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Anti-Vaxx Moms Must Be Stopped

Jun 06, 2021
Before I start this video, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry that I haven't uploaded it for quite a long period of time. I recently had oral surgery and was unable to speak until my mouth healed properly. It's my fault. since I should have prerecorded the videos I planned them Sabich and continue uploading in case something happened to me so from now on I plan to be more structured and I plan to work on my creative process that way I can upload more and be more consistent so I'm really going to make an effort to upload much more and I thank you all for continuing to move forward despite the lack of loads.
anti vaxx moms must be stopped
As for the topic of the video, the anti-


ers of the anti-vaccine movement are not. something new or unknown, but I feel like there can't be enough content or enough people calling them out on their crazy ideas, so today we will be reviewing all the wonderful posts made by anti-box


, I


warn you. You thought this video will not only contain anti-vaccine Aunt VAX memes that are not only painful to read but also painful to watch because they are in an extremely outdated format. If vaccines were really good for you, there probably wouldn't be any aunts. boxers starting with enough strong guys if the earth was really round there probably wouldn't be flat earthers if school shooters were really bad people they probably wouldn't have any fans if the Holocaust had really happened there probably wouldn't be anyone who would deny it The existence of brainwashed zombies is Like I don't want unvaccinated children around my son and I want your fluoridated brainwashing demon to be vaccinated.
anti vaxx moms must be stopped

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anti vaxx moms must be stopped...

Doug monetized away from my son at first, when I took a screenshot of this post, I did it mainly because I saw that it was in an old format and out of touch with the terrible phrase "be like" used in it, but then he I read and they directly called a child with a vaccine a demon if someone does something you don't agree with or believes something you don't agree with. I disagree and it has something to do with your son's medical treatment. Why should the child be treated badly or like a villain for receiving that treatment?
anti vaxx moms must be stopped
The boy probably had no say in the matter. Also important: Note that an image of one of those embarrassing radical feminist compositions is used above, which means there is a ninety-nine point nine nine eight seven five three to six percent chance that this guy call you live dog Thirty-two people sick with E. coli and all the lettuce is taken off the shelf, forty-two thousand children were injured by vaccines in 2018 and no one bats an eyelid, no one bats an eyelash because the claims are clearly false, after searching exhaustively anywhere, I didn't find anything from an official source or any source for that. issue that said forty-two thousand children were injured by vaccines in 2018, however, I found multiple sources that estimate that forty-two thousand lives are saved every year in the US thanks to vaccines, this makes me think That someone actually made up a blatantly incorrect statistic to support their agenda is pretty gross advice for the future.
anti vaxx moms must be stopped
If you make a statement like that, you should probably reduce the number to an amount that doesn't seem so disconcerting or maybe specify where the data was collected and where forty-two thousand children were injured around the world in the US in the andromeda galaxy who knows they just got hurt how to stop research from being pro-vaccine it's funny because a lot of anti-


ers assumed that people with logic or people who are pro-vaccine don't do any research about vaccines nor do they know anything about them. Many of us currently research vaccines for the anti-vaxxers or for those who consider that research is everything, research does not equal right.
I agree that you should research something before coming to an opinion on it, but only because you have done your research. That doesn't mean you're right, you can do bad research and come to the wrong conclusions. I can find statements online that say LGBT stands for lesbian gay bi trans, but everyone knows that's not actually what it means, that was an example of where vaccine research can go wrong, let me demonstrate formaldehyde formaldehyde can be dangerous according to the American Cancer Society a study showed that this was linked to cancer in the navel cavity and leukemia and in rats and when the rats were given drinking water with formaldehyde there is an increase in stomach tumors the program national toxicology and the international agency for cancer research classify it as carcinogenic to humans vaccines contain formaldehyde therefore it is a toxic and harmful substance in vaccines that will give you cancer at least that is the conclusion you can If you stop your research there, you will come to this conclusion, if you continue, you will find that the amount of formaldehyde sufficient in the vaccine is less than the amount that is naturally produced in your body and many foods contain formaldehyde, but we do not consider these foods to be toxic or Carcinogenic mommy, why am I so sick?
I injected you with a bunch of toxins when you were healthy and they're just attacking your immune system honey that's not like vaccines work but wait I can make this mean better wait mommy why am I? dying of bubonic plague well child I believe that vaccines are toxic and stinky that is why I have given myself to our Lord and Savior essential oils we are at war and we have been for thousands and thousands of years you


arm yourself with knowledge and truth because we fight against the Ignorant deception and lies. I think you may not have been able to put it together correctly and good luck.
I stumbled upon a Facebook page that's cool and this is where things get really good. They have this post and it's a video. which I'm not going to play because YouTube copyright scares me and I don't know if Disney will detect this and sniff like a hawk, but the words in one part of the video say something like don't try to be rude. and I'm just telling the truth, so the anti-vaxxer says that on their page they're not trying to be rude, they're just trying to tell the truth to sound out the actors, so keep that in mind, don't try to be rude, just tell the truth.
The truth part can be argued but remember not to try to be rude now let's go ahead and see what they post here is a video of a guy with his head stuck in a chair saying the sun is up Mr. Robach who you are calling acts of research are stupid to suggest that they lack thinking skills that are adequate enough to prevent them from getting stuck in a chair, now I would think that says quite rude, here is the legend, putting in check the professional vaccinators who comment on my page and in the video. she's a girl who gets punched with a giant boxing glove not trying to be rude and also a little lmao on top like ah ha yeah i quite enjoy laughing at my own endless hypocrisy and then when they're in favor of the vaccines and in your seat and the guy walks up and kicks a lady in the face to knock her out of a chair without trying to be rude and now I'm about to present the most polite and least rude photo I've ever seen on here.
I have a drawing of a mother. who chose to vaccinate their child what the hell this representation of the pro vaccine mother could honestly be reversed just change the text of the phrases about essential oils and there we go, that's it, there's just something here that stands out and I can't get out of my head He slept two days in a row and then screamed non-stop after his vaccinations but I do it again it seems like it is describing demonic possession don't vaccinate your children or else you will have to pay an exorcist what is in the vaccines, let's see, it's okay, it's Well, the cells in the blood of animals are debatable, extremely debatable, but what do we have here?
Aborted fetal tissue. This has been refuted many times. Fetuses are not included in vaccines. For what day? Look, I really want to know why she was aborted straight away. fetal tissue would be in a vaccine I wouldn't have to censor the anti-vaxxers if they could prove that vaccines are safe and effective, listen to the anti-vaxxers here, what if I told you there is evidence that you just don't listen What are vaccines causing? More deaths and disabilities each year than diseases. Honestly, posting this is like an instant way to get everyone in your life to instantly stop you from being a tie-in, it was enough, yes, but then you say: I'm smarter than you and I will always be smarter than you, dear God, to Sometimes I wish I hadn't been born so you wouldn't have to read that.
Let me ask you a question. If all anti-vaxxers lie, what is our motive? People don't believe you're lying. People just think I don't know your facts vaccines don't save lives they make us sicker or sicker look show the government with your health I mean they are the ones who created the 8th virus and many other man made diseases this is and always will be The White Man's World was not designed with women or people of color in mind. Why did someone write this? Please tell me why they tried to say that vaccines make you sick. The government is bad and then they shoot at random.
Hey, this is the white man's world. It is racist patriarchy, we can assume that politically they are very left-wing. Now I would like to close this video by simply saying that anti-vaxxers come from any political background. Here's an example from someone on the right if you drink detox. Tea, exercise and eat healthy, you don't need any medicine or vaccine. 100% false, shut up Todd, okay mate Lib afternoons, this video comes to an end after spending time taking anti-vaxxers. I wish my parents didn't vaccinate me, so I could have avoided living to this day and witnessing this movement anyway.
I hope the vaccines haven't eaten your brains yet and I hope you have a good rest of your day. Oh.

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