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Ange Postecoglou’s post-match interview after Man City defeat

May 15, 2024
First of all, can we know your opinion about the game? uh, yeah, look, uh, disappointing, disappointing result. A tight game. A tight game. Determined by the great moments they took and we didn't. Do you feel like you managed to impact the game plan that you wanted, yeah, like I said, I thought you knew that they didn't really dominate in the areas that they normally dominate. I thought we had good control of the game for the most part, limited. their chances we had a few moments ourselves and you know, considering the first goal was disapprove of the war because there's a lack of discipline there, but you know after that we had two or three really big chances to get back into the game and, um, you've got take them against opposition like City, I was going to say and just out of frustration because we had those two great chances, didn't we, didn't we, yeah, yeah, and um, you can't, you know you're not going to create A bag full of opportunities against City and, when they come, you have to take advantage of them.
ange postecoglou s post match interview after man city defeat
Andrew, could you talk to us a little bit about the tactics and the way they used Pat Kill and James Medicon tonight? Yeah, look, obviously, we came up a little bit short in certain areas at the moment particularly up front and I felt like we could put pressure on them and make it an uncomfortable night for them and yeah, like I said, because I felt like the game was close, so which you know, I think that kind of worked to a certain extent, but you know all that hard work is for a reason: to create moments where you can capitalize and we didn't do that.
ange postecoglou s post match interview after man city defeat

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ange postecoglou s post match interview after man city defeat...

There was a lot of focus on Mickey going to left back. Ru was almost overlooked. In all that, how did you think it made for a great night for him? Yeah, I thought he did very well and, look, he's a good player, he'll be a good player for us. He hasn't had many opportunities, but. Yes, it's fair to say that if we had had it in the first half of the year, you know the season would have been a little bit different. Can you also talk to us through Mikey Mo? How glad are you that he got that done that time on the field?
ange postecoglou s post match interview after man city defeat
Yes look. I think it was important that we had him training with us for a while. I've been trying to see if we can get him some playing time because we've also kept him out of the 21 and, um, just a little bit. It's a little reward for him for working hard the last two three weeks as part of the first team and you know, to give him that experience, he still has a long way to go, he's only 16, but he's a good kid and hopefully , that encouraged him. and there's only one more left and how important it is that we finish on a high yeah we've got to put in a great performance it's an important game you know we're still going to win that game and uh and then we'll do it. reassess from there
ange postecoglou s post match interview after man city defeat

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