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Are You Scared of Your Parents?

Jun 05, 2021
Who's ready to chat with girls? Yes, are you guys ready for the challenge? Yes, okay, first, Kim Kardashian West is back in New York recovering with her family after Monday's terrifying robbery in Paris. However, new details have emerged alleging that thieves targeted Kim's $4 million pledge. ring after she posted this photo on Instagram a few days before the incident and in the days and hours leading up to the robbery, Kim also posted several videos on Snapchat that appeared to have been taken inside the apartment where Kim was actually staying. Kanye's former security guard Steve Stanilis spoke out in a New York publication saying: "He quotes Kim's social media and her Snapchat is her downfall when she posts here's me and this is the five million dollar ring I'm wearing." , you're basically inviting someone to steal." In these times where what you post on social media can have a direct impact on


safety, should people be more careful about what they post these days?
are you scared of your parents
I think so, in this case, this is how she, this is what she does. to make a living, you know it's a lifestyle, it is, you know, his fans want to know what he's doing, they want to know where he is, what he does, what he's wearing, it's part of his brand, yeah, yeah, I think you should be careful in general. because social media allows people to have such close access to you, but at the same time they shouldn't allow her to stop living her life if she works really hard, she works hard, but she found the t-shirt Johnny, you don't like this, do you?
are you scared of your parents

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are you scared of your parents...

OK? you actually put


phone on airplane mode, okay, because you know on Snapchat, once you take it, you have to send it like you can save it and put it on later, it has to be like in time, what's it called in the moment. the moment has to be live true to the live time okay okay if you put your phone on airplane mode and do snapchat and also turn off wifi or something like that actually your videos will say no post yes and so a hour later, if you have six different posts that haven't been posted when you leave wherever you are, whether it's a restaurant, your apartment, whatever it is, you can turn airplane mode back on your phone and post them. then once you've already left that location so people don't know where you are in real time or oh okay or yeah actually just wait once you leave so once she's out of Paris , Snapchat is like oh Snapchat, yeah that's a problem, well maybe. you can post on Twitter and Instagram, yeah maybe later because I remember one time Paris Hilton got robbed because people were looking at her Twitter.
are you scared of your parents
She said she was on vacation or something, so they knew where she lived and waited until she left. That's scary, I think there's a balance. You have to be careful because people are watching you, especially when you have all those millions of people that you know following you on Instagram, so you just have to be a little careful, be safe, yes, you are. To be sure, yes, has anything weird like that ever happened to you guys? Yes, they posted that they were somewhere and people showed up. Someone stole my bench and my pillows when I said I was up north, so I learned a hard pillow, that's what I said.
are you scared of your parents
Lonnie wait, what do you mean what kind of bench and what kind of pillow? In your eyes, they took away my bench that was outside my house because I have a little bit of a hallway and a patio. I said I was up north when we got back. They totally collected the entire bench with my pillows that said that great Americans have very good taste. I would, I would definitely check out those benches and pillows that you have to try, wait, they've done it, this is getting really weird because I think I know. exactly what you're talking about, yes the first time I went to your house was to go see Ariah when she was just born, yes I got there and there was a sign outside the door that said "Whoever stole something, we see you". and we, Adam and I, were like, is there anything I should know before I knock on your door?
It's like we found you. I can post as much as I want because I don't have anything at my house, that is, if someone comes to my house. They are going to put things in my house, but people are like that. She shouldn't have posted her ring. Guys, we have to be realistic. What do you think the ring was for you? This will hide it. Put it under her pillow at night and watch. before she leaves it's like what you're wearing, she said she has the right to post whatever she wants to do and she feels safe but when it's that much you need to have some confidence that you can listen with or something to be honest with you.
You guys know this, I don't love material things because of that worry you always have to have if you lose, that you can't sleep knowing you lost that billion dollar ring, dude, I'm serious, I keep my joy stocked. on things you can't take away my inheritance my people my friends my family my joy that's what I don't really spend on important things well I mean we're all different some people like extravagant things and that's why we know her I mean , it's like In the past, my mom was talking about this, right? Because she's an expert, now you know what's happened to me since she got her cell phone, compare this whole situation to Kim Kardashian, she's like, well, you know, she likes diamonds, that's what Diana Ross likes.
I liked her in my time, it's like she said that when we went to a concert we expected Diana Ross to have her diamonds and her furs and everything or something was different, so that's what's happening with Kim. Kim is that kind of girl and that's why we love her for that, she just needs to be careful. I think this is a wake up call and to the people who say she is faking this, I don't think this girl was faking. I didn't say something I don't know. I don't think you'd fake something like this for publicity, there are other ways to get publicity, so you know, saying someone steals from you, yeah, you're not specific, everyone doesn't want to be here, everyone needs to stop posting things that aren't true.
Everyone should stop saying things that are not true, it's like not believing everything you read, that's the most important thing. I think this whole message. I think people are aware that celebrities are actually human beings. Exactly thank you. Did you know? I mean, yeah, okay, yeah, they're famous and being celebrities doesn't mean they're all human, she didn't deserve that and bad things happen to all of us, even if you're rich that doesn't mean it's not like that. I don't think it's a false sense of security like you know nothing is wrong with us, there are things that happen.
I got Robbie at the New York train station for my Cuban link chain. It wasn't worth five million dollars. I'm just saying you got it wrong, yeah, when I was younger, when you got back to driving, like things like that happen, it's not because I walked around being flashy or because I deserved it, but I believe that and this is God watching, I'm just saying there are things It's going to happen to you that you put your life in perspective so that you take care of yourself and what matters and take care of yourself a little because I'm sure she's sick, so she's probably reconsidering things a little more. for them, yes, exactly right, from a scary robbery to being afraid of your mom, what's right in our serious xm show.
Hoda Kotb, 52, oh my god I love her so much, recently revealed she was actually afraid to tell her mom she was moving in with her boyfriend of three years, the Today Show host said it's a little strange to have 50 years and we're like, hey, we're moving, it's like we're kids, it's really weird, so clearly we're all grown women. Here yeah, yeah, oh, he's grown up and he's sexy, but do you ever still feel afraid to tell your mom something good or bad? I'm still afraid of my mom, no, but my mom lies directly to God, so if I don't tell her. her God will, oh my God, I'm afraid of that and you know it's true, Lonnie, because my mom, I swear to God, I would text you out of the blue like you were in my heart.
Yes, I'm sure God told me you should. you probably read proverbs 4 13 and then you read it and think, how did he know that mom always knows? Yes, I respect her more. Let me correct that I am not afraid of him. I just really respect Mama Mora. You know, I don't play with mom mori, I just don't like some of the things, I just don't want to say some things to my mom because then I heard her advice and it's just a different kind of advice, you know? It's like sex in the '40s was different than sex now, you know, and I want to hear about certain things because you can talk to your mom about sex.
No, I don't want to hear about that. I had a conversation. I think it is too. It's too old-fashioned, yeah, she, you know the terms of him and stuff, can you define that Lonnie as? Okay, if you say I'm moving in with you, living with a man, it sounds like living with my


, if you tell them something, they'll do it. worry


, I don't want you to worry, I just want you to live your life because we have left the nest, they are older, let them retire and have fun, so when you tell my parents something, they worry and then they will worry. call you or buy you a book or remind you what that problem was when you're like me and freddie we had that fight a long time ago why do you keep thinking about it I worry about you yeah I think about you and you like no wait what kind of book bought here?
My mom will buy any book on sale. You know, when you walk into Barnes and Noble and the front clearance area there are all the books for sale that she'll buy if I tell her about me and Freddie. has a question about finance she will buy all the books on sale about finance and to help you help me I get the inspirational books yes my god those are always on sale there are angels around you how do you talk to Jesus I constantly get those yeses but I have to say as a mother the moment you become a mother you become a chronic worrier no matter what you do Gina you could be very well I will always sleep with one eye open.
I know my children are sleeping soundly. Aidan is right next to me. Aria is in. You already know her birthplace, but you still worry. You worry all the time from a great place. Yes, automatically. So as a mother, what is the best thing when it comes to being your child we tell you everything why we would want I want my children to feel comfortable that they can come and talk to me about anything yes that's what I want that's nice no if tamara were mom no i wouldn't because i know what tamira is like what am i going to do no no yes wouldn't you worry you would because you worry a lot yes that's why you have people like me who are the aunts the cool aunts you come to me when you really have certain questions that you want to know real information that you know because you know your mom is going to trip.
I am what is why you have to have aunts in the world. It's okay, because today we are here together. I think my mom operates in private. Yeah, like she walks, my mom is great in person and I think she goes crazy and I think what makes me happy are conversations like this and I think she leaves the room like yeah, I was like why did she tell me that? , but this is my and my mom has always felt this way if she's going to have kids, she'd rather know who they really are, yeah, instead of knowing, you know, have you ever met parents?, the kid curses and the parents say, Oh, I had no idea. my son curses and your friend friends are like your son has the dirtiest mouth okay what are you talking about my mom knows exactly who I am the good the bad and the ugly but she can say I know My son, I love him and I love him.
Yes, I want you to have a good time with my children because you don't judge well, now you do, you don't judge, but she works, yes, and your children won't want you to do that, that's why I always come to the cool team, I say, let's go to the cool watch tamara is going to come to work when they say oh my god, in person she's going to be cool, oh yeah, that's why there's a family because you have the cool aunt and then I think of myself as the genius cousin, the who lets you get your way with everything and won't tell on you and he'll watch your back, but then I'll secretly tell Tamara to be careful.

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