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'Are you just a shameless criminal?': P&O boss grilled over mass sackings

Mar 08, 2024
Mr. Hepworthwave and when I was reading your biography it seemed pretty clear to me about your experience as CEO. Is he in this mess because he doesn't know what he's doing or is he





? Before answering that question. Can I please start with an apology? Actually, an apology to the seafarers who were affected on Thursday last week. An apology to their families. An apology to the 2,200 of our employees who have had to face very difficult questions over the last week. What is your opinion? salary sir path my salary is 300 basic salary of £325,000 you have access to one performance related bonus I have access to two performance related bonuses um a short term incentive plan a long term core plan I think it can increase or decrease the value of p ferries for its shares I think otherwise the piano was going to close and had no future, so if your employers are angry enough to offer you a performance-related bonus, will you accept it or Will you at least reject it?
are you just a shameless criminal p o boss grilled over mass sackings
I can't tell you how far that is from my starting point: will you accept it or reject it? I don't know the answer to that, if we manage to save the company, you decide if I offer your performance. related bonus and you


laid off 800 people, as a matter of principle, could you say I'm not going to accept that? I don't know the answer to that. I do not do it. I do not do it. I have to be honest. I'm not focused on that, I'm focused on saving the business and getting 800 seafarers new jobs. Many other troubled companies follow perfectly legal routes, but you seem to have no regrets about the decisions made by your company.
are you just a shameless criminal p o boss grilled over mass sackings

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are you just a shameless criminal p o boss grilled over mass sackings...

Last question from me while I have you, Mr. President, with all your respect, I do not regret it, you have not heard me say that we do not regret it, we would exactly like to express it as well, as a dp world, we recognize the pain that this has caused many people, employees, seafarers, their families, etc., so you didn't hear me say that we don't have skills that pay well. I'm sure the families are grateful for your regrets after sucking them, Mr. Christian, are you going to do it? dismiss mr hepathwaite for gross misconduct i couldn't imagine we would do that no there is absolutely no doubt we were required to consult with the unions we chose not to because we believe she was going to break the law because we decided not to consult and We will come and compensate everyone in full for that.
are you just a shameless criminal p o boss grilled over mass sackings
I recognize that this is really it. You get in your car and drive down the highway. You see the 70 mile per hour sign. Do you sound like that doesn't apply? For me I'm going to do 90 because I think it's important that I do it that's how you live your life no, no, it's not, why didn't you do it? What was the moral justification for you not doing that? You have moved from one operating model to another. You have not escaped the law of this country. You still have to do it within the legal framework. You can't just decide that you're going to be absent. the UK legal system so our assessment was that the change was of such magnitude that no union could accept our proposal oh you are right about that, I have never heard such ridiculous answers to a series of questions, so what?
are you just a shameless criminal p o boss grilled over mass sackings
What are the new pay rates that will be offered to new crews? How much will you pay them? So the average hourly rate payable is £5 50. On top of that, there is a pension contribution, there is food and accommodation which is below the national minimum. salary in this country, how do you reconcile that where we are governed by the national minimum wage we will absolutely pay the national minimum wage? This is an international sailing model that is consistent with uh models around the world and our competitors, do you live off of it? sir helper five plus 50 now, could you maintain your five pound fifty an hour lifestyle?
No I couldn't, why do you expect people who have such responsible jobs to be able to do that? What do you expect them to be like? able to feed their families and pay their bills at five pounds fifty an hour there are a couple of very important points here one yes, one is called yes an electric school those are the important points where they cannot pay their bills there are some nda Here, Mr. Haploth, are you going to terminate them because, frankly, the members of this committee think this is absolutely thuggery and


ity? They are behaving like gangsters to blackmail people in this situation.
Everyone enjoys, I assume you are talking about the confidentiality clause found in severance agreements. Yes, it is a standard confidentiality clause and is actually there to protect both parties. You will be familiar with your own declaration of human rights which adheres to the universal declaration. of human rights the ilo declaration on fundamental principles and rights at work the guiding principles on business and human rights and yet you have completely trashed them on this they are not worth it are you going to remove this from your website because it is an insult? So I don't think it's an insult and I don't think anything that's been done to us, the 800 people, is in conflict with any of that, of course, it's a direct conflict.
You know, we heard some ridiculous things. things, but for you to say those principles still apply when people have been summarily fired without notice and replaced by people making 5.50 an hour is an outrage,

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