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Asking the least white place in Britain about immigration | Extreme Britain

May 29, 2024
They probably assume that I listen to rap music and eat chicken and watermelon. You feel that my family forces me to come because in order to have a better life and be able to work, men fleeing war take their women and children. Men who go to war go alone or in large groups we must use common sense and stop being afraid to tell the truth when the Ugandan dictator iDine expelled the Asian population from the country. Leicester City Council ran a campaign warning them not to come to Leicester 50 years later, Leicester is the first city in the UK with a majority non-


population with only 41% of the city identifying as


given the current political discourse in around


, refugees and immigrants in the United Kingdom.
asking the least white place in britain about immigration extreme britain
Back to France. I've come to Leicester to find out how you feel about


at the time well I'll say what I think and I'm not racist but I'm a realist M true M I'll talk about the old days 1066 true yes when the Normans landed it was called So an invasion, yes, my life was very hard, you know, because my dad, he, he, he didn't live, he lived alone, so I will grow up alone, you know, I came to Europe when I was young, when I was like 7 years old. you know but I think immigration is good to help people when the Vikings landed men of military age they called it invasion when I was at school which made you and your family come to Europe and then to the UK , my family made me come because to have a better life so that we can work so that we know that we can have the rights in this in this country, but all people must wait for food for money, you understand, yes, and when the Allies landed on the beaches of Normandy on the day of that. was the invasion, so tell me the difference, what do people in Belgium think about the UK?
asking the least white place in britain about immigration extreme britain

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asking the least white place in britain about immigration extreme britain...

They don't know how to pronounce uh, a bottle of water. Everyone says Bo is the difference, even though it's an army versus something like that. the Normans were an army the Vikings were an army they were were armies they weren't invading armies that's really that's the difference well, what you call military men with DEA ​​I am, I'm a military age man, okay, no problem . I think unless you live somewhere, you don't really know the privilege that we have in this country, like you know, having access to free healthcare, going to schools, getting an education, having a job, I think people maybe don't understand. that this is something we have every day, but for others that is something they aspire to have and unless people understand that it can be very difficult for them, maybe emphasize with other people the way the government talks about people who immigrate or travel in small boats.
asking the least white place in britain about immigration extreme britain
On the other side of the English Channel, I think they use quite dehumanizing language, like racist, about these people when they hear that, how does that make them feel? I think it's quite disturbing to be fair, because especially for cities as diverse as Le, such. diverse


, you have


s like NRA Road, we have all the cultures on that road, even in the same sense, you see, you meet people of all religions, Fai, all kinds of things, it's just a little annoying that for a place that He has such diverse points of view. about diverse people, so yeah, it's a little annoying.
asking the least white place in britain about immigration extreme britain
Men fleeing war take their women and children. Men who go to war go alone or in large groups. Yes, we must use common sense and stop being afraid to tell the truth. I think they are there. because when they try to impose 15 minute cities they will be used when they try to impose more lockdowns yeah I don't know what your views are guys but I'm definitely part of the resistance yeah in this country um. I think they are going to be used against the people and this will not just be here in Ireland and elsewhere to force what powers that shouldn't are trying to do to you and me, government governing means uh uh controlling me means Mind and unfortunately we have too many sheep walking around who are very happy to do what they are told and will always trust a government like their mom and dad, and that is not the case, there is a definite Agenda 21 stroke 30 plan in place . in the great reset Central Bank Digital Currency Cash List The society that lives in 15-minute cities comes to I have to work hard.
I have to, you know, make myself look a certain way because I mean, the way you see me right now, a lot of people will see the way I am right now and I assume certain things about myself, a lot of people probably wouldn't know that I'm studying life sciences. computer science trying to get into software engineering, they probably assume I listen to rap music and eat chicken and watermelon. Yo, how do you feel about immigration right now? How do I feel good? There is a problem. It is getting worse. You know, I live on the Golden Mile.
I don't know if you've heard of it. No, it's called. The Golden Mile is all ethnic and yeah, and that's um, but I live there, so the change is there. You know it's unreal, you know it, but I don't think you can do it. So do you believe? Do you think it's a good thing? Do you think it's bad? Do you think it's something neutral? It's good and it's just the amount you're letting in, especially where I live. I'll see it, you know, because I'm, that's where everyone goes, yeah, man, I think so. I'm fine with that I say, I'm fine with that, hey, I would be, I'd be doing the same thing on his ship, you know what I mean, I'd be a man, human beings, your survival of the fittest, if that's what it means come here. so yes, everything in favor brother, I am prettier, yes, I want the best for everyone, so I had a good start.
I've been lucky enough to have grown up in a good home, so I want the best for everyone else from that perspective. I guess on immigration, I don't care about immigration, all people have to have rights in this, in this, in this United Kingdom, you know what I'm saying because people, uh, maybe they cause problems by deporting them. Back home, you know, but they get a second chance, you know, because all the people want some people's family to have no money, so food, you know what I'm saying, so all the people want to deserve the chance.
Yes, I came to the UK. In the year 1980, where did you come from? I come from Africa, where do you come from? Why did you want to come to the UK? uh, you know, because we had a British passport, oh, when I was born there at that time, bri British there, so we were British. Anyway, when we got here, we stayed here for 5 years and became British citizens. What do you think of the way the government talks about immigration right now? Well, we'll talk about it, but not much has been done, could you talk about it? you know, but you can do it, so do you have a strong opinion on the government right now?
Yes, I know what the opinion is that I can't say. I can try. What the government is doing is the right thing for us, so I can't say anything more. because the government, this government and you know, the British government is number one in the world, so what they do is very good, excellent, yeah, what do you think of Rishi Sunak? Oh, he is the best man, he is the second Modi, I can say he can be the second. Modi, how do you feel then when people hear the language being used around them or people crossing the channel in a small boat?
The type of rhetoric the government uses. how does it make you feel? Yeah, I mean, it makes me aware of it. Of course, I feel sad, like I'm a human being at the end of the day. You know, I mean, our luxury is that we can go to another country. We can rent a little life-size ring boat, whatever it's called, as an inflatable. and sit there but it's a privilege to have it when you can go to another country go on vacation but it makes me feel sad because these are humans Liv at the end of the day like I'm a human you're a human when I hear stories about it I'm getting upset that situation I think I couldn't do it but people do it for a reason because they want to live a better life so Of course it makes me feel sad and it makes me feel emotional and sometimes you feel helpless because you feel like what can I do about?
You can literally walk down the street or people who are Muslim, people who are Hindu, who are Sikh people of all different ethnicities, all different races and that's what makes Leester unique and sometimes you don't feel like you notice it when you go to other cities within the United Kingdom, don't you think? Because I've always lived in Leicester. Well, but yeah, sometimes when you go to other cities in the UK you think, "Okay, not everywhere is as diverse as Lester."

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