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Any team in the WORLD would be happy to have that front three!! | Ultimate XI with John O'Shea

Jul 04, 2024
Today Sam and I are joined by John OA, people


their opinions and different things but he was a great defender and obviously he will go off on a bit of an Irish tangent here with his talent and ability to cross a ball to finish one of the best. in the


, like any


in the


, will be




that as a



, so we are doing another Ultimate 11 and today Sam and I are joined by John OA and we have asked him about his Ultimate 11 of players that he has played, so there will be a lot of Premier League winners here, Champions League winners.
any team in the world would be happy to have that front three ultimate xi with john o shea
I imagine it was tough to narrow it down, yes it was, I'm telling you I don't think a Sunland player will come in, oh there were a few notable mentions, but not to mention, even Jermaine will definitely try for a little more firepower than JD , possibly, but no, look, I choose to have your system tell us that the assistant first goes to 442 44 I was going to go to 442, but I'm like G to go. 433 okay, you know what I mean, yeah, sure, give us your goalkeeper, yeah, look, I'm Edin Vanera for me. Obviously I missed out on playing with my big mascot, Michel, but look, I have to give an honorable mention to the fellow Irishman.
any team in the world would be happy to have that front three ultimate xi with john o shea

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any team in the world would be happy to have that front three ultimate xi with john o shea...

Mr. Shay also played a lot of games with Shay and he knows what a good goalkeeper he is, you also know that he was also very consistent um and a big horse head drop um horse head no, not horse head sorry, sorry, It's a horse. It's always the emoji he sends, even though it's the horse, why did he say that just horse, that's his thing, horse, so everyone calls him horse, that's why he told them I'm sorry, someone is going to cut that song, it's good? so that's your goalkeeper moving quickly towards Ed Edin in goal um I probably look at the center backs in terms of it's easy for me look at Rio and N man traveling them both together um look there could be a lot of competition for them in terms of but I think the two of them just get over it, as well as a partnership, um and obviously they get along with the two guys as well.
any team in the world would be happy to have that front three ultimate xi with john o shea
Obviously, I'm going to go off on a bit of an Irish tangent here with Dennis Orwin oh no, um, look, yeah. I'm going to put him at that left back though so I can get Wes in at right back okay look be close because obviously G Nev is brilliant too don't get me wrong but obviously Wes for me was uh and He too He does a job as a central defender. I know the guys


do it too, but to me there


n't be much between the two of them. I'd probably just use Ed for Wes and those are the four defenders that deal.
any team in the world would be happy to have that front three ultimate xi with john o shea
Look, Patrice will have bad luck. to miss me I guess so Dennis um that's obviously Irish loyalty would creep in there of course we expect nothing less you know what random as a Manchester City fan he's one of my favorite central defenders of all the times, it's just that it's always in it? Obviously people have their opinions and different things, but he seems like he was a great defender,


ly me,


midfielders, this is where in a sense you could also say 442 because of the players, but I would have to Sky H and Roy and gigsy, they're nice to me, three midfielders, okay, drop giggsy in one go, gigsy in a bit, obviously, um, but he can do it on that left side too, yeah, when you think about the


, read and I'm going to have, but The two scy and Roy would speak for themselves in terms of being able to mix it up in terms of kicking and playing, but Roy would say a lot exactly take care of that, so the front three look, you can mix them as you like.
I would have Ronaldo and Rooney and then Vanoy as my kind of main striker, but you're talking like any


in the world would be


to have that as a front three, I think in terms of uh uh. goal scoring ability ruthlessness you know, name it in terms of what you want from uh Wayne, anywhere Wayne would play, yeah that's what I mean, play, play, left, right, in the middle, you do whatever you want , yes, yes, exactly too and you could have done it. Ronaldo's not on top and just him floating behind and being incredible from three, I mean, I think that's why the honorable mentions for Robbie Keane Jermaine are definitely like incredible, incredible, but you know the three, I know that's what I'm into.
I mean, I think. If we do it right, the Defenders may have a lot to do on that team, you know, so I may even have sneaked in for a game or two so that the attacked players are known as the utility player, so you could have exactly what you could have filled. anywhere like exactly I do a job for Dennis from time to time, um, no, look, when they ask me things like that and I think about the players, um, I would always give them a mention back in terms of um, the few years that I played with him in terms of what he was as a player in terms of an Absolute Fitness fan, but his talent and ability to cross a board to finish it put a set piece in um as one of the best in the world, as you know.
What I mean is that I couldn't score as many as him, no, I know and that's probably why, like when you think about yes, yes, the most difficult job in football, yes, in scoring it, yes, fortunately not I had to choose my opponent from OPP. 11 because that would have been, it would have been if we had been here more than 10 minutes, you give us an idea, although we could start with that, yes, yes, he would have been, but no, look, I think that team there would cause. uh I would let anyone know you've activated my mind now tell me who you played the most in your look who was the one not who was giving you the hardest time you thought I was going to have to cut it down Do that trying to time me.
You know, look to be fair. Onry was always one that you drew for a couple of seasons, but for me it was complicated and it was always because of the low center of gravity, yes, Agüero, yes. I don't want to say that, but you hold, you raise your hands, don't you when you're taller in the back? Could he roll you with that? No, as I mentioned, the low center of gravity was, uh, it was complicated to understand. to hold him, since you intended to try to give him a reducer, that's right, you can get there in time.
They didn't tell me to say that. I know, yes, thank you. You're backing me up. Good books. I think they will definitely be in the mix. I think those three, what a team, what an incredible ulate 11, you could have included yourself. You know, we don't make rules, don't worry, I'm in like Sam and I'm in like G Mallister put it. he himself came in first, didn't he, he came in yes, straight, definitely me, definitely me, he said, I'm back, I'm at the back, so thank you very much, thank you very much, that was John oa's best 11.

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