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Anya Taylor-Joy Breaks Down Her Most Iconic Characters

Jun 17, 2024
I think the people who are drawn to making these movies are a very particular kind of crazy, and I feel a deep kinship with anyone who's been on a Madmax movie because it feels like we're forged in the same fire: Gambit Lady. I remember the first day of filming that we were filming, I think it was the Mexico City tournament and they had given me a huge Bible of every play we were going to make during filming and the first day they came and changed something. and I was like, okay, no, no, no, no, this is how this is going to be, you're going to show up, you're going to show me the moves like immediately before and I'm going to store them in my short-term memory and then that It will go away and the next one will come and thank God we did it that way because yes, I think in total we had like 200 individual games and they are all based on historical plays.
anya taylor joy breaks down her most iconic characters
I was very lucky. Having a background in dance and I think as a kid, ballet specifically was really helpful in terms of discipline and understanding choreography. Ballet has played a huge role in the way I perform because what you're doing is finger choreography. careful I had to back out but he kept coming I wanted to scream the whole sea of ​​The Queen's Gambit was an absolute dream because from the moment I read that book it was a gift I knew how to tell this story I knew who this person was Very intimately, our director Scott and Then all the different department heads really understood how close Beth and I were and realized very quickly that I needed to be a part of every decision-making process, so Gabrielle Binder and I spent hours testing. and it was amazing because the beauty of clothing for a character is that you put something on me and immediately with my body you can say no, it's not like that, like we have to get rid of that, so it was just many hours of fittings.
anya taylor joy breaks down her most iconic characters

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anya taylor joy breaks down her most iconic characters...

I have a very personal connection with a lot of the clothes and in fact, I own a lot of the clothes that Gabrielle very sweetly gave me. I have a strong feeling towards the final outfit she wears just because it felt like a very emotional slug for her to get there to get somewhere, I'm talking about the White Queen's outfit, the hat and you know, the cinch jacket, It had taken her a long time to get to that place, so the day we filmed, I was like Wow, this is what it feels like to be Beth freed from all this shame and pain and deep anger that she has.
anya taylor joy breaks down her most iconic characters
The story of Queens Gambit, the novel is that it was a book that artists used to give each other as gifts, so this is it. a book that you know, was quite clandestine, but was about much more than chess; It was really about the price of Genius and how lonely it can be and I remember thinking that the


important parts of playing Beth were her alone because that's the side of you that you don't really show to other people and this deep loneliness and longing and hoping. that by showing those moments other people would feel less alone angry as a child my world changed forever my mother was magnificent and he took it all away from me George called me and we had a really beautiful conversation for about 2 hours we really hit it off and he He said listen, I'm going to send you the monologue of the movie online and if you feel comfortable, you know, play it. yourself on the tape and we'll see and so I did it, he called me, he gave me a note, he did it again and then we were making this movie, working with Chris Hensworth was a dream, we got along very well, but it was interesting because Furiosa is a very isolated character and that reflects the experience I had on set because a lot of this movie was just you knowing her and me trying to get ahead in this world, so when Chris and I had the opportunity to be together It was always like, okay, you're here, great, let's do this, let's protect the green place, it's time for it to be IT that, rightfully so, the Ready Set training for this movie was crazy, it was more training than I've ever done. not at all uh We started with motorcycles and cars because I don't have my license yet, so the first thing I learned to do in a car was a juicy 180 lift, it's cool, like it's what it says on the box. break and then 180, which means like a straight elbow to the ribs and it was cool learning how to ride


bikes in cars at the same time because everything you do on a bike feels so much safer in a car, just it becomes your comfort zone, so Yes, we start with that and then we just train physically so we can do the stunts over and over again.
anya taylor joy breaks down her most iconic characters
George does a lot of takes, so I felt very strong at the beginning of the movie, but much stronger at the end. I trained with a really wonderful personal trainer named Madness Iback, who I met at the crystal. He had actually worked with James Macab Boy to create the Beast and then I saw him again at the Northman and he was helping Alex, uh, protect the scars, so I thought, yeah, James Makoy. Alex scars, Gard, let's do this. I didn't talk to Chares before filming the movie because I felt like I had to go on my own journey, but the moment I was done I thought, "Hey, we should get together and trade war." Stories because it's such a specific experience, I think the people who are drawn to making these movies are a very particular type of crazy and I feel a deep kinship with anyone who has been part of the cast of a Mad Max movie because they feels like we were forged in the same division of Fire, you could show us the way out, we could be galm before someone comes back, but we have to hurry, Edwig, we have to hurry and get out of here originally it was supposed to be someone who is well known for being a method actor and I remember, obviously, I was so excited to have gotten the job, but then I thought: what will it be like to live with someone who is trying to eat me for four months?
Great, so I was very grateful that it was like that. He and James really have a lot of talent and again we support each other because it's a really strange state to be in constantly and I find that the darker, at least for me, the darker the subject matter of a film, the more love and support. You need to be off camera because that's what gets you there, so we laugh a lot on that job. James and I played pranks on each other pretty constantly and one time he made me like stuffed clothes with Cheetos and left them in my green room when I walked in and it was all dark and it scared the hell out of me.
I never got it back, it's not that good. I'm working on it James, I'm coming for you, who the hell is this? Hello, working at night is very intense but again we formed a very close friendship. I realized something about myself, which was specifically when it comes to working like that, if I love you, I'll give you everything, if there's some kind of environment that's super antagonistic, I shut down like that. the way I work and I think that's why I told Knight from the beginning because I knew that my character, Casey, was a victim of assault and abuse and I just knew that he needed to be protected in that sense. and Knight was there with me and supported me a lot and actually he was the first, not the first CU.
I did it with Rob, but I felt happier that way. I would sit back at night and watch any scene I wasn't a part of because I just wanted to learn that I am very interested in filmmaking and every department fascinates me, so every time I wasn't in front of the camera I would set the precedent. that now I'm with the sound, now I'm with the accessories. Now I'm here, I do stunts and yes, I love that 360 degree approach to what I do. The witch from a very young age I always told my mom that she would simply be in the right place at the right time. time and it's going to happen like I know there's a world where I make more sense and where I have something to offer and somehow I'm going to do it, this is going to work and I was walking my dog ​​in heels for the first time.
Because I was practicing for a party when I was 16 and a car started chasing me essentially and I grabbed my dog ​​and ran and then this guy stuck his head out the window and said if you stop you won't back up, which is crazy and like movies horror and I don't think I would do it again, but this time it worked and he was the director of a modeling agency and I went with my parents the next day, I worked three jobs and then I met a wonderful actor called Alan Leech who put me Contacted my agent now and she has been my agent for over 10 years.
I confess that I have lived in sin and I live working, disobedient to my parents, I negligently live my prayer, I never thought about it. that I was going to get that job because Thomasson was written in the script as simple as that and I can be a lot of things, but I thought I'm super weird, it seems like there's no world I'm going to fit into this, but it really hit me and I was It gave a feeling that I think I've always looked for when I read a script ever since. I felt very nervous but also drawn to something I couldn't fully understand.
I remember reading it and instantly my posture changed and my voice changed and I thought, oh, okay, something's going on here, Jonas's father said, stop it, stop it, stop it, every one of you, stop it, Thomason, take the twins inside. Not only was the script amazing, but I feel. Like so many things I didn't understand, I learned firsthand from incredible actors like Kate Dicky and Ralph Einerson, and they showed me what it was like to be the kind of actor I hope to be now, but also that I respect, you're a creative in making this movie, your body is not limited to being an actor, you are a creative start and that means that, since we had no money, you knew I was leaving Dolly track, I would stay the night.
Did you only know part of everything and being able to learn that way was invaluable? He is Lucifer, you know it, the twins know it too, your brothers are no longer them. From my sight they were in that go, what be s f nor was the wolf yet Sam, I never saw any wolf. I remember having a very important conversation with Rob where there is a moment where Thomasson has been accused of being a do-it-all and she tries to tell her parents that they are actually the Twins and that they are doing this. You know, Pact with the Devil and Rob had written that I was crying hysterically and I just couldn't get there, which was strange to me because the tears come relatively easily and I just looked at Rob and thought she was angry like us. to stop pushing this narrative where we cry all the time like she's so angry right now and having that conversation with him and defending my character in a way really set a precedent for me and I loved it when the movie came out Rob Se He came up to me and told me that you were right.
I said yes, well, the man from the north. I'm Olga from the birch forest and so am I. V to escape the silence. Then you have to face many enemies as if you were doing it alone. Alga was interesting to me because I remember when I talked to Rob, he told me she was the Lady of the Lake and I realized that no one looks at life from the perspective of the Lady of the Lake as if their job was to simply be ethereal and help somehow and I thought, "Okay, so how do I plug that in and make it human?" And I think, interestingly, that response came about in making this movie because making it was very physically difficult and it came straight out of the back.
Co, I was just everyone's enthusiastic, cold cheerleader, like I showed up every day and thought, this is amazing, we can make movies, we're all together, this is amazing, yeah, it's really cold, yeah, the mud has turned into ice and we are. Barefoot, but this is cool and I think having that attitude and taking care of everyone on set because I'm, you know, part of a group of people who have been sold to this Chieftain, so I really felt like doing it. It was my responsibility to take care of everyone that was with me and I think that really informed Olga where she was, oh okay, she has a big heart and she's capable of giving more and that's what allows Alex's character to reach further away, miss.
I don't know why I have a knack for speaking other languages ​​and making them sound like they are, although it was cool because it's based on Old Slavic, but if you asked me to delve into that, I really don't know. what that means so yeah I'm glad it worked it felt really badass because it was The Reunion between Ralph Einerson and I on screen and it felt really weird coming full circle for Witch Woman for Thomasson because his father never came To do it. seeing her come out of the witch and then I'm on this ship with Ralph Einerson as a witch a lot and I remember his eyes widened and I was like, yeah, okay, great, so interestingly enough, it healed me too from a Thomasson wound.
Emma, ​​these are not trivial recommendations, Mr. Every night until men fall in love with well-informed minds instead of beautiful faces a girl with such beauty as Harriet is sure to be admired and sought after wherever she goes. I am very mistaken if her sex in general would not find these qualities. the biggest statements a woman could have about my word Emma Jane Austin had said that Emma herself was a character she thought no one but her would like, she had written an unpleasant heroine and when Austin Wild and I got together I said: " "I really want to do it." play this I want the audience to have an interesting relationship withEmma because the thing is, it's painful to see her a lot of times because she's very sheltered and very young and she's not a bad person, but she has this arrogance that extends from a life without difficulties and a very sheltered life, it took me a while to see myself. same as Emma because I had a wonderful life experience playing her, we were all like a group of people from Mery and it was like we went to summer camp together, but she hurt me watching her because I thought, oh, this is so awkward and so painful and You have no idea about that.
You're hurting people like this, it's completely unnecessary, poor lady, poor Isabella, my sister got married seven years ago, Dad, you should be reconciled to that by now, that was a terrible day when I was a child. I remember seeing Bill on the screen and thinking I'm going to be friends with that man someday, I just feel it and he and I have such a beautiful relationship. He is my movie father and he does it. It kills you like it's really funny but they all really were and I also felt like I had my start in horror movies and I know the genre very, very well and this was my first comedy and I learned from the Titans like everywhere wherever I looked someone was being brilliant in some way and I hope I got some of that through osmosis.
Emma oh Emma no Emma oh no I can't Why didn't your nose bleed? Yes, and it was crazy. I just remember I first noticed it because I saw it in Johnny Flynn's eyes. I saw his like he was in character, he was in character and then I saw his face say no, what's up and it was funny because as soon as it started happening everyone, very kindly, was trying to take care of me and I was like, are you joking? This is incredible. like I've done it, I don't know how this happened, but um, yeah, real blood, let us know, let's keep that in there, it was in the script, yeah, so both Autumn and I think a lot more when I was a kid, I had nosebleeds. terrible when she was a kid and it was amazing, she had it too, so I think she wanted it there just to break up the beauty of, you know, the chestnut and this and that and whatever, and then it really happened.

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