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Apple Watch Ultra 2 After 100 Days

Mar 08, 2024
It used to be that the purpose of a


was to tell you the time or maybe help you arrive on time or maybe help you manage your daily schedule in some way, but times are changing, this is the Apple Watch Ultra 2 and i . I've had it for just over 100


and yes, it tells time, but it can also make phone calls, respond to texts, or even emails. It can track your calories, track your steps, track how much you swim, bike or run. tell you your pulse how you slept last night what the weather will be like in the future it can work on ECG and tell you if you have had any type of potential aib events and it can play your music your audiobooks and technically it could even You will also be


ing this YouTube video right now on your Apple Watch Ultra, but as great as this watch is, there are still things I wish were different and we'll address them throughout this video, but because this video is a review after 100


, First I want Let's talk about how this watch is holding up in regards to durability before I get into some of those crazy details and give you my purchasing recommendations.
apple watch ultra 2 after 100 days
Well, I'm using a macro lens on these shots here which tends to amplify any kind of scratches or blemishes on these watches, but as you can see, this watch is holding up extremely well. The titanium watch body should show occasional scratches. Personally, I don't see many major problems here. The sapphire lens display should actually be even. most durable, sapphire is the closest to diamond on a hardness scale, so it's not impossible to scratch it, it's just very, very unlikely, so I've been using this watch without any type of screen protector or case or nothing like that.
apple watch ultra 2 after 100 days

More Interesting Facts About,

apple watch ultra 2 after 100 days...

I know they sell that kind of stuff online. If I were you, I'd skip them, unless maybe you really like the look of one of those or something and if you've seen my review of the Apple Watch Ultra 1 after 100 days. or the video that talks about its durability after 300 days, you can probably guess that this watch holds up extremely well to the Apple Watch Ultra 1 and the Apple Watch Ultra 2, as far as I know, they have exactly the same watch body, same casing . material and we should expect the same durability between the two devices and in this case the Apple Watch Ultra 1 is on the left after a year and the Apple Watch Ultra 2 is on the right after these last 100 days or so, great durability in this device, I'm really happy with it so far, here's the crazy part, even within the short period of 100 days that I had this watch, the Apple Watch Ultra 2 has changed a bit, the watch has gotten smarter and of course done, it has gained functionality, for example, uh.
apple watch ultra 2 after 100 days
Since its release, the Apple Watch Ultra 2 has received a software update and can now perform that double tap they talked about in the introduction of this watch, so simply double tap your thumb and index finger together and that new widget area will appear . Continuing to double-tap will cycle through those widgets, and if you're using the watch within an app or receive a notification or general alert, the double-tap gesture can be used to confirm the default action item that's presented and originally I thought it was like that. It's going to be a pretty interesting and useful gesture after 100 days.
apple watch ultra 2 after 100 days
I'd say it's fine. Maybe it's not as useful as you originally expected. I would like to be able to use it more frequently. So if you have the Apple Watch Ultra 1. and are wondering about updating. I would definitely say that this little feature shouldn't be the deciding factor. I think gestures could be very useful in the watch operating system. Within these Apple watches, I just think Apple should grow a lot. As for gestures, maybe they will do that in the future, personally I would love to see someone be able to reliably operate the entire watch OS with gestures on these watches and yes I know you can do that with the accessibility option.
I made a whole video comparing that to the double tap gesture on the new Apple Watch because it's been so confusing, trust me, those two things are different when comparing gestures between the old accessibility gesture on the Apple Watch Ultra 1 or other devices and the new one. double tap feature on the Apple Watch Ultra 2 in series 9. You see that the new S9 zp system and package processor chip is much better, it is much more accurate in recognizing these gestures and it is probably due to that new neural system . Engine cores I think they've doubled the number, going from two to four cores, resulting in what they said was double the performance on machine learning tasks, so this watch can combine data from the optical heart rate sensor on the back of the watch. the internal gyroscope and accelerometer to quickly determine those gestures and respond accordingly, so Apple has doubled down on the neural engine, but Apple has also added a new dual-core CPU that has 5.6 billion transistors, a 60 % more than the Apple Watch series 8 and in a recent update, the Apple Watch Ultra 2 and Apple Watch Series 9, now have the ability for Siri to respond significantly faster and with the ability for Siri to update health information and It's surprising how fast Siri is here and that's because Siri doesn't have to send this information to some kind of weird server and some kind of underground bunker in Copertino just to set a timer on your watch.
Siri can now also record health data for you. Honestly, it's not something I've used very often, maybe it's something I should use. I don't know, the holidays really weren't that great for me and now I'm around 300 pounds, but just in time for the new year. Apple Watches are now able to sync workouts through their new Workouts API so that companies like Training Peaks Trainer Road uh run motion uh perhaps most importantly, trainers using those platforms can send you workouts to run on the track using your Apple watch and those are features that are updated. Starting with Watch OS 10.2 uh and in Watch OS 10, Apple had made great strides on the cycling side, so Apple Watch can now support power cycling and can also estimate your FTP, an FTP prediction um which is the functional threshold power.
I would say it is not perfect. I'm sure Apple will continue to refine these algorithms for discovering FTP in the coming months. There is also iPhone mirroring feature for cyclists. Apple calls it Live Activity, I think, but it's a big, bright screen that works much like a cycling computer with data synced from the Apple Watch and I say practically because there are no routes per se in this, there's no way of loading a route map or something and using within the cycling app, I have a few other minor criticisms, but again I made a whole video talking about cycling with the Apple Watch Ultra and I'll link to it in the description of this video if that is your problem, and this might just be me trying to read the tea leaves, but it seems like Apple is focusing on one sport in each major update and then moving on to the next sport, so look, OS 10 had a great cyclic update, see OS 9.2 had some pretty big updates running.
Apple announced what I would call an absolutely brilliant tracking mode where the Apple Watch could detect when you're approaching a track and give you the option to select a running lane. By doing so, your GPS would adjust to that lane and give you extremely accurate distances, times and GPS tracks. Other companies have tracking modes, but I think Apple did this in a great way. They basically built a database full of all the clues and their geographic coordinates and details about the clue, like how. Many lanes each track has, it's actually quite surprising too with that update, look at OS 9.2.
Apple announced something called race routes where you can race your previous efforts on a certain course, okay I have some minor complaints about that but again, you know. I made a separate video about each of those new Apple features and I'll link everything again below if you want to learn more about them. Before that watch, OS9 included a multiport mode which was really cool, so if you're one of those. people who do triathlons, that's something you might want to use, it's super interesting because you don't have to click a button between types of sports, so you'll swim, the watch will automatically detect the transition to the bike and then it automatically detects the transition to the run and gives you detailed splits between each one and then also in that Apple software update they added automatic detection of sets of kicks for swimming, so it seems to me that Apple has gone through this, like updates for swimming, running and then ride a bike.
With these iterative software developments and Apple Watches, I'd say they do a pretty decent job of tracking swimming in general. I would say I have some criticisms. I just think touch screens and water are a really difficult combination to make work well, but uh. Many of these software updates are pretty general across all Apple Watches and the Apple Watch Ultra in particular has a few extra tricks up its sleeve and perhaps the most obvious is this extra action button on the side, here it's bright orange and it can be programmed to do a lot of different things, you can start a workout, you can turn on the screen like a flashlight, you can set a waypoint or you can set it as a shortcut here that allows you to do pretty much anything with the button. action. but the screen of the Apple Watch Ultra 2 is also brighter than any other Apple Watch, it has a maximum brightness of 3000 points just for reference.
The brightest watches I normally test here on this channel have a maximum brightness of about 1000 points, maybe. More importantly, the new Apple Watch Ultra 2 can dim down to a single point, which when you're sleeping is huge. No one wants to be blinded by their watch at 2 a.m., but the Ultra also has an additional microphone to help cancel out the background. noise, this is an example of what that sounds like. There's also a depth sensor here, so you can use it as a dive computer. There is also a built-in siren in case of an emergency. I've tried it and it's loud, you can hear it. from a good distance, but fortunately I haven't needed it.
Apple Watch Ultras also have a multi-band GPS chip, meaning they can connect to multiple types of satellite systems at the same time to increase GPS accuracy. What does that mean? actually, uh, it's good, it's very accurate, um, I just don't think it's a good reason to upgrade between devices, just the fact is that in general, Apple watches, I would say after the Series 6, they all have very good GPS. Accuracy, uh, I'm not sure multi-band GPS is critical, uh, but the Apple Watch Ultra also has something called Precision Home, which I really like, so if you're running or biking, you have the option to activate it instead of doing so. as normal 32 1 come on, the Apple Watch Ultra will allow you to wait until you have good satellite connections and then you can manually start the activity now.
I can't think of any reason why Apple couldn't have this on all of their watches uh but it seems like it's only on Apple Watch Ultras for some reason, I don't know, let me know in the comments if you know why, but then comparing it With other Apple Watches, the Apple Watch Ultra has a significantly longer battery. Lifespan is basically double, the Apple Watch Ultra has a 2.1 watt hour battery compared to the 1.19 found in the series 7, 8 and 9, so about 36 hours of daily use vs. at 18 uh and the


can last about 12 hours during heavy GPS use. activity um, there are actually two different low power modes that can extend this up to 17 or 60 hours, depending on the settings and things like that you choose, but I think the biggest difference on the Apple Watch Ultra when compared to the Apple Watch devices the Apple Watch series, the materials, the titanium watch body, the sapphire lens, they're just more durable and it really feels more resistant to scratches and damage, and I think overall this watch will last you a little while.
Any longer then you should upgrade, of course the answer is maybe or it depends, it definitely depends on you knowing what watch you currently have, and it definitely depends on your budget, but in general I think if you're using it like an Apple Watch. series 5 or six or something like that. I think this would be a very good update. You're getting a much more durable watch with a big, bright screen and the size could actually be an issue here. This is what this watch looks like on my small 165mm wrist they are small but still very manly uh it is a big watch and it sticks out a little higher on your wrists,it may take a while Getting used to it now, here's what this watch looks like compared to the 41mm Apple Watch series 7 and here's what they both look like on my small wrists, the series 7 weighs about 32G, the Apple Watch Ultra 2 weighs about 62G and then uh Here are some additional watches including some Garmin watches and here is the Apple Watch Ultra 1 which is basically the same device as the Apple Watch Ultra 2 and no I don't think the Apple Watch Ultra 2 is an update worthy of Apple. look at the Ultra 1 uh, the brighter screen, the difference in the processors, uh, all that, you know, it doesn't seem like it would add up to a massive upgrade to me, but those are just my opinions, uh, of course, I'd rather hear from you .
Do you have the Apple Watch Ultra 2? Are you liking it so far? When do you think people should seriously consider an upgrade? The other two important things to keep in mind as we move towards 2024 is that Apple, I think they are very regular about these Apple Watch updates, so I think it's very likely that we will meet some type of Apple Watch series 10 or they could call it Apple Watch series X uh on the Apple Watch Ultra 3 in the fall period, so it might be worth considering. waiting to see what's next and then the other strange thing happening with Apple recently.
They actually had to remove the Apple Watch Ultra 2 on the Apple Watch series 9 from their website and they took it down. Off their store shelves due to a patent dispute, it was unavailable for 7 days. It's back in stock and looks like it will be available at least until mid-January, when they might run into another import ban issue. And this dispute is about the blood oxygen saturation sensor, so Apple may have to change something through software in future models, it's definitely hard to say how all that will be reduced, but it could affect your purchasing options, Either way, the Apple Watch Ultra or not.
Look at it, uh, I really hope you come out swimming, biking, running, rinsing and repeating it all again and I'll see you in the next one.

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