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Angel vs Demon / 10 DIY LOL Surprise Wedding Ideas

Jun 04, 2021


's morning started with sunrise his


day is coming soon April is a little overwhelmed first the


decided to take a bath but it's not very pleasant to put your feet on a cold floor and there are puddles everywhere he should buy a bath mat lalaloo would you help me choose? cut little pink wigs out of textured foam paper we had to fly to the clouds and bring some with us glue the little feathers on the back decorate the rug with the word angel there are rhinestones on the sides the floor is nice and dry and lalaloo prepared a gift for april a beautiful bath mat oh it's so soft and shiny thank you black hot glue it's perfect for a pitchfork add outlines and attach it to the handle of a skewer a cord will keep it secure the device highlights a selfie stay with gold acrylic paint, Decorate it with rhinestones and place the phone.
angel vs demon 10 diy lol surprise wedding ideas
Now she can easily take the best pictures. The morning of the


also begins with the


preparations. Judy wants to share her joy with the whole world or at least with her followers. Where is my? selfie stick I found it fine, let's start the live good morning everyone, I can't believe how happy I am, soon you will see me get married, it will be a fiery wedding angel, came to a beauty salon, hello, the beautician offered her services, What should we do? start with the wedding makeup no, I prefer to have a natural look so we should get a new haircut or a new hairstyle no way I'm afraid of losing even a hair that's a challenge how can I help you?
angel vs demon 10 diy lol surprise wedding ideas

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angel vs demon 10 diy lol surprise wedding ideas...

So could you decorate my wings please, wow, what? an unusual request, let's get started, the beautician brought accessory chains and added stickers and crystals to the wings, this is exactly how I imagined it, congratulations on your wedding, thank you, now I want to be your regular customer, the wings look amazing, sharpen a coffee stirrer and buff the sides with a nail file sprinkle a layer of glitter nail polish cut out a straw and pour cuticle oil seal the edge and sprinkle it with glitter don't let the oil spill unless you want to get this case dirty Made of artificial leather Serve for a long time Attach an elastic band and place all tools in separate compartments Nothing will be lost Now the case is tied with a rope Demon Judy teleported to a beauty salon How can we help you?
angel vs demon 10 diy lol surprise wedding ideas
No manicure beauty treatments, what would you like then? take care of my horns the beautician has never had a client like this before it's a big task well let's trim them sharpen them apply a little oil and polish add a little shine what an incredible result look at yourself in the mirror wow judy loves it ah look my horns are on fire I give this salon a plus today April is picking up her wedding dress the store employee is welcoming the angelic customer you have such beautiful wings come to the fitting room I will bring everything the dresses are individually designed and customers need to make reservations to come the sales assistant is already bringing the pink dress there must be a mistake oh the bride before you were late so we got confused this is the wrong dress we apologize oh okay oh let us compensate you and create a wedding look for you at home gather tulle like this even out the hem a lace corset what could be better for an angel bride a gold belt emphasizes her waist and a textured ribbon will make the skirt even lighter we also need some flowers there rhinestones on the corset the best designers personally decorated it with beads the stylists began to work on the hair an elegant bun and loose curls are the perfect style for our angel wow the bride is trying on the veil for the first time lace gloves cover her arms Our girlfriend looks so charming that the store employee couldn't look away from April when she was trying it on.
angel vs demon 10 diy lol surprise wedding ideas
Oh, so beautiful, it looks amazing on you. Thank you for choosing us. Thank you. It's very nice to hear it. Now I can get married as soon as Angel left the room. The


. appeared oh miss Judy, it arrived just in time, is my suit ready, of course, come to the dressing room, make a tight dress with red fabric, we need a special design for our special client, asymmetry is in this season, a lace sleeve It really matches the black. The feathers and beads on the bracelet will make this dress look fantastic. A beautiful decoration like a lava spill will soon appear on the sparkly tulle dress like this one and a train made of black polka dot tulle will add some volume.
We need more shine, oh Judy. She looks so beautiful in her wedding dress that the demon started broadcasting live from the store. Look at my outfit, isn't it fire? Do you like it? AHA. Yes to me, but my followers expected more from me. We have just prepared something that matches your unusual look it is a skirt with a


but then we will find out what it is twist a wire to make halves of a heart join them on a piece of Styrofoam the angelic heart has wings and light feathers cover the base a wedding ring to a the groom and a diamond ring for the bride we can't wait for the ceremony to arrive, in fact, it has just started take your places oh, the groom is so anxious oh, this is such an important day, I can't just take out the ring from my pocket.
I'll put it here no, I need to think of something and then a miracle the guardian of heaven gave the groom a beautiful stand for the wedding rings it's just what I need don't fly away at the most important moment and here comes the bride april es as beautiful as always the bride and groom are very happy to see each other let's exchange vows anthony didn't make a mistake even though he was very nervous and april said yes I do it immediately I do it I do it how touching At the moment they are exchanging rings , now their hearts are connected forever and they will live happily ever after.
Congratulations to the newlyweds. They cut a polystyrene arch. Highlight it with white paint. The flames will burn even brighter. The fire is so bright. beautiful chains on the arch judy and wood chose the perfect place for a wedding ceremony yes the groom is waiting for his bride and she appears from the thick fog oh you are so beautiful wow wood gave his bride a bouquet of burnt roses these They are my favorite flowers They said their vows and sealed their union with a kiss Now they will be together forever I would walk through fire for you Now tell it to my followers They are happy for us too Paint a piece of Styrofoam green Decorate it with flowers Berries leaves moss what a beautiful photo zone a bright frame made of foam paper will turn any photo into a work of art our decorators did a great job everything fits with the theme of the wedding they will remember this day forever the rehearsal went very well after the ceremony the newlyweds are going to take photos the photographer is welcoming the couple let's take lots of great photos the bride will love it wow you can pose however you want it's your special day the angelic couple looks so happy and so in love this wonderful wedding the Photos will go on the first pages of our family album Cut out some droppers The base made of hot glue will keep the glasses upright at a demon wedding Even the tableware has horns A wire tail is just what we need Sprinkle the sides of the glasses with red glitter and the bases will have shiny rhinestones.
Lips decorate the bride's glass and the grooms wear a bow tie. Judy has fire in her eyes. The blushing bride began to dance in the flames. Her dress caught fire and then turned into a deep red dress. Wow, that's the


we promised. Wood is so in love with his wife. Wow, the ceremony is over, it's time to celebrate, cheers! Let's toast to our love.

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