolé announced that he would be leaving Ubisoft Montreal to join THQ Montreal as its 74th creative director. Assassin's Creed 1 and 2 were only released there for ps3, xbox360 and PC. An Assassin's Creed game was originally planned for PS2 and Xbox that had a completely different story, but was canceled by the publisher's developers and then focused on turning Assassin's Creed into a 75th next-gen game.
Assassin's Creed actually takes place in the year 2012 at that time. from release, this was 5 years in the future and it seems like they overextended the technology almost as much as Back to the Future 2 did in issue #76 of the game. The company responsible for this whole mess is a corporate conglomerate known as Dark Go. industries led by Warren Vinick this is the company that kidnaps Desmond and tells him to trust them so yeah all the elements of being the bad guy are there and spoiler alert they are bad guys number 77. Warren Vidiq kidnaps Desmond Miles to steal. secrets that are stored in his genetic code let's just pretend that's possible number 78 the animus not only places Desmond miles in the memories of his ancestors but also presents the genetic memories and landscapes in 3D, this helps Desmond to process everything you need.
Unlock the last mystery number 79 the reason why Desmond must review each memory to recover the information that Warren vidiq wants is because he does not have the trust thanks to the nine trust-building missions Desmond will have the ability to recover his memories number 80 Assassin's Creed begins with Altair on a mission to recover the piece of Eden. The Piece of Eden is an ancient technology that has the power to control the thoughts of individuals number 81. The Piece of Eden is also known as the Apple of Eden, unfortunately this apple. It is not under warranty and the rest of the parts must be found by hand number 82.
Assassin's Creed is a stealth game, even if it is very forgiving unlike other stealth games, if the player is seen, he can hide in haystacks around of the city for a few moments until the guards forget about them, they can also sit on a bench next to a group of people or get lost in the crowd or hide on rooftops number 83. The player can even jump from the top of buildings and land safely on hay bales. if only that were possible in real life hey, number 84 would be much more useful there are places on the map called vantage points which are the tops of very tall buildings the vantage points give a 360 camera rotation view ​​and they discover previously obscured objects on the map number 85 olive Moo Liam translates as teacher in English and is most likely inspired by a teacher named Rashad who added a sudden number 86 Rashid, a dean seen was a real person who He supposedly ordered two failed assassination attempts against the strong ruler of Syria and Egypt at the 87th time, at one point, Desmond can use an altered ability called eagle vision.
Eagle vision gives the player the ability to see signs and symbols that would otherwise be invisible at a glance and can also be used to see a person's intention towards them number 88. One of the benefits of using eagle vision Altair's eagle is seeing writing in blood and that reveals a secret. It's like a black light but it's not installed in your head. Eagle vision number 89 allows players to see a red outline for hostile characters or a blue outline. for friendly characters, a gold outline for special characters, or a white outline for places and objects that can help the 90th player.
Eagle vision is not actually something real that Desmond experiences, it is described as a function of the animus with which he was created to simulate the The assassin has an extremely trained sense of observation, but later in the sequels it was made so that the assassins had the ability to see a kind of spiritual world number 91 in order to use eagle vision, the player must being perfectly still and in complete synchronization this prevents the player from using it while being chased or attacked number 92 As mentioned, the game alternates between the two timelines and their respective characters by using memory blocks, but Desmond cannot stay on the machine for too long or else you will. start hallucinating and believe us that is never a good sign number 93, these hallucinations are called bleed effect and as a result Desmond is forced to rest between chapters to avoid them, this allows the player to explore the modern world which is more or less just clean up lab number 94 Desmond often questions vidiq smote 'iv and the two have many philosophical debates.
This relationship is similar to Ulta Ear and his master in the 95th movie. A PSP-exclusive version of the game titled Assassin Create Bloodlines was released on November 17, 2009. This story picks up where the console left off, but the player only plays as LT Air and not Desmond number 96. A PC-only Director's Cut was released a year after the original game and added a bunch of mission types that didn't work. . made it to the final version of the original even though it was a year late the added missions made it worth it number 97 there was a spin-off game for DS it was a prequel to tie all your story together in the console version the game received recognition from Madeo Gajima and the Metal Gear Solid team Metal Gear Solid even added a special Assassin's Creed uniform to their game as mention number 98.
The game's timeline lasts approximately two months, from July to September. It begins after the victory of the Crusaders at the siege of Acre. and goes right before the Battle of Arsuf, but a dedicated player can accomplish it in just a few hours. Number 99, almost all of the targets you kill in the game are people who actually existed in real life and also died in real life. year they die in the 100th game the animus machine is based on a theory by philosopher Carl Jung called the theory of the collective unconscious Jung suggested the notion that certain thoughts or patterns could be shared between unconscious minds and the words anima and animus represent various alterations and emotional states number 101 the Assassin's Creed series has led to the creation of 10 novels English historian Anton Gill who calls himself the earring Oliver Boden wrote eight of those 10 books the last two were young adult novels by Matthew jkirby called Assassin's Creed Last Descendants Issue 102, the Assassin's Creed franchise isn't stopping anytime soon, but there's actually already an ending written for the series.
Hopefully now the voice actors will break down at this point. Kristan Number 103 Ubisoft has 29 development teams in total in the country and 10 of them work. in Assassin's Creed that's more than a third of the company's number 104 with the most recent update Assassin's Creed requires only six point six gigabytes of space to install on an Xbox 360 hard drive we will soon be able to play it on our phones number 105 on the 6 August 2009, Assassin's Creed became available on the Xbox 360 games on demand service, only costing $29.99 or 2,400 Microsoft Points #106 In 2011, a deal offering a bundle arose after purchasing Assassin's Creed Revelations for PlayStation 3, the player would have a copy of the original Assassin's Creed on disc 2, now those discs are used as collectibles or coasters and finally issue #107, unfortunately, Assassin's Creed received mixed reviews when it came out, including getting a 10 from the game file but then get a 4.5 from an EGF electronic gaming reviewer monthly what rating would you give it?
Comment below and tell us one more time. I'm Kyle Stover and thanks for checking out 107


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