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Are Mammoths Still Alive?

Apr 27, 2024
In 1580, the Stroganov family of Siberia had a problem: their salt mines throughout the region were being attacked by multiple gangs to regain control. The family sent Don Cacs, expert warriors and horsemen to quell the raids. The Cacs did just that, conquering most of Siberia in the process, the leader of this forest was a man named Tim ovich and he reported seeing something quite interesting beyond the Eural Range. Locals said the creature was the wealth of the kingdom and described it as a mountain of flesh. Creature like a large hairy elephant Mammoth officially became extinct thousands of years ago Populations in mainland Siberia and North America became extinct about 10,000 years ago, but a few small populations survived for a few thousand years more.
are mammoths still alive
St. Paul Island off the coast of Alaska had wool. Mammoths, more recently, according to a 2016 Penn State University paper, became extinct about 5,600 years ago, give or take a few hundred years or at least that is the number they got from the


they dated, he admits that perhaps some survived a little longer. Beyond that, however, there were


that survived even longer. The dwarf mammoths on Wrangle Island off the coast of Russia may have survived as recently as 3,700 years ago, which they did, as many articles and videos like to point out there were some mammoths



when the pyramids were built. were being built if a few small populations of mammoths had been able to survive a few thousand years longer than their mainland counterparts.
are mammoths still alive

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are mammoths still alive...

Could some other mammoth populations have survived a few thousand years longer in remote parts of the world? One of the previous written accounts of living mammoths perhaps the oldest is even older than ovich's sighting and is written about it in Carl Sher's book Still Searching for Prehistoric Survivors there is an account by Chinese historian Simy and Yan of the 136 to 86 BC C. when he wrote about animals that were in Siberia he described one as elephants covered in bristles in the 15th and 16th centuries a creature called Wes was written about in 1911 a Russian anthologist wrote in an essay that the West was a large and mysterious animal covered in hair that I had SUD, although Dr.
are mammoths still alive
Shuker did. mention that there is no mention of a trunk, which seems a bit strange to exclude if it really was a mammoth now, fast forward to the 18th century, we have research on mammoths SL American elephants done by future president Thomas Jefferson, the American elephant is a bit different than the mammoth sightings that I want to delve into, so I won't cover them in this video, but don't worry, this video is actually kind of a companion piece to a video, but the truth is scarier than fiction. Jefferson's research and much more in his video, so be sure to watch it after this one.
are mammoths still alive
There is a pretty incredible story from 1873 about a man named Sherian Bachnik, an escaped prisoner who apparently found a group of mammoths in a cave in the Alden Mountains. from the Russian Far East, but the story gets even more dramatic according to this prisoner, a 30-foot-long crocodile snake emerged from a nearby lake and fought with one of the mammoths. The two fought for an hour until the mammoth escaped and ran away. The story has spread widely. It has been accepted that it is a hoax not only because of how extravagant the story is, but also because it was printed in The New York World newspaper, which in its beginnings was one of the pioneers of yellow journalism.
Yellow journalism basically prints stories that are very eye-catching, but haven't been researched much and don't really have any evidence, which is another thing, if mammoths existed in the late 18th and early 19th centuries knowing the nature of humans. , wouldn't someone have tried to hunt a mammoth for a while? Well, trophy, according to the following story someone made according to Science, in October 1899 a strange letter was sent to McClure's magazine. The letter was from a man named Henry Tukman and told the story of how he had killed the last mammoth. According to the story, Henry spent the winter of 1890 at Fort Yukon in Alaska, during his stay he befriended a local Inu man who called himself Joe.
One day, Henry was showing Joe pictures of animals he had hunted in Africa and when he showed him a picture of an elephant Joe said he had seen one in the wilds of Alaska apparently years before Joe and his son were hunting beavers when he They found a large mammoth bathing in a lake. The huge animal was called T Kai Kaa Henry was surprised and extremely intrigued. He couldn't go out in winter, but when summer came and melted the ice, he planned the hunt. Joe arranged for a younger man named Paul to accompany Henry on a search.
The two men set out and after some time searching they found signs of Mammoth the. The signs first led to a cave where they found the remains of many dead mammoths and soon after they found a live mammoth, but they did not immediately chase or hunt it. Joe had told Henry something interesting: mammoths were attracted to smoke. Henry theorized. This was because they had been trying to put out fires, so Henry and Joe started a fire and then, high up in the nearby trees, sure enough, a mammoth came to put out the fire and was hit by a volley of bullets.
The two men fired again and again and again, the mammoth did not die instantly, but instead tried to retreat as blood ran from its mouth and trunk. He took a few more steps before falling and collapsing. They skinned him and collected his bones and the skeleton apparently ended up in the Smithsonian. except no skeleton ever came as this whole story was a work of fiction to be fair the magazine that the story was published in mcl's magazine was not trying to publish it as a hoax but simply as a fictional story but such As things go, some people thought it was real and the Smithsonian received letters asking for more details about Henry Tuan's Mammoth, similar to how Noah received emails about mermaids after the discovery.
I suppose the reports continued into the 20th century, actual reports rather than clearly fictional stories. There was a sighting in 1903. not of mammoths themselves, but of mammoth tracks on Unake Island, the island is off the coast of Alaska, it is almost 1 million acres and even today 93% is wilderness there By 1903, one or possibly two or perhaps even more newspapers reported in a telegram. from a certain Dr. Fritzell, according to the telegram, he personally saw the fresh footprints of a mammoth on the island, the track sank 4 into the Frozen Earth. There was a famous story from 1920 that is recorded in both Dr.
Sher and Bernard Twan's book on the trail of unknown animals, this story comes from a French dildo who lived in vlasta, his name was M Gallen and he heard a story of an old Russian hunter about something curious he found in the expanse of the tiger forest. The old Russian hunter told Gallen that he had found huge footprints on the tiger a few years earlier and followed them for days before finding a couple of large animals. They were described as huge elephants covered in dark brown hair with large curved tusks 16 years later and thousands of kilometers away on Mount Elbris we have our next sighting according to the book, the most mysterious place on earth, a man named Gregory Tilv saw two mammoths At the base of the mountain, the pair of mammoths came within about 15M or 50 feet at one point and the TV noticed the mammoths.
They were emaciated, he also said they were small, but how small, he doesn't say that they were also missing strands of hair and moved very slowly. Television had a rifle, but he had no intention of shooting the creatures and wanted them to live the rest of their lives. their lives, this story is actually a second-hand account, it was recorded in 1967 by Peter Zigel, a PhD at the Moscow Aviation Center, he participated in the Soviet Union's first organized study of UFOs and I suppose sometimes the UFO and crypt enthusiasts overlap when talking about the Soviet Union. also the story of a Soviet pilot in World War II who saw a herd of moms in a remote region of Siberia, unfortunately there are no more details than that and it seems no one can trace the origin of this story, so while it is interesting, there really isn't much to go on, we also have some more recent sightings in the 9 years in the Yakutia region of the Russian Far East.
Returning again to Dr. Sher's book, we have an account of Gregory COV who was searching for reliable hominids in the area in the When Gregory was visited by a gold prospector named OLG Rusen, Rusen told him how he and five other prospectors saw a herd of mammoths in a remote area that was devoid of human habitat. There were 12 mammoths in total and there were about 80 to 90 of them. Within a meter of the men when the mammoths saw the humans they stampeded away into the forest, although it seems we can trace the story back to its origin or at least we have names .
I think it should be mentioned that this sighting happened through a game of The crypto zoologist telephoned to have Ole Grusen, the finder, tell the story of it to Gregory COV. Gregory told his story to Dimitri Bov, who passed the story on to a French cryptozoologist named Dean Ro, who received help from Charles Perier. Post a story online, so maybe some of the details may have been lost in translation, we have many sightings and stories so far, but of course we need a lot more than that to prove that mammoths


roamed. In 2012 an infamous video was released of an alleged mammoth crossing a river somewhere. in Siberia the video was from a man and author named Michael Cohen.
Now if you're watching this video, I think there's a reasonable chance that you've already seen this and you've probably already heard that it's a bear crossing the river with a fish in its mouth possibly a salmon and considering how blurry the video is, sounds reasonable and for the last decade I assumed it was just a bear crossing a river, apparently another person didn't come forward, a cameraman called Ludovic perthro, who claimed he had shot it. the footage in Siberia in the summer of 2011 and had proof that he had an original non-blurred version of the video from exactly the same location, except there was no mammoth or bear, nothing was crossing the river that Petro was filming for a documentary he was doing. about his grandfather's escape from a Siberian p camp and an interview he had with Life's Little Mysteries and is also printed in Live Science he said: I don't remember seeing a mammoth, there were bears, deer and Sable, but no woolly mammoths .
I had no idea my images were used to make this fake sighting. Perthro had uploaded his footage to YouTube and this was probably where it was taken from, but Cohen initially denied that the footage was stolen and said that perhaps they were simply filming in the same location, but the water and clouds coincided and were proven to be the same images, the gigantic images appear to be portable, but anyone familiar with Captain Disillusion will know that this is a common trick for fake videos, many programs can add an artificial hand shake to a video to make it look more authentic and if you wait and you add it to the final shot after your CG model, you don't have to do any motion tracking.
If we take some footage of River and add our CGI Mammoth and some water splashes, we get the nod. effect, but it's not great, however, if we start playing the video in low quality by making several passes, we get a pretty distorted and blurry image and then we can put a portable effect on top of it and that's it, that's all that's really needed. Most of these sightings so far have come from the Tiger, but I want to mention one particularly interesting one from a completely different area. This sighting is actually courtesy of Truth is Scarier than Fiction, who informed me about it and I had never even heard of it before.
Again, be sure to watch the video of him after this in 1984, the princess of Thailand, as you call it, was surveying the forest from a helicopter. The reason she was doing the survey was because a group of conservationists had sighted hairy elephants during the helicopter inspection. apparently he found them and they were larger than usual, with fangs baked in and covered in hair. She even took pictures. Unfortunately, I can't find them anywhere, but according to an interview with a Thai veterinarian and a well-known expert, the photos were not so. convincing quote judging by the photos I've seen of them in the newspapers, these are ordinary Asian elephants.
Let's look at this from a different angle and respond to some YouTube comments about live mammoths, like the comment Antarctica, that's where they are and Antarctica. 100% Antarctica which is quite far from where mammoths were found how or why Mammoth could be there. I think this may have come from a made up story about the bird admiral. Now Admiral Richard Evelyn BirdHe was a real person and is described as an American naval officer, aviator. and Explorer and actually went to Antarctica, he made the first flight to the South Pole and led five expeditions there. That's the real part, the fictional part is basically the story that while he was flying he flew over an open area. meadow and saw a herd of mammoths below.
This may have come from an ebook called Mysterious Antarctica, which I assume is like historical fiction. The description on the website says that Admiral Bird's famous Antarctic explorations in the 1940s and 1950s produced discoveries far more extraordinary than ever before. I've been told before that this incredible photo book includes over 100 top-secret never-before-seen images documenting evidence of mysterious lost civilizations in Antarctica. However, the book is fictional and contains AI-generated images. To be fair to the author, they specifically left the dolly in the background of the images so people would know it was fake, but I guess some people got fooled anyway and conspiracy theories arose talking about another conspiracy about woolly mammoths It is related to clones.
I already made a video All about the Mammoth clones and the colossals and all that, when are we getting Mammoth? clones and if colossal can really achieve it, however, there have been some theories that they have already done it and that we already have mammoth clones, but it is a secret. I guess the idea is that they have been cloned, but specifically for the ultra-rich and powerful, just to hunt mammoths as trophy without anyone really knowing. That's a pretty big claim, so we probably need some evidence and I haven't seen it. Anyone, yes I know, the idea would be that they are covering it up and therefore there shouldn't be any evidence if they are doing it successfully, but why would people be outraged, sure, but people are outraged about the hunt regular trophies at the moment, there are many.
Things that the ultra-rich do that people don't like. Also, I feel like these billionaires could fund a national park with mammoths and then take a few to hunt and then you'd have this kind of moral gray area where yes. They are hunting some, but thanks to their funding a larger population can survive elsewhere, but let's try to turn around and see if there is a chance that the mammoths survived longer than expected, so maybe we should take a look at what which caused the extinction of the mammoths. To see if perhaps some could have dodged that bullet for many years, it was debated whether or not humans hunted them to extinction, but a 10-year study published in Nature in 2021 seems to suggest it was a change in climate, specifically a quick change.
The change in climate that caused their disappearance, their food source practically disappeared. The grasses, flowers, and shrubs that mammoths ate disappeared in the new climate. Cite the study itself when the climate warmed trees and wetland plants took over and replaced the mammoths' grassland habitats. How did the Wrangle Island mammoths survive the longest? According to a paper from the University of Helsinki in 2019, the Wrangle Island mammoth became extinct due to isolation from extreme climate and the possible arrival of humans. Possible arrival of humans because, as far as the evidence goes, the earliest evidence of humans on the island comes from a few hundred years after the mammoth became extinct, but maybe we just haven't found evidence that humans were there before, but small populations are also susceptible to collapse, but it also appears that a rapid change in climate was involved, which I suppose would suggest that Wrangle Island avoided some of the extreme climate changes that occurred thousands of years earlier in other parts of the world. world and had enough food to sustain a small population of dwarf mammoths, so could there be other places similar to another remote island or Valley or something in the tiger that had enough food to sustain others well.
I'm not so sure about that to be fair again, a lot of these sightings come from the tiger and the tiger is a forest in the subarctic region in the northern hemisphere, there are tigers. The forest in Alaska, Canada, Scandinavia and Siberia together is approximately 17 million square kilometers or 6.6 million square miles, more than 10% of the Earth's land area. Also, most of Tiga isn't exactly densely populated and looks like it could be the place. to hide some herds of mammoths, however, there are some problems with that. All this tiger talk reminds me of some of the books I read about Amur tigers and how Amur tigers, unlike some of their jungle counterparts, were somewhat easier to track at least.
In winter when it would be fairly easy to find their tracks and tigers are generally solitary, most scientists seem to agree that mammoths were probably like elephants and moved in herds of multiple mammoths and are also a bit big if we can track a single tiger. Won't we be able to track down mammoths that inhabit the same forests, not to mention that the current tiger is not really the right environment for mammoths? The other thing is that we can detect herds of elephants in satellite images, why don't the mammoths cover the trees, maybe the tiger? After all, it is a forest, but do they always take shelter under the trees?
Remember that one of the reasons people want to bring back the mammoths is that if the mammoths came back, they could trample the bushes, cut down the trees, and fertilize the grass, turning part of the tiger into grasslands because the grasslands could reflect more light and keep the ground cooler, so wouldn't we find their footprints or their trail of destruction? What if you know them? So what's up with all the sightings? Let's return to Bernard Whelan on the trail of unknown animals in the chapter on mammoths. He comments on how the different native peoples of Siberia described them as living creatures, but there are two things to note: one, they were considered to be giant molds or rats that could dig underground with their fangs; in fact, the word mammoth may have come from Mamu basically a giant rat or mole, the truth is that he also shared with me a fragment of the book mysterious creatures of China and in it it is stated that there are similar legends from northern China, the underground rat fenu and the mother of shumu rats, as well as some other names. and secondly, dead mammoths have been found in the ice throughout history and people in the tiger would have seen some very well preserved mammoths and there would have been no way of knowing how recently or not so recently the animal had died .
Oral traditions have also been known. It has been going on for thousands of years and when you combine all of these together it seems almost inevitable that mammoth sightings and stories will emerge. It is difficult to see how mammoths could still be


today. Which about 100 years ago or 500 years ago isn't the most ridiculous theory I've ever heard, but without stronger evidence, I think I would put the extinction of mammoths at thousands of years instead of hundreds, let me leave you with this, regardless of whether someone saw them hundreds or thousands of years ago. on Wrangle Island or thousands of years earlier, at some point someone was the last person to see a mammoth and probably didn't even realize it.
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