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Are You Drawing Your Bow Correctly?

May 06, 2024
What's up guys? Welcome back to another video today. I want to talk a little bit about something that seems simple but I see it all the time, especially at the archery range, archery total challenge course, etc., so let's talk about how to get


bow out and what? You're doing it wrong? You're doing it right? A lot of times what I see is people trying to pull too much weight or they have simply built up this way over time of


their bow that they are used to. that and it may not be the best for longevity on


shoulders and you could develop inconsistencies in your form, so I want to go over that today I was here shooting the bow and I thought, Hey, that would be a good video to do that.
are you drawing your bow correctly
What I like to draw my bow is you want to draw with your back here, you don't necessarily want to draw with your arm, like I say, you could end up with some injuries, so I see a lot of people, especially if they're overloaded in their weight, they're going to draw the sky, so they'll go up like this and down to their chest and then eventually they'll come here and find their anchor, which will cause a lot of inconsistencies. with your bow shoulder as well as your anchor point, if Sky you draw like this and then come in right now, my bow shoulder is like I'm feeling pretty compressed, which deviates from my opening length here and my connection facial, so if your shoulder is your bow shoulder. is compressed, you are going to lose your anchor point and you may not know it once you have the bow back, you are just used to shooting that way, your draw length may be a little short because you are used constantly. having the shoulder compressed so the shoulders are turned in and then adjusting the draw length to fit the face tightly again which can cause a lot of inconsistencies so the other thing I see people do is pull with the biceps to make them cum like this. and they go down, down and then up, so they use a lot of their arm to get that arc back and then I'll see the floor draw out for the people down here and then they come up, okay, all those different ones.
are you drawing your bow correctly

More Interesting Facts About,

are you drawing your bow correctly...

The ways you draw the bow over time can cause a lot of inconsistency, like I said, and you can end up with an injury. One thing that can happen if you're


the sky, you're going up here and then coming down, you can, your release can. shoot, you can pull the trigger and then you're sending that arrow into space or into the neighbor's yard or into the neighbor's window, so you definitely don't want to draw the sky, you want to have your bow pointing and the arrow pointing. in the exact direction you intend to shoot like this, okay, from the point where you draw the bow to the point where you anchor the bow, you want the arrow to point down towards the target, now with a drawing on the floor like that and then coming. up you can also have the same effect, your release can go off and you send the arrow into the ground right in front of you, maybe off the concrete or you miss it and who knows where it goes so it's not a good method for drawing, so I just wanted to touch on this a little bit like I say, I see it on videos, I see it at the archery range and uh, I just want to post this so I can help you correct that shape, so again I'm going to demonstrate a correct drawing, try to bring it right back to your face if you can, so straight to your face, settle in, okay, we don't want to do any of this like that drawing of Sky, we don't want to do the floor. situation, dislocating your shoulder, anything you want to just shoot straight at the target anchor, prepare for your shot, another thing I want to address when drawing your bow


is movement, so ultimately most people Those who shoot a bow eventually want to hunt with a bow.
are you drawing your bow correctly
That bow, a big thing in bowhunting is to keep your movement to a minimum if you're drawing the sky and you're coming up here and you're trying to arm it tight and then come down on your animal, which is a lot of movement, especially in a tree. or on the ground, you could hit your upper limb from inside the ground. Bang your upper limb against a branch, sticking out all the bad things, so what you want to do in a hunting situation is power. so that the bow comes back to your face as clean and smooth as possible, so straight to the face, settle in, so what would I suggest to correct the flaws in your draw if you are not actually physically capable of aiming the bow. the target and bring it directly towards your face without problems.
are you drawing your bow correctly
I would suggest lowering the weight of your limbs, so increase your weight when bowing the bow. I know people don't really want to hear that they want to be able to achieve it. as much weight as they can pull to get up to speed, but over time it is better to learn to draw the bow


to avoid injury, prevent something from happening at the lower range and avoid movement when you are hunting, it is much better to have a correct draw. than being bent too far and twisting the bow just to try to retrieve it and another thing is when it's cold outside so when you're bowhunting and it's 10 or 12 degrees and you're in the tree stand that you've been sitting in.
There, for three four hours, you will finally have that money of a lifetime. I guarantee that if you're leaning too far, you're going to have a very hard time getting that bow back when you're completely relaxed, all your muscles are cold, and you're going to try to draw on that animal and you're going to be stuck right there, you're not going to be able to pick it up and get it over that camera. and during the drawing cycle because you might be too boned, so I just wanted to do that. Please put this video together and post it for yourselves, so if you find yourself drawing Sky drawing on the floor drawing with too much bicep or arm, maybe this can help you correct that and get on the path of consistently drawing your Bend in a safe and in a way that will set you up for success when the moment of truth arrives in shooting the animal of your dreams.
Anyway, that's how I draw my bow. I don't know if it's absolutely perfect, but that's how I draw, how I've drawn over the years and I've been very consistent with it and I haven't had any major injuries and I've shot my bow quite a bit, so yeah, just make sure you pay attention. Those flaws in form, starting with the way you draw the bow, that's all. I thank you all for watching us, we will catch you in the next peace.

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