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ASMR space facts

May 11, 2024
I have a lot of



to read today, I hope you enjoy them. If the sun were shrunk to the size of a white blood cell, a galaxy, the Milky Way, would be the size of the continental United States. 12 people have been on the Moon while only three people have been at the bottom of the Marana Trench. A human could survive 90 seconds without protection in


while a chimpanzee can last up to 3 minutes. There are several lost moons that are moons of Jupiter. and Saturn that have been observed before but have not been seen in a long time, calling into question their continued existence.
asmr space facts
There are several K Bel objects named after characters in the writings of 18th-century English poet William Blake, such as 15760 Alan, what would happen if you fell into a black hole first? Approach the speed of light as you fall into the black hole. The faster you move through space, the slower you move through time. A jump into a black hole is a one-way trip. Black holes are regions of space where gravity is so strong that nothing can escape them. not even light before reaching the point of no return you would be spaghettized by the tital forces of the black hole the force of gravity would compress or stretch you at the same time as you fall there are things that have been falling in front of you that have experienced a date of time yet larger than the one you have, so if you look forward towards the black hole you will see all the objects that have fallen into it in the past and if you look back you will be able to see everything that will ever fall into the black hole behind .
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You too, the light would be bent to such a degree that when you fell into the black hole you would see the back of your head while you look ahead 434 light years from Earth there is a planet with rings 200 times the size of Saturn about 120 million km that orbits the star j1407b if the universe is finite but unlimited, it is also possible that the universe is smaller than the observable universe, in this case what we consider very distant galaxies may actually be duplicate images of nearby galaxies formed by light that has circumnavigated the universe, the coldest place around the Sun is its surface, where there is 5,800° Kelvin, which is equivalent to 5,527 C. the course temperature is about 15 million DE and the atmosphere can be between 10,000 and 1 million DE due to the interaction of the solar wind with its immense magnetic field the sun is actually green its surface temperature Cor is related to the emission of the most intense radiation with wavelengths that are in the green part of the visible electromagnetic spectrum it seems to us yellow because our eyes have turned Being more sensitive to the red, yellow, and blue colors of light, Uranus's atmosphere smells aegy.
asmr space facts
Parts due to large amounts of methane and ammonia. Saturn's small moon turns into volcanoes that spew ice particles at speeds faster than escape velocity. Speed ​​at which particles ulatus leave this atmosphere and are dragged towards Saturn's ring system forming the E ring. There are two confirmed oceans in the solar system, one on Earth and another on Saturn's moon, Titan. The biggest difference is that Titan is approximately negative 180 cius. Earth's ocean is liquid methane. The waves of this ocean reach a height of up to a couple of CM the average temperature of interstellar space is around 270 C when the moon is at the highest point of its orbit from Earth, it could fit all the other planets in the system sun, including Pluto, including the International Space Station, is orbiting so fast that if you fired a bullet at one end of an American football field when the bullet had traveled 10 meters, the ISS would have already crossed the entire field.
asmr space facts
Jupiter is so massive that it does not orbit the Sun. The Sun and Jupiter orbit each other as a binary star system the center of gravity for them is at a point just above the surface of the sun rather than being inside the sun The size of Jupiter protects the Earth from many asteroid impacts the Great Red Spot on Jupiter is large enough to have two or three Earths inside it Neptune was discovered using mass a man named Alexis Buard made some predictions about the future position of Uranus using the laws of Newton's gravity, but when observed later it was found to be slightly off a man called aan l here He discovered that if he assumed there was another planet, a discrepancy would be explained and he used mathematics to predict where it might be found.
Finally, a man named you and the girl looked at the place where the heads were very specified and there was Neptune G 214 p. It is an exoplanet in the gle1 214 system 48 light years from our sun this planet is a super Earth, possibly an oceanic planet and if that were the case the ocean would make up a significant portion of the planet's radius, meaning that the ocean is easily 4000 miles deep, we know that the planet is hotter than the boiling point, so the ocean would have no defined surface; Instead, the atmosphere would simply continue to get thicker and thicker as it goes deeper into the ocean until it becomes as dense as water, which can't compress anything.
Furthermore, the ocean and atmosphere simply blend together. Our galaxy and other galaxies around it are being pulled toward something more than 200 million light years away, but we don't know what it is. It is called the Great Attractor located in the avoidance zone. I don't see it because the center of our galaxy is in the way, but this thing is so huge, it has a mass of 1,000 billion suns that it is putting thousands of galaxies around it. There is something even larger called a well-formed super cluster and it has the mass of more than 10 million trillion suns, contains more than 8,000 galaxies and is the most massive object in a billion light years.
A small percentage of Earth's air is filled with meteorite dust. During the age of the dinosaurs, Saturn had no rings. We do not know why or when it sounds from the International Space Station. It is the third brightest object in the sky after the Sun and the Moon. A full moon is 9 to 10 times brighter than a half moon. Do you do the effects of time dilation? Yes. A spacecraft could continuously accelerate at G indefinitely, it could cross the entire Milky Way in about 12 years despite traveling about 100,000 to the right. The average distance between asteroids in the asteroid belt is twice the distance between the Earth and the Moon at the speed of light.
It would take about four years to reach our nearest star, Oura Centur, at 20% speed which is what SE sales say. It will take 25 years. Our fastest speed right now can take us to 15,000 mph, which would take 18,000 years or 2500 human generations. Magnetars are neutron stars, the core of a dead star made up of a b of neutrons with the strongest magnetic fields we know of in the universe. If you came within 1,000 km of one, you would die because the magnetic field itself would kill you by stripping away the electrons. Its body Neutron stars are so dense that a teaspoon of material would weigh about 10 million tons.
Space is only 62 miles from ground level on Earth and only 2 miles of land is breathable. The Sun represents 99% of the total mass. In our solar system, the Sun loses about 5.5 million tons of mass every second or about 174 trillion tons of mass every year. Most of the stars visible in the night sky are binary stars, that is, the stars orbiting each other are giant alcohol clouds floating in space. There are 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe and it is likely that that number It will at least double as the hble goes further and observes more of the universe, what's more, the universe is still in its infancy if the universe had the same The lifespan of a human being would be 3 days.
According to some studies, despite an almost infinite number of planets, 92% of all the planets that will ever exist have not even formed, but the universe is so young relatively speaking, think that there are several types of stars. have not yet had enough time to come into existence, for example, blue dwarfs, blue dwarfs are red dwarfs that have begun to use up the last of their hydrogen, the first star of this type is not expected to exist for a while. billion years in the future the blue dwarf will eventually become a white dwarf, another example is black dwarfs, a white dwarf can form in many ways and we have observed many of them, but when a white dwarf star calls and starts the process of becoming a black dwarf, this process can theoretically take as little as one billion years or as long as 37 quadrillion years.
This is the final destination of our sun and the process will take thousands of times longer than the universe has already existed, if there were air in space. were able to travel across its surface, the sun would emit a sound of 290 DB, this would be so loud that it transcends the sound and becomes a pressure wave on the surface of the Earth, we would hear it would be approximately 120 DB, which is about as loud as a clap of thunder or a chainsaw. If the Sun suddenly disappeared, not only would it take us 8 minutes to notice the lack of sunlight or gravity, but because the speed of sound is much slower, we would still hear the Sun. for another 13.8 years.
Being able to see a total solar eclipse is a complete coincidence when the Moon is large enough and far enough from the Earth to appear to be the exact size of a sun during a total eclipse when it covers an entire surface of the sun from the Moon is slowly moving away from us one day it will no longer appear large enough to over the Sun and there will be no more total eclipses this will not happen for another 600 million years space welding in a vacuum no welding equipment is needed to get it two metals will diffuse together, they will do so on their own if you place them close enough, but they must be the same material and the service must be free of rust.
This happens because the atoms in each piece of metal don't know which one it is. belong to the Earth this does not happen because of the oxygen in the atmosphere around 6.63 billion Earths can fit inside the largest star discovered the Big Bang was not an explosion of matter but was an expansion of space itself everything is being moving away from everything else as all space is expanding there is no center of the universe although there is no airspace this has a smell astronauts have described it as metallic welding fumes burnt pads nuts and gunpowder in 4.5 billion years when they reach the Via Milky and the andrometer galaxies together due to the gravity between them not a single star of any of the galaxies will collide the galaxies will literally pass through a light here is 6 trillion miles astronomers have observed that the structure of the universe is very similar to that of a neuron the only elements that were created in the Big Bang were hydrogen, helium and lithium, all the other elements were formed within the nuclei of the first stars billions of years ago the earth was a deadly place, it was invaded by the lunar volcanism and the atmosphere was extremely toxic and unstable BRS space Voyages one and two are still running after 45 years using technology from the 1970s, even though they are billions of miles away we can still communicate with them.
They travel at approximately 38,000 mph without encountering anything that shows how empty the universe is. It is believed that Voyager one. It will live on planet Earth, there are black holes the size of our solar system and there are galaxies that are 4 million white years in diameter. If you could move faster than light, using a telescope, you could look back at the Earth and see what a dinosaur it is. It is more common for solar systems to have two or more stars rather than just one star like we do. The C effect is the theory that a single destructive event in low Earth orbit could create a cascade where satellites break into small fragments and destroy other satellites. into small fragments and so on until the Earth is completely surrounded by a huge cloud of tiny flying fragments that would make it almost impossible to leave the Earth.
The Boot Void is an area of ​​space where there should be 2,000 galaxies compared to other areas. the same size but there are only about 60, astronomer Greg Aling said that if a Milky Way had been at the center of the boots void we would not have known there were other galaxies until the 1960s, we are in the Golden Age of universe. is old enough to produce life and young enough that we can still observe other galaxies in the future we will not be able to see other galaxies because space will expand faster than the speed of light Advanced civilizations in the future will have I have no idea that other galaxies exist.
There are gaps in the universe that are very large. If you were teleported to the center of one where they have a space suit, you would just see total darkness in all directions. A Carington event occurred in 1859. Carington was a scientist. that he noticed a flashFrom a huge sunspot group, which was the largest chronal mass ejection from the Sun ever recorded, where a ton of material ejected from the Sun at high velocities reached within a day, auroras were seen as far south as Hawaii telephone wires. poles burst into flames and telegraph operators reported contacting each other when not connected have a similar event where hitting half today would cause global recoil a thick layer of radiation around the Earth and billions of dollars in damage In 2012 there was a Carington solar level plan that barely Earth scientists guess that the next Super will occur within the next 100 years there is an exoplanet with wind that is many times the speed of sound and from which it rains glass another exop planet has spent time inside one of the most distant galaxies that we can detect was 13.4 billion light years away when it emitted the light we see today that light is three times older than Earth, which means that Earth does not exist for that time.
Galaxy Fest, but it takes Venus longer to rotate once around its own axis and it does. orbit Once around the Sun, meaning a day is longer than a year, we can see Androma, the nearest galaxy, but what we see is what Androma looked like 2.5 million years ago. This is the largest image ever taken by Hubble. The moon always rises at sunset. Venus is believed to have been exactly like Earth billions of years ago, our solar system is moving through the Galaxy at a rate of 490,000 M hour, unless we are somehow able to travel considerably faster that the light, the galaxies that are developing around us will forever be out of our reach.
The largest mass of water found in space is a vapor cloud that is so gigantic that each person could be given 20,000 B IES. of water and each one is the size of the Earth in our galaxy a star goes supernova approximately once every 50 years. This appears to be the universal average rate of galaxies that have stars that go Supernova. There are so many galaxies in the known universe that there are approximately 50 stars they go supernova every second there is no real up or down there are stars below us right now there are individual stars that are larger than the distance between the Earth and the sun reported that current spacesuits cost between 15 million and 22 million in 1974 n The first female spacewalk was postponed because the space station only had a medium-sized suit 23 32 million years ago it rained for approximately 1 to 2 million years non-stop n Stars can emit deadly rays that travel at the speed of light if it were replaced by a black hole we would not fall into it, but we would all freeze to death first on all the planets in the universe trees are much rarer than the cold It takes up to 100,000 years for a photon to leave the core of the sun to reach a surface and only a few minutes to reach the Earth from the surface.
If there were a black hole with the mass of a on Earth, it would radiate in an instant and explode better. than Shimmer if there were a black hole with the radius of a nickel. on Earth we would fall and the black hole would fall on Earth and, to consume it from the inside out, the largest black hole discovered is millions of times larger than our entire solar system when they were outside the protective magnetic field Reve of a Astronauts Apollo reported seeing blue white streaks and flashes in their vision every few minutes, the flashes occurred regardless of the light level and even when their eyes were closed it was concluded that cosmic rays were hitting their heads, we don't know if the rays were hitting . your eyes and stimulating the retina that enters your eyes and shines as they pass through the fluid inside the eye or enter the brain and still simulate the visual centers directly.
Starquakes are where the neutron star craft can move producing an effect like an earthquake, but many orders of magnitude more powerful than anything that can occur on Earth, the strongest recorded was equivalent to 22 on the normal scale . Starquakes also emit immense camera files. If this had happened 10 light years from Earth, we would all be dead when it did. Called Glide, they can convert a massive amount of energy more than is used in the rest of the visible Universe at the moment they collide and vaporize instantly releasing a massive amount of gravitational waves before these black HSs collide, although the simulation suggests that they orbit. each other about 75 times per second people who are directly in a Spa meteorite will not die from the impact the compressed air in the palm will heat up to 60,000 degrees C making them disappear instantly if the Earth were the size of a p Pluto would be a mile away and a half distance away we are made of the same particles that existed at the beginning of the universe, a supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way weighs as much as 4 million suns due to its immense gravitational power.
Nearby stars orbit at incredible speeds, the fastest of them traveling up to 27.5 million kilometers per hour, which is 2.55% of the speed of light. You would fit 1.3 million suns in the Sun and 5 billion suns would fit in the largest known star, as distant objects can be expected to look. smaller than nearby objects, this is true, but only up to a point past that point, more distant objects actually appear larger in the sky, this is called angular diameter, they rotate when light is emitted from these distant objects, They were much closer and occupy a greater distance. section of the sky some stars are so cold that you can touch them without scratching your hand Brown dwarfs are cooler than any known star and are classified as substellar objects;
They are often known as failed stars because they are too small to sustain nuclear fusion in their core, which is the process that powers the Sun, a subset of these known as Y-type stars, would feel warm in the stars, may have rings and moons, precious metals like silver and gold, are forged when they are dead next to the stars, our eyes look like most white stars, but most do not. some are yellow or orange, others are of a blue palette, but their colors are usually a little more subtle rather than vibrant. Photographs of the night sky reveal, at most, one prominent color and only a fraction, in reality, a white pigment may form in the atmosphere of Neptune, Uranus, and the number of EXO planets identified, one such candidate is BPM 37,093 located at About 53 light years from Earth is a white dwarf star.
Its brightness varies in a pulsating pattern. Astronomers used this feature to measure how much of the star's interior has been crystallized as stars. Calculations indicate that up to 90% of the mass of the star is now a crystalline structure a solid core made of diamond measuring about 2,000 miles wide its diamond is comparable in size to the moon and is 100,000 times heavier than the earth there is no sound in space because the molecules are too separated to transmit sound there is an average of One ATM per cubic meter a year on Mercury lasts only 88 days Mars is home to the highest mountain in the solar system Olympus Mons es Shield walk caner is 21 km high and 600 km in diameter a Despite having formed over billions of years, evidence of volcanic flows is so recent that many scientists believe it could still be active.
Mars also has the largest dust storms in the solar system that can last for months and cover the entire planet. a season are extreme because its elliptical orbit around the Sun is more elongated than most other planets in the solar system the Moon moves approximately 3.8 CM away from our planet each year Venus has no moons the planet rotates in the opposite direction The direction towards most other planets is known as retrograde rotation. The atmospheric pressure on Venus is 92 times greater than the ABS equivalent of a deep sea on Earth. Uranus makes one revolution around the Sun every 84 Earth years.
It is the coldest planet in the solar system. The minimum. The atmospheric temperature is 224 C like the other Trant gas, it has hydrogen and helium mixed underneath, it is an icy mantle surrounding a rock and an ice core. The upper atmosphere is made of water, ammonia and methane ice crystals that give the planet. its pale blue color Saturn has 146 identified moons and many more Moons Saturn is the flattest planet its diameter p is 90% of its equatorial diameter this is due to its low density and its rapid rotation a day on Jupiter is only 10 hours long A comet's nucleus is made of ice and can be anywhere from a few meters wide to a few kilometers wide, most meteor showers caused my debris to be bombarded with millions of tons of space material every day, most of objects vaporize in our atmosphere, but some of the largest pieces manage to fall to the ground, from pebbles to boulder-sized rocks, it is very rare for a meteorite to hit a human, it is more likely to fall into the ocean , that's the end of this video, thanks for watching. and have a good night

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